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Are Thais Taught Anything About The World Outside Of Thailand


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I am just an ordinary guy. The first time I came to Thailand I was paid to kill small brown men. You didn't need a work permit back then to do that or even a passport. I found out that Thais could kill small brown men as good as me. Seemed like a pretty ordinary job. Get up in the morning and shoot people and come home at night grab a beer at the club and a massage and then go to bed. Nothing really special. There were small brown men who did the same thing except their job was to kill tall white and black guys. I think I ate better than they did though and I certainly had a sharper uniform and better footwear.

I think I am just ordinary but then again I may be suffering from some kind of PTSD.

You are clearly suffering from something, your post is ridiculous and racist. 85,000 Asian Americans served in the US army in the Vietnam war.

Show some respect :angry:

Your entitled to your opinion to Bud! but if Kerryk put on a uniform to fight in a foreign war in a foreign country its you who should be showing the respect, unlike some of his compatriots who used feeble draft dodging methods not to go.

I have no problem with his language skills too, maybe from the barrack room but that's the way it is with mil vets.

I am just cooling down after being called a "falang" by some spotty kid at the petrol pumps this morning - now that's racist/rude/ignorant - take your pick.


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Careful, you may end up giving me an example of how poor the standard of English proficiency is in Thailand :D Especially when compared to the poorer, less economically developed Vietnam I had just returned from.

The importance of English proficiency is way overrated. Japan vs Philippines, Korea vs Vietnam, and so on. "Less economically developed Vietnam" is correct. What has higher English proficiency done for them?

The comparison should not be Japan vs Philippines, it should be countries with similar level of development.

Let's compare the Philippines with Thailand for example:

How has English helped the Filipinos:

1. Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos are employed in call centers and customer support centers, serving western clients.

My company employs 5 of them as we speak.

I would consider employing Thais - but they just can't speak, read or write English well enough.

2. Millions of Filipinos are employed abroad as nurses, house keepers, care-takers, sales representatives, and many other jobs.

Almost all of them communicate with employers and clients in English.

For example, in my country, all the care-takers for old people are Filipino, as well as many house keepers.

Thais are employed only in agriculture, where language is not relevant.

Your points are accurate but your logic is flawed in some respects. I've been to the PI. Man, they've got some problems. Major problems. Your point number 2 is particularly accurate--which somewhat supports my points. Millions of the most educated and capable Filipinos are living and working overseas--but not at home. Says a lot about the conditions in the PI, don't you think?

So if you were to compare the Philippines to Thailand today in terms of future prospects, short, medium, and long term, there's no comparison. Thailand is moving in the right direction, the PI is not.

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I would have to agree with the previous statement, ordinary people stay in their home countries.

This is especially true for Americans, where most would never dream of even holidaying abroad. (although to be fair, it is a very big country, so little need to leave)

New Zealand is the only country I know where foreign travel is the norm.

So those of us from the western world, who travel widely must be considered 'unusual' or out of the ordinary.

The debate on different in a good or bad way is not really important in this discussion.

It might be that people need a better education to understand the different meanings between the words, ordinary, different, special, unusual. So they don't become easily insulted by other peoples correct usage of such words.

These were actually my exact same points. Some people seem to have a problem with this explanation, why I don't know.

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Thailand being a debatable exception where it seems any ordinary person can teach English or own a bar. I have many friends who have lived overseas at some point in their lives and they are carpenters, builders etc, ordinary people who like me have their feet firmly on the ground. You on the otherhand may choose to think you are above us ordinary people but thats purely in your own mind. I dont need you to compliment me, I'm nothing special and dont need strangers trying to convince me otherwise.

I would have to agree with the previous statement, ordinary people stay in their home countries.

This is especially true for Americans, where most would never dream of even holidaying abroad. (although to be fair, it is a very big country, so little need to leave)

New Zealand is the only country I know where foreign travel is the norm.

So those of us from the western world, who travel widely must be considered 'unusual' or out of the ordinary.

The debate on different in a good or bad way is not really important in this discussion.

It might be that people need a better education to understand the different meanings between the words, ordinary, different, special, unusual. So they don't become easily insulted by other peoples correct usage of such words.

