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What Is It About Thailand?


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Why do farangs that live in thailand, visit thailand or marry a Thai in another country behave like the offstring of "dear abby and Dr. Phil"? Is it some kind of virus?

Or for those who don't know dear abby and Dr. Phil, why do so many farangs feel compelled to discuss every detail of their life in or about Thailand? Do expats in any other country in the world behave the same?

What every happened to "stiff upper lip"?

Edited by johnbits
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I'm more concerned about their need to question and criticise the actions of complete strangers.

Anything personal that I discuss on this forum is invented, in any case.

Being British, one is brought up not to discuss one's private life, nor the private life of anyone else, except over the back garden fence whilst hanging out the washing. All I can assume is that most TV posters have tumble driers and therefore need an alternative outlet for their trivial and prurient gossip


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I shall ask my gf who takes pictures of our food and blogs wherever she goes on facebook using her iphone ... oh wait. she is not farang but a Thai.

To be honest i think its a result of social media and the "presumed" anonymity of the internet.

The stiff upper lip is a typical British thing and thank god not all expats are Brits or else Thailand would be burned down just as they do with their own city's :D

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Why do farangs that live in thailand, visit thailand or marry a Thai in another country behave like the offstring of "dear abby and Dr. Phil"? Is it some kind of virus?

why do falangs live in thailand, visit there or marry thai people, that live in thailand? why do they behave like they are guests on dr. phil?

Or for those who don't know dear abby and Dr. Phil, why do so many farangs feel compelled to discuss every detail of their life in or about Thailand? Do expats in any other country in the world behave the same?

do expats in other countries behave the same, as expats in thailand do ?

What every happened to "stiff upper lip"?

......i believe the "lip" refers to enduring challenging situations, NOT related at all to bad behaviour or tactfulness, etc

now all you falang, go home na

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"......why do so many farangs feel compelled to discuss every detail of their life in or about Thailand? Do expats in any other country in the world behave the same?"

The same thing happens in every country I've ever lived in.

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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

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You have got to question why so many of them choose to or are forced to live in another country/culture from their own.

Many I have come across are social misfits, including ME!!!:w00t:

Maybe we have met??:lol:

I think there must be a few that have worked a large chunk of their lives in the west and have eventually had enough of the BS.

When i visit back home the biggest reverse culture shock i find is how self obsessed folks can be. I would rather be a social misfit than boring every poor sod to tears by going on about every last detail of my life.

As for why expats in LOS can be so bitter at times..its beyond me. Maybe they have been done over bad by a woman or investment failures.??

Of all the expats i have met in LOS, ive noticed the unmarried and those who DONT get to involved with the ladies are usually the most happiest in life. I do find it a little funny and ironic how some of the "other" type of posters do in fact brand THEM loosers :whistling:

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I shall ask my gf who takes pictures of our food and blogs wherever she goes on facebook using her iphone ... oh wait. she is not farang but a Thai.

To be honest i think its a result of social media and the "presumed" anonymity of the internet.

The stiff upper lip is a typical British thing and thank god not all expats are Brits or else Thailand would be burned down just as they do with their own city's :D

Yes! This facebook revolution drives me crazy! Now that is a place where everyone photographs and discusses every aspect of their life - every day.

My wife photographs everything - from meals to everything she buys. Then every detail is discussed on facebook - where it was purchased, the cost, what the circumstances leading up to the purchase etc etc.

I think that a lot of Farangs are socially isolated and need to have a chat about all things Thai on forums - no problem.

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I'm more concerned about their need to question and criticise the actions of complete strangers.

Anything personal that I discuss on this forum is invented, in any case.

Being British, one is brought up not to discuss one's private life, nor the private life of anyone else, except over the back garden fence whilst hanging out the washing. All I can assume is that most TV posters have tumble driers and therefore need an alternative outlet for their trivial and prurient gossip


In compliance with TV's terms and conditions and unlike you, I never invent anything that I post on TV.

