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This Is Very Serious ! I Need Genuine Answers Only


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Genuine answer = you're screwed, same as the endless parade of other farangs before you here in thailand that jumped into the bush without thinking of protecting their assets. Get over it, move on and start anew.

Ignore this troll. Arrogant idiots with the "Get over it routine" - boring Pal.

To OP I do have experience of this from a similar position and the first thing you MUST do is stay precisely where you are in the UK.

Whilst in blighty you have control-second thing to do is get on the best amicable terms with the wife however hard that may be.

6000 miles is no barrier for Lawyers to get to work in the UK and here in Thailand.

I would suggest thirdly slow down-let the briefs handle it as much as possible.

If you haven't seen a solicitor in the UK yet than spend £200 and see one for an hour (there are one or two who still operate initial consultation free)

Stay cool and stay in the UK-once in Thailand anything can happen and does-too many people falling off balconies to be real....

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Think people may be missing something here. Now I have never been divorced so I may very well be wrong. As the wife and child are in the UK, presumably resident, they will be married under UK law. Now when wifey goes off to the social about being separated/ divorced, they are not going to say it's alright give your X all the money, so he can live a good life and the tax payer will pick up the tap for you and the child.

He may be better of to let her have all the Thai assets and make a deal on child support, if they return to Thailand, to live. Otherwise the family court may give it all to her plus child support payments, taken for his wages and he can move in to the YMCA. Don't see any court in the UK throwing the wife and child out of their primary residence [uK] so daddy can continue on as if it was all a mistake. Jim

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Think people may be missing something here. Now I have never been divorced so I may very well be wrong. As the wife and child are in the UK, presumably resident, they will be married under UK law. Now when wifey goes off to the social about being separated/ divorced, they are not going to say it's alright give your X all the money, so he can live a good life and the tax payer will pick up the tap for you and the child.

He may be better of to let her have all the Thai assets and make a deal on child support, if they return to Thailand, to live. Otherwise the family court may give it all to her plus child support payments, taken for his wages and he can move in to the YMCA. Don't see any court in the UK throwing the wife and child out of their primary residence [uK] so daddy can continue on as if it was all a mistake. Jim

Exactly my thinking.

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Think people may be missing something here. Now I have never been divorced so I may very well be wrong. As the wife and child are in the UK, presumably resident, they will be married under UK law. Now when wifey goes off to the social about being separated/ divorced, they are not going to say it's alright give your X all the money, so he can live a good life and the tax payer will pick up the tap for you and the child.

He may be better of to let her have all the Thai assets and make a deal on child support, if they return to Thailand, to live. Otherwise the family court may give it all to her plus child support payments, taken for his wages and he can move in to the YMCA. Don't see any court in the UK throwing the wife and child out of their primary residence [uK] so daddy can continue on as if it was all a mistake. Jim

Exactly my thinking.

Also agree. If the OP was in America, wifey would have already procured the services of a good lawyer and his ass would be toast. I would imagine the UK is the same. He should really try to make a deal and relinquish all of the Thai assets and not try to get greedy. The only question mark is the wife--perhaps she already has a new benefactor waiting in the wings and wants him out pronto. Why else would she be so agreeable? But agree that he should simply cut his losses.

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My advice to our scorpio:


Take anything your wife says as gospel.

Consider that basically, she is a decent and honourable person and is not capable of doing you harm.

Believe that in her heart she still has emotional feelings for you.

Become weak because you still hold strong emotional feelings for your wife, otherwise, this may result in dire consequences for you.

Recognise that the relationship between your wife and yourself is over.

Believe that your wife is unintelligent and does not know how the system works.

What she does not know, she will soon be well advised by her, lawyers, streetwise pals or new boyfriend/boyfriends.

Lose your temper or do anything drastic that your wife could use against you in a court of law.

Give her access to any of your personal stuff, such as your computer, mobile phone, documents, paperwork and so on.


Believe that each time your wife moves her mouth, she is telling a lie.

Treat her now as your public enemy number 1, out for your assets, mind, body and soul, that she is out to make a secure future for herself at your expense.

Try and use the laws of England and Thailand to your favour, rather than taking your wife's word for anything or consenting to any informal unwritten agreements between your wife, yourself and any other third parties involved.

Do some searching on the Internet regarding your wife's activities on facebook and other social networking sites, in order to try and obtain evidence that may be used to strengthen your case.

Keep a keen eye on whatever she is doing, her activities and make notes.


Try to ensure that you do not lose control over any of your assets to her and keep the upper hand.

Do not agree to giving her anything without first discussing this with your lawyer.

Get rid of this problem at the most economical way to you, a.s.a.p.


Sincerely wish you good luck with this and all success for your future life.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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My advice to our scorpio:


Take anything your wife says as gospel.

Consider that basically, she is a decent and honourable person and is not capable of doing you harm.

