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Phuket Taxi Mob Beats Driver In Broad Daylight


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Nice of the police to tell him to head off to the hospital and then come back to complain.

I would have thought the police would have either taken him there or called an ambulance. Surely anyone beaten about the head could be a danger on the roads, he may have even blacked out and ran into a group of tuk tuk drivers.

Couldnt be a danger on the roads, didnt have a driveable car

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It may be true that "the vast majority of visitors to Phuket" experience no trouble and have a wonderful time. But it is the ones who have been beaten to a pulp, have been grossly overcharged by gently smiling rip-offers and fell victim to all sorts of scams whose stories will be picked up by the foreign media and put Phuket in a bad light.

I couldn't care less about Phuket. It's a destination for rather ignorant tourists who want to experience the "magic of the Orient" amidst pizza parlours, roaring jetskies and modern, airconditioned shopping malls selling "indigenous" handicrafts at shamelessly inflated prices.

But to say that one incident of this kind should be sweeped under the carpet in favour of perhaps 1,000 or even 2,000 "non-incidents" is like saying that one murder should be ignored for the mere reason that statistically only one in every 10,000 people is murdered. It is not the relative scarcity, but the fact that it does happen that is reason for concern and should be incentive enough to take appropriate action.

Phuket's taxi and tuk-tuk mafia has had a rather free hand in carrying out their ctivities for literally decades. It's about high time they're reined in. Every new report on such incidents will further erode Phuket's image. And it is 'image' that is so very important for Thais, isn't it? Well, if that is true, DO SOMETHING.

Fat chance, though, as half of the oh so image-conscious police and politicians are allegedly in cahouts with those thugs. What an image!

Police could raise the "tea money levy" because of the extra flack they are having to take whilst protecting these thugs.

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I have been avoiding tuk-tuks for years. They're all a big rip-off. In CM (where I live), it's almost always better to use the red song-taew.

I remember the days in Bangkok before taxis had meters. Now that we have metered taxis, they're almost always more comfortable, safer and cheaper than tuk-tuks, and you don't waste time arguing about the price.

That's not true. I'm constantly arguing with meter taxis; they trying to flat rate me with an extortionate price and me insisting on them turning the meter on...sometimes they refuse to take me and just drive away as soon as they find out where I'm going. I wish I were living in your world.

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I have been avoiding tuk-tuks for years. They're all a big rip-off. In CM (where I live), it's almost always better to use the red song-taew.

I remember the days in Bangkok before taxis had meters. Now that we have metered taxis, they're almost always more comfortable, safer and cheaper than tuk-tuks, and you don't waste time arguing about the price.

I use tuk tuk all the time in CM, maybe 12 - 15 trips a week, and find the vast majority of drivers very reasonable and honest in their pricing. True there is the odd one who thinks that I am an easy target, but they are very rare.

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I have my parents coming out to visit us in Thailand for the first time soon for a few weeks, their first time ever travelling outside of Europe.

I was planning to take them to Phuket as I've been there a couple of times before and it seems to be a place someone who is not used to Asian/3rd world standards could have a good time, I thought a nice resort on the West coast would be perfect however after reading these daily stories of violence, threats, trouble, murders and suicides I'm seriously considering avoiding the place forever even for myself and trying to find somewhere better suited for them.

Try Hua Hin, is still a few years away from Phuket Ko Samui etc. I love it.

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Why do people go to phuket?sick.gif

Because it is a very nice place with lots of things to see and do.

(If you don't mind that almost all business people are a greedy and sour lot who will only smile if you pay too much, If you don't mind falling victim to one of the many scams. If you don't mind taking the chance that you could at any time or place be beaten senseless by lawless thugs. If you don't mind that the police will do nothing to help you there, etc........

No, I disagree! it WAS a nice place many years ago, but Phuket isn't much more than an extension of hell now.

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The Phuket Government and Police have no interest is solving this problem. Their pockets are lined with payoff money from all the scams in Phuket. If you are planning on coming to Thailand I would suggest you change yuour plans and go to somewhere cicilized, like inside a volcano. You have a better chance of going home unhurt. " Land of Smiles" only when your wallet is out. Miracle Thailand, it will be a miracle if anyone comes next year. This is the OK corral all over again in the 21st century.

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When governors and top policeman get appointed through unofficial auctions and the position goes to the highest bidder, they have to recoup their investment.

