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Age Differences


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Some posts in this thread are gratuitously insulting not just to relationships where there is a significant age difference but to older men as individuals. Each is entitled to his or her own opinion but there is no need to make unpleasant and sweeping remarks and throw them into the faces of people that you haven't even met.

Why do some younger men feel so strongly against these relationships and want to make rude and cliched remarks about older men, I wonder? Are they jealous? Do they fear their own middle and old age? Let's consider a few advantages that older guys have over you young bucks:

1. They have made it to old age but you may not.

2. They challenge your assumptions about old age.

3. They probably have more money in their pockets and aren't facing decades of mortgages, loans, family ties and financial uncertainty.

4. They have a pension fund and so can offer financial security.

5. They have experience of long-term relationships and know better how to treat a woman.

6. They know why women like them but you can't figure it out.

7. They know that having a good time does not have to mean leaving your wife at home and getting totally ratted with your friends.

8. They have a track record to show whether or not they are butterfly men.

9. They are still attractive to young women but you may not be when you reach the same age.

10. They might be more attractive to your wife than you are.

Maybe there are other advantages too.

So, you young bloods, let's have more respect for the oldies who won't just lie down to die or spend their evenings babysitting for you! With luck, you may be doing as well as them when you reach old age.

Needless to say, the above is meant in the kindest possible way and with as much tongue in cheek as the posts to which I refer.


Ok im jealous of the pension thing , but thats the only thing . Im working on that one! The other ,hah !

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We are talking about when a couple is intimiate in public chownah as per the OP's first post. Touched a nerve did I? And personally I think mick jagger/rod stuart et all look equally as stupid with young dolly birds hanging off their arms, They have 2 things going for them money & fame.

Could be three things, maybe they are hung like a rogue elephant! :o

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Let's not kid ourselves. I am a 25 year old guy and every Thai/Laos girl I've met (and they'vew probably been honest as, being young, they know I won't be offended) has told me that the thought of kissing an old man repulses them. However, older guys are seen as being richer so they do it. It's life. Sorry to speak the truth.

True True!!!

True enough, but your testing "sample" is rather limited.

How many Thai/Laos girls who are not prostitutes go around talking about their sexual preferences with foreigners?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, prostitutes don't usually have the luxury of choosing their customers, and young "handsome" men are notoriously cheap.

Maybe your friends should choose a different line of work. :o

There are still young thai/laos women who are saying this . It just makes me laugh . I dont see non working girls with old men , i take that back attractive women with old men

You ain't been looking, then!!!!!!!!

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Let's not kid ourselves. I am a 25 year old guy and every Thai/Laos girl I've met (and they'vew probably been honest as, being young, they know I won't be offended) has told me that the thought of kissing an old man repulses them. However, older guys are seen as being richer so they do it. It's life. Sorry to speak the truth.

True True!!!

True enough, but your testing "sample" is rather limited.

How many Thai/Laos girls who are not prostitutes go around talking about their sexual preferences with foreigners?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, prostitutes don't usually have the luxury of choosing their customers, and young "handsome" men are notoriously cheap.

Maybe your friends should choose a different line of work. :o

There are still young thai/laos women who are saying this . It just makes me laugh . I dont see non working girls with old men , i take that back attractive women with old men

You ain't been looking, then!!!!!!!!

And you know thier last job right ? OK then they use them to get the Dowry and the house then say bye bye !

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Let's not kid ourselves. I am a 25 year old guy and every Thai/Laos girl I've met (and they'vew probably been honest as, being young, they know I won't be offended) has told me that the thought of kissing an old man repulses them. However, older guys are seen as being richer so they do it. It's life. Sorry to speak the truth.

True True!!!

True enough, but your testing "sample" is rather limited.

How many Thai/Laos girls who are not prostitutes go around talking about their sexual preferences with foreigners?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, prostitutes don't usually have the luxury of choosing their customers, and young "handsome" men are notoriously cheap.

Maybe your friends should choose a different line of work. :o

There are still young thai/laos women who are saying this . It just makes me laugh . I dont see non working girls with old men , i take that back attractive women with old men

You ain't been looking, then!!!!!!!!

And you know thier last job right ? OK then they use them to get the Dowry and the house then say bye bye !

You must have had a bad experience. Sorry about that.

