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Question? How do you deal with an older teacher at your school that is over 50 years of age and has the mind of a child? She is constantly playing tricks on teachers that they are getting annoyed at it. Just today, I was printing off my worksheets for my student’s class today. She went over to the wall and unplugged the cord, in effect turning off the computer and printer. I asked her nicely and sternly. “Why did you unplug the computer and printer?” Her response was, “It’s my computer, not yours and my power. I paid for it.” I explained to her, the material is for my student’s studies, and she replied. “I don’t care. It’s my computer and printer and you can’t use it.” Very childish. The staff and the director had informed her on prior occasions, that they computer and printers in our teachers rooms are the schools property and for the teachers. I went down to complain about her attitude and for someone to come up and deal with her. The staff refused. There was one other witness a foreign teacher who witnessed this event today. Question is. Why the hell would a school still keep a person like this employed to teach children when she is acting like some of ADHD students but worse. Many of us have requested different office space for us, just to get away from this crazy bitch, but no success.


This doesn't sound like tricks. This is nasty stuff and it hinders others' ability to teach. Whatever approach you, and other teachers decide, you need to make sure it is directed at her subversive, counter-productive behavior and the impact on the school.

....or superglue on her chair.


Superglue, good idea. Might pull the plug on her dildo, also.

Well, a few weeks ago, she tired to pull a stunt on a foreign teacher, by claiming the teacher had broken the computer and been spreading rumors around the staff and director.

That individual in question had his witnesses who backed him up and sent off notices to the director stating he did not break the computer, that it had been damaged when it was being installed by Thai staff.

I am thinking. Something crawled up her legs and making her all pissy about having foreign workers in the teachers room, working right next to her.


Turning off a computer by pulling out the plug is risking serious damage. THe correct shut down procedure should always be used. :whistling:


Superglue, good idea. Might pull the plug on her dildo, also.

There you are chuck_s. Next time buy her one of better quality. :whistling:

She's not that bad at all. She simply doesn't like you. :rolleyes:


There are many crazy teachers out there, both Thai and foreign. The problem is while the foreigners are all too easy to get rid of (so that this power is abused), the Thais are almost impossible to get rid of if they are in the public system and therefore civil servants. Best option is to try to get yourself moved around to another office, or find an empty desk somewhere and claim it. Eventually when she's the only one in her office she may or may not get it, but everyone else certainly will- and her isolation will be, as it probably has been, for life.


Didn't the position request that you could 'work within and respect Thai culture'?

If so it's your fault for being able to.

Actually, from day one. I always treated her and other thai teachers with the upmost respect. A few weeks ago, she just snapped.


The other option is to try and get the computer moved to another office where it's less likely to be 'claimed', or she has less chance of wreaking havoc.

Sounds like she may have a mental problem--maybe hormonal.

There is always a few in every school.

Best of luck.


Go to the director and tell him/her of your admiration for this woman, her dedication to her students and her tireless efforts to deliver an education of the highest standard at all times.

Then add that you think she deserves to be honoured by the school by being given her own office where she can really excel.

The only way to get rid of her is to push for her to be promoted in some way.


Actually, the nutty woman and one of the other teachers for whom I taught a class today, had me fired today.

As I left the school, the parents were asking me where I was going. I told them, they fired me based on false claims one of the teachers wrote about me. So, I walked out.

So, the white / foreign is only a nigger for Thai Schools.


I am very sorry about your situation. I hope things work out for you. Keep us updated on your situation.


Actually, the nutty woman and one of the other teachers for whom I taught a class today, had me fired today.

As I left the school, the parents were asking me where I was going. I told them, they fired me based on false claims one of the teachers wrote about me. So, I walked out.

So, the white / foreign is only a nigger for Thai Schools.

Gosh, that's really sad and abrupt. I offer my sympathy and hope you find a nicer place with more supportive colleagues.


For some Thai teachers they feel a sort of absolute power with their jobs and if a farang happens to come along their insecurity level goes straight to hell. They even feel threatened, not necessearly by that you are a farang but that you can look better than them because you ARE a foreigner. Racism is flourishing in Thailand.