Corruption is right through the fabric of Thai society; from the very top to the very bottom.

70% of Thai people don't mind corruption if it benefits them.

With this in mind, what hope is there for any problems to be fixed.

In Thai society it is the person that points the problem out that gets punished.

Until Thai society goes down the toilet and nobody can pretend that there isn't a problem anymore, only then will you see a change.

Phuket's problems are Thailand's problems writ small.

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I have my parents coming out to visit us in Thailand for the first time soon for a few weeks, their first time ever travelling outside of Europe.

I was planning to take them to Phuket as I've been there a couple of times before and it seems to be a place someone who is not used to Asian/3rd world standards could have a good time, I thought a nice resort on the West coast would be perfect however after reading these daily stories of violence, threats, trouble, murders and suicides I'm seriously considering avoiding the place forever even for myself and trying to find somewhere better suited for them.

Try Hua Hin, is still a few years away from Phuket Ko Samui etc. I love it.

Try staying away from Thailand altogether. You would be safer naked in a hurricane.

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The Tuk Tuke problems are in every part of the country not just Phuket, people get beaten up regularily by Tuk Tuk drivers here in Chiang Mai regularily it's just not reported. They are territorial and their job is basically to rip you off. Most of them are likely using Meth so you just don't want to mess around with lunatics like that. The drivers in Phuket are much more close nit being an island but it's too much to say they are a Mafia, please, these people arn't organised.

I doubt anyone who speaks politely, doesn't park in their spot and barters the fare before going with them will ever have a problem.

It's extremely rare for a Thai to use violence unprovoked (unlike your own country where you can get shot and stabbed walking down the wrong street) but vengence is rife so don't go upsetting the locals with foul mouthed hooliganism which is why most of the farangs get smacked down.

How strange, I have lived in CM for many years, I get out and about a lot, and I know many people here. But, I have never heard of, or witnessed a single instance of tuk tuk violence, and very rarely do I have tuk tuk driver try to rip me off. Generally speaking I cant fault the local transport boys.

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The Tuk Tuke problems are in every part of the country not just Phuket, people get beaten up regularily by Tuk Tuk drivers here in Chiang Mai regularily it's just not reported. They are territorial and their job is basically to rip you off. Most of them are likely using Meth so you just don't want to mess around with lunatics like that. The drivers in Phuket are much more close nit being an island but it's too much to say they are a Mafia, please, these people arn't organised. I doubt anyone who speaks politely, doesn't park in their spot and barters the fare before going with them will ever have a problem. It's extremely rare for a Thai to use violence unprovoked (unlike your own country where you can get shot and stabbed walking down the wrong street) but vengence is rife so don't go upsetting the locals with foul mouthed hooliganism which is why most of the farangs get smacked down.

Have you ever been to Phuket?Have you read the reports concerning the beating of innocent tourists in front of their families?Did you know that most of the Phuket Tuk Tuk drivers are Muslim, and therefore follow a different code?

Yes I've been to Phuket. Yes I read the reports. I don't care if they are Martian, beating up people over 100 baht or less is unforgivable in a place where they earn more than the average Thai. Just because they are Muslim that is the excuse. Excuse me but I have lived and worked all over the Middle East for 29 years. Being Muslim is not the reason these people are idiots.They know they can get away with anything they want because of the local Government and Police, so they do.

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It's all about what they can get away with, corrupt officials, no infrastructure, no back bones,money goes right to the top, anyone trying to put a stop to this will die,talk and write about the trivial everyday happenings,whinge and wine,but it will be to no avail,my dear friends!!

And a note to all the ignorant dickheads who simply say " if you don't like it why don't you f*** off" well, it's the actions of some of its people,we complain about,not the beauty of the land itself!!

