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What'S The Current Status Of Firearms Ownership

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I was thinking about importing firearms to Thailand. I have Thai citizenship, so please no responses that I can't do it.

I did a search of the Thaivisa forum, but the posts are so old I don't know if they are still good or whatnot. Specifically, Taksin tried to halt gun ownership, but he's gone, and now his sister is in...so frankly I don't know what the current situation is.

Is Bangkok still not giving out permits to own firearms?

I am on the housebook in BKK, but the family has land in Phitsanoluk. If BKK is not giving out permits to own firearms, I was thinking of transferring to the Phitsanoluk housebook. If BKK is giving out permission, I will try and obtain the permit for the handgun the next time I go, transfer on the housebook in Phitsanoluk to bring in the rifle. As I understand it, out in the sticks it is easier to get permission to own firearms. Specifically I found this old post by maizefarmer who obtained a permit to own a rifle and a smooth bore shotgun because he was out in the sticks and obtained the firearms in order to hunt wild boar. There is about a 100 Rai of land near Phitsanoluk, and there would be plenty of opportunity to hunt wild boar.

I wanted to bring in a Glock 27, and a rifle. And yes the rifle would be an evil assault weapon type of rifle (AR-15 or AK-47) that I already own in the states. I don't want to hear "why do you need this in Thailand"...there's a 100 rai of land, and plenty of space to plink. I am wondering if I did the change on the housebook, and attempted to bring in the rifle, if they would have an objection to it being an AK or AR. Keep in mind it is kind of difficult to tell what kind of rifle it is based upon the manufacturer, and model number. (The AK is a DCI Model NDS-4 in 7.62, and the AR is a Smith & Wesson Model M&P 15 in 5.56.) Assuming that approval to own is granted by the local Amphur, is there any other reason why an "assault" rifle would not be allowed? My big concern is it being seized by customs. Also does anyone know what kind of customs and duties I would expect to pay? Once again, I do not want my pieces seized.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Have no idea but would try one of the gun clubs or shooting ranges for information.

My guess is they would be up to date in regulations regarding permitting.


Can you own (legally) a handgun to keep in your house for protection, how do you get permission, do you need a certificate out here. ?

Would love to know



I heard a long time ago that there's a Smith&Wesson factory here in Thailand. Have you contacted them? Or, ask a cop - they have guns!


I think they are leagal to own but illegal to carry. You will need a license to carry, very long process and lots of paperwork. You have to prove you need the gun to carry and have to renew the license every year.

Also I think they are limited to .380 gauge

If you go to Burapa or the old siam on the bottom floors this is where guns are bought and sold. Just go into a shop and I think they will take care of the permits for you for a price.


I am not going to tell you how to get a handgun into Thailand as you can you can find them here. AK 47 and AR 15 in possession or any attempt to ship to you, would more than likely create more problems than you would want or could imagine. As mentioned, police and target ranges would be starting places for the info on a weapon and the permit to own.


Being a Thai citizen how can you own guns in the U.S.? How will you ship the weapons, will they be shipped via a dealer? As you know in the states transfers of weapons are easier if done dealer to dealer, of course depends which states you're dealing with..as stated before I would contact a range or dealer in Thailand...however since you are a Thai citizen it can't be done B):D


Being a Thai citizen how can you own guns in the U.S.? How will you ship the weapons, will they be shipped via a dealer? As you know in the states transfers of weapons are easier if done dealer to dealer, of course depends which states you're dealing with..as stated before I would contact a range or dealer in Thailand...however since you are a Thai citizen it can't be done B):D

Dual nationality ? Not sure but OP could be one of those.


An assault rifle?

I hope that nobody could possibly be allowed an assault rifle.

This would include military types.


Why , oh why ,do want to own a gun? Sure , I hate them .My personal security is not under threat, never has been. Guns KILL . Why? because stupid ,idiotic people feel a need to own them,and use them for spurious purposes.This country is Thailand ,and I love living here .I DO NOT want to see farang owning guns. Which country are you from? ,that wants to own guns? In Thailand?What have you done ,that makes it important for you to own a gun?


