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Thailand To Shed 'Sex Tourism' Tag Soon

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A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


200,000 but written as 2,00,000

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Maybe try passing a law forbidding fat old 70 something male sex tourists from sucking face with an 18 yr old thai girl in a public place.

Good idea. You should not be more than 69 years old to grope and fondle an 18 year old in public. :thumbsup:


Why don't they try moving it all off the streets and put it behind closed doors where it won't be visible to people on the streets? Stop the girls dressed like cheap little %^^%s sitting out the front of the bars soliciting punters. This way in won't be in the face of normal tourists. The sex tourists can still come and go behind closed doors and do what ever it is they do. Maybe try passing a law forbidding fat old 70 something male sex tourists from sucking face with an 18 yr old thai girl in a public place. I do not mind public displays of affection but I have to draw a line somewhere.

The will never do that because that is like pulling down the front entrance to Disneyland or DreamWorld for the sex tourist. I have to agree tho the dirty old men groping and kissing young girls that could be thier great great grand daughters is rather disgusting and should be banned from public.

Is it just dirty old men? Are clean old men not as disgusting and exempt from your ban? Or do you just think all old people are disgusting? BTW how old is old? Would that be anyone older than you? Does it change next year? Or when you get old?

I have nothing against the elderly. The sight of an elderly old man groping and kissing a teenager in public is just a tad off putting tho. I am refering to the elderly sex tourists I have seen with young girls. By all means be a sex tourist if you want but try and shorten the age gap to say 40 yrs if you must grope and and extract the tonsils of your victim in public.

I have a daughter who thinks everyone over 25 is gross. Her words. You would be gross and disgusting to her. My daughter is young and in this case a bigot. Her excuse for bigotry is she is young and stupid. What is yours?


Take off the ' sex' and the destination will have not much to offer compared - just to make an example- to Vietnam, with its astonishing nature.Furthermore prostitution is part of thai culture, it is a way of living, of thinking, of accepting the power game which rules thai society.

The Shinawatra are clearly back in the driving seat


If gramps wants to suck the face of a willing 18yo, then fine but do it behind closed doors.

Otherwise the age gap should be in decreasing increments as you get older...so that when over 50, the gap should be no more than 10 years.......so all the 70yo dudes can suck all the 60yo dames faces youse all want.



If gramps wants to suck the face of a willing 18yo, then fine but do it behind closed doors.

Otherwise the age gap should be in decreasing increments as you get older...so that when over 50, the gap should be no more than 10 years.......so all the 70yo dudes can suck all the 60yo dames faces youse all want.

Where do you get these ideas? Is there some kind of book like a Mein Kampf of age discrimination?

Don't you realize you are nothing but a narrow minded bigot using age as your foil instead of color, creed or gender. No better than the average KKK member.


The Shinawatra are clearly back in the driving seat

What the hell have the Shinawatra's got to do with the sex trade, it was going on well before they were in charge or even born.


If the problem was that there were no jobs I could understand how women might feel forced into it but given that there are 3 security guards posted 24/7 outside my apartment building who have no other duty other than to move a gate when cars pull up it would seem that there are more jobs available than there are people wanting them.

Wait and see what happens if the proposed 300baht/day minimum comes into play. Wage bills will soar and I think the "more jobs available than there are people wanting them." may reverse.

Over hiring may no longer be viable.

Very, very true. It also means that employers who can only hire 1 security guard instead of 3 will likely be more picky so many people will be forced back to Isaan where they don't have rent or other overhead staying in the family home.

Or enter the sex industry....or become criminals...

At least on the sex industry side there's only so much the market can handle. Supply would exceed demand. That would create price competition which would drive the going rates down.

I know Thais don't like to drop their prices but if/when they do raise the minimum wage to 300 baht and many Thais find themselves out of work and some of those girls spill over into the bar and freelance scene, the downward pricing pressure will be too strong. The bars can only be home to so many girls and even now it's not like the bars are filled to capacity with customers these days so it's a matter of how many girls the bar wants to have on staff.

And yes, crime will increase dramatically. It'll start off with an increase in scamming and such but I wouldn't be surprised if violent crimes like muggings and less violent crimes like burglary and such increase significantly.


The West is in economic turmoil. The UK this year has seen the largest number of families holidaying at home for a long time. So where are these family holiday makers going to come from?