I am just an ordinary guy. The first time I came to Thailand I was paid to kill small brown men. You didn't need a work permit back then to do that or even a passport. I found out that Thais could kill small brown men as good as me. Seemed like a pretty ordinary job. Get up in the morning and shoot people and come home at night grab a beer at the club and a massage and then go to bed. Nothing really special. There were small brown men who did the same thing except their job was to kill tall white and black guys. I think I ate better than they did though and I certainly had a sharper uniform and better footwear.

I think I am just ordinary but then again I may be suffering from some kind of PTSD.

You are clearly suffering from something, your post is ridiculous and racist. 85,000 Asian Americans served in the US army in the Vietnam war.

Show some respect :angry:

Sorry amend that to read, "white, black and brown guys". Although when mentioning respect I guess you have to consider the whole darn war was racist. Show a little reality. I like Vietnamese and Thai people because I got to know them. That can't be said about most of my fellow soldiers at the time. It always grated on me to hear the local population called slopes or gooks. Today I usually get up and leave when someone starts to refer to "them" as I know that a stereotypic comment is sure to follow. Thai soldiers killed Vietnamese for money as did Korean troops and they were both good at it. The Korean troops really good at it. Less than 2% of American troops in Vietnam were Asian personally I never met one but at 2% that is not surprising. I didn't like anything about the war in Vietnam. I was there and did my duty, served my country but didn't like it.

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I disagree. Most expats actually possess certain qualities not found in their host, not home location hence being provided with work permits to do jobs the local workforce cant cope with on its own. Thailand being a debatable exception where it seems any ordinary person can teach English or own a bar. I have many friends who have lived overseas at some point in their lives and they are carpenters, builders etc, ordinary people who like me have their feet firmly on the ground. You on the otherhand may choose to think you are above us ordinary people but thats purely in your own mind. I dont need you to compliment me, I'm nothing special and dont need strangers trying to convince me otherwise. With regard to your comment about having contempt for the locals, I mean really, where did you pluck that nugget of smelly bullshit from? Sounds like the desperate words of a man who won't accept other people's opinions of the Thai education system based on their own observations having spent considerable time in Thailand and have Thai friends or families. Seems to me like you have embraced the Thai ability to stick your head in the sand not accept that there are aspects of Thai society that lack behind other countries. Being aware of these and debating them doesn't equal contempt and only a moron or a liar would claim otherwise.

Thankfully us ordinary folk can see the wood through the trees and have the courage to admit and discuss the shortcomings as well as the merits of the world at large including but not limited to dear old Thailand.

You seriously need to calm the <deleted> down and just debate me without having to resort to personal attacks. All I've done is try to defend the Thais against this relentless bashing and somehow, you think I'm suggesting that I'm above you? The Thais know they have problems in their education system. Heck, Americans know we have problems in our education system. But for farangs like you to constantly insist that you have all the answers and that the Thais are idiots for not wanting a better education system is ludicrous. Of course they want a better education system for their children. Surely you agree with this. Or is the noble farangs the only ones who can see this? You seem to be hopelessly in love with yourself.

I am calm. And I'm not attacking you at all. I was responding to you telling me I am on a high horse and showing contempt towards locals, when I am doing neither. The only person who has said they are better than the 'ordinary man' is you! I never said Thais were idiots either. You're making all this up because you have issues with people who dont just sing Thailand's good points from the roof tops, yet you dont have an objective argument so you just exaggerate and lie hoping others reading this post don't catch you out like I have.

At least you are now admitting that Thailand has problems with their educational system so I am at least making some progress with you. Try to remain objective, calm down and stop jumping to incorrect conclusions. Especially with people who are merely highlighting things which you yourself are now agreeing with. :rolleyes:

Your defense of the Thais against this relentless bashing (and I challenge you to show me where I have been bashing relentlessly, ie one of your lies) is very honorable, but do they really need you fighting their cause against this invisible bashing only you can see? You need to stop being oversensitive and start accepting two things. Firstly things are not perfect here, far from it. Secondly people are going to discuss these shortcomings. So you better get used to it or you'll pop a blood vessel. :D

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The first time I came to Thailand I was paid to kill small brown men.

You were paid to kill Oompa Loompas? You cruel bastard!

