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15 Baht For A Cold Towel...

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Sheesh.....I must be bored.

Just read four pages about a wet towel.

Was the said boredom relieved by making a reply? :blink:

Very, very slightly.

Did your reply to my reply make you feel good?

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No need to have a 'racist' pricing system in aus, when your fleecing 20million people at the amounts I was talking about, its the heist of the century. Btw you tried to migrate to australia recently? Not that easy. Especially if your black or asian

Not sure how Australia became part of the thread about a 15 bht towel in a pricy Phuket restaurant, but there has been some rubbish sprouted. Peterrocket's stuff about aboriginals, like most of his posts, is not worthy of comment.

However, the statement above, stating there is discrimination against blacks and asians in Australia's migration rules is utter crap!

Granted, it isn't easy to migrate to Australia (leaving asylum seekers out of the equation), but there isn't any discrimination at all for suitably qualified applicants from anywhere.

This wasn't always the case, but the shamefull "white Australia" policy went many decades ago.

Incidently, Port Hedlands prices are high (but not racist), mainly because of a boom town mentality and the exceptionaly high costs of transportation (via freezer trucks) of perishables from the markets more than 1500 kms away.

I do agree the Oz population generally is fleeced by the systems of government that has spawned there (both parties) and that is one of the major reasons I now live here in Phuket.


No need to have a 'racist' pricing system in aus, when your fleecing 20million people at the amounts I was talking about, its the heist of the century. Btw you tried to migrate to australia recently? Not that easy. Especially if your black or asian

Not sure how Australia became part of the thread about a 15 bht towel in a pricy Phuket restaurant, but there has been some rubbish sprouted. Peterrocket's stuff about aboriginals, like most of his posts, is not worthy of comment.

However, the statement above, stating there is discrimination against blacks and asians in Australia's migration rules is utter crap!

Granted, it isn't easy to migrate to Australia (leaving asylum seekers out of the equation), but there isn't any discrimination at all for suitably qualified applicants from anywhere.

This wasn't always the case, but the shamefull "white Australia" policy went many decades ago.

Incidently, Port Hedlands prices are high (but not racist), mainly because of a boom town mentality and the exceptionaly high costs of transportation (via freezer trucks) of perishables from the markets more than 1500 kms away.

I do agree the Oz population generally is fleeced by the systems of government that has spawned there (both parties) and that is one of the major reasons I now live here in Phuket.


Not sure how Australia became part of the thread about a 15 bht towel in a pricy Phuket restaurant,

Because we're not robots. Conversations evolve as questions get answered others are asked. It's quite healthy and normal I assure you. You seemed to enjoy putting your opinions about Oz forward as well. No harm done. ;)



More than 1600 views and 82 replies for my wet towel adventure :rolleyes:

Yes...i would go as far as to say extraORdinary :lol:

But the 20baht threads are always the best, so a 15baht thread's gotta be even better.:rolleyes:

Now only if i could get a 20 baht discount for all that ice they put in my drink at the Central cinema :bah:


Go into Australia on a illegal boat throw your passports away and claim to be refugees you may get in OK

Free towels in the detention centres :D

yeah its that easy mate, obviously you havent seen that they detain children along with adults in those places, sexual assualt is rife, along with self harm and suicide, they are political hot potatoes at all times, . youve got a lot of compassion Peter...maybe wet towels are free there because they are passed from shower cubicle to shower cubicle....the backpackers that overstay get a plane ride home....if your black or arab you get locked up and deported to Kuala Lumpur. I think you better drop that one Peter because you wont get many tambourine bashing conservatives in this forum, most of the people in this forum live in Asia

Get of your high horse, i was joking about getting into AUST and responding to KBB

You think you are a expert on detention centres, Have you been in one

What rubbish saying people have to share the FREE towels supplied :jap:


apologies for my ranting, I had a skin full and it was raining and boring last night. BTW I probably would have blown up about the 15 baht towelsjap.gif


apologies for my ranting, I had a skin full and it was raining and boring last night. BTW I probably would have blown up about the 15 baht towelsjap.gif

No worries mate i thought it was the booze talking :)



More than 1600 views and 82 replies for my wet towel adventure :rolleyes:

Yes...i would go as far as to say extraORdinary :lol:

But the 20baht threads are always the best, so a 15baht thread's gotta be even better.:rolleyes:

Now only if i could get a 20 baht discount for all that ice they put in my drink at the Central cinema :bah:

Wish I had 15 Baht for every post, about a 15 Baht towel. I would have enough for a Tuk Tuk from one end of Patong to the other.:D


I wouldn't go back as the whole experiene of the restaurant baht pinching wouldn't go down well with me.