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Old men who married or have girl friend half of their ages. Look their wrinkle skin and impotent, imagine when they are naked with old body  :D

Skin hanging down with big belly , you have to make your younger couple ( close her eyes and unbreath ) to sleep with you.

Now, this filly knows of what she speaks.

Sounds like she's had lots and lots of experience! :o

Thanks god I dont have any of those experiences. My Mr. has no gram fat with 61 kg , sportive and healty body with 8 years different. It was just only my imagination. :D:D

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There are some things that some of us, many of us, will never know about each other. Society conditions us to couple in a similar age group because it enhances the economic machine. Does it not?

The Great American/ Australian/ European/ whatever Dream! Couple, mortgage, car, kids, education, vacations.......... DREAM, DREAM, DREAM!!!!!!!!!

Work your arse off then you Die!!!

So why not enjoy your life if you find a cool person who is compatible .... does it matter about the age group? ENJOY YOUR LIFE! MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICE!!!!!!!


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Brian Clegg holds the record for age gap ,but his thai gal pissed off very quickly when she arrived in the UK .


from the archives..................




A former gas company boss aged 75 has wed a pretty Thai girl of 23 in

a secret ceremony in Thailand.

Twice divorced Brian Clegg insisted: I'm not a dirty old man. Everyone

likes a 23 year old girl dont they? Lifes a book but the last chapter

should be the best because its the climax!

Mr Clegg paid out 3000 in air fares and dating agency fees to wed

pretty Banjit Sawaengdee last month.

The wealthy ex-businessman said: I'd been living on my own for 2 years

when I decided to look around for a new wife.

I was given 10 videos of girls to choose from before drawing up a

shortlist of the ones I wanted to interview when I visited Bangkok.

Joom wrote to me asking for a meeting. I wrote back and after a couple

of letters and exchange of photographs I was convinced she was the one

I wanted to marry.

Joom is waiting for her settlement visa to come through but I am

paying her 200 pounds a month subsistence while she waits. Shes a

healthy, slim and attractive young woman. I dont know her background

or where she lives exactly but thats not a problem. There are hundreds

of women like her who want to meet British men and live in Britain.

I've told her that if she comes to live here she will be financially

secure for the rest of her life but that I'm not prepared to support

her family while shes here.


"Fourth wedding for mail order hubby

by Diana Blamires

They say fools don't make the same mistake twice and woe betide anyone

who calls Brian Clegg a fool.

"When people say to me I am a dirty old pervert I tell them to sod

off," said the 76-year-old former chairman of Northern Gas who,

undeterred by the failure of his one-week marriage to a Thai mail

order bride, is now planning to marry a Ugandan woman more than 40

years his junior. Mr Clegg, whose foray into matrimony with

23-year-old Joom ended in a blaze of humiliating headlines just before

Christmas, has now proposed to Christine, a check-out girl who lives

in a council flat in south London.

Mr Clegg fell for the woman he plans to make his fourth wife when she

tracked him down after seeing him on television talking about his

mail-order marriage.

He had only known Christine a matter of weeks before he proposed, is

not even terribly sure of her age, but this time Mr Clegg is convinced

he has struck it lucky. He is also coyly sheltering her from

publicity, declaring that they will only announce their engagement

formally when his divorce is finalised.

"She's completely in love with me. She can't believe how lucky she

is," he boasted proudly as he sipped his favourite dry martini in his

penthouse flat in Poole.

It all began when Mr Clegg appeared on ITV's The Time The Place in

which he was questioned on his sexual exploits with his Thai bride by

a ferocious audience of housewives and psychoanalysts.

Mr Clegg had to hold his own against the wrath of a woman whose

husband had left her for a girl half his age.

When one member of the audience accused him of being a dirty old man

he retorted: "I think she's a stupid old woman." Christine was so

impressed by his performance on the show that she made contact with

him by getting his telephone number from the Thai bride agency who

were mentioned on the programme.

"She's a very determined girl. She thought I answered the questions on

the show with great clarity. She was impressed that I didn't lose my

temper. She wanted to meet me.

"She came down here to see me and at the end of the evening I said,

'Are you sleeping in the spare room or are you sleeping with me?' She

said, 'What do you think I came for?' I have taught her a lot. She

jokes and calls it the academy of sex."

Mr Clegg, who has a degree from Trinity College, Cambridge, wants to

teach his bride maths, chess and better English.

