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'Mad' Norwegian Pours Out His Stuff At Pattaya Police Station


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Let me come back on the longer term marriage thing ( which is the critical point of my earlier piece not those just living together) ,I dont want to say its impossible that Thai-Farang marriage will not work but the statistics and lets face our own friends/contacts here and in Europe show its a big gamble. Yes divorce rates are high everywhere but mixed age, mixed education and mixed cultures have a far higher risk; maybe its the contrast between the rural, poor educated girl & the urban educated male. Maybe its the western rational thinking versus the Thai chaos thing. The age gap is important with the bigger the gap the more likely the problems.

In the UK there are risks of wife cheating, Thais gambling/cards, money worries as the UK ecoonmically declines, Thai kids going off the rails( they can't adjust to electronic games, money mad materialism and liberal soft regime in our schools), Thai women can meet richer guys at the casino/pub and so on and on...they never seemed content with their lot as they want more be it property, direct flights and more snobbery than many UK girls, or whatever despite their humble rural Thai origins.

Yes there are marriages where the couple bring up lovely mixed kids + the wife's Thai kids from previous , where the wife does great cooking, gets a steady job. I just think on balance for everyone's sanity AND ON BALANCE the risks are too high and most guys will end up regreting it. They do not regret the lovely kids.

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Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

we should all already know this

but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

In my experience as far as family is concerned you need to have it all on the table early on. Accept that she has an obligation to provide for her family and quantify it. Most of the time it is not much money in the scheme of things, but some men have a problem with the concept in general and resist providing even small amounts of money to her family. I've known relationships to break down over US500 a month. Let's be real here, if you're poor you're not going to be able to hang on to a beautiful lady who is twenty years your junior. As has been said here many times, they don't really fancy old men, they need them. If you accept this from the outset (if your ego can handle it) then she gets what she wants and you get what you want. Even if it isn't there at the start, love can grow from these humble beginnings. And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

Have your eyes wide open. Don't be overly cynical or you will doom the relationship from the word go. A self fulfilling prophecy as it were. But above all be careful and realistic, some of the girls are as hard as nails emotionally and lots of working girls are spivs.

There is a tendency to focus on the negative here, but there are also plenty of successful mixed relationships out there.

I don't get it... nothing from your post makes me feel it is possible to have a successful mixed marriage with a Thai woman. Be careful... realistic... send money home... not exactly the stuff of romantic movies is it.

I think mixed marriages can work with Chinese, Japanese, Koreans... why even try to marry a Thai? What benefit does the foreign man get from a marriage with a Thai. Sex... no need marriage with Thai. Companionship and faithfulness? Not in Thai ... so, why marry them at all?

You guys that marry them confuse me... I thought marriage is a type of partnership between equals. But, this isn't the same thing at all.

Leave the marriage, just use ... abuse... and get out while you can.

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Let me come back on the longer term marriage thing ( which is the critical point of my earlier piece not those just living together) ,I dont want to say its impossible that Thai-Farang marriage will not work but the statistics and lets face our own friends/contacts here and in Europe show its a big gamble. Yes divorce rates are high everywhere but mixed age, mixed education and mixed cultures have a far higher risk; maybe its the contrast between the rural, poor educated girl & the urban educated male. Maybe its the western rational thinking versus the Thai chaos thing. The age gap is important with the bigger the gap the more likely the problems.

In the UK there are risks of wife cheating, Thais gambling/cards, money worries as the UK ecoonmically declines, Thai kids going off the rails( they can't adjust to electronic games, money mad materialism and liberal soft regime in our schools), Thai women can meet richer guys at the casino/pub and so on and on...they never seemed content with their lot as they want more be it property, direct flights and more snobbery than many UK girls, or whatever despite their humble rural Thai origins.

Yes there are marriages where the couple bring up lovely mixed kids + the wife's Thai kids from previous , where the wife does great cooking, gets a steady job. I just think on balance for everyone's sanity AND ON BALANCE the risks are too high and most guys will end up regreting it. They do not regret the lovely kids.

Don't be so negative. Just because one partner has a reasonable education whilst the other has pretty much none, does not mean they cannot be happily married.

Many prefer their spouses to be stupid - it makes them feel better about their own intellect.

As long as they perform well sexually, it will take a while before the other tires of stupidity.

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Fortunately I have never succumbed to the "Black Widow Spider" tentacles of females in Thailand but I know for a fact it's often a long term plan by many of them who are aware 2 or so years down the line they can get half of the wealth of any falang husband.

If the farang is dumb enough to marry her officially, yes. But why should he? The Buddhist ceremony is what counts here anyway.

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Do love the way so many people give it the big 1 on here and pretend their sposes are not ex hookers and her indoors is whiter than white, I guess normal Thai women really do love 60+ year old fat old men.xxxx

You make a huge assumption about the people here and their spouses. Mine is four years younger than me and was never a sex worker -- or anything remotely close to it. Solid upper-middle class background (just like me).

There are lots of us out here.

I totaly agree with you mine is highly educated, younger, has her own home and highly respested by me and the community

Is she of Thai-Chinese origin and have you been given a Benz by your father in law?

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There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

That would all depend greatly where one is from.

Many of the girls come back to Thailand it's just a matter of time. Many go to live abroad on false hope, fed with complete and utter BS by their partner how rich they are back in never never land only to find out the guy is a bum without a pot to piss in. The two week millionaire has show his true colours.

Many of the girls live this fairy tale that every farang is rich and lives in a castle and will be the princess one shes finds herself a prince.

