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Are Thais Taught Anything About The World Outside Of Thailand

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I wonder why this is such an unpleasant forum.

Three other sites which I visit frequently, rarely carry such nasty posts as those which seem to characterise ThaiVisa.

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Or how the earth interacts with the sun & moon etc.

I knew a Thai national that swore blind that the Sun in Thailand wasn't the same Sun as in the UK.

As it wasn't as hot and it didn't come up at the same time.

Is she wrong ??


I wonder why this is such an unpleasant forum.

Three other sites which I visit frequently, rarely carry such nasty posts as those which seem to characterise ThaiVisa.

This forum is popular as it allows a wide range of opinion, but insists it be stated in a civil manner and those who cannot abide without basing their responses on personal issues tend to resent it, voicing disappointment- much as you have just done.

Free speech must be upheld even if that means taking a few insults along the way.

I can think of three other forums that make this one like a warm bath.


You're thinking like farang again.

Thai schools are run for the benefit of those who run them:- local education office, education director (= high level civil servant), head teacher, dept heads, teachers.

They gain money, both from the formal economy (salary, private teaching) and the less formal (selling uniforms, books, dubious fees, etc.), prestige in the local community (= power to do things others can't), free workers (the kids) and sometimes even sexual playthings (see prestige)

In return the kids get a mor 6 certificate which allows them to progress to university and apply for jobs.

Nowhere in this mix is learning or the interests of the country laid down as a priority.

The people who count send their kids to attend a few select schools mainly in Bangkok or study overseas.

In addition, as other posters have mentioned, the parochialism that pervades virtually everything here is certainly evident in the education system.


So how many people actually knew the Victory Monument was to commemorate the Thai French Indo China War 1940-1941. A bit embarrassing as they had to give the gained territories back after WW2. So really a monument to nothing.

Victory Monument

I find that Thais are pretty much like any other people, if they hang out with smart people they strive to become smarter. Its not always how much you know but how much you want to know. If you take the trouble to find the answer you've just become a bit smarter.

Quite so, some are too Dim or Sycofantic to take the piss. A Monument to some Frogs walking away.


Wife's opinion - whales and dolphins are fish - The sun goes around the earth.

There are more but these 2 stand out to me.

A Thai English language teacher told one of her students not to ask Farang questions about English. The qustion was about an item of clothing and it's correct name. It was a multi choice question. The daft thing is all the answers were right, it depended if you were a Brit, Australian, or American. We told the kid it was a jumper, the teacher insisted it was a sweater. The other 2 answers were jersey and pullover :rolleyes:


Or how the earth interacts with the sun & moon etc.

I knew a Thai national that swore blind that the Sun in Thailand wasn't the same Sun as in the UK.

As it wasn't as hot and it didn't come up at the same time.

Is she wrong ??

Bit presumptive on the gender there old chap.


And how many of us have an O.E.D.(punctuation?),in our homes?The little book from Oxford ,is actually called The Little Oxford Dictionary.Of which I do have a copy.Care to answer my question?

My reference to that little book was sarchasm, learn to recognise it.

I would expect an English teacher to have the full version.

We can talk about this on Tuesday if you like, as long as you refrain from name calling and table banging.

sarchasm indeed, -- defined as the abyss between your own perception of your intelligence and and the reality as evidenced in a discussion over the meaning, spelling and usage of words.



And how many of us have an O.E.D.(punctuation?),in our homes?The little book from Oxford ,is actually called The Little Oxford Dictionary.Of which I do have a copy.Care to answer my question?

My reference to that little book was sarchasm, learn to recognise it.

I would expect an English teacher to have the full version.

We can talk about this on Tuesday if you like, as long as you refrain from name calling and table banging.

Correct me if I am wrong, but my impression ,going back some years ,was the print version of The O.E.D was some 60 volumes.

I have never seen it on sale in Bangkok.

20, available from Amazon.


Trying to correct you is pointless, as many people that we both know have discovered.


Still quite interesting that although the foreigners usually have much more knowledge and education, most Thai/foreign interactions result with the Thai richer, and the foreigner poorer.


Or how the earth interacts with the sun & moon etc.