Russia, India, Iran, China and Arabic countries.

Now that's a big pool of population to compare with UK or Europe.

Correct, although in (increasing) order of population it's probably Iran, Russia, Arabic countries, India, China. You might even include Iran in the Arabic countries.

Mind you, for tourism and the population involved in the tourist industry it's a matter of both numbers and spending patterns. All paid for tour groups are less interesting to smaller enterprises than families traveling on their own. To maintain a year round tourist industry you need a healthy mix, not just numbers.

I laugh when I see Indian and Chinese tourists in Thailand. Part of it is a som nam na feeling I get when I think how Thailand is basically giving us farangs the big middle finger because they couldn't trick us into spending more money. And this is what this is really about. Thailand is turning to India and China because there was a maximum amount us farang would pay for Thailand. The prices have kept going up and tourism from farang countries has fallen so they're trying to find new marks so they can keep practicing the same scam of slowly raising prices to international levels while failing to supply international level tourism.

But, they've targeted groups that even more tight with cash than we are. And the Indians and Chinese don't have the whole White Man's Guilt thing going on. They don't care whether or not the guy trying to overcharge them for a t-shirt thinks that they're jai dee. This new breed of tourists are hard negotiators and don't put up with poor service the way we do. They yell, get angry, and do everything that us farangs have been conditioned not to do. Instead we just take it while they refuse to.

So if the Thais are really successful in luring the Chinese and Indian markets in any great numbers it will have a dramatic impact on Thai society.


The will never do that because that is like pulling down the front entrance to Disneyland or DreamWorld for the sex tourist. I have to agree tho the dirty old men groping and kissing young girls that could be thier great great grand daughters is rather disgusting and should be banned from public.

Is it just dirty old men? Are clean old men not as disgusting and exempt from your ban? Or do you just think all old people are disgusting? BTW how old is old? Would that be anyone older than you? Does it change next year? Or when you get old?

Completely agree with the latter. The assumption given is that a 70-year old man wanting sex with a sexy 18-year old beauty is dirty. Does that mean that a 15 year old thai-girl wanting sex with an older man is dirty? In fact, is wanting sex something dirty? People who state this have a problem.


The Shinawatra are clearly back in the driving seat

What the hell have the Shinawatra's got to do with the sex trade, it was going on well before they were in charge or even born.

He's talking about the highly visible "morality campaigns" that occurred under his regime.


Sex tourism --are you joking, you know how much a bonk is these days. Things have got out of hand and now its 3000 at least. A lady drink is an arm and a leg which is close on to 150baht for some red water.

Short time rooms are going bust too. I can barely afford a motorbike,--certainly not both like we did in the good ole days for ha loi.

I remember when 2000 a day did all three bike, bird, booze,bed.

Yes, good point.

The cost of social and adult entertainments in Thailand is no longer the bargain it used to be.

As a matter of fact prices can now be equalled to those of the United States, Europe and Australia or even more in some places.

The problem is that these industries have become greedy, very few good deals to be had and many Western tourists are now seeking their holidaying pleasures elsewhere.

We are now talking about a social night out costing in the region of thousands rather than hundreds. Wine, women and song can prove to be the most expensive commodity in Thailand.

I believe they killed the golden goose long ago.

hehehe funny man I have a Thai friend now working in Zurich, it cost her 1 million baht for visa, plane ticket and other incidentals they charge 4,000baht for 15 min. and 10,000baht for 30 min. she works about 4 hours 6 days a week has Sunday off. Escort services in the US typically cost 200 to 400 dollars for 1 hour. At these rates it does appear Thailand is still a bargain

At a semi upscale bar here in the states you will pay in the neghibor hood of 10 dollars for a mixed drink with no option to chat to woman unless one decides she can lower herself to do so.

Aren't the Swiss smart enough to go for a 15min double rather than a half hour - or have you mucked up the rates?

No straight from the horses mouth last week when talking to her on the phone.But yes a 15 min. double makes more sense. She already has a couple of guys in love with her but she will not take advantage of the situation, I even encouraged her to get the ATMs to open up but she said no want broken heart.



You make a very valid point that there are millons getting by on 7-10,000 a month. You have to live within your means and I believe Thais often have a real job understanding this.

