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Finally Found A Good Oven

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After years of fight with my very expensive multi oven, repairs that did not work etc. Buying a few cheaper ones which had the same problem with the temperature of the oven I finally found the good one at Robinson.

I bought the biggest House Worth for a little more than 5.000 baht. They lowered the price from almost 8 to 5.000. There are three different, the 30 litre 50 and 70 litre.

FINALLY I can hobby again with bread, cakes, pies and cookies.

I can you advise this brand!

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Is this a mountable model or one of the free standing ones? I have been looking for an over as well. I even roughed out an opening in our outside kitchen for one, but haven't gotten one yet. Will it bake a turkey? If it can do that, it can do anything else I would throw its way. ett


Is this a mountable model or one of the free standing ones? I have been looking for an over as well. I even roughed out an opening in our outside kitchen for one, but haven't gotten one yet. Will it bake a turkey? If it can do that, it can do anything else I would throw its way. ett

It is free standing and can bake a baby turkey, go look and you will see.


Is this a mountable model or one of the free standing ones? I have been looking for an over as well. I even roughed out an opening in our outside kitchen for one, but haven't gotten one yet. Will it bake a turkey? If it can do that, it can do anything else I would throw its way. ett

It is free standing and can bake a baby turkey, go look and you will see.

Can you advise me, PM or open, of the brand and which place to buy.

I live out in the sticks but not toooo far.



Is this a mountable model or one of the free standing ones? I have been looking for an over as well. I even roughed out an opening in our outside kitchen for one, but haven't gotten one yet. Will it bake a turkey? If it can do that, it can do anything else I would throw its way. ett

It is free standing and can bake a baby turkey, go look and you will see.

Can you advise me, PM or open, of the brand and which place to buy.

I live out in the sticks but not toooo far.


It's in the OP - the brand is 'House Worth" (Chinese make) bought at Robinsons.


Is this a mountable model or one of the free standing ones? I have been looking for an over as well. I even roughed out an opening in our outside kitchen for one, but haven't gotten one yet. Will it bake a turkey? If it can do that, it can do anything else I would throw its way. ett

It is free standing and can bake a baby turkey, go look and you will see.

Can you advise me, PM or open, of the brand and which place to buy.

I live out in the sticks but not toooo far.


It's in the OP - the brand is 'House Worth" (Chinese make) bought at Robinsons.

Sorry I missed that bit, (I am getting old and need new glasses).

For me to go to Robinsons would be about an 800 km round trip as I live in the central region not far from Khampaeng Phet.

It would cost me over 2,500 baht for the diesel plus an overnight stay. With my luck this month I would probably get told, mai mee, we sell last one this morning and no idea of the next delivery or price.


If you want something that work's Bill pop into Makro's and get a halogen turbo oven about 1,500bt might be a bit tight for a good size turkey but other than that it does everything. They mostly come with a glass bottom but they do one same price with a very thick S/Steel base if the power bit ever go's on the blink at least your left with a big S/S cooking pot. Google it (Halogen oven) and it give's you all the bizz even us plonker's cant go wrong, Believe me it does what they say. Hope your well.


Could you give us feedback on the insulating quality of the oven as I have heard that is an issue in LOS B) .I know it is pretty bad on my toaster oven.


Could you give us feedback on the insulating quality of the oven as I have heard that is an issue in LOS B) .I know it is pretty bad on my toaster oven.

The sides and the bottom are absolutely Not hot. The top is however.


We bought one about a month ago and so far it works well.

Ours is the 28litre model and we bought it in Chiang Rai electric.( Store is in the Tessaban market). They own both shops which are near each other.

We know the owner for a long time and always get a good discount. This oven was 1900 baht.

upper_right.gifHot air oven 28 liters HouseWorth

[hw-8085] 2,270.- pixel_trans.gifhw-8085-1.jpg

Click to enlarge

Oven, large capacity 28 liters of colorful beauty. Bot is a good sturdy white plastic with the function of work completed for bakery size small And a meal.

  • Temperature settings from 100-250 degrees, Chelsea and Sierra Real Estate open cap - made of glass off heat very well.
    28 liter capacity with accessories such as trays Samakoses food, grill grill
  • Schedule 60 minutes of work with audio alarm when the machine work done.
  • System can be grilled or baked systems.
  • Can heat the top, bottom as needed.
  • Tips for using the oven.
  • Wash all components of the electric oven, washing with mild soap and rinse all the soap off with water. All components of the oven
  • dried and assembled all the components of the oven.
  • The oven temperature up to 15 minutes to eliminate residual odor which can transport after oven

How to bake


  • Place steel mesh grill that can be removed at the desired location.
  • Place pan on grill steel grill Close the oven door.
  • Turn the set than to leave the cooking time required.
  • Turn the heat to set the desired temperature.
  • When baking or cooking completion time set dial to position "0" to turn off the oven.
  • How to grill.
  • Put steel mesh grill with food placed above and versatile pan into the oven.
  • Open the oven door half.
  • Turn heat selector to the position.
  • Turn the temperature to select the desired temperature.
  • When the grill - grilled Complete food and turn the timer to "0" position to turn off the oven.


