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Need Technician To Fix Telephone & Adsl Problem


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I Need to find a telephone technician or company to repair my Problem with 2 fix lines provided by TOT.

My TELEPHONE AND ADSL are no more working on this two line for nearly ten days.

TOT send a technician that find everything was normal on the outside lines. SO they said that the problem need to be fixed after the junction box from Tot responsibility to Private building responsibility.

And here is the problem as the company they were supposed to send to take care of the problem do not show since too long time (10 days).

So I have to find a technician or company myself to fix this as soon as possible.

It is probably as simple as a salty junction that need to be cleaned somewhere at this same situation happened 3 years ago and was easily fixed that way.

Does anybody knows a telephone technician or company that could come quickly (RAWAI - NAI HARN AREA ) to fix my lines and put them back to work (TOT said that outside lines are working normally)

Thanks in advance


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I had the same problem a year or so ago.

Like you, I wondered what the hell do I do now, but went to a nearby 'computer' store (Sai Yuan road) and asked them to come out and take a look. It turned out that the problem was with my TOT modem, as they replaced it with one of theirs and hey presto, no further problems... Obviously the modem was TOT's problem as it is part of the package, but rather than wait god knows how long for them to replace it, I just bought one from the computer shop.

TOT are useless and not interested if you have a problem that does not affect a number of their customers.

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Thank you to all,

1 / I had tried TOT technicians first but they have problem with the management of my condominium building and refused to come even for private matter. So this is no more an alternative for now and for the future.

2 In fact the problem is really the TELEPHONE> The ADSL connection works normally. Only the phone is not working.

So I would like to have a telephone specialist or company that could take care of this problem at the moment and for any future events.


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Thank you to all,

1 / I had tried TOT technicians first but they have problem with the management of my condominium building and refused to come even for private matter. So this is no more an alternative for now and for the future.

2 In fact the problem is really the TELEPHONE> The ADSL connection works normally. Only the phone is not working.

So I would like to have a telephone specialist or company that could take care of this problem at the moment and for any future events.


Silly question but did you try another telephone?

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"Silly question but did you try another telephone?"

Yes , and also cables everything inside home.

I have 3 telephone set on the same tel line on three jack points.

I just need to find a good telephone technician or company.

This happened twice in the past 6 years and I know it can be easyly fix by a tel specialist technician.

Anybody know a good one ?


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