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I have just read page 1 of comments.

Dumping newborns and/or even killing them has been seen in chemically addicted mothers in many countries, developed and non-developed. Methamphetamine is infamous for deranged acts like this one.

In dealing with an addicted loved one I used to attend a support group hosted by a local rehab centre counselor. I heard many a heart wrenching story.

One in particular was from a father who shared his story one evening. His 17 year old daughter had managed to conceal her pregnancy and one night she delivered alone in the family bathroom, then simply left the baby (OK) and went out to party. No doubt party meant getting more meth. Other addictions are no picnic either, alcohol included.

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I guess making abortion illegal wasn't such a great idea after all.

why would that matter in this case? [have you ever watched how an abortion is performed??? they literally rip the unborn childs limbs off and pull out whats left].

whether she aborted at 9 months or would have gone to an abortion clinic before 9 months, it still murder!!!

the answer is to act responsibly and use contraception when engaging in sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy in the first place. :unsure:

Abortion is every womans own right. Don´t put your crappy religious beliefs on ev everyone else! Crazy fanatics!

Why is it that the christians that roam the world still think that even when standing in sh*t they smell like roses. Pro life ideology is an attack on individuals rights to decide to bring a child into this world or not. The christians can keep on referring to the biggest bull sh*t story ever written. The real christians I have met have never read the great lie and yet live the example of trying to be good and helping their fellow man. With regards to this girl and her story and if you pro lifers are real christians why hasn't any mentioned forgiveness for their trespasses and forgive the trespass of others? Because of this self righteous position that they hold dear to themselves they believe that they are blessed and saved while the rest of humanity is doomed to hell. Fear of God is what keeps these people restrained. Where is the love? By the way If I am going to Hell at least i am enjoying the ride!


Most states in America have a "Safe Haven" Law.    

Depending upon the state, the time period is as little as 3 days in Vermont, to as long as 1 year in South Dakota.  Any person, the mother, or another who has an unwanted child, can drop it off (where is State Law dependent, but usually it's a hospital, church, or police station) and no questions are asked, nor photos/interrogation occurs.

It is the anonymity that makes it effective. 

This has undoubtedly saved many lives of unwanted newborns.  To develop such a Safe Haven law in Thailand would be, I would think, concordant with Buddhist beliefs.


I feel sad for the mother. Imagine what she must have gone through with her self abortion :ermm:

I don't know... But I really think, and maybe this is a terrible thing to say, that she was just thinking, "Get that money, get that money." Not telling the new guy that she was pregnant, not telling the previous guy that she was pregnant, makes me believe that money was on her mind.

Anyone who has dealt with nightlife workers can come to expect that money is really #1 and everything else takes a backseat. Not all are like this, but I suspect that a vast majority are.

Maybe she was not a nightlife worker, but placing her name in FaceBook and seeing approximately 98% foreign men as her friend, makes one wonder.



Just confirms my long standing opinion that in order to survive human societies must exercise much more stringent control on procreation. We as a society have deemed the rights to drive, buy firearms, or sell alcohol as consequential enough activities to place them under state licensing schemes. But none of these come even close to the seriousness and impact of creating another member of the society. This applies all over the world, not just Thailand. Any moron can can make a baby and the rest of us have no say in it even though we end up paying the price.

Unfortunately this stance has so much historical bad baggage that no politician will touch it with a 20 foot pole at our collective peril. In the historical world of the perceived unlimited resources and high mortality the need to replenish the numbers was enshrined into traditions and religion. That is why we all have been indoctrinated that making more babies and saving lives at all costs is a virtue. That world does not exist any more. I half jokengly refer to the agent Smith's monologue from the first Matrix movie. (paraphrasing) "... humans are really not mammals because all mammalian species arrive at the balance between their numbers and the environment, but not humans. Humans enter an ecosystem and begin to multiply until all of natural resources are consumed. There's only one other species that behaves that way, it's a virus."

I'm sure its over-dramatized and arguable, but the gist is valid.

Using our big brains and resulting technology we managed to subvert the mechanism of natural selection without replacing it with anything. The fact that medically assisted suicide is still illegal in most of the world is the testament to how shortsighted we are. The resources are dwindling while the populations are exploding. This is not sustainable. The only logical solution is to control the populations. Unfortunately this and all of the other environmental concerns will go unaddressed in the blind pursuit of the GNP growth and "saving lives". The change would require a fundamental rethink of our values, which is not possible until the reality hits us in the face. But by then it's too late. The planet will go on, and in time will recover but it will be without us on it.