I knew a Thai national that swore blind that the Sun in Thailand wasn't the same Sun as in the UK.

As it wasn't as hot and it didn't come up at the same time.

Is she wrong ??

Bit presumptive on the gender there old chap.

Simply based on prior knowledge, but hey - everyone is entitled to bat for the other side occasionally.


i suppose the majority are to occupied on living , trying to find jobs and food, Its all down to money and the standard of Education,what you perceive as important is not to them and they have different opinions of history , whats important and whats not.


The Battle of Britain.

In all the events of history, what relevance now, anywhere, let alone Asia?

Where, today, would children learn about that at school?

Britain, even? Ask the 'yoof of today' seen recently rioting and burning in their own 'Battle of Britain'

Hitler has been superceded by more recent genocides, wars.

In the 'nice to know' category maybe, but doesn''t help one get a job in 2011.

Prince Philip said " Ignorance is not knowing, but not wanting to know ".

So no doubt you are aware that the Axis forces occupied Thailand during World War 2, enslaved and murdered at least 300,000 Thais. No doubt you also know that Hitler founded the Axis and signed the concordat with the Japanese. No doubt you will also know that this resulted in mass rape and slaughter throughout Asia, including The Rape of Nanking in China, the decimation of several Malaysian tribes, the occupation of the Philippines, and the Fall and Enslavement of Singapore amongst many other examples.

All this within the living memory of Thailand and the rest of Asia, and you ask what Hitler had to do with Asia?

Then you ask about helping to get a job in 2011? A direct result of the actions of Hitler was the rush to social and political inclusion, which begat the original common market formed between primarily Germany and France in the 1950's. This rush to inclusion, with a primary aim to prevent further wars erupting in Europe, then morphed into the European Union as we know it today, and the experiment with the single European currency, known as the Euro.

As I write this today, Greece is on the edge of insolvency, this may bring down the Euro, and this is causing panic in every major Capital in the world. If Greece goes down then the world economy will spin down out of control. You may find this will have a direct effect upon your exchange rate, your cost of living, worldwide social cohesion, and chances of people getting a job in 2011.

I could go on, but I think any reasonable person reading this will see that I have made my point. The OP is fundamentally correct, the Thai education system is not providing a broad enough view of the world. As such ignorance ( as in not knowing ) is allowed to flourish.

What's your excuse for being ignorant?

ps This is for the benefit of all Thaivisa members that have an interest in history and current affairs. The Chinese watched the arms race and watched the ruination of the Russian economy. They realized that an new arms race was a waste of time and effort, so they concentrated their resources in building their economy. The Chinese central bank is now sitting on a reserve of around $5 trillion. They are buying up government debts and bonds throughout the world, most famously in the USA.

Some members may have noticed Italy announced a deal with China re bond funding last week, and the Chinese have also looked at buying Greek bonds. What's the end game?

"He who pays the piper calls the tune".....................why go to war when you can wreck a countries economy overnight but simply calling in your debt.

Very very cunning huh? Now your starting to see the REAL COST of that cheap pair of shoes you bought at Walmart.


So how many people actually knew the Victory Monument was to commemorate the Thai French Indo China War 1940-1941. A bit embarrassing as they had to give the gained territories back after WW2. So really a monument to nothing.

Victory Monument

I find that Thais are pretty much like any other people, if they hang out with smart people they strive to become smarter. Its not always how much you know but how much you want to know. If you take the trouble to find the answer you've just become a bit smarter.

Quite so, some are too Dim or Sycofantic to take the piss. A Monument to some Frogs walking away.

You might not want to explain that to the 721 French who did not walk away from the war. Speaking of dim..... :unsure: I assume you were educated in the UK!


So how many people actually knew the Victory Monument was to commemorate the Thai French Indo China War 1940-1941. A bit embarrassing as they had to give the gained territories back after WW2. So really a monument to nothing.

Victory Monument

I find that Thais are pretty much like any other people, if they hang out with smart people they strive to become smarter. Its not always how much you know but how much you want to know. If you take the trouble to find the answer you've just become a bit smarter.

Quite so, some are too Dim or Sycofantic to take the piss. A Monument to some Frogs walking away.

