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Is Big Thai Brother Watching?


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Since when is criticism illegal? Freedon of speech is the foundation of a functioning democracy, are we now to dump it?

And isn't Lese majeste only regarding the Honourable Royal Family?

I see a movement afoot of late to quash negative views, as if they are not allowed or even welcome in public forums.

I say to these nay-nay sayers, criticism is crucial to positive change. So embrace your curmudgeon-ny comrades.

I do note an increasing level of official response to bad news as "besmirching the reputation of Thailand." In fact my last visit to the work permit office I got called out on an email I'd sent critisising the immigration system as trafficking women. " Security " in Thailand, as in the west increasingly -is really about keeping thought in line.

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Since when is criticism illegal? Freedon of speech is the foundation of a functioning democracy, are we now to dump it?

And isn't Lese majeste only regarding the Honourable Royal Family?

I see a movement afoot of late to quash negative views, as if they are not allowed or even welcome in public forums.

I say to these nay-nay sayers, criticism is crucial to positive change. So embrace your curmudgeon-ny comrades.

I do note an increasing level of official response to bad news as "besmirching the reputation of Thailand." In fact my last visit to the work permit office I got called out on an email I'd sent critisising the immigration system as trafficking women. " Security " in Thailand, as in the west increasingly -is really about keeping thought in line.

Well said ! and true ......

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Since when is criticism illegal? Freedon of speech is the foundation of a functioning democracy, are we now to dump it?

Yet, Thailand doesn't extend free and open democratic principles. Doesn't now and never has......

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You guys are being paranoid.

For one thing...just as an example... how many people would it require to monitor ALL comments on this forum each day? And what would it cost to do that?

That's why intelligence agencies that CAN monitor but don't will use a computerised system which is triggered by preset code words.

Oh c--p, I just triggered it.

(That's a JOKE guys).


re the preset code words- as I said before, none of the "T" people ( don't want to trigger anything ) will be using any suspicious words anymore, as they know the score too, so what's the point, except to spy on ordinary citizens for "thought crime".

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You guys are being paranoid.

For one thing...just as an example... how many people would it require to monitor ALL comments on this forum each day? And what would it cost to do that?

That's why intelligence agencies that CAN monitor but don't will use a computerised system which is triggered by preset code words.

Oh c--p, I just triggered it.

(That's a JOKE guys).


You guys are all missing the point here. If some Thai government headhunter wants to make an example of someone (everyone) on Thai Visa all they have to do is threaten the owner of this site with jail and the guy will probably roll over and just give the cops or whomever ALL our email and phone numbers and whatever other data anyone was stupid enough to include. It doesn't take but one person to do this. And since all this site seems to be about is making fun of the stupidity of you know who etc, what is to keep the government from threatening the owner?? I am curious why nothing has been done about it yet.

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<br />OP,<br /><br />Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not watching you and are out to get you.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Seed, here is my point. Whoever wrote this must be Thai because it makes no sense. LOL

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you" - Joseph Heller.

He's not Thai but the you are not that well versed in anything any way.

I assume you are in fact a Thai who teaches English!!!

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<br />OP,<br /><br />Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not watching you and are out to get you.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Seed, here is my point. Whoever wrote this must be Thai because it makes no sense. LOL

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you" - Joseph Heller.

He's not Thai but the you are not that well versed in anything any way.

I assume you are in fact a Thai who teaches English!!!

Bad guess, but judging from your paranoia you are not that balanced any way.

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From my understanding everything and everyone who uses the internet are able to be watched and located not much is private these cyber days. :ph34r: This photo of two fish is under full investigation by all concerned underinflated women.

I love a nice big pair of.........................fish. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :crazy:

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You guys are being paranoid.

For one thing...just as an example... how many people would it require to monitor ALL comments on this forum each day? And what would it cost to do that?

That's why intelligence agencies that CAN monitor but don't will use a computerised system which is triggered by preset code words.

Oh c--p, I just triggered it.

(That's a JOKE guys).


You guys are all missing the point here. If some Thai government headhunter wants to make an example of someone (everyone) on Thai Visa all they have to do is threaten the owner of this site with jail and the guy will probably roll over and just give the cops or whomever ALL our email and phone numbers and whatever other data anyone was stupid enough to include. It doesn't take but one person to do this. And since all this site seems to be about is making fun of the stupidity of you know who etc, what is to keep the government from threatening the owner?? I am curious why nothing has been done about it yet.

Maybe they just haven't got round to you or me yet...


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"I'm watching who? Maybe I'm watching you"

Every country has their eyes on their citizens, it's merely a question on what level and what group of people they are spying on.

Missed by most. Civilised cultures.

The greater percentage of an educated and knowledgeable populous, the more intense and zealot watchful eyes.