Just waiting for a restaurant to start charging extra to have the food delivered to the table.

That's just it. Everybody has agreed that it isn't penny pinching at all, because everybody has agreed that it would be fine and expected for the cost of the towels to be worked in to the cost of the food.

It's clumsy business practice at worst, and seeing as this is South East Asia, no biggy for me.

If the bill had turned up and it was 2015 Baht and no mention of the wet towels, the OP would have been as happy as larry. If instead of 400 baht, the fish dish on the menu had been 415, again he would have been perfectly happy. It's this logic I can't get my head around. If anything they've been more honest and given you more information as to how your bill came to be how much it was. Boycotting the place as if they were guilty of some major deceit, is way OTT for me.

I think the point you're missing here is that it's not about the ฿15 for a towel, whether hidden or not. It's just the incessant nickel and diming that can tend to get on ones nerves.

Customers - anywhere - reasonably expect to get: 1) a good product, 2) good service, 3) good value, and 4) expect that they would be treated as if their custom is valued by the business. Perhaps in the OP's case, as one other poster said, it was just a straw that broke his camel's back. Up to him, it's his money and he can spend it as and where he likes.

For me, I know there are plenty of places that want my custom, and I can't be bothered to spend my money where I feel it's not appreciated. Excuse it as poor business practice, which it certainly is, or whatever you like. But at the end of the day, I'm going back to places where I feel comfortable, and avoiding places where I don't. Easy.


I think the point you're missing here is that it's not about the ฿15 for a towel, whether hidden or not. It's just the incessant nickel and diming that can tend to get on ones nerves.

I realised right from the OP that it wasn't about the 15 Bt. I understood that it was entirely about the principle. It's just a principle I can't get my head around. You call it nickel and diming, which I think is a tad presumptuous. You have no way of knowing if there was any concious thought involved in milking the customers dry. If anything, my logic would lead me to think that if they were being deliberately dishonest, they would have been a lot more subtle about it. Which to me proves it was a silly business practice but the owner had no intention of upsetting anybody, just covering his costs. Hardly a capital offense is it.

Customers - anywhere - reasonably expect to get: 1) a good product, 2) good service, 3) good value, and 4) expect that they would be treated as if their custom is valued by the business.

The OP made it sound as if he had recieved all of those things throughout the meal, and only found fault with this one thing at the end. If the service had been bad throughout, or the food was crap, or the staff were rude, then moan away. Seeing as this was the only thing he complained about, it reinforces my opinion that there was no malice involved, just a lack of knowledge of sensible business practice. You have no justification for implying that the owner was trying to extract every last penny from his customers. Seeing as everything else seemed to be fine, I think the benefit of the doubt is in order here. Nobody got taken for any money here. Armed with the knowledge that this is how they do things at this place, I don't see why you couldn't go back and enjoy the place without this unnecessary feeling of being victimised.

For me, I know there are plenty of places that want my custom, and I can't be bothered to spend my money where I feel it's not appreciated. Excuse it as poor business practice, which it certainly is, or whatever you like. But at the end of the day, I'm going back to places where I feel comfortable, and avoiding places where I don't. Easy.

That's your call obviously as it is with the OP, but you're still being extremely presumptuous to insinuate that the OP wasn't being appreciated just because of the daft way they itemised the bill. If the rest of the service and food was fine, then they were being appreciated just fine I reckon.

I always value your opinion 'Isabai' but on this occasion I think you're being over critical. If you take that defensive, everybody's out to get me attitude with you everywhere you go on Phuket, and boycot all the places who fall ever so slightly short of the mark, you will be left with very few places to eat. Save your boycotting for the genuine rip off merchants, which as far as I'm concerned this place quite obviously isn't.