You might not want to explain that to the 721 French who did not walk away from the war. Speaking of dim..... :unsure: I assume you were educated in the UK!

Excuse me gentalmen , but dont call us thick Blitish Dim :unsure:


Biggest? Did you mean size or population?

In either case, the US isn't a horrible guess, though still wrong of course.

No, of course, i meant country largest in size. But it's not the US anyway...

The Thai probably answered with the most important; it depends on what standard words have been chosen, big can also mean important if the word is yai as in pu yai ban .


So how many people actually knew the Victory Monument was to commemorate the Thai French Indo China War 1940-1941. A bit embarrassing as they had to give the gained territories back after WW2. So really a monument to nothing.

Victory Monument

I find that Thais are pretty much like any other people, if they hang out with smart people they strive to become smarter. Its not always how much you know but how much you want to know. If you take the trouble to find the answer you've just become a bit smarter.

Quite so, some are too Dim or Sycofantic to take the piss. A Monument to some Frogs walking away.

You might not want to explain that to the 721 French who did not walk away from the war. Speaking of dim..... :unsure: I assume you were educated in the UK!

Excuse me gentalmen , but dont call us thick Blitish Dim :unsure:

Actually I was expressing surprise that wandrinstar could be so dim after being educated in the UK. :jap:


So how many people actually knew the Victory Monument was to commemorate the Thai French Indo China War 1940-1941. A bit embarrassing as they had to give the gained territories back after WW2. So really a monument to nothing.

Victory Monument

I find that Thais are pretty much like any other people, if they hang out with smart people they strive to become smarter. Its not always how much you know but how much you want to know. If you take the trouble to find the answer you've just become a bit smarter.

Quite so, some are too Dim or Sycofantic to take the piss. A Monument to some Frogs walking away.

You might not want to explain that to the 721 French who did not walk away from the war. Speaking of dim..... :unsure: I assume you were educated in the UK!

Excuse me gentalmen , but dont call us thick Blitish Dim :unsure:

Look at it how you like, if it was worth having the French Collonials would have kept it back then..

Thailand didnt have much to offer so ,the Chins took it over without a fight.. Who paid for the Monument Farmers or Wheeler Dealers.:D


The Battle of Britain.

In all the events of history, what relevance now, anywhere, let alone Asia?

Where, today, would children learn about that at school?

Britain, even? Ask the 'yoof of today' seen recently rioting and burning in their own 'Battle of Britain'

Hitler has been superceded by more recent genocides, wars.

In the 'nice to know' category maybe, but doesn''t help one get a job in 2011.

Prince Philip said " Ignorance is not knowing, but not wanting to know ".

So no doubt you are aware that the Axis forces occupied Thailand during World War 2, enslaved and murdered at least 300,000 Thais. No doubt you also know that Hitler founded the Axis and signed the concordat with the Japanese. No doubt you will also know that this resulted in mass rape and slaughter throughout Asia, including The Rape of Nanking in China, the decimation of several Malaysian tribes, the occupation of the Philippines, and the Fall and Enslavement of Singapore amongst many other examples.

All this within the living memory of Thailand and the rest of Asia, and you ask what Hitler had to do with Asia?

Then you ask about helping to get a job in 2011? A direct result of the actions of Hitler was the rush to social and political inclusion, which begat the original common market formed between primarily Germany and France in the 1950's. This rush to inclusion, with a primary aim to prevent further wars erupting in Europe, then morphed into the European Union as we know it today, and the experiment with the single European currency, known as the Euro.

As I write this today, Greece is on the edge of insolvency, this may bring down the Euro, and this is causing panic in every major Capital in the world. If Greece goes down then the world economy will spin down out of control. You may find this will have a direct effect upon your exchange rate, your cost of living, worldwide social cohesion, and chances of people getting a job in 2011.

I could go on, but I think any reasonable person reading this will see that I have made my point. The OP is fundamentally correct, the Thai education system is not providing a broad enough view of the world. As such ignorance ( as in not knowing ) is allowed to flourish.

