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Kuwait, Bahrain, and UN experts call for creation of Palestinian State


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Kuwait, Bahrain, and UN experts call for creation of Palestinian State

2011-09-23 10:28:22 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- Kuwait and Bahrain on Thursday called for the creation of a Palestinian State and an end to Israeli occupation of Arab territories at the United Nations' (UN) General Assembly.

Prime Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Nasser Al Mohammad Al Ahmad Al Sabah in his speech to the Assembly's general debate in New York said the UN still stands incapable of finding a solution to the Palestinian Question after 60 years, and has been unable to put end to the Israeli occupation of Arab territories.

Meanwhile, the King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa, told the Assembly that the creation of a Palestinian State would "end an era of bitter Arab-Israeli conflict, subject to Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories."

Both leaders agreed that the creation of a Palestinian State would resolve conflict in the Middle East, as Sheikh Nasser expressed that "what really evokes concern is that the international community stands as a spectator of all those Israeli practices and policies, without opposing or deterring them, despite their clear contravention and violation of the most simple rules of international law and the resolution of international legitimacy."

The Kuwaiti leader urged the international community to put pressure on Israel to withdrawal from Palestinian and other Arab territories so that Palestinians can achieve their right to self-determination and establish a State with Jerusalem as its capital.

"We wish to renew our full commitment and support to the bid of the Palestinian Authority and its endeavours to obtain membership of the United Nations as an independent and full Member State," he added.

On Wednesday, the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, in his address to the general debate, hailed calls for political reform in the Middle East and North Africa, saying the regions "abounded in great expectations."

Sheikh Hamad underlined that Qatar has always had a clear policy on the rules governing Arab, regional and international relations, which he said was based on reconciliation and harmony among peoples and nations.

"On the other hand, we, as well as others, have been unable to turn a deaf ear or blind eye to the calls of the wounded seeking help from near and far, against an entrenched oppression," he said.

On Monday, the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during a meeting that he intended to submit an application this Friday for Palestine to become a UN Member State.

Also on Thursday, Richard Falk, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, called on Member States to recognize "the reality of Palestinian statehood," and urged Israel to listen to the will of the millions of people who have suffered under its occupation.

Falk underlined the importance of the upcoming debate on Palestine's initiative at the UN, which provides a "momentous occasion for the international community to respond to a legacy of injustice."

"Palestine’s status as a State is not merely symbolic," said Falk. "It empowers Palestine with rights and duties under international law, such as full jurisdiction over its territory, legal standing to defend itself from other States, and the capacity to join international treaties – including human rights treaties."

In addition, Falk noted that for over 44 years, Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip have suffered under Israel's "oppressive occupation."

The UN expert continued by saying that Israel had steadily transferred its population into hundreds of settlements on Palestinian territory, while subjecting Palestinians to widespread and systematic violations of their basic human rights.

"I encourage Israel to heed calls throughout the region for governance based on the will of the people. The will of the Palestinian people must be respected too, starting this week at the United Nations and until Palestinians can enjoy the right they share with all other peoples of the world – the right to self-determination," Falk stated.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-09-23

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They've wheeled out 9/11 conspiracy theorist and circuit antisemite Richard Falk I see, he who's words have previously been condemned as objectionable by Ban Ki-Moon.

Kuwait and Bahrain on Thursday called for the creation of a Palestinian State and an end to Israeli occupation of Arab territories at the United Nations' (UN) General Assembly.

I see that it's Arab territories not Palestinian territories mentioned, how very revealing and how unreasonable of Israel having exceeded it's fair share by taking 1/650th of the land the Arabs did and only a small proportion of the land originally earmarked for a Jewish state in the Balfour declaration.

The Kuwaiti leader urged the international community to put pressure on Israel to withdrawal from Palestinian and other Arab territories so that Palestinians can achieve their right to self-determination and establish a State with Jerusalem as its capital.

So the Palestinians invented in 1967 want Jerusalem as their capital, which is mentioned 600 times in the old testament and not once in the Quran and which Jews face towards to pray as oppose to Muslims who face Mecca. :blink:

Then we have high sounding pleas to end oppression from a cartel of the most oppressive regimes on earth. Perhaps I was wrong, they do have a sense of humour. :)

Edited by Steely Dan
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Bahrain must have had a difficult time keeping a straight face as it participated. I wonder what the shi'ite majority has to say about the Bahraini government's sudden conversion to fair representation and democracy?

As for the Kuwaitis, I wonder if their position will be reflected in their visa and residency policies in respect to Palestinian arabs? Unlike many other arabs, the Palestinians are subject to heightened scrutiny, surveillance and requirements when visiting Kuwait, Never mind gaining residency as Kuwait still has a grudge against these arabs due to their support of the Iraq invasion, An invasion which was turned back by the sacrifice of the USA and other western nations. Nations that sacrificed so that Kuwait could spit on them today.

