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My wife is going back to Thailand this week to apply for a settlement visa, heres what I have put together, any comments or advise is more than welcome

1 Letter from Sponsor

1.1 Letter from Third party

2 VAF4 Application form

2.1 2 passport photos of applicant

3 Marriage certicate document

4 TB certificate (she will get this in Bangkok)

5 Sponsor ID documents

5.1 UK passport copy, every page

5.2 Australian passport copy, every page

5.3 Original birth certificate

5.4 University of XXX, PhD enrollment letter

5.5 Details of Sydney, Australia property

6 TB certificate

7 A1 English language test paper

8 UK accommodation

8.1 Tenancy agreement

8.2 Floor plan of our flat

8.3 Sponsors parents house

8.4 Floor plan of sponsors parents house

9 Utility Bills 13

9.1 Electric

9.2 Wessex Water

9.3 British Telecom

10 Bank statments of sponsor

10.1 Bank statements from Third Party support

11 Spouse Thai land title deed

12 Spouse Thai business documents

12.1 Thai Business registration document

13 Copy of wife's Thai ID card

14 Photos

anything else that I am really missing?


What about translations of any documents which are in Thai? wedding certificate & wife's birth certificate for example? In addition to my sponsor letter we are also including a letter from my wife too. What about a section on the history of your relationship and all the documents that go with that, even if its covered in your sponsor letter?

Also is this how the info will be presented or is it just your list? I've broken mine down into sections to make it more easy for the ECO to find stuff. In the larger sections where I have supplied a lot of information e.g. evidence of relationship or my financial status, I have also written a section overview at the front of those sections. I've separated my wife's folder into eight sections:-

1) Introduction

2) Application Form

3) Applicant Key Documents

4) Sponsor Key Documents

5) TB Certificate & English Language Requirement

6) Sponsor Financial Status

7) Accommodation

8) Evidence of Relationship


As I have just posted in your other thread :

You have given a list of documents that you will submit with your wife's application. In itself, that is fine, but nobody knows what is in the documents, so we cannot comment. In a different thread you asked for constructive comment, but merely stated " lame" to everything you were told. You made a big thing of how much money your parents have, and how they could support you by giving you a big lump sum. I told you to do that, but you didn't even respond, you just started another thread. According to you, your parents can give you enough money to show support for you and your wife until you finish studying, so why don't you do that ? It would certainly take the problem of third party support out of the application.


Good look with your application, is your application complete now? Or will she still have to book the appointment on Line.

If i had left it up to my wife, she would not have had a clue on what to do, She can switch on and off the laptop, but that's about all she can do

Regarding myself, I am thinking I wished i had done this and that .

I have only added pages of my passport regarding trips to Thailand because they only want proof of travel to Thailand but UKBA should have access to Passport information if they wanted to look into my past travels.

I also wished that i added comments on the Question, Will you be working while in the UK. My wife has said no to that question, Because at the moment she has no plans to work, But you Never know, Maybe she will want to work after a few months and maybe we should have stated this on her application.

I believe that i have covered all the information that they need, regarding the Relationship, My home, My Work and savings and bills plus all the information on my wife and her family.

Looking at your List, I have everything Covered.


(we did most of the work while we were in the Uk and got married in Thailand before submitting the paperwork for the settlement Visa)

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