Size and power.

  • Voltage 220 v-50 Hz.
  • Power 1600 w.
  • Wide, 37 cm long, 53 cm high 43 cm

Availability: Available in stock

pixel_trans.gifThis product was added to our catalog on Monday 01 November, 2010.


Those in the photo's look like toaster ovens.At "The Mall" I believe in korat home pro had the regular ovens.The ones that we are so familiar with.I can't remember the cost.I believe somewhere around 25000-35000 baht if I remember right.


There is no Robinsons in Phit'lok. However, we are all awaiting the opening of a giant Central World here next month (if on schedule). I do not have any ideas what stores will be in there, but it is HUGE. I'm sure there will be a fine selction of ovens in there somewhere.


A link to an image of this oven would be good.

Unfortunately 'House Worth at Robinsons' yield little on a Google search.

Gave up waiting for a link and bought a 'Lucky Flame' Falang style oven yesterday for 7,400 Baht from a local store. Free standing, good size gas oven and 3 hobs.


We bought one about a month ago and so far it works well.

Ours is the 28litre model and we bought it in Chiang Rai electric.( Store is in the Tessaban market). They own both shops which are near each other.

We know the owner for a long time and always get a good discount. This oven was 1900 baht.

upper_right.gifHot air oven 28 liters HouseWorth

[hw-8085] 2,270.- pixel_trans.gifhw-8085-1.jpg

Click to enlarge

Oven, large capacity 28 liters of colorful beauty. Bot is a good sturdy white plastic with the function of work completed for bakery size small And a meal.

  • Temperature settings from 100-250 degrees, Chelsea and Sierra Real Estate open cap - made of glass off heat very well.
    28 liter capacity with accessories such as trays Samakoses food, grill grill
  • Schedule 60 minutes of work with audio alarm when the machine work done.
  • System can be grilled or baked systems.
  • Can heat the top, bottom as needed.
  • Tips for using the oven.
  • Wash all components of the electric oven, washing with mild soap and rinse all the soap off with water. All components of the oven
  • dried and assembled all the components of the oven.
  • The oven temperature up to 15 minutes to eliminate residual odor which can transport after oven

How to bake


  • Place steel mesh grill that can be removed at the desired location.
  • Place pan on grill steel grill Close the oven door.
  • Turn the set than to leave the cooking time required.
  • Turn the heat to set the desired temperature.
  • When baking or cooking completion time set dial to position "0" to turn off the oven.
  • How to grill.
  • Put steel mesh grill with food placed above and versatile pan into the oven.
  • Open the oven door half.
  • Turn heat selector to the position.
  • Turn the temperature to select the desired temperature.
  • When the grill - grilled Complete food and turn the timer to "0" position to turn off the oven.


Size and power.

  • Voltage 220 v-50 Hz.
  • Power 1600 w.
  • Wide, 37 cm long, 53 cm high 43 cm

Availability: Available in stock

pixel_trans.gifThis product was added to our catalog on Monday 01 November, 2010.

I have one just like it but made by Otto also have a halogen one by Otto. The main problem's with the oven is that it only has Two element's at the top ditto bottom, take's 15+ min; to heat up and about 1h25m to cook a fare size chicken, roast potato's poor never crisp. If you want to cook a duck forget it. It never get's to the high temp and hold's it have checked it with gauge. As a grill to brown thing's off it's in a word crap. Have had mine for over 4 year's and got used to it's problem's, It did the job Ok just. 5 month's ago I got a halogen one mainly as a grill got fed up with chicken that was cooked but look insipid. How does it perform heat's up in less than 2 Min: cook's the same size chicken in 40 min: "Moist and brown" roast potato's a joy crisp the bizz. Thing's like Lasagne browned and spot on in 18 min. in my oven never brown unless you over cooked it. To sum up I now don't use the oven anymore, I just leave it the for the G/L to dust. The only problem I can see with the Halogen is that you cant get a "big" turkey in it, but as I'm not a turkey lover problem solved. Tip if you are only going to get one cooker get a halogen one.