I also think this is an excellent post. Let's not dwell too much on the obvious emotional response of any child's life being terminated. It's horrible of course.

However, Infanticide has a very long history. Christianity claims to have had a strong influence in combating it, as explained in the following link.


But despite the influence of Christianity, infanticide was a common practice in 19th century England. Refer to the following extract from the following site.



"Infanticide has been practiced on every continent and by people on every level of cultural complexity, from hunters and gatherers to high civilization, including our own ancestors. Rather than being an exception, then, it has been the rule.

There is ample historical evidence to document the incredible propensity of parents to murder their children under an assortment of stressful situations. In nineteenth century England, for example, infanticide was so rampant throughout the country that a debate over how to correct the problem was carried out in both the lay and medical press. An editorial in the respected medical journal Lancet noted that "to the shame of civilization it must be avowed that not a State has yet advanced to the degree of progress under which child-murder may be said to be a very uncommon crime."

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm in no way trying to condone the practice, but let's try to get things into perspective.


Just confirms my long standing opinion that in order to survive human societies must exercise much more stringent control on procreation. We as a society have deemed the rights to drive, buy firearms, or sell alcohol as consequential enough activities to place them under state licensing schemes. But none of these come even close to the seriousness and impact of creating another member of the society. This applies all over the world, not just Thailand. Any moron can can make a baby and the rest of us have no say in it even though we end up paying the price.

Unfortunately this stance has so much historical bad baggage that no politician will touch it with a 20 foot pole at our collective peril. In the historical world of the perceived unlimited resources and high mortality the need to replenish the numbers was enshrined into traditions and religion. That is why we all have been indoctrinated that making more babies and saving lives at all costs is a virtue. That world does not exist any more. I half jokengly refer to the agent Smith's monologue from the first Matrix movie. (paraphrasing) "... humans are really not mammals because all mammalian species arrive at the balance between their numbers and the environment, but not humans. Humans enter an ecosystem and begin to multiply until all of natural resources are consumed. There's only one other species that behaves that way, it's a virus."

I'm sure its over-dramatized and arguable, but the gist is valid.

Using our big brains and resulting technology we managed to subvert the mechanism of natural selection without replacing it with anything. The fact that medically assisted suicide is still illegal in most of the world is the testament to how shortsighted we are. The resources are dwindling while the populations are exploding. This is not sustainable. The only logical solution is to control the populations. Unfortunately this and all of the other environmental concerns will go unaddressed in the blind pursuit of the GNP growth and "saving lives". The change would require a fundamental rethink of our values, which is not possible until the reality hits us in the face. But by then it's too late. The planet will go on, and in time will recover but it will be without us on it.

I also think this is an excellent post. Let's not dwell too much on the obvious emotional response of any child's life being terminated. It's horrible of course.

However, Infanticide has a very long history. Christianity claims to have had a strong influence in combating it, as explained in the following link.


But despite the influence of Christianity, infanticide was a common practice in 19th century England. Refer to the following extract from the following site.



"Infanticide has been practiced on every continent and by people on every level of cultural complexity, from hunters and gatherers to high civilization, including our own ancestors. Rather than being an exception, then, it has been the rule.

There is ample historical evidence to document the incredible propensity of parents to murder their children under an assortment of stressful situations. In nineteenth century England, for example, infanticide was so rampant throughout the country that a debate over how to correct the problem was carried out in both the lay and medical press. An editorial in the respected medical journal Lancet noted that "to the shame of civilization it must be avowed that not a State has yet advanced to the degree of progress under which child-murder may be said to be a very uncommon crime."

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm in no way trying to condone the practice, but let's try to get things into perspective.

So because others have done it in the past then this killer should be forgiven. Nope sorry doesn't appease me. she is still a murdering witch and evil person.


Just confirms my long standing opinion that in order to survive human societies must exercise much more stringent control on procreation. We as a society have deemed the rights to drive, buy firearms, or sell alcohol as consequential enough activities to place them under state licensing schemes. But none of these come even close to the seriousness and impact of creating another member of the society. This applies all over the world, not just Thailand. Any moron can can make a baby and the rest of us have no say in it even though we end up paying the price.

