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Only in this country would people donate millions of baht to feed some miserable diseased dogs that nobody wants. What about donating money to dozens of needy schools and fill them up with computers and air conditioning units. never.

The money wont go to the dogs anyway. It will mostly go on o/seas holidays to Europe and maybe a new BMW sports for the wife or mai noi. Maybe a new condo in Phuket for a mfamily with influence.

Those dogs will quietly disappear at 4 am on a date to be determined.


I do not think so, and it was said that the money donations made would be held transparent and it will certainly not happen that those dogs will quietly disappear since too many people know about this horrible story and will never ever let that going to be happen!

What makes me really sad is that this for sure is not the first time, I was told by people from that region that this is a common case on a regular basis. And the most worse is that what I am pretty sure about, is that it will be happening again and again as soon as enough gras has grown over it!!!

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12 Million?

I heavely doubt it... maybe 120.000 and some one got the figure wrong... anything above their monthly salary is considered "millions"! :whistling:

There are many animal lovers in Thailand and amongst the local population. No surprise, this is good news. I'm still upset because of what happened though. To avoid that in future, people need to form some groups and alert each other when something gets strange.


There are too many people watching this.

Didn't stop people with the Tsunami funds, sad to say.

Fair enough concern. However, you will find that the opportunities to steal while there will not be as "accessible" as was the case of the tsunami. In this case, the need and the activity is singular and there is a government official who has taken responsibility. With the tsunami, there was layer upon layer of bureaucracy and multiple departments involved. It was much easier to pilfer with the tsunami.


In response to 'Suradit'

"You are assuming that people who donated to help the dogs chose to do so RATHER than to help people. I would suggest that it's quite likely that people who donated to help the dogs are as generous or more so when it comes to causes involving people."

I make no such assumption and agree with you - this still doesn't mean, in my opinion, that their donation could not have been put to better use.

"They are probably not the people who spend their time making a lot of noise on ThaiVisa, but do put their money and their actions first and their Letters to the Editor and message board rants second."

The inference here is that I am one of those "people". Since I have only today signed up for ThaiVisa, I can hardly be accused of "spending my time making a lot of noise on ThaiVisa" - I merely responded to a topic that I feel quite strongly about. Does that really amount to a "rant"? Am I not entitled to voice an opinion? I certainly am NOT in the habit of doing so on a regular basis.

"Thai people and a lot of the foreigners here are generous. I would estimate that the number of people who go hungry in Thailand are a lower percentage than is the case in most of the so-called developed countries. Thai people are quite good about sharing, even if they have only the bare essentials themselves."

I couldn't agree more!

"Pure speculation on my part,but I bet the people who rush to criticize the generosity of those who want to help these dogs are freer with their criticism than they are with their cash in supporting any cause."

Speculation indeed! I have no qualms at all about being judged by my actions rather than by my words and I certainly don't need to justify myself to you or anyone else when it comes to my history of supporting good causes. This just isn't one of them!


if any Thai citizen who is involved in this rescue operation want to upload images for the owner to find, or find new places for the dogs, please feel free to contact me. You can setup your group in Thai language with all the images and a short description. People can directly contact you and or arrange delivery or even donate more fior future prevention. Samples of fundraisers are available and it's free of charge to set one up.

Use the site as in my profile.


In response to 'Suradit'

"You are assuming that people who donated to help the dogs chose to do so RATHER than to help people. I would suggest that it's quite likely that people who donated to help the dogs are as generous or more so when it comes to causes involving people."

I make no such assumption and agree with you - this still doesn't mean, in my opinion, that their donation could not have been put to better use.

"They are probably not the people who spend their time making a lot of noise on ThaiVisa, but do put their money and their actions first and their Letters to the Editor and message board rants second."

The inference here is that I am one of those "people". Since I have only today signed up for ThaiVisa, I can hardly be accused of "spending my time making a lot of noise on ThaiVisa" - I merely responded to a topic that I feel quite strongly about. Does that really amount to a "rant"? Am I not entitled to voice an opinion? I certainly am NOT in the habit of doing so on a regular basis.

"Thai people and a lot of the foreigners here are generous. I would estimate that the number of people who go hungry in Thailand are a lower percentage than is the case in most of the so-called developed countries. Thai people are quite good about sharing, even if they have only the bare essentials themselves."

