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Yingluck And Noppadon Deny Thaksin Has Been Staying In Phnom Penh

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Yingluck and Noppadon deny Thaksin has been staying in Phnom Penh

By The Nation on Sunday

Former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's whereabouts were unclear yesterday, as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and a close aide of Thaksin's denied a Cambodian media report that he was in that country.

Quoting a Khmer-language newspaper, the Phnom Penh Post reported yesterday that Thaksin had been in Cambodia since at least Friday. But an adviser to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Cambodian Foreign Ministry both declined to confirm the report, saying only that Thaksin was free to enter Cambodia whenever he wished.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Thaksin's sister, denied the report, saying, "No, he didn't go [to Cambodia]."

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said the former premier was in China and was preparing to travel to Japan, where he is scheduled to give a lecture and visit areas affected by the March 11 tsunami.

Noppadon denied the report that Thaksin had travelled to Cambodia, saying airline records would confirm this.

Earlier, Noppadon said Thaksin had planned to visit Cambodia but had put the trip off, and would possibly visit after his journey to Japan.

Noppadon's comments followed his earlier denial of a report linking Thaksin with a business deal relating to a petroleum concession in the two countries' overlapping claims area in the Gulf of Thailand.


-- The Nation 2011-08-21

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Noppadon denied the report that Thaksin had travelled to Cambodia, saying airline records would confirm this.

On assumes a personage of this stature would be flying in a private plane not an airline, so there would be airline no records......ah I get it....he flew private, all commerical airline records were checked but these records dont show his name...therefore he was never in Cambodia....;)

I can see your logic Noppadon and the Thai public will surely believe this one...

Seeing as the goverment/sister etc keep saying their is no connection between themselves and our man in Dubai, and keep coming out and saying they dont know what his plans are, they have come out very quickly stating he is not in Cambodia.

A khmer language newspaper has little political mileage to gain out of this, so why come up with a spurious report ? if this info had come from a "source" via the Nation then maybe take it with a pince of salt

My money is on....He is there and discussing how they are going to carve up the disputed terrioritorial waters oil & gas for their own benefit, as was planned all along

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Noppadon knows that his former-boss usually travels by private-jet, it's part of his international jet-set businessman's image/style, so saying "airline records would confirm this" is therefore a deliberate attempt to mislead.

Which is what you would expect from a lawyer & personal-spokesman, when discussing something potentially-embarrassing to the new PM, perhaps the former-FM might explain-it-away as 'being diplomatic' ? Nice example to set the new FM ! <_<

But how would PM-Yingluck know Thaksin's day-to-day movements, and thus be able to honestly say "No, he didn't go (to Cambodia)", unless she was in frequent touch with him, which she regularly says she's not ? :huh:

Better not ask her, as she may get huffy, and break-off the press-conference. B)

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We know from the past that whenever Noppadon denies something, usually the opposite turns out to be true.

Furthermore, his comment "[if] Thaksin had travelled to Cambodia, ... airline records would confirm this" is deliberately misleading. He knows perfectly well that his boss is not traveling with any commercial airline, but by private jet.

Apart from that, what's the big ruckus about anyway? If the man wants to go to Cambodia and Cambodia let's him in with welcoming arms, so be it.

The point, I guess, is whether he is there (or not) in an official capacity to possibly strike a bilateral deal on joint gas and oil exploration in the Gulf of Thailand. That would be indeed controversial.

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The Nation quotes Phnom Penh Post , that quotes an unnamed Khmer Newspaper ..... once again a piece of useless news ... if they really wanna know , send a reporter there .... get it first hand .

Agreed, but wasn't there a Thai who was jailed for a while, for reporting on Thaksin's travel to/from Cambodia, I think he worked in air-traffic-control or something ? Similarly going-further & taking pictures of planes or people at airports can also land you in hot-water, in many countries.

Perhaps the Nation should just have given full-details of the unnamed Khmer paper.

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The Nation quotes Phnom Penh Post , that quotes an unnamed Khmer Newspaper ..... once again a piece of useless news ... if they really wanna know , send a reporter there .... get it first hand .

As the PPP didn't name the Khmer newspaper, it is a little hard for the Nation to do so. Cambodia is a reasonably big place, but a reporter should be able to sniff out Thaksin, if in fact he is there - which one would you send? Clark Kent isn't available.

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The Nation quotes Phnom Penh Post , that quotes an unnamed Khmer Newspaper ..... once again a piece of useless news ... if they really wanna know , send a reporter there .... get it first hand .

