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Buffalo Bar


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Apolhies for posting under an old post, I did not know it was not allowed.

Following a recent trip to Pattaya and to Buffalo Bar on a few occasions, I noticed a few serious issues that I think are important to note in order to avoid serious problems in the future. This was written to the proprietors of Buffalo.

I would like to mention the following as this incident at your establishment(Buffalo Bar) seems to be happening more and more often.

The other night a guy was sitting by himself at the main bar minding his own business just having a cold beer. Then from the tables at the rear where a group of men were someone started throwing peanuts at the guy. He obviously turned around to look and then ignored. Someone from the group again threw some peanuts and he looked back at them again. I think it happened one more time and then one of the "thugs" got up and came over to him and started threatening him violently until the bouncer calmed it down....then the bouncer sort of ushered the guy out like he had done something wrong?

An incident a few weeks to that also a similar situation, a group of guys trying to make a guy jealous over a girl that he was with ....seems some guys are going in there with intentions to look for problems with other folk there who just are there to enjoy a night out.

I think you need to get stricter and take more control before someone ends up getting hurt badly.

The Bar does seem to have a "click" atmosphere about it. Has anyone else noticed this?

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Had a similar situation years ago in Germany. Someone was spitting at my back, I turned around asking him what the matter is, and got a beer in the face. Next he jumped from his stool and hit me in the face. I didn't do anything but asked the bar owner to call the police they arrived, took the ID card of that guy and he got fined the equivalent of about 40,000 Baht for an unprovoked attack...now that was in Germany, here in Thailnd...I might have taken matters in my own hand.

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SNGM, what nationality were the troublemakers?

Just wondering, what has the nationality of a troublemaker to do with anything, and how would it (if we knew) benefit the rest of us ?

Edited by MJCM
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You said buffalo bar, kind of speak for it self :D

If I find a bar filled with "buffalo's" I only stay a long as it take to drink my beer and I am gone. There must be +1000 bars here so enough to choose from.

When Thais call somebody a buffalo, it means: stupid, less intelligent and so on.

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Had a similar situation years ago in Germany. Someone was spitting at my back, I turned around asking him what the matter is, and got a beer in the face. Next he jumped from his stool and hit me in the face. I didn't do anything but asked the bar owner to call the police they arrived, took the ID card of that guy and he got fined the equivalent of about 40,000 Baht for an unprovoked attack...now that was in Germany, here in Thailnd...I might have taken matters in my own hand.

I was in a tavern in North Carolina with two other Marines wen something cold and wet hit me in the back of the neck. I turned around, and there was a young guy with a straw in his mouth, looking my way and laughing. He was with about 6 other guys. I told my buddies the guy had shot me with some ice, and they said to cool it (we were in the midst of a base-wide directive not to get in trouble out in town at the time.)

A few minutes later, it happened again, and when I looked around, the guy was laughing again, straw in his mouth, even if not looking at me. My buddies told me again to play it cool.

And one more time, it happened. I told the other two that i had to do something. They rolled their eyes, but they started to get up to support me, even if 3 against 7 was probably going to fare poorly for us. I stood up, took a deep breath, then started to walk over to the guy. Just as I took my first step, I got hit again in the neck. But I was looking over, and they hadn't done anything. I stopped, confused. Only then did I look up to see I was under an air conditioner vent, and what hit me was a drop of condensate.

I have never been in a bar fight, but I almost got into one (and given the odds, would have had my butt kicked) all due to air conditioning.

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SNGM, what nationality were the troublemakers?


I wouldn't like to guess what Nationality they were. It was just another unpleasant experience in Buffalo Bar and could have been really awful if things went any further. This really shouldn't be happening and ALL bar owners should try and get in control of this issue.

A good day to all...

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Had a similar situation years ago in Germany. Someone was spitting at my back, I turned around asking him what the matter is, and got a beer in the face. Next he jumped from his stool and hit me in the face. I didn't do anything but asked the bar owner to call the police they arrived, took the ID card of that guy and he got fined the equivalent of about 40,000 Baht for an unprovoked attack...now that was in Germany, here in Thailnd...I might have taken matters in my own hand.