Unfortunately this stance has so much historical bad baggage that no politician will touch it with a 20 foot pole at our collective peril. In the historical world of the perceived unlimited resources and high mortality the need to replenish the numbers was enshrined into traditions and religion. That is why we all have been indoctrinated that making more babies and saving lives at all costs is a virtue. That world does not exist any more. I half jokengly refer to the agent Smith's monologue from the first Matrix movie. (paraphrasing) "... humans are really not mammals because all mammalian species arrive at the balance between their numbers and the environment, but not humans. Humans enter an ecosystem and begin to multiply until all of natural resources are consumed. There's only one other species that behaves that way, it's a virus."

I'm sure its over-dramatized and arguable, but the gist is valid.

Using our big brains and resulting technology we managed to subvert the mechanism of natural selection without replacing it with anything. The fact that medically assisted suicide is still illegal in most of the world is the testament to how shortsighted we are. The resources are dwindling while the populations are exploding. This is not sustainable. The only logical solution is to control the populations. Unfortunately this and all of the other environmental concerns will go unaddressed in the blind pursuit of the GNP growth and "saving lives". The change would require a fundamental rethink of our values, which is not possible until the reality hits us in the face. But by then it's too late. The planet will go on, and in time will recover but it will be without us on it.

If you want to be a "Christian" be a Christian, but please don't start trying to use incorrect science in support of your beliefs....

"Using our big brains and resulting technology we managed to subvert the mechanism of natural selection without replacing it with anything."

absolute nonsense!


Okay I got sidetracked in my last post. This is a tragedy for the mother and for the child. All in all to condemn this mother to hell and all of the other damnation comments show's the bitterness and lack of remorse or understanding. Who are you people to judge other people that you don't even know and wouldn't know if you didn't read or listen to the news. Why isn't there the same out-rage for all the parents of children exploited and abused not to mention starving in places like Africa. Why would a woman choose to have a child during famine or the onset of famine. Why would a mother raise her child in a bummer and dangerous environment? Should these people not be put into the same category as this girl for putting an innocent child in harms way because they didn't think things through. Having children and taking good care of them is a blessing and the supreme duty of the parent/s

The Christians brace for persecution while persecuting others. Love and compassion, forgiveness and understanding are all virtues of a Christian NO?

I believe in reincarnation and karma so this poor child will have another chance at life. The way the world is going on a whole wondering about Blessings in disguise as tragic as this is.


Unfortunately there are some wider issues here, but I'm certainly not suggesting that this lady should receive any lenient treatment.

overlooking the fact that lots of families would have been happy to adopt that little healthy girl..

Did she even contact the father and let him know she was pregnant or ask him if he wanted the child who could have been raised in the UK? What was her background? I have my suspicions she may have been in the adult entertainment industry. Maybe she didn't want the new man to know that she already had a relationship with another farang and the child may have revealed a little to much. Just wonder if other thai women from the industry would have more than one farang in tow at a time. A totally horrible story and total disrepect for human life..

I ( unfortunately ) know of several girls ' from the industry ' who have several ' farangs ' in tow at the same time. It doesn't seem to bother them, not even when we know they are playing one off against another. Horrible to say, but it seems just about the money to them. One girl ( who was NO pretty picture ) got married to a very wealthy O.A.P. from Finland who still has his own pre - stressed concrete factory. He bought her a very expensive apartment, motorbike etc. While he was in Finland, her Thai husband/boyfriend and kids moved in. They vacated when she was entertaining other men too. I know they say ' make hay while the sun shines ' but where are the ethics and morals of these girls ? Back in the village I suppose if they ever had any to start with.....


She didn't want the new boyfriend to know she was 9 months preggy?

What in the H***. Her boyfriend couldn't tell she was 9 months pregnant? If he's that stupid, I would have dumped the boyfriend.

I personally believe, killing babys and children, earns you a very special place in Hell. No amount of prison time is going to be anything like what she has coming.


Unfortunately there are some wider issues here, but I'm certainly not suggesting that this lady should receive any lenient treatment.

overlooking the fact that lots of families would have been happy to adopt that little healthy girl..