My own wife cannot comprehend the word "budget" however I try to explain it-Its the "our children" must have it scenario.

My wife understands "budget" but only when it's forced on her :-)

While what you're commenting on is true my point was less about Thai budgeting habits and more about the fact that many Thais just dig themselves into holes they can never get out of. Some of these girls get knocked up at 15 or 16 years old and have to leave the kid(s) with their parents while they go to Bangkok looking for work. That's hard enough, to take care of yourself and a small child with little or no education but if your parents are boozers or gamblers and you've got a brother with a drug habit, etc, etc it's impossible.

While they might feel like they're being forced into prostitution what they should do is just tell their families, "No!" It's not poverty that's driving a girl like that into the business. It's that she's got financial needs that exceed what she could make even if she was a university grad with a good job.

I mean, if you're an uneducated farmer girl sent to the big city and need to pull down 20,000 - 30,000 baht per month just to keep all of the relatives happy that's an unsustainable situation. It would be far better for the family to get it's act together than to look the other way while their daughter starts turning tricks to meet these unrealistic financial expectations.

Seriously, could you imagine if your parents sent you out right after high school and you had to pull down $150,000 a year just to cover the bills? That's how absurd some of these situations are.

Digibum spot on

How true it is, a few people posting here just donot get it. There is a famous Thai Comedian and he was being interviewed and he was asked about his money, he says what money, just about every dime I make goes to support family and friends and this is a guy making a few million baht a year. Some bar girls maybe making more than Drs but the earn and need every dime.

I have a friend supporting 7 kids, 3 grand babies, mom and a couple of sisters tell her to do it on a 7/11 salary


goes to support family and friends

I have a friend supporting 7 kids, 3 grand babies, mom and a couple of sisters

Something seems wrong here:

In the first instance he is supporting friends

In the second she's supporting mom, sisters, grand-children and children who aren't hers.

No wonder they can't make ends meet...they need to get rid of the free-loaders....


Actually I regularly travel from China to Bangkok.

All the flights are fully booked, and not by western sexpats

Some people really need to realize times are changing

Times maybe changing but Thailand isn't and won't!!!! :blink:

Well it will like as tourism is falling already with the Thai baht at a poot state and let's face it only the ones who can't get a woman in their own country or proper awful to look at have to go to Thailand to get sex by paying for it also


If gramps wants to suck the face of a willing 18yo, then fine but do it behind closed doors.

Otherwise the age gap should be in decreasing increments as you get older...so that when over 50, the gap should be no more than 10 years.......so all the 70yo dudes can suck all the 60yo dames faces youse all want.

Where do you get these ideas? Is there some kind of book like a Mein Kampf of age discrimination?

Don't you realize you are nothing but a narrow minded bigot using age as your foil instead of color, creed or gender. No better than the average KKK member.

How is it bigoted to assume that when people see a 40 or 50 year age gap that the relationship is exploitative? Either she's exploiting the guy for his money and the fact that he's likely to die soon, he's exploiting her for her youth and sex, or they're mutually exploiting each other (for the previously mentioned reasons).

I'm sorry, I just don't buy that some 18 year old girl sees some 70 year old dude and gets all mushy in love. Of course, especially in Thailand, we can say that all relationships are at least partially exploitative but at some point you just have to say, "Dude, that's just creepy." It's sort of like seeing some 70 year old dude strolling down the street dressed like a rapper and trying to act act all hip hop. At first we're laughing with you but eventually we're laughing at you.

Like the much quoted definition of pornography, "I can't tell you what it is but I know it when I see it," I don't know if there is a set age or age difference where the line exists between creepy and not creepy but I know which is which when I see them walking hand in hand down the street.


If I was a Thai national I'd be sticking the middle finger up at all those who want to shut down our sex industry. Thailand is a free nation and not under the control of the USA, UK or any other western society. We shall do what we want when we want. If that includes letting our citizens perform sexual acts for money then so be it. After all judging by the millions, if you believe the figures, who come here for just that we can't be that wrong and seem to be providing a service that nobody else can. Anyway it is mostly the tight-arsed western social workers who've never had a <deleted> in their lives and are so kee-neow to come here and pay for some that spread these vile messages about Thailand being the sex capital of the world. To them I say "Get a Life" and "Get a <deleted>" Keep your nose outta my business......

you tell e'm mate,...............but it is the sex capital of the universe,........ you need to get out more !! ,..........first step- get a passport , next step; go look around ; step 3 ; if you can find a city that has more hookers than pattaya per capita, please let us know where it is . thanks

you tell e'm mate...I will if I think it needs to be told

but it is the sex capital of the universe,..never said it wasn't

you need to get out more !! ,...I do every day

first step- get a passport.......got one...in fact renewal arrived just yesterday

next step; go look around ...have ... travelled and work extensively in Asia and Europe

step 3 ;...probaby isn't one

you need to check your facts before making assumptions......