I couldn't agree more!

"Pure speculation on my part,but I bet the people who rush to criticize the generosity of those who want to help these dogs are freer with their criticism than they are with their cash in supporting any cause."

Speculation indeed! I have no qualms at all about being judged by my actions rather than by my words and I certainly don't need to justify myself to you or anyone else when it comes to my history of supporting good causes. This just isn't one of them!

well put, thank you


if any Thai citizen who is involved in this rescue operation want to upload images for the owner to find, or find new places for the dogs, please feel free to contact me. You can setup your group in Thai language with all the images and a short description. People can directly contact you and or arrange delivery or even donate more fior future prevention. Samples of fundraisers are available and it's free of charge to set one up.

Use the site as in my profile.

@elcent: Well done, thank you for this, I really hope that there will be coming up something like this for all the people still missing their dogs, i suggest that also owners should be able to post pics of their missing buddy's.


if any Thai citizen who is involved in this rescue operation want to upload images for the owner to find, or find new places for the dogs, please feel free to contact me. You can setup your group in Thai language with all the images and a short description. People can directly contact you and or arrange delivery or even donate more fior future prevention. Samples of fundraisers are available and it's free of charge to set one up.

Use the site as in my profile.

@elcent: Well done, thank you for this, I really hope that there will be coming up something like this for all the people still missing their dogs, i suggest that also owners should be able to post pics of their missing buddy's.

yes, everything is possible, the site is made for things like this. Thank you for your kind compliments. The site is based on scripts for social community programs. I'm going to use it for community services.

One aside, today in the morning I found a beautiful white perser, blue eyes, with her two kittens, who look like mom on my balcony. Mom has a colar, so she must belong to someone in my neighbourhood. I'm going to find that out. She has probably chosen to stay around me on my bedroom's balcony and they look so sweet. Nobody coud have thrown or placed them on the balcony, It's impossible to reach. Downstairs I have 6 and sometimes naughty doggies. Last week I rescued a dove from the middle of the road. It couldn't fly, but ran qickly to find shelter under my legs when I approached it. - Probably drank to much water. It came out as soon as I lifted it up. I put it aside and waited a while and soon it flew away.


12 million baht should be sufficient.... Jeeze i would bloody well hope so.

There are human beings in this country hungry and they worry about some scabby dogs.. I like dogs but this is stupid.

Sir, people worry about many things. If this is one of them, and it is positive, then why not let it be.

Calling an act of kindness "stupid" is..................wait,..........when one argues with a fool in public,

one has to wonder who the fool really is. Therefore, I shall leave you be.

...because I choose to put humans before dogs.

How come? Just biased because of your own belonging to the human species which on the other hand is not very humane. :rolleyes:

AMEN!!! Dogs treat other dogs better than humans treat other humans. Keep your tail down and allow just a sniff on the ass and all is good!!


12 million into someone's bank account eh? How much is a new Benz these days?

How is this relevant? I think most of us on this thread already know about political corruption and the theft of donated money. Can you save your fingers the pouncing of the keys and type something fresh? Or, does it make you feel good to blather about a known dereliction of what it means to be human on this thread simply to say, "Hey, look at me, look what I have to say!"?


With all credit to George Carlin, a slightly edited more ontopic version version:

Are we so much better than dogs all of a sudden?

When did this happen that we pass dogs in goodness?

Name six ways we're better than dogs.


See nobody can do it!

You know why? Because dogs are decent people!

You don't see dogs running around in drug gangs, do you?

No, you don't see a dogs strapping some guy to a chair and hooking up his nuts to a car battery do you?

When's the last dogs you heard about came home from work and beat the shit out of his bitch? Doesn't happen.

Because dogs are decent people!


Some of the people who are posting the negative dog comments may want to stop circling,and come down from their lofty perches. The increase in oxygen may cause them to realize that they have little consideration for the feelings of dog lovers. Such insensitivity is a sign of a lack of education, low moral development, and extreme self centeredness.

Dogs have been with Man since the beginning. The wolves who possessed the gene for tameness visited our campfires, and eventually these became domesticated. These same canines guard our homes, families, and the farmers livestock(including pigs). Sadly, but arguably necessarily,their lives are taken for essential neural research, as humans obviously can not be used in such a manner. In fact, modern medicine owes them a great debt.