I believe one opened at Phitsanulok this year, how far away is that?


That's closer, now down to about 200 km each way.

Even closer Bill they have them in Makro's K.P.Phet that's only 60k away from you. If you look they have fan powered one's as well and their bigger. But the grill is still crap.

Thanks Fredob

I will be up doing a bulk shop in a couple of weeks and I will see what they have got.

I bought a leg of lamb a couple of years ago and never got around to buying a cooker to go with it.


Thanks for the tip about the halogen ovens fredob43.

I'd seen them before but just dismissed them as toys or gimmicky.

I picked one up at Tesco in Mae Chan today. They were on sale for 999 baht (reduced from 1450 baht). It's an Otto CO-795.

I cooked toasted cheese and Vegemite sandwiches this afternoon and it was great.

I tried steak and roasted carrots and potatoes tonight. The potatoes and carrots were really good. Crisp and slightly burnt spots just starting to show and soft inside. (40 mins @ 250C).

The steak however was overdone (I like mine medium rare and this was well done. But it was still OK (ie. it wasn't tough like cardboard). I cooked it for 15 mins as per the suggestion in the instructions (which were all in Thai, so was just going off the picture of the steak with the 250C and 15 mins written next to it), but next time will try 8-10 min and see how it goes.

Using the vacuum packed frozen sirloin steak from Makro. I have 2 more meals worth from the pack so will try and get the hang of cooking medium rare steaks within the next 2 tries (sometime this week)

Also looking forward to trying to cook some fish and also sourcing some frozen meat pies...


We use a heavy bottomed frying pan and work to these timings, to achieve something like these steaks:-

And... in your heavy bottomed pan, which I have also, Can you fry a bread, cake or turkey?


We use a heavy bottomed frying pan and work to these timings, to achieve something like these steaks:-

And... in your heavy bottomed pan, which I have also, Can you fry a bread, cake or turkey?

Why would I want to do that - very odd comment :blink:

The poster wants a medium rare steak ?????????


I believe one opened at Phitsanulok this year, how far away is that?


That's closer, now down to about 200 km each way.

Even closer Bill they have them in Makro's K.P.Phet that's only 60k away from you. If you look they have fan powered one's as well and their bigger. But the grill is still crap.

Thanks Fredob

I will be up doing a bulk shop in a couple of weeks and I will see what they have got.

I bought a leg of lamb a couple of years ago and never got around to buying a cooker to go with it.

Why not buy it online?

Please check both links.



Free shipping if cost over 5000 Baht. Official site. Must be reliable. Many items and sections just looking through their website.

Good luck!


We use a heavy bottomed frying pan and work to these timings, to achieve something like these steaks:-

And... in your heavy bottomed pan, which I have also, Can you fry a bread, cake or turkey?

I think a lid is required in the type of pan you mean, and the pan has to be deep enough so what is being cooked is sealed into the pot.

I cook local beef like this in a heavy stainless steel pan and even the toughest pieces become very tender.



We use a heavy bottomed frying pan and work to these timings, to achieve something like these steaks:-

And... in your heavy bottomed pan, which I have also, Can you fry a bread, cake or turkey?

I think a lid is required in the type of pan you mean, and the pan has to be deep enough so what is being cooked is sealed into the pot.

I cook local beef like this in a heavy stainless steel pan and even the toughest pieces become very tender.


That is a good looking piece of meat. Was that bought local?


I think it was from Northern Farm, I used get roasting beef from there.

It's what we call a "topside" roast in Australia, see the "blade" running through it?

It's a tougher cut and needs slow cooking.

What I do is put a little oil in the pan and brown the meat on all sides.

Tip off excess grease and add a little water or stock and vegetables... onions, carrots etc.. I see I have tomatoes in that one.

Cook slowly on the stove top 3-4 hours then remove meat and make a gravy out of the inch or so of liquid in the pan.

Goes well with mashed potatoes and green beans.

If you can get fresh killed beef in the local market this is the best way of cooking it.


Can all be, but I was talking about an Oven Not a frying pan.

The one from central as showed is absolutely not the same I have!


I believe one opened at Phitsanulok this year, how far away is that?


That's closer, now down to about 200 km each way.

Even closer Bill they have them in Makro's K.P.Phet that's only 60k away from you. If you look they have fan powered one's as well and their bigger. But the grill is still crap.

Thanks Fredob

I will be up doing a bulk shop in a couple of weeks and I will see what they have got.

I bought a leg of lamb a couple of years ago and never got around to buying a cooker to go with it.

Hopefully that leg has been in a deep freeze!:blink:

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