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Thai Govt Pledges No Extrajudicial Killings In Drug Crackdown


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I guess I'm in the minority here. I am all for extrajudicial killings of drug dealers. They don't get rehabilitated.

Ask yourself which news story you'd rather read:

Motorcycle Taxi Driver High on Yabba Rapes then Kills School Aged Girl

Heroin Addict Kills Family Member's Baby with a Knife while High


Drug Dealer Shot Dead in Alley at Lunchtime

Give certain trained police the right to end drug trafficker's lives right now before more innocent lives are lost. jap.gif

Just my humble opinion.

I believe you are a drug dealer so it's OK if I have my policeman friend shoot you in the head?

Tit for Tat - butter for Fat - you kill my dog I'll kill your cat - If that is your preference of justice that you encourage the police in Thailand to do.... you then do not need graduates - As Albert Einstein has said. The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that a Genius knows his limits.

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I am all for extrajudicial killings of drug dealers. They don't get rehabilitated.

Ask yourself which news story you'd rather read:

Motorcycle Taxi Driver High on Yabba Rapes then Kills School Aged Girl

Heroin Addict Kills Family Member's Baby with a Knife while High


Drug Dealer Shot Dead in Alley at Lunchtime

Give certain trained police the right to end drug trafficker's lives right now before more innocent lives are lost. jap.gif

Just my humble opinion.

I believe you are a drug dealer so it's OK if I have my policeman friend shoot you in the head?

Tit for Tat - butter for Fat - you kill my dog I'll kill your cat - If that is your preference of justice that you encourage the police in Thailand to do.... you then do not need graduates - As Albert Einstein has said. The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that a Genius knows his limits.

Just pointing out the idiocy of bypassing the courts and taking the law into your own hands. 'Those who live by the sword, die by the sword'. Do you also want lowly, underpaid, undereducated policemen to be judge, jury, and executioner?

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Any bets as to which committees his sons will be appointed to?

Well, he does have experience... :rolleyes:

Interior Minister appoints his son as Anti-Drug Committee Member

The Interior Minister appointed one of his sons as a member of the special committee to tackle drug problems.

Major Duang Yoobamrung, the son of Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, was appointed to work with the Interior Ministry's Drug Suppression Committee, which is a special unit that supports operations to reduce drug problems.

The official letter of his appointment was signed by his farther, the Interior Minister himself, on July 4th, 2008.

TAN Network - July 5, 2008

Is Duang the youngest son who ran away, and then got off with a wrist slap for shooting a policeman to death at point blank range? Allegedly, the policeman clumsily stepped on the son's shoe in a crowded nightclub, so perhaps we can forgive the murder (for offending an important Thai person), particularly as he's the son of such an important man. Or is Duang one of the other sons (?) who have been known to violently threaten others in night clubs, yet never suffer the consequences that ordinary people like you and me would get if we did the same.

Sobering thought to think that a man like Chalerm, who harbors criminals (his sons) and is such an soppy example of fatherhood, is put in charge of such an important program. Nothing surprises me re; Thai politics. If they took the fattest person in the land and appointed that person head of Thailand's fitness initiative, it would fit in like whiskey drinking Chalerm put in charge of eradicating drugs.

When my son first started university he worked as a barman for some months at one of the popular rachaha clubs.

Not long after he started he came home and shared the following. Suddenly one of the other barman yelled for everybody to disappear quickly and everybody did. Why, because the thug sons had appeared and all of the staff were terrified of them; they demanded instant service, automatically and severely abused and kicked the staff, never paid, threw glasses, bottles, and equipment at the staff, and had several times caused injuries.

The club owner had instructed the staff to just disappear because he realized that it was impossible to take care of their demands, so let them just take what they want.

Now where did the sons learn all of this?

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Thai government pledges no extrajudicial killings this time in the war on drugs.

Quite some statement - and by default it confirms (by yingluck and chalerm) that there were extrajudicial killings the first time.

Hmmm I was lead to believe indirectly that the statement subconsciously confirms it! It is very easy to predict the outcome of impulsive thought - quick solutions without knowledge or respect to the judicial systems will only thwart every intention of Good. Evil is never blotted out by doing more good. It is eradicated when those responsible are brought to justice. Only then can a nation proceed to a brighter future.

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I am under the impression that some of these killings were of the "enter a bar where drugs are known to be sold and shoot everyone to kill," hookers, waitresses, cooks, guests & musicians be damned.

It's no small task killing 3000 people in 3 months... That's 31+ per day for 90 days. That level of violence must have been buoyed by multiple massacres.

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I am under the impression that some of these killings were of the "enter a bar where drugs are known to be sold and shoot everyone to kill," hookers, waitresses, cooks, guests & musicians be damned. It's no small task killing 3000 people in 3 months... That's 31+ per day for 90 days. That level of violence must have been buoyed by multiple massacres.

Thais, like many people and similar to little kids, can justify anything - after the deed is done. If some drug dealing policemen or others in authority (who deal drugs and/or gain protection money from those who do) don't like the competition from some characters down the street - it's not a stretch of the imagination for them to arrange for those bothersome 'others' to get shot (as happened when Thaksin was head man) or arrested (as might happen this time around).