How is it bigoted to assume that when people see a 40 or 50 year age gap that the relationship is exploitative?

A lot of young men here exploit young girls and vice versa. Why is that any better? The truth is that it is not any of your business what decisions other people make about who they sleep with. ;)


People telling others how to lead their life...bunch of wanke_rs.


Sex has been bought and sold since the beginning of time...Women got it..men want it....money changes hands..so what...now we label it prostitution and in a lot of places say it's illegal telling people they can't have it if they pay for it or give it away if they charge for it. Why?

Sex has got confused with "making love" and as such is seen as something sacrosanct where money should never exchange hands.. While the physical side of it remains the same the mental part is completely different. Sex as procurred through prostitution has absolutely nothing to do with "making love" and is not sacrosanct and should not be considered illegal.

If a woman wants to let a man have sexual gratification with her why shouldn't she charge for it. I can't see why anybody would want to tell her she can't. No different than paying for gas when you fill up the car....its a commodity...


How is it bigoted to assume that when people see a 40 or 50 year age gap that the relationship is exploitative?

A lot of young men here exploit young girls and vice versa. Why is that any better? The truth is that it is not any of your business what decisions other people make about who they sleep with. ;)

I didn't say it was better. But it's much more difficult to tell if the young man is exploiting the young girl since there is a chance that the relationship could be based on mutual love for each other. The likelihood of that being the case in a relationship between a very old man and a very young woman is close enough to zero that I feel it's safe to make the assumption that there is some exploitation going on.

And you're right, it's not my business what they do together. That, however, does not preclude me from thinking that it's creepy. Like I said, you're free to go strolling down Sukhumvit dressed like a 70 year old rapper. I'm free to laugh my ass off at you.

The problem a lot of people have with things like freedom is that they think that their freedom to do something demands that people accept and approve of it. I can fully support your right to date women of any age (of legal age) but that doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion about it.


People telling others how to lead their life...bunch of wanke_rs.


Sex has been bought and sold since the beginning of time...Women got it..men want it....money changes hands..so what...now we label it prostitution and in a lot of places say it's illegal telling people they can't have it if they pay for it or give it away if they charge for it. Why?

Sex has got confused with "making love" and as such is seen as something sacrosanct where money should never exchange hands.. While the physical side of it remains the same the mental part is completely different. Sex as procurred through prostitution has absolutely nothing to do with "making love" and is not sacrosanct and should not be considered illegal.

If a woman wants to let a man have sexual gratification with her why shouldn't she charge for it. I can't see why anybody would want to tell her she can't. No different than paying for gas when you fill up the car....its a commodity...

Not sure what you're agreeing with. You agreed with someone making one point and then went off a bit of a tangent to make a completely different point.

Nobody is saying prostitution should be illegal. Not sure where you got that. What was said is that if you're some 70 year old guy and I see you walking hand in hand or sucking face in public with some 18 year old girl, I have the right to form the opinion that I think that is a little creepy.

If you and I happened to run into each other one evening in a bar and started talking, at the end of the evening you might think to yourself, "Hey, this Digibum guy is pretty cool. I like him." Or you might walk away thinking, "That Digibum guy is a jerk and I hope I never run into him again." But am I a cool guy? Am I a jerk? Maybe I'm one or the other or both or none of them. But our interaction has given you a perception of who I am and you form an opinion based on that.

Likewise, I form my own opinions. In this case, I think it's creepy.


People telling others how to lead their life...bunch of wanke_rs.


Sex has been bought and sold since the beginning of time...Women got it..men want it....money changes hands..so what...now we label it prostitution and in a lot of places say it's illegal telling people they can't have it if they pay for it or give it away if they charge for it. Why?