Did she even contact the father and let him know she was pregnant or ask him if he wanted the child who could have been raised in the UK? What was her background? I have my suspicions she may have been in the adult entertainment industry. Maybe she didn't want the new man to know that she already had a relationship with another farang and the child may have revealed a little to much. Just wonder if other thai women from the industry would have more than one farang in tow at a time. A totally horrible story and total disrepect for human life..

I ( unfortunately ) know of several girls ' from the industry ' who have several ' farangs ' in tow at the same time. It doesn't seem to bother them, not even when we know they are playing one off against another. Horrible to say, but it seems just about the money to them. One girl ( who was NO pretty picture ) got married to a very wealthy O.A.P. from Finland who still has his own pre - stressed concrete factory. He bought her a very expensive apartment, motorbike etc. While he was in Finland, her Thai husband/boyfriend and kids moved in. They vacated when she was entertaining other men too. I know they say ' make hay while the sun shines ' but where are the ethics and morals of these girls ? Back in the village I suppose if they ever had any to start with.....

Morals is not taught by their families anymore and they don't listen to the monks either. It's like you say, "make hay while the sun shines".


i want to believe there is a special level of hell for her.

There is. It's called Pattaya.

I understand what you are saying about wider and complex issues involved here - intent, motive, understanding, pregnancy denial, pwerceived and real lack of support across the board, The list goes on...

I don't find this jaw-dropping; working in health care this happens quitew numerous -aborting of an unwanted child. It is called abortion...

Probably won't get the proper mental health services she now needs and (before) needed. It's a tragic case all the way around....


If you would read the article again, it would appear she aborted it herself, I cannot even begin to fathom how, with her g-string bikini. The baby was nearly fully to term as well.

This is not the same thing as going to a clinic and having an abortion. And, in Thailand birth control is widely available and cheap or free if you go to the local government clinic.

According to the news in Thai-TV a couple of days ago - the story is that "old" - she used a swimsuit to strap tight around her stomach and slowly move it down, while tighten it up again, until she miscarried. She strangled the baby just to make sure it was dead.

This thread includes many comments about the two Brits. The story in the Thai TV-news was, that the father was a short time relationship from Pattaya and he was never informed about the pregnancy. (Not clear to me if they finished each other or had no contact at all.) The new Brit boyfriend is a contact from the Internet and he should have no knowledge about, that the girl was pregnant. They had agreed the meet at the Full Moon Party, 12th September at Koh Phangan. So it may be unfair to blame the two Brits, before we know the full story…


Somebody is this thread has actually used the phrase "Blessing In Disguise" about this killing because they believe in reincarnation.  Please transfer me immediately to another planet where people with this mentality do NOT exist.


Looking worried...?? She looks like she has a smirk on her face to me and so does the cop on the left of the pic.... or maybe I need new glasses but she certainly doesn't look very worried to me ... Pfffff!!!

And the 'new' boyfriend didn't realise she was 9 months pregnant? A blind man perhaps?

Furthermore, the only thing the mother-turned-murderer had on her mind was to join the Full Moon Party on Phangan.

Some crime stories are so mind-boggling that they're hard to believe; like something straight out of an Edgar Allen Poe short story.

And there she is seen in the file photo, sucking on a straw and looking worried. A tad late for that, huh?


There are obviously very few woman on this forum right now cause if there were, already on page 1, one of them would have commented about how ludicrous this whole story sounds ... Whether she self aborted herself ?? or gave birth naturally ??? which again seems ludicrous since it takes the average woman anywhere from a few hours to 1 day or even sometimes 2 days to actually deliver once labor pains start and in any case one can never really tell or know at that point when the baby is actually going to come out. And even if self aborted it could not take only 1 -2 hours if that is at all imaginable ... So even more unbelievable is that she delivers the baby without pain and screams ...because believe me it is painful process!! ... and no sweating at all and no blood or anything so that a few hours later she can be at the airport as fresh as a daisy looking like she just came from a hard days work ...? Although she just gave birth and then strangled the baby and dumped it ???? ... Pleeaase !!! Have any of you been with your wives while she gave birth or been with her even just a few minutes after she delivered and saw what she looks like ...? And what condition she is in?? Do you think you're wife could have just got out of bed and said Hey Hon, let's go and party ok? Fly to Phuket or wherever !!! My God !!! I can't believe that this forum has been going on and on about this without realizing the absurdity of this... !!