Being a foreign teacher here can be problematic at best. Many of my friends who are teachers change workplace as soon as they get a problem with their co-workers, as a precaution. But I think also it depends on what kind of school it is and where its located.


Resentment runs deep.

Stick an Asian just off the boat into a position back home for 3 times the salary of their local colleagues, and probably double their bosses, while probably lesser qualified, give them an easier workload and less responsibility and see what the old ones (and young ones) think of them.

I think most Thai teachers do well with it as back home they'd probably be lynched by everyone.


There is a word -it is JEALOUSY. Many Thai teachers cannot handle farang teaching English.They have a perception that they are Buddhas gift to their students.I spent 18 years teaching in Thailand. On a few occasions I suffered this jealousy. One,but only one , did leave me no option but to resign. I had a reputation .so was instantly re- employed,at a higher level institute, even though my Prior students did Petition ,the head, Sadly ,she was so off the planet, Totally lacked logic, in her thought processes.The rest of the staff (all Thai teachers) ended up calling her the "Head With A Forked Tongue".Happy days.


Abdul, I'm sorry to hear you got fired.

How long were you working at this school? Hopefully at least 120 days! Because then you will be entitled to 1 month's severance pay!

Would you care to share how they fired you? Are you called into the office and then told to leave? Was there anything in writing?

There are dishonest older women (all near retirement) and I dread them like the plague. Some are vicious or crazy - or both?

They concern themselves with you wearing a wedding ring (or not). Or they imagine you are not wearing a belt - which is the excuse for a low score for "dress code". Showing her the belt made no difference!! ermm.gif

Then there is all that talk about not touching the opposite sex. Yesterday, she grasped by biceps for some 25 seconds. huh.gif

Like banter as part of flirting, maybe she is hitting on me?

Then there are all those older ladies who ask to be taught. Okay. But nothing ever comes of it.

Scorn them and you may see a fiery dragon hidden behind the wrinkly skin.


I have not experienced much jealousy. Most Thais seem to be understand better than Westerners about the inequalities in life. They don't see it as being as wrong as we do.

A lesson I have seen repeated is one that has happened to the OP. When there is a problem, the person seen as bringing the problem up has to go, not the cause of the problem. I have seen the same scenario many times in many different situations--including Thai-Thai staff, Foreign-Foreign staff and Thai-Foreign staff.

Add to the situation the whole status, face, and age factors and the outcome is even less predictable.


Turning off a computer by pulling out the plug is risking serious damage. THe correct shut down procedure should always be used. :whistling:

Rubbish.Every time there a powercut they just need a re boot, sometines not.


Didn't the position request that you could 'work within and respect Thai culture'?

If so it's your fault for being able to.



A high school student back home (without a diploma) working at a burger king makes more money than most farangs do teaching in Thailand. If only the cost of living wasn't so bad there...


Our director at the largest private school system in Bangbon was openly extorting money from farang teachers, and when I dropped a dime on her and got her in a LOT of trouble (as well as her losing face AGAIN), though she couldn't prove it, she was 99.9% sure it was me. She then made my life so miserable for the next three months that I wound up leaving. As a result, I am now a private consultant for two International Schools, making more money, and I only work three days per week. AS WELL, I have no mid-term exams to prepare, administer and grade; no "quick, we have an emergency and you have to drop everything you're doing for this stupid thing that won't make any difference three days from now;" no workbooks to grade. In other words, life is now MUCH better. As my auntie would say, "Keep your chins up." Keep your eyes open, once you have some experience and decide to stay in LOS, there are good opportunities available.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thai culture, a beautiful thing.

I felt compelled to create an account even though I am in the U.S. for business.

Look if you don't like Thai culture, why don't you get the F--- out? No one is forcing you to stay.

Wait... I think you want to stay here because you are given the status of Ajarn, where in your home country, you don't even have a chance of being able to teach a dog to sit.

And to Abdul Jabbar, you sound like a troublemaker, and your problems come from within.

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