What's your excuse for being ignorant?

ps This is for the benefit of all Thaivisa members that have an interest in history and current affairs. The Chinese watched the arms race and watched the ruination of the Russian economy. They realized that an new arms race was a waste of time and effort, so they concentrated their resources in building their economy. The Chinese central bank is now sitting on a reserve of around $5 trillion. They are buying up government debts and bonds throughout the world, most famously in the USA.

Some members may have noticed Italy announced a deal with China re bond funding last week, and the Chinese have also looked at buying Greek bonds. What's the end game?

"He who pays the piper calls the tune".....................why go to war when you can wreck a countries economy overnight but simply calling in your debt.

Very very cunning huh? Now your starting to see the REAL COST of that cheap pair of shoes you bought at Walmart.

Good post except that the Rape of Nanking was in 1937 and the concord between Nazi Germany and Japan was signed in 1940.

The Nanking atrocity is Japan's responsibility alone.


Just read theblether post spot on, Now we are talking serious, Its Ironic that The USA tried to bankrupt the USSR as back then by the space race, and succeed, now wars a fought financially.


^ but you may want to clarify you mean capital not capitol

Thailand's capital is easy; or perhaps you meant Siam?

Maybe get your 'superiority-proving' questions straight before asking.

Definition of CAPITAL

: the uppermost member of a column or pilaster crowning the shaft and taking the weight of the entablature — see column illustration

Examples of CAPITAL

The transition from Greece to Rome is marked, in a propylaeum space, by a huge Ionic column's base and capital, with a space between the broad part of the column below and the narrowing segment above. —Garry Wills, New York Review of Books, 31 May 2007

Is this the word I should have used smart guy?

Let me clue you in, we are in Thailand and the UK is not the center of the world. Get used to it.

Notice how I said "center" not "centre" B)

I don't know which Dictionary ,you are quoting from . OH !! I see you are not even quoting from a Dictionary.The ones I use give 7 ,yes SEVEN different meanings for the word"Capital" ,including that which defines a Capital City as a place where The National Parliament is located. Definitely NOT Capitol,which is a "word" which does not even exist.Who is the smart guy ,now?

Clearly not yourself. Again I reiterate, the UK is not the center of the world.

As another poster pointed out, stick to the issue, not spelling (of which you are ignorant, anyway). But I guess since that is the only thing you can come up with, it just speaks to the validity of my post B)


Quite so, some are too Dim or Sycofantic to take the piss. A Monument to some Frogs walking away.

You might not want to explain that to the 721 French who did not walk away from the war. Speaking of dim..... :unsure: I assume you were educated in the UK!

Excuse me gentalmen , but dont call us thick Blitish Dim :unsure:

Look at it how you like, if it was worth having the French Collonials would have kept it back then..

Thailand didnt have much to offer so ,the Chins took it over without a fight.. Who paid for the Monument Farmers or Wheeler Dealers.:D

You just keep getting dimmer. The Thais started the war to take territory from the French. BTW the French colonials lost everything they ever had in South East Asia. The French never had Thailand only Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.

Who are the Chins? And what did they take over.


The Battle of Britain.

In all the events of history, what relevance now, anywhere, let alone Asia?

Where, today, would children learn about that at school?

Britain, even? Ask the 'yoof of today' seen recently rioting and burning in their own 'Battle of Britain'

Hitler has been superceded by more recent genocides, wars.

In the 'nice to know' category maybe, but doesn''t help one get a job in 2011.

Prince Philip said " Ignorance is not knowing, but not wanting to know ".

So no doubt you are aware that the Axis forces occupied Thailand during World War 2, enslaved and murdered at least 300,000 Thais. No doubt you also know that Hitler founded the Axis and signed the concordat with the Japanese. No doubt you will also know that this resulted in mass rape and slaughter throughout Asia, including The Rape of Nanking in China, the decimation of several Malaysian tribes, the occupation of the Philippines, and the Fall and Enslavement of Singapore amongst many other examples.

All this within the living memory of Thailand and the rest of Asia, and you ask what Hitler had to do with Asia?

Then you ask about helping to get a job in 2011? A direct result of the actions of Hitler was the rush to social and political inclusion, which begat the original common market formed between primarily Germany and France in the 1950's. This rush to inclusion, with a primary aim to prevent further wars erupting in Europe, then morphed into the European Union as we know it today, and the experiment with the single European currency, known as the Euro.