"We are in contact every two days. I just want her to be happy. I have

the ability to make her life better," he said.

Christine, who has two daughters aged 19 and 11, and works for

Waitrose, has visited her new "boyfriend" four times.

As soon as Mr Clegg's marriage to the third Mrs Clegg, Banjit

Sawa-engdee, known as Joom, is annulled he hopes to marry Christine.

"She wants an engagement ring to show off the super boyfriend she is

marrying." Mr Clegg is confident that he is not falling into the same

trap as he did with Joom. He said: "I should not have married Banjit.

I didn't have long enough to get to know her. We married after we'd

spent three days together. I received these letters from her before I

went to meet her in Thailand.

"They built her up in my mind. When I arrived and met her she could

hardly speak any English. The letters must have been translated by the

agency. I married her anyway. I thought she's 23, she's got a lovely

shape, I can't go wrong."

Things got off to a better start with Christine. He is so polite that

he hasn't even asked her age, though he guesses she is her


Mr Clegg, who was one of the big names of the gas industry, sold the

merits of the virgin North Sea field to big businesses. He retired as

chief of Northern Gas 16 years ago.

He has had two other marriages. He has a 46-year-old son and a

39-year-old daughter by the first and an 11-year-old son by the


He added: "I want this to be the final chapter of my life. I want to

spend it with Christine."

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Brian Clegg holds the record for age gap ,but his thai gal pissed off very quickly when she arrived in the UK .

<SNIP> (Please edit out unneccessary content from long quotes to improve readability. /Meadish)

Well, what can you say to that!!??

Obviously both the younger women are money grabbers, can't possibly want a relationship with a 75 year old for any other reason IMO.

He has clearly stated his intensions though, and doesn't seem to bothered what anyone else thinks, fairplay to him. :o


Edited by meadish_sweetball
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I was in relationship with an older woman (about 12 yrs. older) and can say the age difference didn't bother me. I think it did bother her at least later on. I would have a relationship with an older woman again if we were compatible. But she also had kids which I of course got attached to. Because of that I wouldn't date a woman with kids again.

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The fellas with the "to each his own" themes are right. But, I couldn't see myself walking down the road at 60 with a 25 year old on my arm and feeling good about myself. I'm 43 and the current wife is 35. My first wife was 4 years older than me though.

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The fellas with the "to each his own" themes are right. But, I couldn't see myself walking down the road at 60 with a 25 year old on my arm and feeling good about myself. I'm 43 and the current wife is 35. My first wife was 4 years older than me though.

I agree, and can you imagine it the other way round? When you was 23 even contemplating going out with a 75 year old women! :o

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who says people don't find it disgusting to see an old wrinkly man with a young women.? A lot of it depends on what the older person looks like, if they are in good shape & take care of their apperance then a largish age difference isn't instantly noticable but anything over 25years IMO is too much as it doesn't matter how trendy/well kept the older person is they always look their age next to someone young enough to be their child.

If you are talking about how it LOOKS then do you find it disgusing when a wrinkly man is standing next to his daughter, or grand-daughter? Visually I would think the effect would be the same as if it was his wife.

Now that the TV intellectuals have decided that everyone can only be in love with someone who is exactly the same age as them - 8 years difference is unacceptable and frankly disgusting - we have to do something about couples in which one partner is more attractive than the other; Of course, this is absolutely loathsome also.

If they are equally attractive when they get married and one partner ages badly, do you all think that the ugly one should be put down like a rabid dog, put in solitary confinement, or merely assigned to an equally ugly partner?

After this we can make rules about equal educations and incomes and then move on to equal body weights.

After that, the same eyesight ratios?

Ain't love grand? :o

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I wonder what Bruce Willis thinks of his ex-wife (Demi Moore) and her new boy toy husband. Isn't he about 20 years younger than her ?

I know a 39 year old Thai woman here who recently divorced her lat 40 something husband and married a 20 year old fella the same day :o

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We are talking about when a couple is intimiate in public chownah as per the OP's first post. Touched a nerve did I? And personally I think mick jagger/rod stuart et all look equally as stupid with young dolly birds hanging off their arms, They have 2 things going for them money & fame.

