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Broke Brit In Pattaya Fed By Thai Beer Bar Hostesses


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Silly man, he should have just done what many Brits do here: set up a business preferably in selling real estate, fish&chips industry or building "luxury" condos...with that passport, no other experience is necessary because a white face is enough to sell the mirage of "european standards".

He is also not very creative...it's not hard to reinvent oneself here in Pattaya: make up a resume, fake a few certs, make grand promises to do something for a high profile charity, ingratiate oneself to other self-proclaimed "movers and shakers" and presto meet the new Mr Respectable Pattaya Businessman.

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Another great example of the Thai Honorary Consul Mr. Howerd Miller.

Howerd, not wishing to learn anything from his earlier involvement with the last British guest of the Thai Tourist Police's Prison cell where he contributed a packet of crisps and a bottle of water during the half starved Brit's incarceration and left him there to rot, has now managed it again.

Howerd, rather a fine example of well fed and I'm all right Jack, dispenses his kind of care to all Brit's who fall foul of financial embarrassment. Making sure he maintains those good relations with Pattaya's finest at the same time as ignoring the Banged up Abroad.

Well done Howerd!

They should pin a medal on him.

Or something.

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Another great example of the Thai Honorary Consul Mr. Howerd Miller.

Howerd, not wishing to learn anything from his earlier involvement with the last British guest of the Thai Tourist Police's Prison cell where he contributed a packet of crisps and a bottle of water during the half starved Brit's incarceration and left him there to rot, has now managed it again.

Howerd, rather a fine example of well fed and I'm all right Jack, dispenses his kind of care to all Brit's who fall foul of financial embarrassment. Making sure he maintains those good relations with Pattaya's finest at the same time as ignoring the Banged up Abroad.

Well done Howerd!

They should pin a medal on him.

Or something.

Although I suspect that you may have a personal grudge against Mr Miller, you are right to highlight the fact that this is EXACTLY how such visitors should be treated.

Responsibility lies with the individual, and their family, to ensure that they are taken care of. There is no requirement for Mr Miller, or any other body/person, to provide financial support.

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a fine example of quality falang that come to pattaya, I wonder how many others there are near the brink of this stupidity..............................no handouts in thailand, who will support this idiot in the UK...................tax payers

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Wow, you guys are a tough crowd. How do you judge a guy you know nothing about? He looks a lot like the Farang my wife and I saw on Beach Road and Soi 8 at 7 AM a couple of weeks ago. We were in search of a cup of coffee at that hour of the morning. It seems to be "the crack of dawn" in Pattaya. After striking out at restaurants and cafes we were forced to resort to instant coffee and packaged croissants from 7/11 and then took a short walk across beach road to sit on the stone bench and enjoy our breakfast.

We were treated to the sight and smell of a half nude filthy Farang who was clearly delusional or drunk or both. He stank to high heaven and had sores and some kind of white powder on his legs and the bald spot on his head and he looked a lot like the guy in the photo. He didn't bother us and we were just amazed that a Farang could be in that condition and still roaming the streets of Pattaya. When his toothless idiot Thai friend sat next to us smoking a cigarette we got up and left.

If it was the same guy I'm happy to see that he is getting some help and, to be honest, that the general public does not have to be subjected to his unsanitary condition. Anyway, you gotta feel sorry for those who cannot keep their shit together. Some of us can and others simply cannot.

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hey guys I know this guy Chris, Last June I came to Pattaya first time for holiday didn't know to much how to deal with bar girls and all that so walking along beach Rd I saw these two guys Chris and his friend having banter with the bar girls as they made there way to soi seven so I said " lads can I hang out with you's for a bit I don't have much experience with dealing with the bar girls talking about money" (you know what I mean) they said "cool come with us we will show you how its done" so i hung out with them that night and they were the great lads really nice not a bad word to say about them, Chris then offered to meet up with me the next night so he showed me the rest of pattaya bars and clubs chris was a good man he lost his wife moved over to pattaya to retire and settle i believe he had a thai girlfreind or wife not sure but he definitly was a helicopter all the bar girls knew him. i cant help but defend this guy he was sound yes he enjoyed himself obviously too much but he's only human. I am really surprised to see him here actually shocked something must of happened because i know he had friend who seemed to be doing alright for himself (then again so did Chris) I wonder why he never helped him anyway chris if you ever see this good luck my freind in life hope everything works out for you. (Damien irish guy from the days of the world cup in pattaya 2010)

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I totally support the view that he and only he is responsible for his lifestyle, and physical, mental and financial condition. In the photograph he doesn't look to be in a distressed condition. His hair has been cut recently and his beard is tidy so he has had cash money in his pocket until fairly recently. If he doesn't have any folding stuff then it isn't a scam but I would stop short of replenishing his coffers. What he need is a ticket out of here, the UK Government to withdraw his passport until full repayment of the airfare with interest has been made and the the Thai immigration police to black list him.

We have no idea of how he arrived in the mess that he is in so that accusations that he hissed his assets up the wall and lavished much gold upon enticing Thai ladies are, at this stage anyway, totally unjustified.

It didnt say anywhere he was buying gold to entice Thai ladies....:D

If he didnt have any folding stuff..should he not sell his gold rings on his fingers at least then he can show people he has at least tried to make effort to get some cash together...

My logic for making the comments I did....I went with Occams razor.....with all things being considered equal, the simpliest explanation is usually the correct one.