Believe that in her heart she still has emotional feelings for you.

Become weak because you still hold strong emotional feelings for your wife, otherwise, this may result in dire consequences for you.

Recognise that the relationship between your wife and yourself is over.

Believe that your wife is unintelligent and does not know how the system works.

What she does not know, she will soon be well advised by her, lawyers, streetwise pals or new boyfriend/boyfriends.

Lose your temper or do anything drastic that your wife could use against you in a court of law.

Give her access to any of your personal stuff, such as your computer, mobile phone, documents, paperwork and so on.


Believe that each time your wife moves her mouth, she is telling a lie.

Treat her now as your public enemy number 1, out for your assets, mind, body and soul, that she is out to make a secure future for herself at your expense.

Try and use the laws of England and Thailand to your favour, rather than taking your wife's word for anything or consenting to any informal unwritten agreements between your wife, yourself and any other third parties involved.

Do some searching on the Internet regarding your wife's activities on facebook and other social networking sites, in order to try and obtain evidence that may be used to strengthen your case.

Keep a keen eye on whatever she is doing, her activities and make notes.


Try to ensure that you do not lose control over any of your assets to her and keep the upper hand.

Do not agree to giving her anything without first discussing this with your lawyer.

Get rid of this problem at the most economical way to you, a.s.a.p.


Sincerely wish you good luck with this and all success for your future life.

Don't know if the does and don't would rally make much difference to the outcome in family court. Most countries work on the no fault divorce system. The rights of the child/children are paramount, not who was in the wrong. The only time the character of the wife or husband comes into play is over custody and visitation. Courts normally favor the mother, father has to payout, just as if they where still a family. Maybe not always fair, but the child is his responsibility and if the best place for her is with the mother then he will pay. Jim
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I'm sorry.

I meant to say "Be Pitiful." More pitiful than you already appear. If that's possible. It's the only way your "wife" may find it in her heart to grant you some concessions. Show deep remorse for whatever happened to your "love" affair. Try your best to make her feel guilty for the collapse of your wedding vows. Sort of go into seclusion, and, when and if, you talk with her again, demonstrate how miserable and betrayed you may, or may not feel.

<flame extinguished>

Edited by metisdead
Inflammatory statement removed.
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I had a similar situation. Very similar. Assets in the UK and Thailand. Wife turned cold.

We were living in the UK, I took her and the kids back to Thailand and then took her to court for divorce. I gave her the house and the car and all the land in Thailand in exchange for custody of my two sons, the assets in the UK I kept and now live and work in Bangkok with the kids who are in a good school with great opportunites.

The Thai courts will favour an educated rich european father for custody over an ex-pattaya bar-girl any day of the week if he puts his case forward in a calm logical fashion.

My advice is to get her over to Thailand with your daughter. Cosy up to her, tell her you want to make a new start, whatever. Be cool and then divorce where you have a chance of 1) getting custody and 2) keeping your stuff back home.

She may refuse the divorce, but she'll have a difficult time coming back to the UK alone if she is as helpless as you mentioned in another post.

Get her on a plane.

Good luck.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Some of you maybe interested in a few of our scorpio`s other posts:





Sorry, but now I am having doubts regarding the whole story.

I can also remember that scorpio became quite aggressive in some of his replies.

Thought the named ringed a bell from somewhere, then suddenly I remembered.

No matter, because the advice given could be of use to another who is in a similar situation.

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Some of you maybe interested in a few of our scorpio`s other posts:





Sorry, but now I am having doubts regarding the whole story.

I can also remember that scorpio became quite aggressive in some of his replies.

Thought the named ringed a bell from somewhere, then suddenly I remembered.

No matter, because the advice given could be of use to another who is in a similar situation.

Whilst this forum is brilliant most of the time regarding information supplied it also has its share of armchair google experts and "back post trawlers" who can never take a post at face value, and have to backtrack to find an angle.

Its utterly boring and the people who do it likewise.

Get a life-just ignore the original question if you think its a wind up !!

As you read this someone will be checking mine without question...

Edited by Chivas
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As long as you ( thai wife ) is willing to sign all paper work regarding the transfer of Property .Car.. ETC.. to your name shouldn't be any problem .

think it would be very wise to get your self a lawyer as to make sure all the paper work is correct..

not to sure about how much the fees would be for a lawyer ?? seeing as you are dealing with 2 houses and a car ..think it would be money well spent rolleyes.gif

Except foreigners can't own the land on which the house sits. The car can be registered in a foreign name.

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Some of you maybe interested in a few of our scorpio`s other posts:





Sorry, but now I am having doubts regarding the whole story.

I can also remember that scorpio became quite aggressive in some of his replies.

Thought the named ringed a bell from somewhere, then suddenly I remembered.

No matter, because the advice given could be of use to another who is in a similar situation.