As I write this today, Greece is on the edge of insolvency, this may bring down the Euro, and this is causing panic in every major Capital in the world. If Greece goes down then the world economy will spin down out of control. You may find this will have a direct effect upon your exchange rate, your cost of living, worldwide social cohesion, and chances of people getting a job in 2011.

I could go on, but I think any reasonable person reading this will see that I have made my point. The OP is fundamentally correct, the Thai education system is not providing a broad enough view of the world. As such ignorance ( as in not knowing ) is allowed to flourish.

What's your excuse for being ignorant?

ps This is for the benefit of all Thaivisa members that have an interest in history and current affairs. The Chinese watched the arms race and watched the ruination of the Russian economy. They realized that an new arms race was a waste of time and effort, so they concentrated their resources in building their economy. The Chinese central bank is now sitting on a reserve of around $5 trillion. They are buying up government debts and bonds throughout the world, most famously in the USA.

Some members may have noticed Italy announced a deal with China re bond funding last week, and the Chinese have also looked at buying Greek bonds. What's the end game?

"He who pays the piper calls the tune".....................why go to war when you can wreck a countries economy overnight but simply calling in your debt.

Very very cunning huh? Now your starting to see the REAL COST of that cheap pair of shoes you bought at Walmart.

Good post except that the Rape of Nanking was in 1937 and the concord between Nazi Germany and Japan was signed in 1940.

The Nanking atrocity is Japan's responsibility alone.

Correct, my apologies I should have pointed that out and on reflection that was a poor analogy in connection with Hitler, however the information in general stands as most people don't know of the impact that Hitler had upon Asia. If the British had not been involved in a European War then the Japanese would not have had the relatively free run that they had in Asia.

By definition, they would not then have had the confidence and ability to attack Pearl Harbour, so then it is easy to argue that Hitler's contribution to the war in Asia was to shake The US out of Isolationism and into WW2......we could go on and on about cause and action, and subsequent reaction.

The spirit of the OP's post was do the Thais know enough of what's happening in the world, they don't, but to be fair they are a developing country and playing catch up with the West in many ways. Unfortunately too many of our Western colleagues have no excuse for their ignorance.


The Battle of Britain.

In all the events of history, what relevance now, anywhere, let alone Asia?

Where, today, would children learn about that at school?

Britain, even? Ask the 'yoof of today' seen recently rioting and burning in their own 'Battle of Britain'

Hitler has been superceded by more recent genocides, wars.

In the 'nice to know' category maybe, but doesn''t help one get a job in 2011.

Prince Philip said " Ignorance is not knowing, but not wanting to know ".

So no doubt you are aware that the Axis forces occupied Thailand during World War 2, enslaved and murdered at least 300,000 Thais. No doubt you also know that Hitler founded the Axis and signed the concordat with the Japanese. No doubt you will also know that this resulted in mass rape and slaughter throughout Asia, including The Rape of Nanking in China, the decimation of several Malaysian tribes, the occupation of the Philippines, and the Fall and Enslavement of Singapore amongst many other examples.

All this within the living memory of Thailand and the rest of Asia, and you ask what Hitler had to do with Asia?

Then you ask about helping to get a job in 2011? A direct result of the actions of Hitler was the rush to social and political inclusion, which begat the original common market formed between primarily Germany and France in the 1950's. This rush to inclusion, with a primary aim to prevent further wars erupting in Europe, then morphed into the European Union as we know it today, and the experiment with the single European currency, known as the Euro.

As I write this today, Greece is on the edge of insolvency, this may bring down the Euro, and this is causing panic in every major Capital in the world. If Greece goes down then the world economy will spin down out of control. You may find this will have a direct effect upon your exchange rate, your cost of living, worldwide social cohesion, and chances of people getting a job in 2011.

I could go on, but I think any reasonable person reading this will see that I have made my point. The OP is fundamentally correct, the Thai education system is not providing a broad enough view of the world. As such ignorance ( as in not knowing ) is allowed to flourish.