While chatting to my neighbor over the fence, I happened to mention some discord on the home front. Armed with this knowledge, he proceeded later that day to hit on my wife who gave him a piece of her mind. She stormed home to tell me about it, but also took the opportunity to remind me that she was still attractive to other men and that I should watch myself lest she leave me.

One lives in hopes.


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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

And others who live boring, sedate lives pain for drama. They come to these forums and just make stuff up. :)


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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

And others who live boring, sedate lives pain for drama. They come to these forums and just make stuff up. :)


Some of the time I'm sure you're right. So many Westerners here are dishonest.

I'm with Thakkar though and am painfully honest.

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I'm more concerned about their need to question and criticise the actions of complete strangers.

Anything personal that I discuss on this forum is invented, in any case.

Being British, one is brought up not to discuss one's private life, nor the private life of anyone else, except over the back garden fence whilst hanging out the washing. All I can assume is that most TV posters have tumble driers and therefore need an alternative outlet for their trivial and prurient gossip


+1 good stuff.:lol:

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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

And others who live boring, sedate lives pain for drama. They come to these forums and just make stuff up. :)


Some of the time I'm sure you're right. So many Westerners here are dishonest.

I'm with Thakkar though and am painfully honest.

When it comes to honesty, I say: give till it hurts.

So painfully honest is the way to go.


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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

And others who live boring, sedate lives pain for drama. They come to these forums and just make stuff up. :)


I pine for mundane tedium, which is why I make stuff up. My real life as a Special Forces member going commando under cover is top secret and I'm not allowed to mention it on here.


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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

And others who live boring, sedate lives pain for drama. They come to these forums and just make stuff up. :)


I pine for mundane tedium, which is why I make stuff up. My real life as a Special Forces member going commando under cover is top secret and I'm not allowed to mention it on here.



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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

And others who live boring, sedate lives pain for drama. They come to these forums and just make stuff up. :)


I pine for mundane tedium, which is why I make stuff up. My real life as a Special Forces member going commando under cover is top secret and I'm not allowed to mention it on here.


I did not need to know that.


*Going Commando

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I shall ask my gf who takes pictures of our food and blogs wherever she goes on facebook using her iphone ... oh wait. she is not farang but a Thai.

To be honest i think its a result of social media and the "presumed" anonymity of the internet.

The stiff upper lip is a typical British thing and thank god not all expats are Brits or else Thailand would be burned down just as they do with their own city's :D

ha ha ha....my missus does the same :D

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I believe some of these visitors you mention have a burning need to let all and sundry know how exotic are their life struggles, and what terrible plights they must suffer when in LOS.

I guess you could put it down to some sort of "Indianna Jones" syndrome......

risking life and limb at every turn, constantly at the mercy of the locals..whose very own lives revolve around causing as much grief and hinderance to the farang as possible.:rolleyes:

Expat drama queens are still drama queens by nature..just they have got to find something different to carry on about. ;)

And others who live boring, sedate lives pain for drama. They come to these forums and just make stuff up. :)


I pine for mundane tedium, which is why I make stuff up. My real life as a Special Forces member going commando under cover is top secret and I'm not allowed to mention it on here.


I am happy for you guys to make stuff up. These pages would be quite boring if it was'nt for the likes of you. ;)

I can remember a certain poster on here some time ago, a bit 007-ish in character. The various stories of his love life and other antics were pretty sensational, for want of a better word.

Also there was an older guy who had worked in every station known to man, whos escapades would have left Errol Flynn looking like a qoir boy. Funnilly enough his best material seemed to come out when everyone was attacking him...all that army experience no doubt!!

Don't see him much anymore, although i have my suspicions his avatar might have experienced rebirth. :whistling:

You just can't read stories like that anymore... and certainly todays Television programming leaves a lot to be desired.

No doubt i could be accused of having a pretty boring life..but still, i just wish i had the imagination that some posters do :D

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