Porapat says Nuansiri gave birth just hours before her flight and strangled the infant. He says the father was an ex-boyfriend from Britain and she thought the baby would upset her new boyfriend. Police declined to identify the new boyfriend and said he was not a suspect.


Hello, I do not know what the Thai legal definition of when life begins so I can not know if the woman will be charged with 1st degree intentional homicide. My condolences to the people that found the baby at the airport, the police that had to work this case, the people at the hospital that had to do the autopsy, the family of the woman that know how callous the child was killed, the father of the child who may not know he was going to be a father, to the people that read about this crime, and for the people that will have to be in the same prison as this woman for all her life. My profound condolences to the baby that can not understand why her mother could not love her or at the very least take care of her for a short time until she could give the baby to any other person that would take care of her. It is a another sad example of selfish psychotic behavior that does not belong in our society, and people should teach their children about this so they will not repeat it.


Just confirms my long standing opinion that in order to survive human societies must exercise much more stringent control on procreation. We as a society have deemed the rights to drive, buy firearms, or sell alcohol as consequential enough activities to place them under state licensing schemes. But none of these come even close to the seriousness and impact of creating another member of the society. This applies all over the world, not just Thailand. Any moron can can make a baby and the rest of us have no say in it even though we end up paying the price.

Unfortunately this stance has so much historical bad baggage that no politician will touch it with a 20 foot pole at our collective peril. In the historical world of the perceived unlimited resources and high mortality the need to replenish the numbers was enshrined into traditions and religion. That is why we all have been indoctrinated that making more babies and saving lives at all costs is a virtue. That world does not exist any more. I half jokengly refer to the agent Smith's monologue from the first Matrix movie. (paraphrasing) "... humans are really not mammals because all mammalian species arrive at the balance between their numbers and the environment, but not humans. Humans enter an ecosystem and begin to multiply until all of natural resources are consumed. There's only one other species that behaves that way, it's a virus."

I'm sure its over-dramatized and arguable, but the gist is valid.

Using our big brains and resulting technology we managed to subvert the mechanism of natural selection without replacing it with anything. The fact that medically assisted suicide is still illegal in most of the world is the testament to how shortsighted we are. The resources are dwindling while the populations are exploding. This is not sustainable. The only logical solution is to control the populations. Unfortunately this and all of the other environmental concerns will go unaddressed in the blind pursuit of the GNP growth and "saving lives". The change would require a fundamental rethink of our values, which is not possible until the reality hits us in the face. But by then it's too late. The planet will go on, and in time will recover but it will be without us on it.

Yes very true, I can only agree with above statements, yes we are doomed unless we or I fully understand our or my being, to deal with this or my problem I must keep a positive outlook and my action do effect the rest of world as you may or may not know any occurrence starts in the spiritual world first and makes it appearance in the physical world...eg LOVE what is it..HATE is the opposite..the ying yang effect..light darkness..birth and death..we are humans observe this and death is the morning of the passing of the spirit..thou we hold some reverence in this process at the time Wish the passing be in God's will and love. Right now imagine LOVE

While I have little empathy for the young lady, printing her full postal address is just a bit too much information. Wouldn't here area have been sufficient?

On the money Mick. It surprised me too, almost looks like a deliberate attempt to discredit the whole family.


What a bloody terrible story.

I'm not sure why there seems to be a debate about abortion going on here. It appears she was full term, which isn't an abortion, she killed her newborn. Why? We'd probably have to walk a mile in her shoes to even begin to understand what the hell was going on in her head.

And as always there is the usual plethora of people rubbishing Thais in general and working girls specifically.

So I'll be the one to go to bat for the hookers again. Don't forget there are two parties to prostitution, so if you're going to get on your moral high horse remember that the customer is as much to blame as the girl. More so in my opinion, there's no chicken and egg dilemma here. I have no opposition to prostitution, it's a job, and on the moral scale there are many so called legitimate occupations much further down the ladder.


Unfortunately there are some wider issues here, but I'm certainly not suggesting that this lady should receive any lenient treatment.

The wider issue is the common practice of having children with little feeling of responsibility to take care of the child.

One item in this whole issue is mothers / parents from the provinces who work in Bangkok or in the various industrial estates. They have kids then pass them often to parents or grandparents to raise.

Meanwhile the parents get on with life, in many cases working long hours, even 7 days a week to send money home.

Some of course are happy to have no child raising responsibilities so they can get on with having fun.