Why , oh why ,do want to own a gun? Sure , I hate them .My personal security is not under threat, never has been. Guns KILL . Why? because stupid ,idiotic people feel a need to own them,and use them for spurious purposes.This country is Thailand ,and I love living here .I DO NOT want to see farang owning guns. Which country are you from? ,that wants to own guns? In Thailand?What have you done ,that makes it important for you to own a gun?

Kudos for questioning the obvious, afarang!!!:jap: :thumbsup:


Which country are you from? ,that wants to own guns??

You have one guess

Oh Dear - Septic tanks ? What is my prize? NOOOOO an A.K 47?

Know where your coming from but after events in Norway, Finland & UK to name but a few, it seems there are plenty of candidates these days for gun ownership.



IONO--am dual citizen, and you do not have to be a citizen to buy guns in the U.S.--a permanent resident is sufficient.

DEVATSAR--yes, even a non-Thai citizen falang may own a handgun in Thailand. It depends if the authorities will give you permission. Ask Katabeachbum, he has posted about obtaining permission to purchase. I am making this post to see if BKK is giving permission out or not.


See I have heard things such as if you have a gun in the home and there is an intruder, shoot then hand the gun to your wife as being a foreigner it is illegal for you to own or even use a weapon here...with that said I have had a break in and the cop told me we have no issue with you killing someone breaking into your house...uhhhh ok...as a Falang I can see carrying a hand gun if you are traveling out in the country at night or a shot gun for home protection or hunting, but I'm not all that into people owning assault weapons, kind of unnecessary (unless you are going to war), but to each his own (yes I'm an American)...on that note dual citizenship I always though you had to accept one or the other once you turned 18 or if you become a Thai citizen at an older age as an American you have to renounce your American Citizenship...


Submaniac... As I said the best is to check with your local BKK clubs & ranges.

What you will get here is mainly complaints & opinions you did not request.

I will say this...At one time my wife & I were going to import her CZ75B SA

from the US into Chiang Mai on one of our trips.

My wife has a friend whose husband is one of the higher ranking

customs officers at Bangkok Suwannaphum.

He told us it was possible but we needed to get the forms filed before our trip.

Since we were in the US it was not possible. But basically it entailed getting the forms done at the local

cop shop before importing. If granted the form would be carried in with the weapon.

I have no idea about AR-15's...own a few in the US but do not know if legal to import to LOS.



IONO--am dual citizen, and you do not have to be a citizen to buy guns in the U.S.--a permanent resident is sufficient.

As a non US citizen who was resident in the US for thirteen years, I can confirm that non US citizens cannot legally buy guns there.


As a non US citizen who was resident in the US for thirteen years, I can confirm that non US citizens cannot legally buy guns there.

Sorry that is not correct....If they are Legal Permenant Resident Aliens

(aka: green card holders) they can obtain a permit & firearm.

Permanent resident aliens are not nonimmigrant aliens. Permanent resident aliens often are referred to as people with “green cards.”

Although even a green card holder has to have resided in the State of Purchase for at least 90 days

You cannot buy on a tourist visa period.

My wife is a green card holder...soon to be a US citizen... & also holds a license/Permit for her 9mm

Even in one of the toughest gun law States California the law is as follows....

Non-U.S. citizens that are in the country legally can have a PFEC conducted. You must include your Alien Registration or I-94 number on the PFEC application, and include a copy of your Alien Registration or I-94 card with your application package. A valid Alien Registration or I-94 card is required at the time of purchase of any firearm. Non-U.S. citizen applicants must also meet certain federal requirements to purchase a firearm, unrelated to the firearms eligibility background check.

Also here the question is answered in the Texas ATF bureau FAQ

Q: I have a “green card” and have lived in Texas for several years. Am I prohibited from purchasing firearms and ammunition from an FFL in Texas?

As long as you are not otherwise prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms and ammunition (for example, a felon), Federal law does not prohibit you from purchasing or possessing firearms or ammunition. However, you will need to put your alien number or admission number on the ATF Form 4473 (5300.9) and provide the FFL with documentation establishing you have resided in Texas for more than 90 consecutive days preceding the transaction. Moreover, you must make sure there are no State or local restrictions on such a purchase.