Truth of it is, she will end up in some where like Peckham on the 22nd floor of a 1960's built giant high-rise council estate, with beans on toast as the set menu and about as much hope as Arsenal winning the premiership.

No doubt what you say is true in many cases, and funny, but I was talking about people being honest with each other. Or more to the point, the farang being honest with himself.

Edited by sfbandung
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And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

Nice turn of phrase :o But I do agree with most of what you say !


Cheers Simon,

I'm probably coming across as overly cynical, but I have some hard earned experience.


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Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

we should all already know this

but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

In my experience as far as family is concerned you need to have it all on the table early on. Accept that she has an obligation to provide for her family and quantify it. Most of the time it is not much money in the scheme of things, but some men have a problem with the concept in general and resist providing even small amounts of money to her family. I've known relationships to break down over US500 a month. Let's be real here, if you're poor you're not going to be able to hang on to a beautiful lady who is twenty years your junior. As has been said here many times, they don't really fancy old men, they need them. If you accept this from the outset (if your ego can handle it) then she gets what she wants and you get what you want. Even if it isn't there at the start, love can grow from these humble beginnings. And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

Have your eyes wide open. Don't be overly cynical or you will doom the relationship from the word go. A self fulfilling prophecy as it were. But above all be careful and realistic, some of the girls are as hard as nails emotionally and lots of working girls are spivs.

There is a tendency to focus on the negative here, but there are also plenty of successful mixed relationships out there.

Hardly surprising so many farang/thai relationships fail when so many idiot foreigners try to meet their future wife in a pick up joint! Would you do that in your own country? If you meet someone through a friend, she has a good job, good family, is educated, sweet natured and as honest as you are then you can put up with a lot. There are many long term relationships here like my own but all that I know of start with a solid foundation not a few drinks in a beer bar.

The funny thing is most relationships everywhere started with "a few drinks in a beer bar".

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It's surprising some foreigners get mad when their other half does something back to them they don't like, usually 100 times worse as it's a build up of being spoken to like shit, treated like shit, cheated on and generally just being a complete and utter arse hole I don't blame them for getting their own back. No woman in the world will put up with that shit forever.

100% correct, many falangs come here middle aged after failing in single or even multiple marrages in their home countries because their wives wouldn't put up with their crap - of course the wife gets the blame, then they come here thinking Thai girls are different - I can control them better - then after a few years of abuse the nice Thai girl turns.

I often wonder how many times you marrage addicts/idiots need to walk that path until you realise - IT'S YOU

92302 and smedley.

Bravo. And I'd so most farangs, not just many.

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Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

we should all already know this

but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

In my experience as far as family is concerned you need to have it all on the table early on. Accept that she has an obligation to provide for her family and quantify it. Most of the time it is not much money in the scheme of things, but some men have a problem with the concept in general and resist providing even small amounts of money to her family. I've known relationships to break down over US500 a month. Let's be real here, if you're poor you're not going to be able to hang on to a beautiful lady who is twenty years your junior. As has been said here many times, they don't really fancy old men, they need them. If you accept this from the outset (if your ego can handle it) then she gets what she wants and you get what you want. Even if it isn't there at the start, love can grow from these humble beginnings. And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

Have your eyes wide open. Don't be overly cynical or you will doom the relationship from the word go. A self fulfilling prophecy as it were. But above all be careful and realistic, some of the girls are as hard as nails emotionally and lots of working girls are spivs.

There is a tendency to focus on the negative here, but there are also plenty of successful mixed relationships out there.

I don't get it... nothing from your post makes me feel it is possible to have a successful mixed marriage with a Thai woman. Be careful... realistic... send money home... not exactly the stuff of romantic movies is it.

I think mixed marriages can work with Chinese, Japanese, Koreans... why even try to marry a Thai? What benefit does the foreign man get from a marriage with a Thai. Sex... no need marriage with Thai. Companionship and faithfulness? Not in Thai ... so, why marry them at all?

You guys that marry them confuse me... I thought marriage is a type of partnership between equals. But, this isn't the same thing at all.

Leave the marriage, just use ... abuse... and get out while you can.

"not exactly the stuff of romantic movies is it" - Life never is.

A mixed marriage is different and some concessions need to be made. Add to this the fact that there is normally a substantial age difference and for most guys it is a second (or 3rd for 4th!) relationship and you have a situation that requires some management, or at least forethought.

Chinese, Japanese, Koreans?? Really not sure where you're coming from there. A very good mate of mine married a Japanese girl, it was an unmitigated disaster. Her family made it very clear from the get go that she had married beneath herself. Nippon for Nippon, marrying a Gaijin is shameful. China on the other hand is very much like Thailand. Lots of poverty and a very diverse population in terms of ethnicity.

I've apologised earlier for sounding overly cynical, but a marriage is very much like a business realtionship. If you are realistic and everyone is clear about their expectations things are far more likely to work out. Life is not a Mills and Boon penny dreadful.

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And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

Nice turn of phrase :o But I do agree with most of what you say !


Cheers Simon,

I'm probably coming across as overly cynical, but I have some hard earned experience.


Many on TV will not understand the taboo C word, it was always one of my RSM's favourites.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello balo,

I happened to read your post 3 years ago about your cancer scare- so I checked to see have you posted again lately - and I am so glad to see that you are still posting here this month (sept 2011)! That's great!

Best regards,


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'roid rage, learning a very inconvenient truth of bargirls, (it's about the money) public outrage of unfairness to Falangs preformed for Pattaya police....an odd day in life here but not much to do with Thai/Falang marriage.....I tend to agree that many who come to asia looking for a much younger compliant wife will have real problems, but this guy has real problems all by himself....IMHO...

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