I was in a tavern in North Carolina with two other Marines wen something cold and wet hit me in the back of the neck. I turned around, and there was a young guy with a straw in his mouth, looking my way and laughing. He was with about 6 other guys. I told my buddies the guy had shot me with some ice, and they said to cool it (we were in the midst of a base-wide directive not to get in trouble out in town at the time.)

A few minutes later, it happened again, and when I looked around, the guy was laughing again, straw in his mouth, even if not looking at me. My buddies told me again to play it cool.

And one more time, it happened. I told the other two that i had to do something. They rolled their eyes, but they started to get up to support me, even if 3 against 7 was probably going to fare poorly for us. I stood up, took a deep breath, then started to walk over to the guy. Just as I took my first step, I got hit again in the neck. But I was looking over, and they hadn't done anything. I stopped, confused. Only then did I look up to see I was under an air conditioner vent, and what hit me was a drop of condensate.

I have never been in a bar fight, but I almost got into one (and given the odds, would have had my butt kicked) all due to air conditioning.

Good story. Lucky for the rednecks that you realized your mistake. :thumbsup:

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Had a similar situation years ago in Germany. Someone was spitting at my back, I turned around asking him what the matter is, and got a beer in the face. Next he jumped from his stool and hit me in the face. I didn't do anything but asked the bar owner to call the police they arrived, took the ID card of that guy and he got fined the equivalent of about 40,000 Baht for an unprovoked attack...now that was in Germany, here in Thailnd...I might have taken matters in my own hand.

I was in a tavern in North Carolina with two other Marines wen something cold and wet hit me in the back of the neck. I turned around, and there was a young guy with a straw in his mouth, looking my way and laughing. He was with about 6 other guys. I told my buddies the guy had shot me with some ice, and they said to cool it (we were in the midst of a base-wide directive not to get in trouble out in town at the time.)

A few minutes later, it happened again, and when I looked around, the guy was laughing again, straw in his mouth, even if not looking at me. My buddies told me again to play it cool.

And one more time, it happened. I told the other two that i had to do something. They rolled their eyes, but they started to get up to support me, even if 3 against 7 was probably going to fare poorly for us. I stood up, took a deep breath, then started to walk over to the guy. Just as I took my first step, I got hit again in the neck. But I was looking over, and they hadn't done anything. I stopped, confused. Only then did I look up to see I was under an air conditioner vent, and what hit me was a drop of condensate.

I have never been in a bar fight, but I almost got into one (and given the odds, would have had my butt kicked) all due to air conditioning.

Good story. Lucky for the rednecks that you realized your mistake. :thumbsup:

So all this guff about the USMC being a rough tough bunch able to handle any trouble is a load of BS? Three Marines against 7 civvies? You have a way to go before you come near to matching the Ghurkas. No sane person messes with one of those guys.

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Had a similar situation years ago in Germany. Someone was spitting at my back, I turned around asking him what the matter is, and got a beer in the face. Next he jumped from his stool and hit me in the face. I didn't do anything but asked the bar owner to call the police they arrived, took the ID card of that guy and he got fined the equivalent of about 40,000 Baht for an unprovoked attack...now that was in Germany, here in Thailnd...I might have taken matters in my own hand.

I was in a tavern in North Carolina with two other Marines wen something cold and wet hit me in the back of the neck. I turned around, and there was a young guy with a straw in his mouth, looking my way and laughing. He was with about 6 other guys. I told my buddies the guy had shot me with some ice, and they said to cool it (we were in the midst of a base-wide directive not to get in trouble out in town at the time.)

A few minutes later, it happened again, and when I looked around, the guy was laughing again, straw in his mouth, even if not looking at me. My buddies told me again to play it cool.

And one more time, it happened. I told the other two that i had to do something. They rolled their eyes, but they started to get up to support me, even if 3 against 7 was probably going to fare poorly for us. I stood up, took a deep breath, then started to walk over to the guy. Just as I took my first step, I got hit again in the neck. But I was looking over, and they hadn't done anything. I stopped, confused. Only then did I look up to see I was under an air conditioner vent, and what hit me was a drop of condensate.

I have never been in a bar fight, but I almost got into one (and given the odds, would have had my butt kicked) all due to air conditioning.

A sailor in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, ''Wanna hear a MARINE joke?''