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Where in Dubai if you don't mind I am also in Dubai.

just look for a bently passing by, pull out a sign quoting you are from Thaivisa and i might pick you up

Boater do I take it that a "bently" is a Thai knock off from the famous "Bentley" motor car ? How does it work out on the import duty ? :whistling:

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i wouldnt worry to much , everything here is a annoyomous to the user, unless your email address contains your real name, plus DOB and Address....

Dream on.

IP addresses are logged and, if situated in Thailand, could allow Thai law enforcement to know the exact location of anyone posting on here as they can cross-reference the IP time stamp with an ISP's user list very quickly indeed. If they were posting from some non-shared domestic account rather than from a hotel or other hotspot then that would also indicate their identity.

Always assuming that the site admin would release the IP logs in the first place, of course.

TV servers aren't based in Thailand and neither is the admin.

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TV servers aren't based in Thailand and neither is the admin.

I'm fully aware of that. And of course that was why I wrote if admin were to hand over the logs.

But if some Thai government body suggested that admin hand over the logs instead of having the entire site put on a permanent ban in Thailand, admin might be tempted to comply.

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LMAO....... if we are "monitored", and the Thais who are monitoring us are as competent as the BiB, then Mai Pen Rai my friends....

The people monitoring it are the BIB, just assigned to another branch with a fancy name. and ...... if you think they are not competent as us or more so because they do not grasp the English language as well as most of us, your very, very mistaken. I'll say it again, don't write anything you wouldn't say to the face of a Thai government official. Although many have great courage on Blogs they would not normally display because there is no face to face contact, get with the program and realize how easy it is to trace your exact location within minutes.

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Since when is criticism illegal? Freedon of speech is the foundation of a functioning democracy, are we now to dump it?

Yet, Thailand doesn't extend free and open democratic principles. Doesn't now and never has......

Agree and that is the number one problem. Fix that and all others find the path to correction.

NO one is making fun of , " you know who.. " as was written a few posts back. But Thailand and it's inhabitants or governance are not immune from criticism or even ridicule or satire. Id fight that , I'd spend a fortune, yes but I'd win.

The day I can't say what I want. is the [ COMMENT REMOVED ]

. We are merely criticising, and also commiserating with one another at a level far more civil that many other forums- the utter lack of forethought in the Thai governing system, and the unfair laws that thwart legal efforts to do business, or reside here and instead allow the cheats and liars to abound with blessings.

I guess we can't discuss [ COMMENT REMOVED]

Edited by TigerWan
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From my understanding everything and everyone who uses the internet are able to be watched and located not much is private these cyber days. :ph34r: This photo of two fish is under full investigation by all concerned underinflated women.

What fish?:lol:


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who really care's?

that is why nobody in their right mind truly care's because they open on a name de plume( or whatever) and if they have something to hide use a firewall or from an email center

goodluck big brother.

they have enough on their plate keeping all the banned books and other info out of Thailand

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You guys are being paranoid.

For one thing...just as an example... how many people would it require to monitor ALL comments on this forum each day? And what would it cost to do that?

That's why intelligence agencies that CAN monitor but don't will use a computerised system which is triggered by preset code words.

Oh c--p, I just triggered it.

(That's a JOKE guys).


You guys are all missing the point here. If some Thai government headhunter wants to make an example of someone (everyone) on Thai Visa all they have to do is threaten the owner of this site with jail and the guy will probably roll over and just give the cops or whomever ALL our email and phone numbers and whatever other data anyone was stupid enough to include. It doesn't take but one person to do this. And since all this site seems to be about is making fun of the stupidity of you know who etc, what is to keep the government from threatening the owner?? I am curious why nothing has been done about it yet.

not if they have nothing....let them chase people who do not exist.

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From my understanding everything and everyone who uses the internet are able to be watched and located not much is private these cyber days. :ph34r: This photo of two fish is under full investigation by all concerned underinflated women.

What fish?:lol:

Ian looks quite different in that picture


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Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not watching you and are out to get you.

Because they are!

I'm definitely on the list!

Fortunately, due to the billions of seperate insulting remarks about governments and politicians on the net, they just can't process them all, and unless you say something really bad that the filters will pick up, will probably never get kidnapped and tortured in Guantanamo by nasty men with crew cuts ( or ugly women that want to be men- uh oh, that's going to get me waterboarded for sure ).

"Nurse, we're going to need the enema-hose too, for this one" ! :o:rolleyes:

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TV servers aren't based in Thailand and neither is the admin.

I'm fully aware of that. And of course that was why I wrote if admin were to hand over the logs.

But if some Thai government body suggested that admin hand over the logs instead of having the entire site put on a permanent ban in Thailand, admin might be tempted to comply.

It would not be difficult for all traffic passing through the Thai ISPs servers destined for TV server (in Singapore?) to be captured. if posting from inside Thailand a postor's IP address is easily captured and since TV doesn't require an encrypted connection the text of posts would be readable. On the otherhand Thaksin is pretty tight with the Singaporeans so he may already be capturing all traffic at the server then it doesn't matter what country you're in.

Just sayin.

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