Agreed, but wasn't there a Thai who was jailed for a while, for reporting on Thaksin's travel to/from Cambodia, I think he worked in air-traffic-control or something ? Similarly going-further & taking pictures of planes or people at airports can also land you in hot-water, in many countries.

Perhaps the Nation should just have given full-details of the unnamed Khmer paper.

Yes there was an incident like that with a thai air controller ... however there is a world outside the airport as well ... I have read through what has been posted here from the Nation recently and did not find any piece containing any kind of journalistic work ... that's what I would like to see .. not just spitting out stories based on assumptions, rumors, quotes from other papers that quotes unnamed relatives of unnamed sources etc etc ... make some decent work ... investigate what is going on and reveal it for everyone to see and put a name under it as well. If Thaksin is so interesting then it should not be too hard to have a journalist following him around, would not be surprised if he even granted him a daily interview.... But again some just like to be entertained, some read The Times, some read the Sun or read the NoW , maybe that is what it all comes down to, different preferences.

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The Nation quotes Phnom Penh Post , that quotes an unnamed Khmer Newspaper ..... once again a piece of useless news ... if they really wanna know , send a reporter there .... get it first hand .

As the PPP didn't name the Khmer newspaper, it is a little hard for the Nation to do so. Cambodia is a reasonably big place, but a reporter should be able to sniff out Thaksin, if in fact he is there - which one would you send? Clark Kent isn't available.

Somehow I have come to the conclusion that you are not interested in News, you want to be entertained ..... I like to see journalism you don't care and that is fine with me, different preferences .

Ps : by the way Clark Kent does not exist , just wanna let you know rolleyes.gif

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Noppadon knows that his former-boss usually travels by private-jet, it's part of his international jet-set businessman's image/style, so saying "airline records would confirm this" is therefore a deliberate attempt to mislead.

and you think a private plane has no call sign through which the owner can be identified - or does not have to provide a flight plan and passenger manifest ??

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Noppadon knows that his former-boss usually travels by private-jet, it's part of his international jet-set businessman's image/style, so saying "airline records would confirm this" is therefore a deliberate attempt to mislead.

and you think a private plane has no call sign through which the owner can be identified - or does not have to provide a flight plan and passenger manifest ??

A private jet is not an "airline" of course a private plane has a call sign, flight plan and mainfest, the manifest is completely irrelevant as he could be travelling under anyone of his numerous passports, so manifest could say "African" passport...blah blah, do you really think all his passports are in his "real name"

Further seeing as Hun Sen is his best buddy, the private jet could land without record in Cambodia, so in some respects the flight plan is somewhat irrelvant as well.

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They sure spend a lot of time denying.

Yeh why is that.

Why not just say " you will have to ask Thaksin where he is and where he will be going next" or "WE are not Thaksins keepers, you will have to ask him yourself".

Seem like a smarter responce than a denial. Or some of these other stories they pull out of their ass.

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Would it surprise anybody if Thaksin and Hun Sen manage to demarcate the boundary issue, and find a perfectly acceptable Thai company to develop the resources? ShinSen Oil perhaps?

No wouldnt suprise me in the least, although dont believe they would form a company to develop the resources per se, the most money for the least work would be in the royalites.

My thoughts on how this would play out:

A joint development area (JDA) declared by Thailand/Cambodia goverments, Thaksin/Hun Sen are already buddies so all Thaksin has to do is get the Thai goverment to buy in (supprise supprise his sister is PM and he has cronies in the Cabinet)

A joint venture company is formed between Thai Goverment and "investors" and Cambodian Goverment "investors" to manage the block or blocks (Thaksin & Hun Sen are shareholders in JVC)

JVC subcontracts some one like PTT/PTTEP to conduct exploration and block development (guess who has quite a large chunk of stock in PTT ?)

Development/production occurs royalities paid over to JVC....the two best buddies in the world take a cut on the royalties.

Therefore money in the bank for basically doing FA.

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Noppadon denied the report that Thaksin had travelled to Cambodia, saying airline records would confirm this.

The last guy who tried to find out about k. Thaksin's flight plan got arrested, charged with threatening national security, sentenced to a seven years jail and pardoned after a week. This all within a single month's timespan :huh:

I assume k. Noppadon doesn't even faintly suggest we should go through this farce again ?

PS k. Veera is still waiting.

Edited by rubl
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