I fully agree with you. It is not about complaining about Thailand as a whole, but about pointing out the criminal elements in this country. That is not wrong. It's constructive criticism. I have been living in this country for more than two decades. I speak, read and write Thai reasonably well, pay sizeable amounts of personal income tax every year and my visa and work permit are always in order despite the increasingly difficult conditions to renew either. But I continue to enjoy preciously few rights in this country as an 'alien' (I might move to Montenegro soon). The vast majority of Thais are amiable, genuinely friendly people. That doesn't dissuade from the fact that this kingdom is brimming with thugs, and that their numbers are increasing as more rosey-eyed 'farang' are pouring in. It's always been 'open season' on ingnorant vacationers in this country, but that doesn't mean that it's also right to milk them for everything they've got. From my experience, the knee-jerk argument "if you don't like it here, go home" is only brought forward by 'farang' who have been living here for 4 years and less. They consider themselves as staunch defenders, even beacons for Thailand. Eventually, and if they survive long enough (and haven't been cleaned out by their former prostitute-turned-faithful wife and her entire extended family), they'll cool down and their views will change. They will see a country that is far removed from 'Lonely Planet' fairytales, has massive social problems, struggles (if at all) with enormous environmental pollution, bows to a a handful of powerful families (who exploit their positions shamelessly) and where only a tiny fraction (a waitress earns perhaps 4,000 Baht a month) of the handsome profits made through tourism ever reaches the lowest echelons of society.

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I have my parents coming out to visit us in Thailand for the first time soon for a few weeks, their first time ever travelling outside of Europe.

I was planning to take them to Phuket as I've been there a couple of times before and it seems to be a place someone who is not used to Asian/3rd world standards could have a good time, I thought a nice resort on the West coast would be perfect however after reading these daily stories of violence, threats, trouble, murders and suicides I'm seriously considering avoiding the place forever even for myself and trying to find somewhere better suited for them.

Try Hua Hin, is still a few years away from Phuket Ko Samui etc. I love it.

I have always liked Krabi but that's probably changing now. :jap:

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The Tuk Tuke problems are in every part of the country not just Phuket, people get beaten up regularily by Tuk Tuk drivers here in Chiang Mai regularily it's just not reported. They are territorial and their job is basically to rip you off. Most of them are likely using Meth so you just don't want to mess around with lunatics like that. The drivers in Phuket are much more close nit being an island but it's too much to say they are a Mafia, please, these people arn't organised.

I doubt anyone who speaks politely, doesn't park in their spot and barters the fare before going with them will ever have a problem.

It's extremely rare for a Thai to use violence unprovoked (unlike your own country where you can get shot and stabbed walking down the wrong street) but vengence is rife so don't go upsetting the locals with foul mouthed hooliganism which is why most of the farangs get smacked down.

Do you live in a cave with no outside interference? What about May 2010. The police run the law, the police are paid to look the other way, no law in Thailand. That is except when you are on a motorcycle without a helmut. Then the pllice are everywhere taking money, but not writing tickets. Where do you think that money goes. In Thier Pockets. Don't be a turtle. Stick your head out once in a while.

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Nice of the police to tell him to head off to the hospital and then come back to complain.

I would have thought the police would have either taken him there or called an ambulance. Surely anyone beaten about the head could be a danger on the roads, he may have even blacked out and ran into a group of tuk tuk drivers.

Yup, more evidence of shitty Poohket police attitudes.

When I had my head kicked in in Pattaya in 1989, the cops took me to hospital first so I could get my head stitched back together before they threw me in jail.

Top blokes!

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Just an observation from someone who, as yet, hasn’t even been to Phuket; and to be honest I don’t much fancy the place having been to Koh Samui and Pattaya. Far too many Farhangs in these places for my liking.

Thai’s are not renowned for ability to look ahead. This is apparent even with their driving. If they did look ahead they’d see what is happening with their neighbour on that side of Thailand: Myanmar. At some point in the foreseeable future the military Junta in Myanmar is going to collapse. Or more likely bugger off with the money from all the state owned assets they’re busily selling off. Once this happens the country will open up to the world for business, much like land-locked Laos (try saying that after a few beers!) did just over a decade ago. However, unlike Laos, Myanmar has close on 2000 kilometres of beautiful and so-far unspoilt coast line along the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. When this happens Phuket and Thailand in general may find it has to compete a little harder to get tourist money to flow into the country with all the negative publicity the world sees. As tourism is such an important source of income to Thailand maybe time for someone higher up the food chain to make the changes now before the reputation of this beautiful country I call home is tarnished beyond repair.

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Nice of the police to tell him to head off to the hospital and then come back to complain.

I would have thought the police would have either taken him there or called an ambulance. Surely anyone beaten about the head could be a danger on the roads, he may have even blacked out and ran into a group of tuk tuk drivers.

Yup, more evidence of shitty Poohket police attitudes.

When I had my head kicked in in Pattaya in 1989, the cops took me to hospital first so I could get my head stitched back together before they threw me in jail.