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Nearly every country is the result of territory gained or lost over centuries. By that standard, Israel could lay claim to the entire Sainai peninsula, plus parts of Syria and Lebanon, but it hasn't. The sad and drawn out debacle in the West Bank could be seen as the glass half full or half empty, depending on who's observing it. The dune countries want to see it as Israeli occupied segments. Others see it as territory gained by Israel, and Israel in turn is allowing Palestinians to reside upon. If Israel went about its business in the same manner as dune countries, it would simply expel all non-Hebrews from the West Bank and probably Gaza too. Boy, that would get the fireworks going. Yet, that's essentially what most of the dune countries are doing. Do Saudis allow Hebrew enclaves in their kingdom?

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Sadly and oh so predictably there has been violence and deaths in the West bank today - Funny how often violence seems to follow Friday prayers. :whistling: This will probably be the start of intifada 3, but make no mistake it was planned ahead of time and had by any chance a Palestinian state been voted in then the next move would have been another 'peace flotilla' sailing to Gaza with war to follow when the Israelis blocked the boats.

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The pro Israeli lobby have wasted no time trying to shoot this down, with the usual rending the clothes, beating the breast, tearing the hair etc, you even managed to get 9/11 and antisemite into one post, I have to give you a "C" for this one as we have heard it all before.

So I guess you're just "preaching to the choir"

The vast majority of people want a Palestinian State.

Its the only solution to this never ending violence which Israel is responsible for.

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The pro Israeli lobby have wasted no time trying to shoot this down, with the usual rending the clothes, beating the breast, tearing the hair etc, you even managed to get 9/11 and antisemite into one post, I have to give you a "C" for this one as we have heard it all before.

So I guess you're just "preaching to the choir"

The vast majority of people want a Palestinian State.

Its the only solution to this never ending violence which Israel is responsible for.

Quite funny isn't it. Listen to a UN expert, the majority of the world, or fanaticals on thai visa. hmmm.

Edited by Wallaby
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The pro Israeli lobby have wasted no time trying to shoot this down, with the usual rending the clothes, beating the breast, tearing the hair etc, you even managed to get 9/11 and antisemite into one post, I have to give you a "C" for this one as we have heard it all before.

So I guess you're just "preaching to the choir"

The vast majority of people want a Palestinian State.

Its the only solution to this never ending violence which Israel is responsible for.

Quite funny isn't it. Listen to a UN expert, the majority of the world, or fanaticals on thai visa. hmmm.

UN "Experts", that's a good one. :cheesy:


The article referred to Falk as a UN expert.

What is your standing in the community? :lol:

I take it you prefer to be the fanatical then.

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Well, I for one, always listen to countries like Kuwait and Bahrain. They are at the forefront of international news and cutting edge social programs!

In all seriousness, it is good to hear the other side of the argument. I hope that Palestinians can get their act together and eventually achieve their goal.

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The American people stand with Israel and they will veto the deal-breaking demand by Abbas.

but yesterday they had a former Israeli foreign minister arguing on TV that there is nothing wrong

with USA acting as the " mediator " in this ongoing dispute? :blink: this is absolute rubbish

and it's no wonder there's never been any progress.how can you have a mediator which is also

acting as an advocate for one side?

Why won't Israel allow a truly independent mediator such as say South Africa or a South American

country or one of the Asian countries ?

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Let's hope the encouragement that the Palestinians are receiving will help propel them toward a successful and functional state.

Functional? The trouble is the Palestinians are an external concept invented in 1967 as a device to make it appear Israel was suppressing a smaller weaker group as oppose to the reality that they are surrounded by larger hostile arab states. This is not to say things are totally impossible, but I suspect it would take a generation to remove the mother's milk racism that Palestinian media has been responsible for spreading. Then there is the small issue of the so called 'right of return'. From the admission of Palestinian officials they are not talking of return to lands occupied in the 67 war, but all of the land constituting Israel too. This would in effect bring the end of Israel as a Jewish state, which is still the goal of the PLO - Look at their emblem for an example of this. I suspect this single issue if conceded would lead to peace, but the Arab middle east has never accepted this concept which the UN recognized in 1947, but to this day the Palestinians have said no,no, no to this.

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Standing Ovation at UN for Palestine's Statehood Bid

23/09/2011 Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas got a standing ovation while addressing the UN General Assembly - shortly after submitting the bid for ...

He received another rousing, standing ovation when he declared that Palestine should be full member state based on the 1967 borders. It's not a question of if but when, and 'when' is coming a lot sooner than Israel and it's apologists would like to acknowledge.

The nations of the world support Palestine and its people against the oppressive Israeli regime and its extremist Netanyahu government.

Here's the historic photo of Abbas submitting the letter requesting statehood to UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-Moon.




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Standing Ovation at UN for Palestine's Statehood Bid

23/09/2011 Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas got a standing ovation while addressing the UN General Assembly - shortly after submitting the bid for ...