I think the point you're missing here is that it's not about the ฿15 for a towel, whether hidden or not. It's just the incessant nickel and diming that can tend to get on ones nerves.

I realised right from the OP that it wasn't about the 15 Bt. I understood that it was entirely about the principle. It's just a principle I can't get my head around. You call it nickel and diming, which I think is a tad presumptuous. You have no way of knowing if there was any concious thought involved in milking the customers dry. If anything, my logic would lead me to think that if they were being deliberately dishonest, they would have been a lot more subtle about it. Which to me proves it was a silly business practice but the owner had no intention of upsetting anybody, just covering his costs. Hardly a capital offense is it.

Customers - anywhere - reasonably expect to get: 1) a good product, 2) good service, 3) good value, and 4) expect that they would be treated as if their custom is valued by the business.

The OP made it sound as if he had recieved all of those things throughout the meal, and only found fault with this one thing at the end. If the service had been bad throughout, or the food was crap, or the staff were rude, then moan away. Seeing as this was the only thing he complained about, it reinforces my opinion that there was no malice involved, just a lack of knowledge of sensible business practice. You have no justification for implying that the owner was trying to extract every last penny from his customers. Seeing as everything else seemed to be fine, I think the benefit of the doubt is in order here. Nobody got taken for any money here. Armed with the knowledge that this is how they do things at this place, I don't see why you couldn't go back and enjoy the place without this unnecessary feeling of being victimised.

For me, I know there are plenty of places that want my custom, and I can't be bothered to spend my money where I feel it's not appreciated. Excuse it as poor business practice, which it certainly is, or whatever you like. But at the end of the day, I'm going back to places where I feel comfortable, and avoiding places where I don't. Easy.

That's your call obviously as it is with the OP, but you're still being extremely presumptuous to insinuate that the OP wasn't being appreciated just because of the daft way they itemised the bill. If the rest of the service and food was fine, then they were being appreciated just fine I reckon.

I always value your opinion 'Isabai' but on this occasion I think you're being over critical. If you take that defensive, everybody's out to get me attitude with you everywhere you go on Phuket, and boycot all the places who fall ever so slightly short of the mark, you will be left with very few places to eat. Save your boycotting for the genuine rip off merchants, which as far as I'm concerned this place quite obviously isn't.

I can assure you that I am not, nor do I have any reason to be overcritical. I just don't care enough to let it bother me that much. And I don't mean to be presumptuous and speak for the OP, or try to guess whatever his reasons are to warrant his no longer returning to that place. That's his call and if he feels his actions are justified, so be it. It's nobody else's call but his, and I respect his decision on it as I would anyone's, whether I agree with it or not. Up to him. He doesn't come across as an unreasonable person, so I would cut him the slack to react in whatever way he saw fit. Everybody reacts differently to different things. What miffs some may not miff others, and whatever. Everybody is different. Makes the world go 'round and all that...

And I am not at all defensive or paranoid about trying different places here. I've been to tons of places around Phuket. Some I like, some I don't. The ones I like (for whatever reasons that suit me) I return to. The ones I don't like (for whatever reasons that don't suit me), I don't return. Quite simple really. The trick is that I keep my expectations lower so my disappointments are fewer. wink.gif


I can assure you that I am not, nor do I have any reason to be overcritical. I just don't care enough to let it bother me that much. And I don't mean to be presumptuous and speak for the OP, or try to guess whatever his reasons are to warrant his no longer returning to that place. That's his call and if he feels his actions are justified, so be it. It's nobody else's call but his, and I respect his decision on it as I would anyone's, whether I agree with it or not. Up to him. He doesn't come across as an unreasonable person, so I would cut him the slack to react in whatever way he saw fit. Everybody reacts differently to different things. What miffs some may not miff others, and whatever. Everybody is different. Makes the world go 'round and all that...

And I am not at all defensive or paranoid about trying different places here. I've been to tons of places around Phuket. Some I like, some I don't. The ones I like (for whatever reasons that suit me) I return to. The ones I don't like (for whatever reasons that don't suit me), I don't return. Quite simple really. The trick is that I keep my expectations lower so my disappointments are fewer. wink.gif

I can't argue with any of that. I haven't given the OP a particularly hard time for what is obviously just his personal opinion. It doesn't hurt however to discuss and anylise those opinions, otherwise what was the point of the OP and what is the point of a discussion forum?