The longer-term effects of this have been researched now for quite a few years and the research findings are frightening.

In the worst cases the sociology researchers (from Chula and MAhidol universities) got comments from very young kids and from late teenagers like:

- Yes I have a mother but I forget what she looks like. and more.

The research has also clearly identified that the majority of kids brought up in these circumstances have very poor parenting skills when they in turn become parents.

Very sad.

Unfortunately this is very true! I assumed custody of my grand daughter when her mother ran off with another man and her father drank himself to death. that was twelve years ago. she is doing great now but I har similiar stories every day from my Thai frinds.

Morals is not taught by their families anymore and they don't listen to the monks either. It's like you say, "make hay while the sun shines".

Yes, but by the same token, they don't go on violent rampages through city centers like teens in certain developed western countries.


Legalize abortion! People have a right to choose! Thousands of illegal abortions annually in backrooms and ally ways.Its a MIRACLE this doesn't happen more often!annoyed.gif


Somebody is this thread has actually used the phrase "Blessing In Disguise" about this killing because they believe in reincarnation.  Please transfer me immediately to another planet where people with this mentality do NOT exist.

Not somebody it was me and you should try not to read into what i am getting at. The blessing I mentioned is that what kind of life would that child had? In a world where no one really gives a sh*t about life unless the news brings it to us. Do you think about these things in your daily Life? I doubt it very much. I will put your transfer request in the mail. This child that was killed had no chance of a life period because the child's fate was written in the mind of it's mother. How many times does this go on in the world and no one even thinks about it because everyone is dealing with their own reality. By the way reincarnation is more a fact of life than my personal belief.


If you would read the article again, it would appear she aborted it herself, I cannot even begin to fathom how, with her g-string bikini. The baby was nearly fully to term as well.

This is not the same thing as going to a clinic and having an abortion. And, in Thailand birth control is widely available and cheap or free if you go to the local government clinic.

Self aborting using her thong underwear... a bit of journalistic spin? If it was that easy, they would all be doing it. More like she was having a badly-timed natural birth of a near-term foetus and once the head was accessible... well, no need to go into details.

As certain Thai press reported, the father of the 'aborted' child was never made aware of her condition and the new boyfriend probably met her on the internet. She may have started taking these nasty over-the-counter medications they sell here to try and abort before the trip to the islands was planned.

All said, a desperate act by a desperate woman with sex education on par with her peers and morals that have been molded by her chosen profession. Not an excuse for what she did though but it's very easy for those who have absolutely no concept of how radically different their own circumstances can change if their normal cultural and social checks and balances are thrown out the window. I am sure there are equally grim tales of abortions and 'murders' by stressed-out, ignorant and misdirected young women in the 'civilised' world.


I guess making abortion illegal wasn't such a great idea after all.

why would that matter in this case? [have you ever watched how an abortion is performed??? they literally rip the unborn childs limbs off and pull out whats left].

whether she aborted at 9 months or would have gone to an abortion clinic before 9 months, it still murder!!!

the answer is to act responsibly and use contraception when engaging in sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy in the first place. :unsure:

Abortion is every womans own right. Don´t put your crappy religious beliefs on ev everyone else! Crazy fanatics!

I find it highly amuzing and somewhat irritating that many of the same people who are against abortion are also against contraception. One case in particular saw nothing wrong with being a member of the Hitler Youth and now wears a 'wee dress'........hmmmm?

In this day and age a woman is responsible for her own body which is a privledge.

The 'thing' in the OP has abused that right ----- personally I would now tie her tubes!!!!


I'd just like to add..

How did she manage to abort the baby, in the parking lot or did she bring the baby in a box to the Airport all on her own ??

Obviously this girl was mentally disturbed like alot of these girls are, often alot more than we realise. They seem to care so much about there own mother and father, renting themselves out to make sure THEY are ok but dont

feel much responsibility for the own.

Do you maybe think that this is passed down from there parents not giving a toss about them.. Ive gotta say some these girls are from another planet and as shocking as this is, im not surprised

Abortion needs to be available here because at the moment its happening but in dirty back street clinics where i can only imagine what goes on( to the baby and the girl ).. And what about in the country, i could be wrong but i could imagine that home abortions are more common than we think and if that is the case then would it not be better to help these girls, firstly with counseling and then a hospital to have the abortion..

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