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Palestinian President Abbas tells U.S. envoy UN bid does not contradict peace talks


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If the land does not belong to Israel then they have no right to build on it

The Arabs rejected the UN deal and went to war numerous times to destroy Israel, so the land does not belong to them until they accept Israel's right to exist, recognize it as a Jewish state and stop the hate, violence, terrorism and sign a peace treaty. Until then, the US will veto every one of the absurd Hamas demands for a State.

Where did I say the land belonged to Arabs.

The land does NOT belong to Israel so they have no right to take it.

I have no argument about the US using a veto, again, that is not the point. Palestine has every right to request a vote. The US and Israel is afraid of the majority of the UN agreeing to a Palestine nation as that will marginalise the US and Israel even more than they already are on this point.

And by the way, like it or not, it is not Hamas demanding anything, it is the democratically elected Palestinian government.

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If the land does not belong to Israel then they have no right to build on it

The Arabs rejected the UN deal and went to war numerous times to destroy Israel, so the land does not belong to them until they accept Israel's right to exist, recognize it as a Jewish state and stop the hate, violence, terrorism and sign a peace treaty. Until then, the US will veto every one of the absurd Hamas demands for a State.

Ahh, I see what you are getting at....

You don't want Palestine to have a country because then Israel couldn't practice it's expansionism by taking land and saying 'It isn't theirs anyway'.

In my opinion a people who have their own land have a sense of identity and are more inclined to accept things as they are. They know they have boundaries and a finality with their lot in life, they are more inclined to worry about themselves instead of worrying about anyone else. It is when they don't have that sense of identity, the unkown about their borders, a sense of no belonging, no home to call their own that causes them to be restless and more aggressive.

Perhaps it is time to try something different and actually give them a country, a national identity. Clearly things are not working they way they are at the moment.

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The terrorist group Hamas were elected by the Palestinian Arabs which is just one reason that they are their own worst enemies and will never get their own State until they renounce violence and sign a peace treaty.

Democratically elected, like it or not.

'Never' is a long time and I wouldn't go hanging my hat on it. The world can change quite quickly. Perhaps the US will get sick and tired of the way Israel acts and decide they've had enough. I don't think you have a crystal ball that can see what future US Presidents will do.

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The land does NOT belong to Israel so they have no right to take it.

The UN Security Council attempts to resolve the war resulted in UNSC Resolution 242 which called on Arab states to make peace with Israel and left the question of borders to be resolved by negotiations on the basis of two guidelines: that the borders be “secure and recognized” and that Israel remove its forces from “territories” that they had occupied in the war.

In other words, the land is Israel's until the Arabs make peace and there is no need for Israel to return to the 1967 borders as they would not be secure. B)

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I don't think you have a crystal ball that can see what future US Presidents will do.

I do not need a crystal ball to se that the next President will be a Republican and Republicans support Israel. ;)

And therein lies the crux of the problem. Support Israel, not 'do the right thing', not support who is right, but just support Israel.

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The land does NOT belong to Israel so they have no right to take it.

The UN Security Council attempts to resolve the war resulted in UNSC Resolution 242 which called on Arab states to make peace with Israel and left the question of borders to be resolved by negotiations on the basis of two guidelines: that the borders be "secure and recognized" and that Israel remove its forces from "territories" that they had occupied in the war.

In other words, the land is Israel's until the Arabs make peace and there is no need for Israel to return to the 1967 borders as they would not be secure. B)

Aren't you the one that says the UN is crap and no one should take notice of them? And here you are quoting them.

You denigrate the UN and mock others for quoting the UN to justify their view. Now.....you are quoting the UN to justify your view, just because it suits you. Nice. hahahahaha :lol:

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Aren't you the one that says the UN is crap and no one should take notice of them?

You seem to be trying to change the issue by throwing out a red herring (once again), but I do say that they are corrupt and bought off by Arab oil money, but even they admit that Israel has the right to exist and have defensible borders.

The fact that even they agree on that says a lot.

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