When Thaksin's program was instigated, T himself looked at the population numbers for each province, and clearly indicated to the police chiefs of each - what their quota was expected to be. In other words, if you were chief of a large population province, your expected quota of getting baddies off the street was higher number than the chief cop of a smaller population province. The instructions were something like; "put them out of business any way you can." He may have also said something like, "don't get bogged down with arrests, jailing suspects and the long drawn out trial and expenses of incarcerating them." We'll never know, because those that know, won't talk. However, the results of their deeds speak volumes, as the post above indicates.

If Yingluck is anything like a 'clone' and if she and Chalerm stick with their mantra "Thaksin Thinks, Puea Thai Acts" ......then it starts with the lies. Then goes on to nefarious actions. Then there's a prolonged period of more lies, during which the 'leaders' say all sorts of weird things to try and justify their illegal acts. We're at stage one with this new "War On Drugs." Get ready for stage 2 (the Disappearances) ......and then a long drawn out stage 3 (the excuses and avoidance of viable explanations).

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Chalerm pledges no violation of law in govt's anti-drug campaign


BANGKOK, Sept 15 - Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung on Thursday promised that the Thai government's recently-launched campaign against narcotics will follow the rule of law and that any operations by law-enforcing officials will not be against the law.

Mr Chalerm gave assurances in response to concern expressed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Centre for the East Asia and the Pacific which feared that the Yingluck government's anti-drug campaign might lead to human rights violations or to extra-judicial killings by the police.

"The government will implement the policy in a decisive manner but will neither violate human rights nor any law," according to Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm, who has been assigned to head the anti-drug operation.

Abhisit Vejjajiva, opposition Democrat Party leader, cautioned that all parties concerned must learn about the past and would not repeat the experience of extra-judicial killings, regarding which Mr Thaksin himself admitted to be a mistake.

The UNODC reservations expressed referred to the war on drugs initiated between 2003-2004 by then prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, elder brother of current prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, a campaign which led to the deaths of more than 2,500 people.

Thaksin's war against drugs drew heavy criticism from human rights groups at home and abroad.

The UN also expressed concern about the heavy-handed measures amid claims of extra-judicial killings in which police and security forces were accused of murdering drugs suspects.

However, the Thaksin administration defended its anti-drug measures, insisting that they were needed to stamp out drug dealers and that most deaths were the result of killings among drug gangs. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-09-15

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Thai government pledges no extrajudicial killings this time in the war on drugs.

Quite some statement - and by default it confirms (by yingluck and chalerm) that there were extrajudicial killings the first time.

Hmmm I was lead to believe indirectly that the statement subconsciously confirms it! It is very easy to predict the outcome of impulsive thought - quick solutions without knowledge or respect to the judicial systems will only thwart every intention of Good. Evil is never blotted out by doing more good. It is eradicated when those responsible are brought to justice. Only then can a nation proceed to a brighter future.

and really be a civil society which fixes problems through properly structured policy and structured application of that policy, with fairness, and by adhering to correct legal process.

Sadly the current people at the top are simply not capable of this.

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I am under the impression that some of these killings were of the "enter a bar where drugs are known to be sold and shoot everyone to kill," hookers, waitresses, cooks, guests & musicians be damned. It's no small task killing 3000 people in 3 months... That's 31+ per day for 90 days. That level of violence must have been buoyed by multiple massacres.

Thais, like many people and similar to little kids, can justify anything - after the deed is done. If some drug dealing policemen or others in authority (who deal drugs and/or gain protection money from those who do) don't like the competition from some characters down the street - it's not a stretch of the imagination for them to arrange for those bothersome 'others' to get shot (as happened when Thaksin was head man) or arrested (as might happen this time around).

When Thaksin's program was instigated, T himself looked at the population numbers for each province, and clearly indicated to the police chiefs of each - what their quota was expected to be. In other words, if you were chief of a large population province, your expected quota of getting baddies off the street was higher number than the chief cop of a smaller population province. The instructions were something like; "put them out of business any way you can." He may have also said something like, "don't get bogged down with arrests, jailing suspects and the long drawn out trial and expenses of incarcerating them." We'll never know, because those that know, won't talk. However, the results of their deeds speak volumes, as the post above indicates.

If Yingluck is anything like a 'clone' and if she and Chalerm stick with their mantra "Thaksin Thinks, Puea Thai Acts" ......then it starts with the lies. Then goes on to nefarious actions. Then there's a prolonged period of more lies, during which the 'leaders' say all sorts of weird things to try and justify their illegal acts. We're at stage one with this new "War On Drugs." Get ready for stage 2 (the Disappearances) ......and then a long drawn out stage 3 (the excuses and avoidance of viable explanations).

And what's seems to have been forgotten is the reason why the paymaster actually conducted his 'war on drugs'

It was not for the sake of Thailand, it was because he was very very upset about a problem close to home. In reality it was a personal vendetta.

He has every right to be concerned and angry about drugs close to home.

That's not a valid reason to order / supervise the assassination 2,500 fellow Thais with no resource to justice.

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