They aid the blind and the disabled. They locate missing people, and help to apprehend criminals.

While indifference to cruelty towards animals may not be an indicator of mental illness, it certainly calls into question the ability to show compassion and empathy.

@ hiky1147: :wai: I couldn't have done better! Very well spoken, thank you for this great comment! :thumbsup:


While indifference to cruelty towards animals may not be an indicator of mental illness, it certainly calls into question the ability to show compassion and empathy.

Something that dogs have in abundance, when I was coming home few nights ago, there was a poor chap who had been hit by a car or other motorised vehicle, totally motionless, by the side of the road. He had a four legged friend stood over him, nudging him with her nose trying to wake him up.

I stopped and walked over to see them, he wasn't flattened, but had a severe head injury, and was fairly obviously dead, the look in his friends eyes when I made sure that he wasn't going to turn into a streak on the road is something that I will probably never forget, all I could say to her was 'sorry babe, he's gone'

I lost another little friend today, purely and simply from the total apathy of so called caring humans who just happened to be too busy doing something else.


what's the difference between dogs and humans?

... dogs speak (bark) in one international language ... can humans do that? - not even remotely ... ;)



why not go to source, i live near Lamplaimat and see dog catchers at least 4 times a week going from Nang Rong to Lamplaimat with these cages on the back of motorbikes, i did not realized that they were like containers and just loaded on trucks. The police in this area said if you see them report them, but nothing happens if you do. The police past them on the road and do nothing as usual, this will not stop yet, maybe another 20 years it will but if the locals give their dog "rover ' away for a 100B basket what can you do?



why not go to source, i live near Lamplaimat and see dog catchers at least 4 times a week going from Nang Rong to Lamplaimat with these cages on the back of motorbikes, i did not realized that they were like containers and just loaded on trucks. The police in this area said if you see them report them, but nothing happens if you do. The police past them on the road and do nothing as usual, this will not stop yet, maybe another 20 years it will but if the locals give their dog "rover ' away for a 100B basket what can you do?

@denishuahin: as I have mentoioned earlier: "...What makes me really sad is that this for sure is not the first and also not the last time, I was told by people from that region that this is a common case on a regular basis. And the most worse- and I am pretty sure about this, is that it will happen again and again as soon as enough gras has grown over it!"

Yes, why not go to source?! It is most important not to stop this discussion and to collect signatures on the former mentioned petition, or another to come to remind everyone of this every day and have a signed pettion send to the right person with influence on this...independent media could be of great help here too, I am sure that Thai authorities will not like to get such kind of negative global attention again.

But this is the news forum so we will need to change to another place, unless it still is filling the headlines...



why not go to source, i live near Lamplaimat and see dog catchers at least 4 times a week going from Nang Rong to Lamplaimat with these cages on the back of motorbikes, i did not realized that they were like containers and just loaded on trucks. The police in this area said if you see them report them, but nothing happens if you do. The police past them on the road and do nothing as usual, this will not stop yet, maybe another 20 years it will but if the locals give their dog "rover ' away for a 100B basket what can you do?

Images or small video clips please. Post it on my site. We need to expose them. This is the time now where the attention is high and resources to change that can be setup. These people do it out of tradition, they get up to 300B for a dog.

It's better to sterilize and vaccinate them and/or desex and let them live. Sakon Nakhon is infamous for it's dog markets. I doubt that they gave up yet. There maybe also other lines for smuggling. The slaughters are so cruel. They showed it once on TV.


While indifference to cruelty towards animals may not be an indicator of mental illness, it certainly calls into question the ability to show compassion and empathy.

Something that dogs have in abundance, when I was coming home few nights ago, there was a poor chap who had been hit by a car or other motorised vehicle, totally motionless, by the side of the road. He had a four legged friend stood over him, nudging him with her nose trying to wake him up.

I stopped and walked over to see them, he wasn't flattened, but had a severe head injury, and was fairly obviously dead, the look in his friends eyes when I made sure that he wasn't going to turn into a streak on the road is something that I will probably never forget, all I could say to her was 'sorry babe, he's gone'

I lost another little friend today, purely and simply from the total apathy of so called caring humans who just happened to be too busy doing something else.

