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Building Permit


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@phuketlen ... your last 7 consecutive posts continue to go round in endless circles. Seems quite clear that my and KBB posts confirm that the Tabian Baan has nothing to do with proof of ownership. We all agree on that.

agreed, Tabien Baan does not in any way show who is the owner of a structure or the land

Tabien Baan and buildingpermit does not alone establish ownership of a structure, but both are needed to be able to establish registered ownership.

Continued discussions with phuketlen is out of interest for me, I am just a beachbum.:)

Despite numerous posts he still has not contributed with any valuable info

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Supposedly phuketlen is trying to teach people to fish instead of giving them a fish, however he's really only saying "go fish" instead of showing how to fish. Why not tell those that are asking specifically where to look and what codes support your claim? Seems simple enough really.

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Supposedly phuketlen is trying to teach people to fish instead of giving them a fish, however he's really only saying "go fish" instead of showing how to fish. Why not tell those that are asking specifically where to look and what codes support your claim? Seems simple enough really.

Indeed Steelpulse, but if I did that I would not be teaching the most valuable lesson here which is, once again, to question the legal information you get from forums or "lawyers" or government workers like people at the land office or municipallity (do you think they really have any idea how the law actually works??)...just like you should and hopefully do do in your own countries. I have heard a number of folks tell me that this forum and or their numerous lawyers "prove" that having one's name in a building permit confers legal ownership over that building...in some way. If a purpoted source of legal knowledge alleges that this or that is "legal" or that it gives one a "legal right"...it must be that a law or laws say that, no? So, I await any legal evidence that a building permit means you own the building, legally...please look in your own forum (I previously heard its "all there") or ask your lawyer or government official and then show me that law. Lesson done. You are all very much welcome.

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@phuketlen ... your last 7 consecutive posts continue to go round in endless circles. Seems quite clear that my and KBB posts confirm that the Tabian Baan has nothing to do with proof of ownership. We all agree on that.

agreed, Tabien Baan does not in any way show who is the owner of a structure or the land

Tabien Baan and buildingpermit does not alone establish ownership of a structure, but both are needed to be able to establish registered ownership.

Continued discussions with phuketlen is out of interest for me, I am just a beachbum.:)

Despite numerous posts he still has not contributed with any valuable info

First of all beachbum, I suspect you are not going anywhere and will want the last word on this, fair enough.

Second, are you so sure I have not really contributed valuable info?

Well, ok hold on that, you say TB and Building Permit some how also "establish" ownership of a building in some way. If so, it must be legal, there must be a law or laws that say that. I say that is not the case. If you are correct, then your source or sources informing you of that can tell you what law or laws provide that. If not, they are incorrect, simple.

You say "both are needed to be able to establish registered ownership"...why? what law? and what "registration"?

I am not going to tell you all this...ask your forum/lawyers/officials you know and tell me what LAW of LAWS prove what you say.

And hey, I came here for the beach too, I know this stuff already and it is starting to really waste my time. If you are okay with igonorance on this and want to just bum on the beach, fair enough

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Phuketlen your goals was to educate yet your result is to obfuscate...

Hey mike, good to see you know some big words and know what they mean and even more impressive you can rhyme them.

Now, my goal was indeed to educate, but not primarily to teach you all what a building permit is legally BUT to have you all ask you "lawyers" (including, perhaps especially the Thai ones) what law provides that a building permit gives one legal ownership of a building in any way whatsoever. If the said lawyer cannot provide that essential legal citation (and yes even in Thailand a law must exist to make something "legal" or for that matter "illegal") then I did it...folks migh start to realize their so called legal advisor (Thai or not) has no real clue what the law actually says.

I never came here on this to be easy, why should I? If I were all these long time web posters and barstool gurus would simply continue to spew the same, inaccurate pablem.

Simple question, which no one ever answered and with which I started: what law gives legal rights of ownership over a building in thailand by having ones name in the building permit for that building. Simple...see? no one can answer that, they think that they are right because someone told them that, the forum says it, they say it and they are global or some such moderators...but they cannot answer it yet...I truly hope they are asking their various "lawyers" the answer to that...I look forward to the answer and in the meantime, yes I truly hope, no I know, what a valuable education that is for those who did that and you are welcome.

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Phuketlen your goals was to educate yet your result is to obfuscate...

Hey mike, good to see you know some big words and know what they mean and even more impressive you can rhyme them.

Now, my goal was indeed to educate, but not primarily to teach you all what a building permit is legally BUT to have you all ask you "lawyers" (including, perhaps especially the Thai ones) what law provides that a building permit gives one legal ownership of a building in any way whatsoever. If the said lawyer cannot provide that essential legal citation (and yes even in Thailand a law must exist to make something "legal" or for that matter "illegal") then I did it...folks migh start to realize their so called legal advisor (Thai or not) has no real clue what the law actually says.

I never came here on this to be easy, why should I? If I were all these long time web posters and barstool gurus would simply continue to spew the same, inaccurate pablem.

Simple question, which no one ever answered and with which I started: what law gives legal rights of ownership over a building in thailand by having ones name in the building permit for that building. Simple...see? no one can answer that, they think that they are right because someone told them that, the forum says it, they say it and they are global or some such moderators...but they cannot answer it yet...I truly hope they are asking their various "lawyers" the answer to that...I look forward to the answer and in the meantime, yes I truly hope, no I know, what a valuable education that is for those who did that and you are welcome.


No law "gives ownership over a building in thailand by having ones name in the buildingpermit for that building".

If you go back and read this topic, you may learn what it takes to become the registered owner of a building not being the owner of the land, and which law supports such ownership.

If you get it, you can try to educate ;)

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No law "gives ownership over a building in thailand by having ones name in the buildingpermit for that building".

Agreed. Ownership has nothing to do with the planning office. Only the land office can issue ownership paperwork for a building, usually on leasehold land. If there is no registered lease then the owner of the land owns all property on that land.

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No law "gives ownership over a building in thailand by having ones name in the buildingpermit for that building".

Agreed. Ownership has nothing to do with the planning office. Only the land office can issue ownership paperwork for a building, usually on leasehold land. If there is no registered lease then the owner of the land owns all property on that land.

ad usufruct or superficies to the leasehold as instuments of controlling land, so we can rephrase: If there is no registered control over the land, the land owner automaticly owns all buildings on that land

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No law "gives ownership over a building in thailand by having ones name in the buildingpermit for that building".

Agreed. Ownership has nothing to do with the planning office. Only the land office can issue ownership paperwork for a building, usually on leasehold land. If there is no registered lease then the owner of the land owns all property on that land.

ad usufruct or superficies to the leasehold as instuments of controlling land, so we can rephrase: If there is no registered control over the land, the land owner automaticly owns all buildings on that land

Great, so now all the posters who post all the time on the forum agree, the building permit has nothing to do with legal ownership of the building, correct?

Now, as for your assumption about the "automatically" and registered and control...can you show me what law says that, because, well frankly you are not correct. But again, if that is legal, then the law says it somewhere show us.

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