Top blokes!


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What will it take for the government to do something? The senate heard from the tailors about the alleged millions in shakedowns, the jetskis are allowed to rip off tourists and all of these beatings and attacks from the tuk tuk drivers, all of whom appear to be protected by local government and police officials.

Does anyone care or will it continue to be ignored and excused away? Enough is enough. Do something.

Nobody cares my freind there is money involved, with a corrupt police force all laws go out of the window sad but true,:ph34r: myself I will never visit this hole.

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Just another reason not to go to pooket

getting sick of even hearing the name the place is a dump

run by crooks tell everybody how wonderful you think pooket is (hahahaha)

I for one do tell every aussie not to go there but they still do because it is heavily advertised as

a wonderful holiday spot (until you go )

Just like lambs to the slaughter!!

All embassies in thailand should send out travel warnings but do not i would call that gutless and

not wanting to rock the boat

Wait till another tourist gets hurt on thier hard earned holiday cannot beleive people are so naive

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Just an observation from someone who, as yet, hasn’t even been to Phuket; and to be honest I don’t much fancy the place having been to Koh Samui and Pattaya. Far too many Farhangs in these places for my liking.

Thai’s are not renowned for ability to look ahead. This is apparent even with their driving. If they did look ahead they’d see what is happening with their neighbour on that side of Thailand: Myanmar. At some point in the foreseeable future the military Junta in Myanmar is going to collapse. Or more likely bugger off with the money from all the state owned assets they’re busily selling off. Once this happens the country will open up to the world for business, much like land-locked Laos (try saying that after a few beers!) did just over a decade ago. However, unlike Laos, Myanmar has close on 2000 kilometres of beautiful and so-far unspoilt coast line along the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. When this happens Phuket and Thailand in general may find it has to compete a little harder to get tourist money to flow into the country with all the negative publicity the world sees. As tourism is such an important source of income to Thailand maybe time for someone higher up the food chain to make the changes now before the reputation of this beautiful country I call home is tarnished beyond repair.

good post but wishful thinking ( on change )

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Why do people go to phuket?sick.gif

Because we have by far the best beaches in SEA with world class diving at it's doorstep. It's a beautiful vacation destination and a fantastic place to live. Unfortunately the islands transport is being held hostage by greedy people, many if not most less of a Phuket native I am.

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Why do people go to phuket?sick.gif

Because it is a very nice place with lots of things to see and do.

As the editor of another news source said: "It would be a shame to overstate the scale of the problem. The vast majority of people have a wonderful time on holiday on Phuket. But while there is a lawless element among the tuk-tuk drivers and jet-ski operators - and now, apparently, motorcycle hirers - Phuket will suffer. Incidents of intimidation, violence and fraud should not happen on Phuket."

It may be very nice but the point is it costs a fortune to get anywhere and see the nice things :D ..along with the high cost of sunbeds, jetski scams, higher cost of everything and general rudeness of the locals there are now far better places to visit

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Why do people go to phuket?sick.gif

beats the hell out of me.

And, it probably would, were you to go there!

We know why the native people go. I submit why foreign people go...

Their industry thrives on a sucker being born every minute. Thais don't recycle. They burn, consume or toss aside like there's no tomorrow. That includes tourists. Not a bash! Read the headlines and comments. And, uh... even those nice Thais don't seem to lift a finger to do anything about their naughty brethren, and that sort of fits in with the general concept of how we think they think about us; or, they don't think, and that's a problem too.

I think the question should be; How many foreigners return to Phuket?

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Nice of the police to tell him to head off to the hospital and then come back to complain.

I would have thought the police would have either taken him there or called an ambulance. Surely anyone beaten about the head could be a danger on the roads, he may have even blacked out and ran into a group of tuk tuk drivers.

Yes!! I just said this exact same thing almost verbatim to my wife!!! Incredible not to at a minimum accompany him to the hospital or call someone to transport him, but his wounds are evidence of the crime, it should be followed up on while he's being treated and to the extent of his injuries not to mention a little compassion shown.

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Nice of the police to tell him to head off to the hospital and then come back to complain.

I would have thought the police would have either taken him there or called an ambulance. Surely anyone beaten about the head could be a danger on the roads, he may have even blacked out and ran into a group of tuk tuk drivers.

You think they look after thir own any better than the tourists. This is Thailand

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