He has blown all his cash on wine,women and song and expected the British govemrent to bail him out

I didn't say that he was buying gold. I'm afraid that your understanding of colloquial English is less than perfect, and I accept that I am at fault for using it in a forum where English is not the first language for many. For those who cannot speak or write in English like wot I can, lavishing much gold upon ladies is a slang term meaning transferring his assets into their handbags primarily for reasons that should not be mentioned on a family forum such as this. Has nothing to do with gold, a soft, dense, malleable and ductile metal (chemical symbol Au, atomic weight 79) .

An explanation of the term Occams razor.

The principle is often inaccurately summarized as "the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one." This summary is misleading, however, since in practice the principle is actually focused on shifting the burden of proof in discussions. That is, the razor is a principle that suggests we should tend towards simpler theories until we can trade some simplicity for increased explanatory power. Contrary to the popular summary, the simplest available theory is sometimes a less accurate explanation. Philosophers also add that the exact meaning of "simplest" can be nuanced in the first place. (Meaning that users of the razor are simple?)

What ever makes you think that he is walking around with valuable rings on his fingers? That they are high quality gold? Is this likely? In your book he is a irresponsible good time Charlie and if so I suggest his priorities didn't include personal adornment of a less than obvious nature. My guess is that they are the sort of cheap tat that Gerald Ronson used to purvey.

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Maybe there's a larger story here, but it amazes me that he allowed himself to get to that stage (if he really did).

Because where he comes from there is no accountability for your actions, get yourself in a bind of your own doing and go bleating to a goverment department....poor me, not my fault..you have to do something....and has applied the same approach here....I have spent all my money, so British Goverment must fly me home, its not my fault.

IMHO...he is playing the system, same as people do in the UK all the time.

The same as SOME of the people in the UK do all the time.

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I think the headline should read " Broke Brit fed to Thai Beer bar hostesses"

I knew that someone would take a shot at these hard hearted Thai prostitutes. This just shows that the girls are much better people than the likes of you. I am always amazed that ignorant people compare these girls with the crack whores of the west.

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Has anyone seen the 'down & out' foreigner that hangs around Sukhumvit?

- he has a small beard, a bad foot and crutches and a few plastic bags. (not sure what country he is from).

- I often wanted to find out why he is in this situation.

Does anyone know anything more about him?

Sukhumvit is a rather long road. Can you be a bit more specific? Bangkok? Pattaya? Rayong?

I see him when I collect my son from school in Soi 4, (Nana, Bangkok).

- yes, there's an international School in Soi 4, - just in case anyone is wondering!

and sometimes I saw him at the steps of Robinson's Department Store at Asoke, (opposite the Sheraton Hotel).

Edited by easybullet3
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just to let you know guys,a friendly guesthouse owner is giving him free room and he now has 3000 baht to eat and drink,until monday when he catches his flight on monday family have wired the money over western union and he was on a nonb so know over stay he would have had to do visa run 11.9.11

the way some of you guys think shame on you.

can I ask where you got this information from?

how did he get money sent from Western Union without a Valid Passport?

and you say that his 'family' wired him money... 60 Pounds? (seems a bit low. Then again, I don't know his family situation)

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It was my understanding that most airlines insist that you have a return ticket if travelling on a tourist visa He does not look like a person with no money watch.ring clean smart dress so I dont see how he can be sleeping rough. Having lived here for over 5years I still pay my UK taxes does that entitle me to demand the UK government get me home because I run out of money the answer is no maybe he is trying to pull a fast one what was he on when living in the UK Benefits from the government no doubt !!!!!!

If you follow the link it says his passport had expired and as the passport is supposed to be valid for at least six months when you arrive here it beggers the question of how long he was here for and on what visa.

I got the impression from him saying he has been coming here for the last four years that he was a holiday maker.

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just to let you know guys,a friendly guesthouse owner is giving him free room and he now has 3000 baht to eat and drink,until monday when he catches his flight on monday family have wired the money over western union and he was on a nonb so know over stay he would have had to do visa run 11.9.11

the way some of you guys think shame on you.

You would make a much better news reporter than the person who wrote the article for the PDN.

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just to let you know guys,a friendly guesthouse owner is giving him free room and he now has 3000 baht to eat and drink,until monday when he catches his flight on monday family have wired the money over western union and he was on a nonb so know over stay he would have had to do visa run 11.9.11

the way some of you guys think shame on you.


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I sympathies with those that are down on their luck and have a hard time. And all credits to those that take mercy and help unfortunate other souls.

But shame on those that waste their savings on foolishness and then expect others to bail them out.

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He actually looks in better nick than most of the farangs I see hanging around beer bars!

wasn't he required to have a round trip ticket to visit Thailand? he is an irresponsible bum and should be in the slammer until "someone" sends him back to la la land. saw a coupls of falongs sitting on soi four with signs saying "need money to return home" they both appeared drunk ! every nation has bums but it is Thailans fault for letting them in!

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Police Colonel Chusak Panasumporn, Immigration Director, Chonburi, together with Police Lieutenant Colonel Prapansak Prasarnsuk, Deputy Immigration Director , Chonburi were notified of a destitute foreigner walking around beer bars near the Beach Road in Pattaya.

UPDATE: Upon investigation they returned to the police station with 2500 foreigners in tow being unable to single out the particular one they were looking for from the rest. :D


How true. Funny.

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