No, I'm not agitated by this. My son is 6 month younger than my wife so I guess we are acceptable as a couple although sometimes when I look in the mirror I wish that my wife had a younger looking husband. I guess my comment came about because I was interpreting your post too literally....and it seemed to be focusing on the appearance of the older partner. Now I realize that really it was their actions in relationship with their appearance that causes your reaction. I don't know Mick or Rod personally but I imagine that they might be interesting to converse with even if they are not talking about their money or fame....in fact it seems to me that they might be very interesting people to a woman of any age and even fun for an evening out....don't you think? Seems they have everything to offer a woman...except, of course, a young body. Has the fact that they spurn older women in favor of younger women touched a nerve, has it?

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We are talking about when a couple is intimiate in public chownah as per the OP's first post. Touched a nerve did I? And personally I think mick jagger/rod stuart et all look equally as stupid with young dolly birds hanging off their arms, They have 2 things going for them money & fame.

No, I'm not agitated by this. My son is 6 month younger than my wife so I guess we are acceptable as a couple although sometimes when I look in the mirror I wish that my wife had a younger looking husband. I guess my comment came about because I was interpreting your post too literally....and it seemed to be focusing on the appearance of the older partner. Now I realize that really it was their actions in relationship with their appearance that causes your reaction. I don't know Mick or Rod personally but I imagine that they might be interesting to converse with even if they are not talking about their money or fame....in fact it seems to me that they might be very interesting people to a woman of any age and even fun for an evening out....don't you think? Seems they have everything to offer a woman...except, of course, a young body. Has the fact that they spurn older women in favor of younger women touched a nerve, has it?

Not with me :o Personally, I wouldn't touch either of them with a ten foot pole. Sir Mick and Rod have probably shagged 10,000 women between them (and shared :D ). I wouldn't like the idea of being number 10,001

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I'm 56, she's 31. We have a nice life together. Have a look at our photo in my profile:

Profile Photo

Do we look disgusting?

So true, and its about the same for me and my wife. I am 42, she is 24. I met her when she was 20, and I was 38. She actually likes men a bit older, and often says she doesn't like silly young men, as they have no idea what they want to do with their life. She is happy to trade a whole heap of stability in her life for a few years of mileage.

She also says I only look 30 - 35 when I put on my Army uniform :o

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I'd have to say the definitive benchmark on older male / younger women would be Hugh Hefner, just had a baby and he's in his 70's, all his partners have been 20 something Playboy models.

Are they repulsed, who knows, he keeps himself in shape and being a millionaire doesn't hurt. :o

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Brian Clegg holds the record for age gap ,but his thai gal pissed off very quickly when she arrived in the UK .


from the archives..................





He added: "I want this to be the final chapter of my life. I want to

spend it with Christine."

Well, what can you say to that!!??

Obviously both the younger women are money grabbers, can't possibly want a relationship with a 75 year old for any other reason IMO.

He has clearly stated his intensions though, and doesn't seem to bothered what anyone else thinks, fairplay to him. :o


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Has the fact that they spurn older women in favor of younger women touched a nerve, has it?

I'm 30 years old chownah & my husband is 5 years older than me. Both Rod & Micks birds are older than me, so no, not bothered thanks. Fortunatly I don't need someones money or the security they can provide to be a factor in my relationship & I don't crave second hand fame either. An older man can be as interesting as they want, I still wouldn't want or need to shag one. lucky lucky me.

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Funny how age difference between couples is only an issue in the West. A non-issue in the rest of the world.

perfect statement sir burr

when we left school [a long time ago, late 70's] all the lads wnted to sh+g older women and all the girls wanted older boyfriends with work and money oh and a car.

as men get older some seem to go for younger women and if they have the finances to do so why not?

as women get older they tend to look for stability and financial safety which tends to be in older men so why not?

live and let live, do you really care about what other people think about you and your partner or are you trying to conform to other peoples standards ?

be an individual

me 45 she 29 and it doesn't bother me that she is now getting on :o

Edited by opothai
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There are some things that some of us, many of us, will never know about each other. Society conditions us to couple in a similar age group because it enhances the economic machine. Does it not?

The Great American/ Australian/ European/ whatever Dream! Couple, mortgage, car, kids, education, vacations.......... DREAM, DREAM, DREAM!!!!!!!!!

Work your arse off then you Die!!!

So why not enjoy your life if you find a cool person who is compatible .... does it matter about the age group? ENJOY YOUR LIFE! MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICE!!!!!!!


Quite so - but, of course, one needs the maturity that comes with age and experience to understand the point!

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