I gave what I thought was a logical arguement as to why the restaurant didn't deserve to be boycotted, as I didn't believe they had done anything worse than been a bit daft as to how they present their bill and cover their overheads. Nobody has given a good arguement as to how they are being devious or baht pinching, or fleecing, or any of the other OTT words that have been used to describe the incident, so my opinion hasn't changed any. It's like I said before, I find it highly ammusing how in tune with their pockets peoples principles are. :)


I can assure you that I am not, nor do I have any reason to be overcritical. I just don't care enough to let it bother me that much. And I don't mean to be presumptuous and speak for the OP, or try to guess whatever his reasons are to warrant his no longer returning to that place. That's his call and if he feels his actions are justified, so be it. It's nobody else's call but his, and I respect his decision on it as I would anyone's, whether I agree with it or not. Up to him. He doesn't come across as an unreasonable person, so I would cut him the slack to react in whatever way he saw fit. Everybody reacts differently to different things. What miffs some may not miff others, and whatever. Everybody is different. Makes the world go 'round and all that...

And I am not at all defensive or paranoid about trying different places here. I've been to tons of places around Phuket. Some I like, some I don't. The ones I like (for whatever reasons that suit me) I return to. The ones I don't like (for whatever reasons that don't suit me), I don't return. Quite simple really. The trick is that I keep my expectations lower so my disappointments are fewer. wink.gif

I can't argue with any of that. I haven't given the OP a particularly hard time for what is obviously just his personal opinion. It doesn't hurt however to discuss and anylise those opinions, otherwise what was the point of the OP and what is the point of a discussion forum?

I gave what I thought was a logical arguement as to why the restaurant didn't deserve to be boycotted, as I didn't believe they had done anything worse than been a bit daft as to how they present their bill and cover their overheads. Nobody has given a good arguement as to how they are being devious or baht pinching, or fleecing, or any of the other OTT words that have been used to describe the incident, so my opinion hasn't changed any. It's like I said before, I find it highly ammusing how in tune with their pockets peoples principles are. :)

Everyone may be surprised a lot more in the future as to how more "daft as to how they present their bill" it's going to get here, which will cause a lot more people to be "in tune with their pockets" here. You know the Thai way of business, the more "in tune" we are with our pockets, the more "daft they present their bill." I'm only using your quotations, but everyone can read between my lines. :):)


Everyone may be surprised a lot more in the future as to how more "daft as to how they present their bill" it's going to get here, which will cause a lot more people to be "in tune with their pockets" here. You know the Thai way of business, the more "in tune" we are with our pockets, the more "daft they present their bill." I'm only using your quotations, but everyone can read between my lines. :):)

I have learned only females can read between the lines. I sure can not. I always told that to my mum, and she finally realised she had to talk straight to me.

However, the restaurant in question has a nice setting, with a few qualified staff. I have tryed them 3 times.If I dont wear glasses, i wont notice a 15 baht towel charge. BUT, I find their food to be average, service to be ok but not great, and prices to be just silly. It is not advanced cuicine, its plain Thai ccoking, and should be priced as such. It is not.


Everyone may be surprised a lot more in the future as to how more "daft as to how they present their bill" it's going to get here, which will cause a lot more people to be "in tune with their pockets" here. You know the Thai way of business, the more "in tune" we are with our pockets, the more "daft they present their bill." I'm only using your quotations, but everyone can read between my lines. :):)

I think I know what you're getting at. :blink: Not relevant though, because again you're insinuating they were doing something creative to get more money, when in fact they were guilty of being too transparent, which is the exact opposite. Anyway, my point was the relationship between peoples pockets and their principles. People stand firm over a tiny little thing like this when it involves them being out of pocket for a few baht, but if it was the other way round, and they could pocket a few extra baht, their principles would be left wanting.


People stand firm over a tiny little thing like this when it involves them being out of pocket for a few baht, but if it was the other way round, and they could pocket a few extra baht, their principles would be left wanting.

Speak for yourself.

I would hope my principles are built on firmer ground than yours.