I just bought a firearm about 3 weeks ago, and the form necessary (the Federal firearms transaction records, form 4473) specifically asks if you are a U.S. Citizen, and if not, you can give your Alien/green card number and they will still allow you to purchase (provided you can pass the background--i.e. don't have a criminal record, dishonorably discharged from the military, mentally ill, or under a restraining order).

There are alot of opinions that appear to be made by people who don't really know what they are talking about. For those questioning why I would want a rifle, you have obviously never fired both a handgun and a rifle or otherwise you would know why I prefer a rifle over a handgun.

Getting back to the question posed: Is Bangkok still giving out permits or should I try requesting the permit at another amphur?


I'm surprised, that's a law that must have been changed since the mid 1980's - I'm a green card holder of thirteen years standing and I tried to buy a rifle in Michigan in the early 1980's and was refused on the basis of citizenship, we eventually bought it in my wife's name.

OK I just spotted it, it looks like this is a law that varies from state to state, Texas Ok, Michigan not - hunting license OK but general purpose not, it all looks very messy.



F'n California, I couldn't even by a shotgun unless I went and got my DRV Lic, even though I purchased a home and whatnot due to a contract I was working on...tough state on gun laws...why not just go to someone in the Thai government and ask the question, the internet will only bring you ridicule, that's why I'm here :D, you don't need a gun nor should you be allowed to posses one in Thailand if you are a U.S. Citizen....if a green card hold then no problem....yeah I'm trolling :D


Why , oh why ,do want to own a gun? Sure , I hate them .My personal security is not under threat, never has been. Guns KILL . Why? because stupid ,idiotic people feel a need to own them,and use them for spurious purposes.This country is Thailand ,and I love living here .I DO NOT want to see farang owning guns. Which country are you from? ,that wants to own guns? In Thailand?What have you done ,that makes it important for you to own a gun?

Kudos for questioning the obvious, afarang!!!:jap: :thumbsup:

Agree, long-term Thailand and any country is better off if gun ownership is restricted to the police and the military.


Agree, long-term Thailand and any country is better off if gun ownership is restricted to the police and the military.

Was the lettering on my sign too small to read?



From what I gather, it's very difficult to get gun licences, even in the countryside.

I've got a good Thai friend, who said that he was able to get a gun licence no problem, but he did mention that it wasn't always easy for normal people, he was just lucky that his parents are well connected within the government.

However, even though he has a few pistols, shot guns and a "sniper rifle" as he described it, he said that previously he owned an M16 but had to sell it because it was too risky incase the police ever found him with it (Since he couldn't legally own it). For someone who's well connected to be concerned about the legality of owning an M16, I think your chances on legally bringing an AK into the country would be slim.


It is a simple procedure for a Thai citizen to get a gun licence. The procedure is that you go to your local town hall with ID, house documents, etc. to get a permit to buy a gun. After some scrutiny and an interview by someone in charge (in our case a deputy mayor) and he will discuss what sort of gun you need and the permit is issued. We have circumstances where it is necessary to carry the gun on occasion and that was also allowed. With the permit you can then purchase the gun, albeit at a very high price. You then take the gun back to the town hall where they take the id # of the gun and record it. They then give you a licence to own the gun. The procedure costs Bt500 and you do not need to renew the licence. I believe the town hall also gets a tax from the seller of the gun.


I think it's great that this guy wants to being an assault rifle into Thailand. More people should do it, it can only be a good thing if there are more assault rifles the hands of the general public in Thailand. Its a scientific fact that the more guns there are in the possession of the public the less gun related crime there is. Just look at how low the gun crime is in the US compared with Canada. More guns please, they're great! They make you feel like a real man, and who doesn't what to feel like a real man?

Knowing this man is actively seeking to bring a fully automatic assault weapon into the country my children live in helps me sleep at night.And they're so useful too. Think of all those tin cans you can put holes in. So many uses.

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