I thought they were orange? Unless you are specifically referring to the old dwarf who stands outside the shop between soi 5 and 7 on Suk.

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Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

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Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

Every asked a Thai were Canada is? Let alone what it is LOL! Which is fine as its the other side of the world, although someone should tell the Canadians who go through so much time and trouble stitching those maple leaf badges on their back packs.

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The first time I came to Thailand I was paid to kill small brown men.

You were paid to kill Oompa Loompas? You cruel bastard!

I thought they were orange? Unless you are specifically referring to the old dwarf who stands outside the shop between soi 5 and 7 on Suk.

That depends. In the original movie (which was much better and starred Gene wilder), I'm sure the Oompa Loompas were brown-skinned.

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The first time I came to Thailand I was paid to kill small brown men.

You were paid to kill Oompa Loompas? You cruel bastard!

I thought they were orange? Unless you are specifically referring to the old dwarf who stands outside the shop between soi 5 and 7 on Suk.

That depends. In the original movie (which was much better and starred Gene wilder), I'm sure the Oompa Loompas were brown-skinned.

Looks orange to me oompa_loompa.jpg

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Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

Every asked a Thai were Canada is? Let alone what it is LOL! Which is fine as its the other side of the world, although someone should tell the Canadians who go through so much time and trouble stitching those maple leaf badges on their back packs.

Can you point out Burkina Faso on a map? Or name all the Thai or Chinese or Japanese dynasties in order?

Or know much about what goes on in Togo, Suriname, or Bashkortastan?

White Westerners tend to have a vastly inflated view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world.

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Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

Every asked a Thai were Canada is? Let alone what it is LOL! Which is fine as its the other side of the world, although someone should tell the Canadians who go through so much time and trouble stitching those maple leaf badges on their back packs.

Can you point out Burkina Faso on a map? Or name all the Thai or Chinese or Japanese dynasties in order?

Or know much about what goes on in Togo, Suriname, or Bashkortastan?

White Westerners tend to have a vastly inflated view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world.

You missed my point.

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I wasn't specifically addressing you. I was addressing the "why don't the locals know what the Battle of Britain is" crowd in general.

In future best not to quote me if you are not referring to (with questions) the reply you are quoting...

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I admit, I dont really know crap about other countries apart from Australia, Thailand and the UK.

I am not really interested either and don't really see the need to know. I am so busy and have a very active lifestyle that I have not got time for it.

A lot of people don't know much about many countries, it just depends what you're into in life, some love reading about cultures, the world etc, some love other things and some just don't have the opportunity or desire to know.

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Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

Every asked a Thai were Canada is? Let alone what it is LOL! Which is fine as its the other side of the world, although someone should tell the Canadians who go through so much time and trouble stitching those maple leaf badges on their back packs.

Can you point out Burkina Faso on a map? Or name all the Thai or Chinese or Japanese dynasties in order?

Or know much about what goes on in Togo, Suriname, or Bashkortastan?

White Westerners tend to have a vastly inflated view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world.

So true.

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Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

Every asked a Thai were Canada is? Let alone what it is LOL! Which is fine as its the other side of the world, although someone should tell the Canadians who go through so much time and trouble stitching those maple leaf badges on their back packs.

White Westerners tend to have a vastly inflated view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world.

Just out of interest, do you not think Asian nations do that either? I'm referring to countries that have actually had an influence on the rest of the world like China or Japan?

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I don't think they do, actually. If you speak to a Chinese or Japanese person knowledgeably about their history, they are more likely to be surprised and delighted by what you know, rather than expect it.

You missed the point again. I am not talking about your knowledge of their history (its not all about you Richard) but whether they have an inflated or distorted view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world the same way you claim white westerners do.

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Occasionally, I come across some Americans who still think Taiwan and Thailand are the same country. I suppose that it is not only Thai people who don't know much about the outside world.

Good point, I am American and am appalled at the lack of geographical knowledge graduares have of the world they live in, anything past Canada duh????????

Every asked a Thai were Canada is? Let alone what it is LOL! Which is fine as its the other side of the world, although someone should tell the Canadians who go through so much time and trouble stitching those maple leaf badges on their back packs.