What's your excuse for being ignorant?

ps This is for the benefit of all Thaivisa members that have an interest in history and current affairs. The Chinese watched the arms race and watched the ruination of the Russian economy. They realized that an new arms race was a waste of time and effort, so they concentrated their resources in building their economy. The Chinese central bank is now sitting on a reserve of around $5 trillion. They are buying up government debts and bonds throughout the world, most famously in the USA.

Some members may have noticed Italy announced a deal with China re bond funding last week, and the Chinese have also looked at buying Greek bonds. What's the end game?

"He who pays the piper calls the tune".....................why go to war when you can wreck a countries economy overnight but simply calling in your debt.

Very very cunning huh? Now your starting to see the REAL COST of that cheap pair of shoes you bought at Walmart.

I think you made a point. Thailand was not occupied by Axis forces during WW II; the Brits occupied Bangkok in 1946, and the Thai deaths were around 8,000 not 300,000. Those are really big errors. I guess your history lessons were substandard too.


The Battle of Britain.

In all the events of history, what relevance now, anywhere, let alone Asia?

Where, today, would children learn about that at school?

Britain, even? Ask the 'yoof of today' seen recently rioting and burning in their own 'Battle of Britain'

Hitler has been superceded by more recent genocides, wars.

In the 'nice to know' category maybe, but doesn''t help one get a job in 2011.

Prince Philip said " Ignorance is not knowing, but not wanting to know ".

So no doubt you are aware that the Axis forces occupied Thailand during World War 2, enslaved and murdered at least 300,000 Thais. No doubt you also know that Hitler founded the Axis and signed the concordat with the Japanese. No doubt you will also know that this resulted in mass rape and slaughter throughout Asia, including The Rape of Nanking in China, the decimation of several Malaysian tribes, the occupation of the Philippines, and the Fall and Enslavement of Singapore amongst many other examples.

All this within the living memory of Thailand and the rest of Asia, and you ask what Hitler had to do with Asia?

Then you ask about helping to get a job in 2011? A direct result of the actions of Hitler was the rush to social and political inclusion, which begat the original common market formed between primarily Germany and France in the 1950's. This rush to inclusion, with a primary aim to prevent further wars erupting in Europe, then morphed into the European Union as we know it today, and the experiment with the single European currency, known as the Euro.

As I write this today, Greece is on the edge of insolvency, this may bring down the Euro, and this is causing panic in every major Capital in the world. If Greece goes down then the world economy will spin down out of control. You may find this will have a direct effect upon your exchange rate, your cost of living, worldwide social cohesion, and chances of people getting a job in 2011.

I could go on, but I think any reasonable person reading this will see that I have made my point. The OP is fundamentally correct, the Thai education system is not providing a broad enough view of the world. As such ignorance ( as in not knowing ) is allowed to flourish.

What's your excuse for being ignorant?

ps This is for the benefit of all Thaivisa members that have an interest in history and current affairs. The Chinese watched the arms race and watched the ruination of the Russian economy. They realized that an new arms race was a waste of time and effort, so they concentrated their resources in building their economy. The Chinese central bank is now sitting on a reserve of around $5 trillion. They are buying up government debts and bonds throughout the world, most famously in the USA.

Some members may have noticed Italy announced a deal with China re bond funding last week, and the Chinese have also looked at buying Greek bonds. What's the end game?

"He who pays the piper calls the tune".....................why go to war when you can wreck a countries economy overnight but simply calling in your debt.

Very very cunning huh? Now your starting to see the REAL COST of that cheap pair of shoes you bought at Walmart.

I think you made a point. Thailand was not occupied by Axis forces during WW II; the Brits occupied Bangkok in 1946, and the Thai deaths were around 8,000 not 300,000. Those are really big errors. I guess your history lessons were substandard too.

Errrm......Japan occupied Thailand during WWII. Thailand was forced to "invite" them in, otherwise they would have been invaded.

Maybe your history lessons are suspect?


The Battle of Britain.

In all the events of history, what relevance now, anywhere, let alone Asia?

Where, today, would children learn about that at school?

Britain, even? Ask the 'yoof of today' seen recently rioting and burning in their own 'Battle of Britain'

Hitler has been superceded by more recent genocides, wars.