@Thaddeus: what I have to say is out of topic but what you have experienced with this two dogs at the road side is really sad and I feel heartbroken about this, the other thing is my puppy is under 24 hour clinical care for a serious kidney disease and she got another company 2 days ago, obviously a Soi dog, hit also by a car, motorcycle or other vehicle and brought in by a good hearted person. This buddy is in such a very poor condition, also bad head injuries, the vets put him under heavy medication to have him asleep but all 2 hours, when the medication dose gets down and he wakes up again, this poor soul is crying and howling in horrible pain and one can see that he will not make it at all. I don't understand why there is no mercy for this dog, why don' t they free him from his agony by putting him to sleep and let him rest in peace? I was looked at like if I was mentally ill when I was asking this... really something is going very wrong here and I am asking myself if my little one is at the right place being confronted with this...ewven if they are doing really well in helping and treating my puppy... this is...

The dogs at that clinic are left ion their own during night time and I


Some of the people who are posting the negative dog comments may want to stop circling,and come down from their lofty perches. The increase in oxygen may cause them to realize that they have little consideration for the feelings of dog lovers. Such insensitivity is a sign of a lack of education, low moral development, and extreme self centeredness.

Dogs have been with Man since the beginning. The wolves who possessed the gene for tameness visited our campfires, and eventually these became domesticated. These same canines guard our homes, families, and the farmers livestock(including pigs). Sadly, but arguably necessarily,their lives are taken for essential neural research, as humans obviously can not be used in such a manner. In fact, modern medicine owes them a great debt.

They aid the blind and the disabled. They locate missing people, and help to apprehend criminals.

While indifference to cruelty towards animals may not be an indicator of mental illness, it certainly calls into question the ability to show compassion and empathy.


+1 more


In the US it is estimated that 3 to 4 million stray dogs and cats are euthanized annually that are brought to animal shelters. Would it really be such a bad thing if these animals were offered up for food?


In the US it is estimated that 3 to 4 million stray dogs and cats are euthanized annually that are brought to animal shelters. Would it really be such a bad thing if these animals were offered up for food?

No, if it is done properly.

That's the issue here, the cruelty not the menu.


]Well, well, well!

]I suppose it is inevitable when taking a controversial stand that a few cages are rattled (as, indeed, was mine at the outset) and one must expect a few brickbats. However, the outpourings of a few precious fellow-primates are stunning in their level of cant and hypocrisy, not to say wild assumptions (… indifference to cruelty to animals) and innuendo (……. mental illness …).

I even had to reach for the Kleenex at some of the doggie stories. I see or hear, almost on a daily basis, dogs attacking and maiming each other, just like humans. Give me strength!

If I am to be criticised (or even vilified), let it at least be for something I actually said and not something people THINK I said or hoped I implied or assumed. I am labelled a "negative poster" because I disagreed with the original story. It seems now that there are a few more "negative posters"!

If I could say, finally(!), yes, of course ALL forms of cruelty are wrong, and of course humans can be inhumane (not least of all to fellow humans). Its simply a matter of priorities and, if I am allowed, opinion. Its good to talk!!


what's the difference between dogs and humans?

... dogs speak (bark) in one international language ... can humans do that? - not even remotely ... ;)

to add on ...

... dogs don't run around with credit cards that have a 28 percent interest rate mark on it and therfore can't get crazy when reality bites.

... dogs are self-suffcient in that way, asking for nothing than what they give, love, attention and some food (for thoughts too, sometimes).


Dear Mr. Montree Phanklang, Tran Van Hai and Noppadon Chaiwangrat,

When your current inconvenience has passed, please bring your empty trucks and cages to Phuket.




Dear Mr. Montree Phanklang, Tran Van Hai and Noppadon Chaiwangrat,

When your current inconvenience has passed, please bring your empty trucks and cages to Phuket.



:lol: Nasty!

And if you want make a detour to Ban Noon Than in Khon Kaen there's a vicious pack of about 4 mutts roaming the soi behind my house. Now I fully understand it's not their fault and the owners should have taken care and a dog has a much right to live as a human etc. but when the bastards try to bite me when I'm out for an early morning jog then all bets are off. :D


Dear Mr. Montree Phanklang, Tran Van Hai and Noppadon Chaiwangrat,

When your current inconvenience has passed, please bring your empty trucks and cages to Phuket.



If they travel via Bangkholaem they are not going to reach Phuket. Promise. :rolleyes:

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