Can you point out Burkina Faso on a map? Or name all the Thai or Chinese or Japanese dynasties in order?

Or know much about what goes on in Togo, Suriname, or Bashkortastan?

White Westerners tend to have a vastly inflated view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world.

I had a meeting this afternoon with some well educated Thai people. I asked them those questions. They didn't know the answer. I think this thread is about Thailand. Perhaps you could give some examples that a Thai person would know. Like how many Thai people out of a 1000 know where the King was born or what the Victory monument celebrates?

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I don't think they do, actually. If you speak to a Chinese or Japanese person knowledgeably about their history, they are more likely to be surprised and delighted by what you know, rather than expect it.

You missed the point again. I am not talking about your knowledge of their history (its not all about you Richard) but whether they have an inflated or distorted view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world the same way you claim white westerners do.

I got your point and you missed mine.

They don't have the same inflated view of self-importance such that Westerners do. Westerners EXPECT everyone to know about Gitler, the Battle if Britain, and where Canada is on the map.

Other Asians do not expect everyone to know their history and geography in the same way. In fact, they will be bowled over if you do.

Clearer now?

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History is bunk.

Who cares whose history it was. Forget it, move on.

"History is more or less bunk. It's tradition. We don't want tradition. We want to live in the present, and the only history that is worth a tinker's dam_n is the history that we make today." Henry Ford

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---They don't have the same inflated view of self-importance such that Westerners do. Westerners EXPECT everyone to know about Gitler, the Battle if Britain, and where Canada is on the map.---

You would expect most people had at least heard of Canada though, which is why was actually previously discussed, not being able to locate it on a map, and why are constantly referring to te battle of Britain? No one except for you keeps bringing that up.

---Other Asians do not expect everyone to know their history and geography in the same way. In fact, they will be bowled over if you do.----

Well that's merely your opinion, but lets assume for a moment it's true. It's probably because they are so clueless about western culture that they are so 'bowled over' that we are so knowledgeable about theirs. Which really goes back to the original point about westerners being more knowedgable about world geography than Asians. In fact it would probably be fair to say that many Japanese know more about the Battle of Britain (since you keep bringing it up) than the true extent of their own involvement of WW2 since it has been omitted from their own history books :-)

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I don't think they do, actually. If you speak to a Chinese or Japanese person knowledgeably about their history, they are more likely to be surprised and delighted by what you know, rather than expect it.

You missed the point again. I am not talking about your knowledge of their history (its not all about you Richard) but whether they have an inflated or distorted view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world the same way you claim white westerners do.

I got your point and you missed mine.

They don't have the same inflated view of self-importance such that Westerners do. Westerners EXPECT everyone to know about Gitler, the Battle if Britain, and where Canada is on the map.

Other Asians do not expect everyone to know their history and geography in the same way. In fact, they will be bowled over if you do.

Clearer now?

You mention Asians but I think this thread is about Thailand. What parts of their history and geography do the majority of Thais know about?

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I just asked my wife where the king was born.

She said America (she is Thai with 5 years of schooling)

She's even been trying to learn how to read a map and I don't know many Thais who can do THAT!

I believe in Texas, the schools are teaching the children that the earth is only 6,000 years old or some nonsense.

I guess my point is: Not all Thai's are ignorant.

Not all Americans are as smart as they think they are.

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I don't think they do, actually. If you speak to a Chinese or Japanese person knowledgeably about their history, they are more likely to be surprised and delighted by what you know, rather than expect it.

You missed the point again. I am not talking about your knowledge of their history (its not all about you Richard) but whether they have an inflated or distorted view of the significance of their history, geography, and culture's importance to people in the rest of the world the same way you claim white westerners do.

I got your point and you missed mine.

They don't have the same inflated view of self-importance such that Westerners do. Westerners EXPECT everyone to know about Gitler, the Battle if Britain, and where Canada is on the map.

Other Asians do not expect everyone to know their history and geography in the same way. In fact, they will be bowled over if you do.

Clearer now?

You mention Asians but I think this thread is about Thailand. What parts of their history and geography do the majority of Thais know about?

I think they are just as clear on the history and geography of their own country as a similarly-educated American, Brit, or Aussie is about theirs.

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