Whilst this forum is brilliant most of the time regarding information supplied it also has its share of armchair google experts and "back post trawlers" who can never take a post at face value, and have to backtrack to find an angle.

Its utterly boring and the people who do it likewise.

Get a life-just ignore the original question if you think its a wind up !!

As you read this someone will be checking mine without question...

I disagree. If its a troll its nice if someone points this out.

Having said this, his previous topics could just be excuses for his own problems. I've no idea as to the 'truth' here.

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If you want to go the route of setting up a Thai company to own the Pattaya land I can recommend a very good accountant who also gives very good advice about company set up and can do all of this for you.

The accountant is a middle aged Thai lady, farang husband of many years, he is also a professional person. The lady is highly knowledgeable about all of these subjects, speaks perfect English, good listener, always gives focused and clear answers, always very reliable helpful and very pleasant, and her fees are way under what a lawyer will charge you.

Same lady can do all the annual documentation (company return, tax returns etc.) needed for a Thai company and her annual fees for this work are very reasonable.

PM me if you would like her name, tel no, address, etc.

Good luck. And don't forget to take house / contents insurance on the property.

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Why dont you get her to agree to put the Pattaya house in your daughters name

Not an option until the daughter can sign her own name.

OP hasnt said how old his daughter, so could be an option.

thanks guys. my daughter is 2yrs 4 months. uk passport but can get a thai passport. more advice would be much appreciated and again a big thanks for your time guys cool.gif

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I put a personel account up but the heavy handed mod pulled it,,asked for an explaination and he pulled that as well!!!!!!!

Did you ask the mod via a PM or did you post on the thread, if you posted on the thread...thats why it got pulled..

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I put a personel account up but the heavy handed mod pulled it,,asked for an explaination and he pulled that as well!!!!!!!

I said yesterday that if you argue with moderators they just pull a post with no notice.

They'll quote some sub section of TV rules.

Best to just leave it.

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Things sure went downhill from your first post to your second. If by remote chance you have been imbibing in the sauce you may want to sleep on things.

Why don't you get yourself an Ufustruct on the property. At least you will have a place to live until you kick the bucket (if your wife is agreeable and will consent to the procedure). This would also provide you with extra time to sell the property if that is what you want. Don't know if this can be done from overseas with a lawyer but obviously the land deed would be required.

we are ok now today, things have calmed down a good bit and we are on speaking terms again, she told me this morn i could have everything back but i think if things came to the crunch i wouldnt get everything back, next time we go back to thailand iu will get an UFUSTRUCT ? WHAT IS THIS ? MUCH WILL IT COST ME ? can anyone shed any more light on this, i want the house in isaan n in my daughters name , or even the 2 houses in her name and me with the right to live in them, i would be happy with that, at end of the day its nsecurity for my little one

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It sounds like she's setting you up. Now would be a good time to act the down-trodden, disappointed, lost, unhappy, betrayed, miserable role I suggested earlier. No fighting. No reactions to her overtures. Absolutely no sex. It would be ok to exclaim something a little off-the-wall, from out of nowhere. Like "I want to kill myself." But only occasionally. Pick your spots carefully.

Play the fool. You may be surprised. The first rule of war is deception.

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Things sure went downhill from your first post to your second. If by remote chance you have been imbibing in the sauce you may want to sleep on things.

Why don't you get yourself an Ufustruct on the property. At least you will have a place to live until you kick the bucket (if your wife is agreeable and will consent to the procedure). This would also provide you with extra time to sell the property if that is what you want. Don't know if this can be done from overseas with a lawyer but obviously the land deed would be required.

we are ok now today, things have calmed down a good bit and we are on speaking terms again, she told me this morn i could have everything back but i think if things came to the crunch i wouldnt get everything back, next time we go back to thailand iu will get an UFUSTRUCT ? WHAT IS THIS ? MUCH WILL IT COST ME ? can anyone shed any more light on this, i want the house in isaan n in my daughters name , or even the 2 houses in her name and me with the right to live in them, i would be happy with that, at end of the day its nsecurity for my little one

Put both properties in your daughters name.

I would put money on it that if you come to Thailand with your darling soon to be Ex things will change, once the outlaws start having their say and convince her not to walk away with nothing, so work on the assumption you will be parting with 50% of the assets, if come off better then great.

Edited by Soutpeel
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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

She will get 50-50, like it or not.

I fear she will get the lot!

For one she can't sign land titles over to a foriegner.

And second, like another poster wrote, once she is in Thailand she can basically say "F off your getting nothing" and there isn't a dam_n thing he can do about it!

I wish the OP all the best...don't make rash desisions...think before you act.

If it was me I would kiss and make up...wait untill the dust settles and then tell her about the enourmous profit that you both can make by selling the Thai property and buying in England (this needs carefull planning and traceable varefiables) and when the money arrives...."bye bye, see you in the next life!"

Think before you act dude.

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