People stand firm over a tiny little thing like this when it involves them being out of pocket for a few baht, but if it was the other way round, and they could pocket a few extra baht, their principles would be left wanting.

Speak for yourself.

I would hope my principles are built on firmer ground than yours.

We can but hope KD, we can but hope. ;)

As you are often the one championing girlie bars around here, hope may not quite be enough though. :(


We can but hope KD, we can but hope. ;)

As you are often the one championing girlie bars around here, hope may not quite be enough though. :(

I champion their right to exist. Free market principles and all that. Especially on Chalong Pier road which was completely dead without them before. I also hate prudes, hypocrites and people that put themselves above others. Got a problem with that?

I enjoy going to the bars and chatting with the girls and hearing their stories (do you speak Thai?).

I don't partake of the extra curricular stuff as I've been with the missus for nearly 14 years now.

As for all your posts, they can be summarized as "It doesn't bother me, so, it shouldn't bother you" yet you take pages and pages to say the same old thing.

A tip. Buy a new drum, the one you've been banging is worn out.


Well, one can argue about charging of not. If charging, then THB 15 is nothing to complain about. If the customer is asking for this EXTRA service, then well......On the other hand these are the little things which make a difference in a restaurant. Upon arrival being greeted and handed over a cold towel makes the diner welcome. I know of places where you get a real face towel, soaked in slightly perfumed water and kept in the fridge; very refreshing. These towels need to be washed at 95 centigrades after each and every use. That place though charges nothing and considers it a part of their interpretation of how to make a guest comfortable. The food costs slightly more than other places but we've been going back ever since. Do not let THB 15 kill your dining pleasure. If you cannot handle it mentally then dine somewhere else. And THB 1'000/person incl. one Heini each is NOT cheap indeed.


We can but hope KD, we can but hope. ;)

As you are often the one championing girlie bars around here, hope may not quite be enough though. :(

I champion their right to exist. Free market principles and all that. Especially on Chalong Pier road which was completely dead without them before. I also hate prudes, hypocrites and people that put themselves above others. Got a problem with that?

I enjoy going to the bars and chatting with the girls and hearing their stories (do you speak Thai?).

I don't partake of the extra curricular stuff as I've been with the missus for nearly 14 years now.

As for all your posts, they can be summarized as "It doesn't bother me, so, it shouldn't bother you" yet you take pages and pages to say the same old thing.

A tip. Buy a new drum, the one you've been banging is worn out.



Wow, just wow.

I understand the principle thing...

...but taking the time to complain about a 15 baht towel that's .75% of the bill is a bit much. Don't we have better things to do with our time?

Obviously not, as I read some of this topic...

2000 baht for a meal, hope it was pretty good!

And you actually asked for the towel, right?


BTB is a good mouthpiece for the TAT and Phuket. I wonder if he's getting paid, or really just daft. Any restaurant that charges the prices of the restaurant in question should factor in the cost of a cold towel( which of course is (hopefully) washed then reused), whether asked for or not and I can guarantee you that OP did not ask for the towel, but was merely presented with such towel.


BTB is a good mouthpiece for the TAT and Phuket. I wonder if he's getting paid, or really just daft. Any restaurant that charges the prices of the restaurant in question should factor in the cost of a cold towel( which of course is (hopefully) washed then reused), whether asked for or not and I can guarantee you that OP did not ask for the towel, but was merely presented with such towel.

OP is spot on though, considering the prices the restaurant charges for Thai food, it is pretty surprising they would charge for this. Oh well TIT...........


BTB is a good mouthpiece for the TAT and Phuket. I wonder if he's getting paid, or really just daft. Any restaurant that charges the prices of the restaurant in question should factor in the cost of a cold towel( which of course is (hopefully) washed then reused), whether asked for or not and I can guarantee you that OP did not ask for the towel, but was merely presented with such towel.

Yes, I did ask for a towel because I've had a plate with crab in curry.


I stand corrected! Curry crab definitely needs a moist towel whether you have to pay for it or if it's factored in the overhead of running a seafood restaurant in Chalong/Rawai.


I think if I asked for a special towel, I would usually expect to be charged especially in a tourist area. Tip - you can always visit the toilet to find a sink with soap and water and clean yourself even better.

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