Sex has got confused with "making love" and as such is seen as something sacrosanct where money should never exchange hands.. While the physical side of it remains the same the mental part is completely different. Sex as procurred through prostitution has absolutely nothing to do with "making love" and is not sacrosanct and should not be considered illegal.

If a woman wants to let a man have sexual gratification with her why shouldn't she charge for it. I can't see why anybody would want to tell her she can't. No different than paying for gas when you fill up the car....its a commodity...

Not sure what you're agreeing with. You agreed with someone making one point and then went off a bit of a tangent to make a completely different point.

Nobody is saying prostitution should be illegal. Not sure where you got that. What was said is that if you're some 70 year old guy and I see you walking hand in hand or sucking face in public with some 18 year old girl, I have the right to form the opinion that I think that is a little creepy.

If you and I happened to run into each other one evening in a bar and started talking, at the end of the evening you might think to yourself, "Hey, this Digibum guy is pretty cool. I like him." Or you might walk away thinking, "That Digibum guy is a jerk and I hope I never run into him again." But am I a cool guy? Am I a jerk? Maybe I'm one or the other or both or none of them. But our interaction has given you a perception of who I am and you form an opinion based on that.

Likewise, I form my own opinions. In this case, I think it's creepy.

The quote was..people telling others how to lead their life....I agreed with it and extended it to include people telling prostitues how to lead their life by making it illegal.... you, digibum, was never quoted in my post....


If gramps wants to suck the face of a willing 18yo, then fine but do it behind closed doors.

Otherwise the age gap should be in decreasing increments as you get older...so that when over 50, the gap should be no more than 10 years.......so all the 70yo dudes can suck all the 60yo dames faces youse all want.

Where do you get these ideas? Is there some kind of book like a Mein Kampf of age discrimination?

Don't you realize you are nothing but a narrow minded bigot using age as your foil instead of color, creed or gender. No better than the average KKK member.

How is it bigoted to assume that when people see a 40 or 50 year age gap that the relationship is exploitative? Either she's exploiting the guy for his money and the fact that he's likely to die soon, he's exploiting her for her youth and sex, or they're mutually exploiting each other (for the previously mentioned reasons).

I'm sorry, I just don't buy that some 18 year old girl sees some 70 year old dude and gets all mushy in love. Of course, especially in Thailand, we can say that all relationships are at least partially exploitative but at some point you just have to say, "Dude, that's just creepy." It's sort of like seeing some 70 year old dude strolling down the street dressed like a rapper and trying to act act all hip hop. At first we're laughing with you but eventually we're laughing at you.

Like the much quoted definition of pornography, "I can't tell you what it is but I know it when I see it," I don't know if there is a set age or age difference where the line exists between creepy and not creepy but I know which is which when I see them walking hand in hand down the street.

First I should tell you that I really don't give a crap because I would never grope anyone in public regardless of age. The only reason I respond to you is to stay in practice if I ever go back to work and face age discrimination again.

You are a bigot because you are hostile to people based on age alone. If the people were nasty that's OK but nastiness implies you know them. If it is OK for a young man to do but not an old man then you are an age bigot. Same thing if you said it is OK for a white man to do something but not a black man.

Plus your assumptions may be in error. I go out with 25 year old women partially out of habit. When I was 18 I dated a 25 year old woman. The same at 25 and 35 and 45 and 65. I happen to like 25 year old women. I have been used to dating 25 year old women for 40 years in 10 different countries not just Thailand.

And don't forget the health benefit. It is good not to take pills unless one has to. When I date a 65 year old woman in Thailand I need a little blue pill and it makes me feel bad the next day. My mouth is dry, and my nose feels stuffed up, symptoms like a hangover even though I don't drink. When I go out with an 18 to 25 year old women I don't need any pills. It is the young Thai lady V effect. I have experimented with this out of a scientific interest and it seems 25 is the hardness cutoff at least for me. And two or three 25 year old women seems to be better than one looking only at the therapeutic value.

I don't labor under any allusions that the ladies are in love with me. I realized women don't fall in love a long time ago, about the “making my second wife a millionaire” phase.

So when you see me out and about you can say hi, I'm easy to spot as I rarely go out with less than three Thai women. Rest easy knowing that I don't think the ladies love me. I am only there for the therapeutic benefits and I do realize the ladies are exploiting me but its OK I'm a big boy.