In the 'nice to know' category maybe, but doesn''t help one get a job in 2011.

Prince Philip said " Ignorance is not knowing, but not wanting to know ".

So no doubt you are aware that the Axis forces occupied Thailand during World War 2, enslaved and murdered at least 300,000 Thais. No doubt you also know that Hitler founded the Axis and signed the concordat with the Japanese. No doubt you will also know that this resulted in mass rape and slaughter throughout Asia, including The Rape of Nanking in China, the decimation of several Malaysian tribes, the occupation of the Philippines, and the Fall and Enslavement of Singapore amongst many other examples.

All this within the living memory of Thailand and the rest of Asia, and you ask what Hitler had to do with Asia?

Then you ask about helping to get a job in 2011? A direct result of the actions of Hitler was the rush to social and political inclusion, which begat the original common market formed between primarily Germany and France in the 1950's. This rush to inclusion, with a primary aim to prevent further wars erupting in Europe, then morphed into the European Union as we know it today, and the experiment with the single European currency, known as the Euro.

As I write this today, Greece is on the edge of insolvency, this may bring down the Euro, and this is causing panic in every major Capital in the world. If Greece goes down then the world economy will spin down out of control. You may find this will have a direct effect upon your exchange rate, your cost of living, worldwide social cohesion, and chances of people getting a job in 2011.

I could go on, but I think any reasonable person reading this will see that I have made my point. The OP is fundamentally correct, the Thai education system is not providing a broad enough view of the world. As such ignorance ( as in not knowing ) is allowed to flourish.

What's your excuse for being ignorant?

ps This is for the benefit of all Thaivisa members that have an interest in history and current affairs. The Chinese watched the arms race and watched the ruination of the Russian economy. They realized that an new arms race was a waste of time and effort, so they concentrated their resources in building their economy. The Chinese central bank is now sitting on a reserve of around $5 trillion. They are buying up government debts and bonds throughout the world, most famously in the USA.

Some members may have noticed Italy announced a deal with China re bond funding last week, and the Chinese have also looked at buying Greek bonds. What's the end game?

"He who pays the piper calls the tune".....................why go to war when you can wreck a countries economy overnight but simply calling in your debt.

Very very cunning huh? Now your starting to see the REAL COST of that cheap pair of shoes you bought at Walmart.

I think you made a point. Thailand was not occupied by Axis forces during WW II; the Brits occupied Bangkok in 1946, and the Thai deaths were around 8,000 not 300,000. Those are really big errors. I guess your history lessons were substandard too.

Errrm......Japan occupied Thailand during WWII. Thailand was forced to "invite" them in, otherwise they would have been invaded.

Maybe your history lessons are suspect?

The Japanese had a relationship with Thailand before WW II and the Japanese assisted the Thais in the Franco Thai war.

In 1941 Thailand and Japan signed a military alliance with a secret protocol and Japan agreed to help Thailand against the British and French capture opium growing regions in Burma among other territories. In return Thailand agreed to assist Japan in it's war against the Allies. Thailand declared war against the UK and US later that year. The Thais did an excellent job at increasing opium production from 8 tons under British rule to 36 tons in 1942. I only mention that in case you wondered why Thailand joined the Japanese. 36% tons of opium is a bunch of incentive.


A bit off subject but related to Phibulsongkram - who made a treaty with the Japs after being invaded in 1941. His subsequent rise and fall and rise again eventually brought him closer to US interests but he wanted to keep on good terms with China , so ....

There is a good book by Sirin Phathanothai

Dragons Pearl

True life story about her upbringing in China where she was sent with her brother from BKK. They were the offspring of Phibulsongkrams advisor. They were sent as goodwill gifts/ human offerings. Whatever the correct term might be!


Japanese invaded Thailand (from the South and also through cambodia) but resistance lasted for about a day. Thailand was holding out for recovery of bits of Malaya and Shan state having got back bits of Laos and Cambodia earlier. Whether they were dithering and the Japanese really invaded because they thought they might switch sides or whether it was for show who knows. More likely that many of the Thai army really wanted to fight and some profited from Thai-Jap deals, as a treaty was signed very quickly after invasion.

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