The guy next to him replies, ''Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs, and I'm a MARINE. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2'' tall, weighs 225, and he's a MARINE. The fella next to him is 6'5'' tall, weighs 250, and he's also a MARINE. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?''

The sailor says, ''Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times.'' :D



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Had a similar situation years ago in Germany. Someone was spitting at my back, I turned around asking him what the matter is, and got a beer in the face. Next he jumped from his stool and hit me in the face. I didn't do anything but asked the bar owner to call the police they arrived, took the ID card of that guy and he got fined the equivalent of about 40,000 Baht for an unprovoked attack...now that was in Germany, here in Thailnd...I might have taken matters in my own hand.

I was in a tavern in North Carolina with two other Marines wen something cold and wet hit me in the back of the neck. I turned around, and there was a young guy with a straw in his mouth, looking my way and laughing. He was with about 6 other guys. I told my buddies the guy had shot me with some ice, and they said to cool it (we were in the midst of a base-wide directive not to get in trouble out in town at the time.)

A few minutes later, it happened again, and when I looked around, the guy was laughing again, straw in his mouth, even if not looking at me. My buddies told me again to play it cool.

And one more time, it happened. I told the other two that i had to do something. They rolled their eyes, but they started to get up to support me, even if 3 against 7 was probably going to fare poorly for us. I stood up, took a deep breath, then started to walk over to the guy. Just as I took my first step, I got hit again in the neck. But I was looking over, and they hadn't done anything. I stopped, confused. Only then did I look up to see I was under an air conditioner vent, and what hit me was a drop of condensate.

I have never been in a bar fight, but I almost got into one (and given the odds, would have had my butt kicked) all due to air conditioning.

A sailor in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, ''Wanna hear a MARINE joke?''

The guy next to him replies, ''Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs, and I'm a MARINE. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2'' tall, weighs 225, and he's a MARINE. The fella next to him is 6'5'' tall, weighs 250, and he's also a MARINE. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?''

The sailor says, ''Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times.'' :D



Sailor walks into a den of ill repute and hires himself as lass.

After about 20 minutes on the job he asks "How am I doing?"

Lass replies "About 3 Nots".

"You're not in, your not hard, and you are not getting your F_ing money back."

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Had a similar situation years ago in Germany. Someone was spitting at my back, I turned around asking him what the matter is, and got a beer in the face. Next he jumped from his stool and hit me in the face. I didn't do anything but asked the bar owner to call the police they arrived, took the ID card of that guy and he got fined the equivalent of about 40,000 Baht for an unprovoked attack...now that was in Germany, here in Thailnd...I might have taken matters in my own hand.

I was in a tavern in North Carolina with two other Marines wen something cold and wet hit me in the back of the neck. I turned around, and there was a young guy with a straw in his mouth, looking my way and laughing. He was with about 6 other guys. I told my buddies the guy had shot me with some ice, and they said to cool it (we were in the midst of a base-wide directive not to get in trouble out in town at the time.)

A few minutes later, it happened again, and when I looked around, the guy was laughing again, straw in his mouth, even if not looking at me. My buddies told me again to play it cool.

And one more time, it happened. I told the other two that i had to do something. They rolled their eyes, but they started to get up to support me, even if 3 against 7 was probably going to fare poorly for us. I stood up, took a deep breath, then started to walk over to the guy. Just as I took my first step, I got hit again in the neck. But I was looking over, and they hadn't done anything. I stopped, confused. Only then did I look up to see I was under an air conditioner vent, and what hit me was a drop of condensate.

I have never been in a bar fight, but I almost got into one (and given the odds, would have had my butt kicked) all due to air conditioning.

A sailor in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, ''Wanna hear a MARINE joke?''

The guy next to him replies, ''Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs, and I'm a MARINE. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2'' tall, weighs 225, and he's a MARINE. The fella next to him is 6'5'' tall, weighs 250, and he's also a MARINE. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?''

The sailor says, ''Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times.'' :D



Sailor walks into a den of ill repute and hires himself as lass.

After about 20 minutes on the job he asks "How am I doing?"

Lass replies "About 3 Nots".

"You're not in, your not hard, and you are not getting your F_ing money back."

:lol: Hats Off for that one :jap:

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