The will never do that because that is like pulling down the front entrance to Disneyland or DreamWorld for the sex tourist. I have to agree tho the dirty old men groping and kissing young girls that could be thier great great grand daughters is rather disgusting and should be banned from public.

But if he's legal, and she's legal...what's the problem?'

People telling others how to lead their life...bunch of wanke_rs.

Ahhh, the Thailand fallacy; if it's not illegal, why not?

It's not illegal to walk around Big C with no shirt on. Does that mean that you should do it? Does the fact that you have the right to do it make it any less revolting to look at your huge beer belly and manboobs? *I don't know you, the "you" in there is generalized to anyone*

Often, we choose to live within certain self-imposed boundaries not because living outside of them is illegal but because, for various personal reasons, we make a decision to do so. It's not illegal for me to steal a taxi from an elderly person carrying three bags of groceries but I choose to yield the taxi to them because that's just part of how I choose to live my life.


The Shinawatra are clearly back in the driving seat

What the hell have the Shinawatra's got to do with the sex trade, it was going on well before they were in charge or even born.

They have to blame someone. A lot of people on here have a deep seated hatred of Thatskin and his family and blame all the woes of the world on him/them. Crime, prostitution, drugs, murders, muggings, scams, it's all thier fault. Just open any topic on here in any subject and his name will surely pop up in a reply blaming him and family for something. The crisis in the middle east, europe, the U.S or anywhere it's the damned Shinawatra's. Very funny actually.:D

The will never do that because that is like pulling down the front entrance to Disneyland or DreamWorld for the sex tourist. I have to agree tho the dirty old men groping and kissing young girls that could be thier great great grand daughters is rather disgusting and should be banned from public.

But if he's legal, and she's legal...what's the problem?'

People telling others how to lead their life...bunch of wanke_rs.

Ahhh, the Thailand fallacy; if it's not illegal, why not?

It's not illegal to walk around Big C with no shirt on. Does that mean that you should do it? Does the fact that you have the right to do it make it any less revolting to look at your huge beer belly and manboobs? *I don't know you, the "you" in there is generalized to anyone*

Often, we choose to live within certain self-imposed boundaries not because living outside of them is illegal but because, for various personal reasons, we make a decision to do so. It's not illegal for me to steal a taxi from an elderly person carrying three bags of groceries but I choose to yield the taxi to them because that's just part of how I choose to live my life.

In addition to being the age appropriate police now you are coming off as the fashion and etiquette police. So in addition to fixing the proper age to do things you also have decided what everyone should wear and how they should act in public.

You are quite a guy. You running for Pope next?

I should point out that when people become obsessed about telling other people how to live they generally go into politics or religion.


The Shinawatra are clearly back in the driving seat

What the hell have the Shinawatra's got to do with the sex trade, it was going on well before they were in charge or even born.

They have to blame someone. A lot of people on here have a deep seated hatred of Thatskin and his family and blame all the woes of the world on him/them. Crime, prostitution, drugs, murders, muggings, scams, it's all thier fault. Just open any topic on here in any subject and his name will surely pop up in a reply blaming him and family for something. The crisis in the middle east, europe, the U.S or anywhere it's the damned Shinawatra's. Very funny actually.:D

I don't have a political axe to grind but Thaksin stopped the nude dancing at Nana Plaza. It was better before he took over as far as the attire was concerned. The Bangkok shuffle was still a problem. I don't think he had anything to do with that. He didn't effect Pattaya much because they have always had the red buzzers there. Boy those ladies can exit a stage in a hurry.


KK......you can date all the 25yo's you want.....just dont get all lovey dovey with them in public as it is gross........just look at Mr heffner and his runaway bride........did that look normal to you ??

Keep the pensioner porn for the bedroom behind closed curtains and locked doors...


I should point out that when people become obsessed about telling other people how to live they generally go into politics or religion.

Or social workers or volunteer policemen or any other busy-body profession.


KK......you can date all the 25yo's you want.....just dont get all lovey dovey with them in public as it is gross........just look at Mr heffner and his runaway bride........did that look normal to you ??

Keep the pensioner porn for the bedroom behind closed curtains and locked doors...

I think you are forgetting the cultural traditions of certain countries. We must be culture sensitive, really it is not the dark ages.



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