Correction: He received a standing ovation from some members. Take a good look at the news feed. Many countries remained seated. Yes Lebanon and Egypt's delegates are shown giving a rousing applause. Let's see now, Lebanon which refuses to respond to the UN commission that showed Hizbollah was responsible for the murder of the Lebanese PM and which oppresses its Maronite population was quite enthusiastic. And there was Egypt, with the boys all giddy. Must have been as exciting as shooting the protestors I suppose. Another news clip shows Cuba's reps jubilant. Cuba the land of no freedom of expression and denial of human rights, ok. Sorry, but many of the other news feeds show countries like Poland and Hungary sitting. Mexico wasn't jumping for joy and the Canadian delegation looked rather annoyed. etc. etc. It seems to me that the only people jumping for joy were the countries with rather grim records on social development and human rights. Oh well, they are probably happy to welcome another like minded bunch of despots. Too bad most of these countries aren't footing the bill for their love fest. I don't understand why western countries continue to fund this gigantic waste of money.

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Sadly and oh so predictably there has been violence and deaths in the West bank today - Funny how often violence seems to follow Friday prayers. :whistling: This will probably be the start of intifada 3, but make no mistake it was planned ahead of time and had by any chance a Palestinian state been voted in then the next move would have been another 'peace flotilla' sailing to Gaza with war to follow when the Israelis blocked the boats.

Would this be the violence you are refering to :whistling:

RAMALLAH, Sept 23 (KUNA) -- One Palestinian was killed and six others wounded on Friday in a shooting by Jewish settlers in Qasrah village, near Nablus.


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  • 2 weeks later...

"UN experts" are mentioned in the OP, so this should be on topic.

Palestine state quest wins first victory in UNESCO vote

PARIS — Palestine has won a first diplomatic victory in its quest for statehood as UNESCO's executive committee backed its bid to become a member, a move deemed "inexplicable" by the United States.

Palestine's Arab allies braved intense US and French diplomatic pressure to bring the motion before the committee's member states, which passed it by 40 votes in favour to four against, with 14 abstentions.

The Palestinian bid will now be submitted to the general assembly of the UN cultural body at the end of the month for final approval.


Bravo! :clap2:

Justice is coming down the track, and certain parties need to get out of the way or they're going to get run over.

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"UN experts" are mentioned in the OP, so this should be on topic.

Palestine state quest wins first victory in UNESCO vote

PARIS — Palestine has won a first diplomatic victory in its quest for statehood as UNESCO's executive committee backed its bid to become a member, a move deemed "inexplicable" by the United States.

Palestine's Arab allies braved intense US and French diplomatic pressure to bring the motion before the committee's member states, which passed it by 40 votes in favour to four against, with 14 abstentions.

The Palestinian bid will now be submitted to the general assembly of the UN cultural body at the end of the month for final approval.


Bravo! :clap2:

Justice is coming down the track, and certain parties need to get out of the way or they're going to get run over.

UNESCO, how very predictable, they are if anything more antisemitic than the UNHRC.


The Arabs find it difficult to convincingly portray Israel as usurper of the land as long as the world believes there is a huge connection between the people of the Bible and the land of the Bible. UNESCO is denying this connection by depicting Jewish history in the Middle East as no more than an insignificant, brief sojourn by arrogant colonizers.

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The trouble is the vast majority of Palestinians themselves don't want a two state solution! They want one state, another Arab state, and the end of Israel. Why do people think Jews should commit national suicide?


The most recent polls of Palestinian public opinion reveal that Palestinians in general do not recognize those rights. The poll, conducted by respected research organizations Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion on behalf of the Israel Project, reveals that: • Over two-thirds of Palestinians reject the two-state solution, favoring instead a temporary two-state arrangement that gradually becomes a single Palestinian state.

• Over 73 percent approve the Muslim hadith that says “judgment day will not come until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.”

• About 80% agree that Muslims should engage in jihad to eradicate Israel.

• Over 50% percent support their schools teaching children songs and chants that promote hatred of Jews.

THESE POLLS should have received widespread attention. Like the ongoing terrorism, they are clear evidence of the core obstacle to peace: Palestinians at large reject Jewish rights. Yet these polls are virtually ignored.

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Not sure what being antisemitic has to do with creating a Palestinian State.

One doesn't have to be for or against Israel to think Palestine should have self determination.

Seems some in the US are not at all pleased with Netanyahu and Israel.

According to Jeffrey Goldberg of Bloomberg, Gates told Obama that Benjamin Netanyahu was "not only ungrateful but also endangering his country by refusing to grapple with Israel's growing isolation and with the demographic challenges it faces if it keeps control of the West Bank".


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UNESCO, how very predictable, they are if anything more antisemitic than the UNHRC.

Predictably, some can't wait to play the anti semite card. :whistling:

And in this case it's ludicrous. Just six months ago UNESCO and Israel signed an agreement to promote holocaust education and combat its denial.


And there are six Israeli locations included amongst UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. Which, by the way, is more than Thailand. Is UNESCO anti-Thai? :whistling:


This UNESCO vote gets us a slightly closer to a Palestine based on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capitol. :)

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