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Thai Student Nazi Dress-Up Day Causes Outrage

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You all should leave your political correctness at home. They did not do it to be hateful, and the Hitler girl looks really cool.

I don't think anyone said they did it to be hateful. It reflects massive ignorance. Some would say ignorance should not be glorified.

The Hitler gal was cool, but In one of the pics there was what looked like a Himmler girl with a long black coat and a white dagger, but it wasn't a closeup. I understand that they're planning a 'Springtime for Hitler' performance to widen their artistic skills.

If they hit a crash diet and some forced labour now, they can go in for almost portraying the victims by spring time. In fact they can call up the company that fumigated the Downtown hotel in Chiangmai for added effect if they like.

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You may SHOUT all you wish -- you are still wrong.

semite -- A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and AraB

I agree with your last point

No, I am not wrong. I never said only Jews are semites. I stated the fact, and it is a fact, that antisemitism (the word) refers ONLY to Jews. Words have specific meanings and if you actually believe antisemitism refers to any people other than Jews, you simply don't know the meaning of that word.

Anti-semitism dates bach centuries and unfortunately is not a new concept.

Chanes (sp?) notes three phases of anti-semitism --- ancient anti-semtism which was ethnic in nature, Christian anti-semitism based on religion and the anit-semitism of the last two centuries. The latter is the anti-semitism of which you speak and is the hatred of the Jewish people and their religion.

So, it it possible to accuse a semite of antisemitism?


It reminds me when the wax museum opened up at the Royal Garden Plaza in Pattaya and there was a billboard advertising the wax museum with a big picture of Hilter. It offended many people since it looked like it was promoting someone who was responsible for one of the world's worse world wars. I have to agree with the other comments on this forum, most Thai students do not receive a proper lesson of world history (or geography) from their schools and are not aware how some topics can be sensitive to other ethnic groups. I suppose it would be like some Westerner dressing up as a monk for Halloween --not aware it is offensive to devoted Buddhists.

In the realm of offence caused, I don't think you have quite made an equal comparison.


Suggestions for movies to educate my Thai family please. jap.gif Shock value is good thing.

Any of the 'World at War' series that shows the liberation of concentration camps and piles of bodies being bulldozed into mass graves


I can remember seeing a Swastika badge on the shirt of a BTS station cashier/clerk a few months ago. You can see them on bags , T-shirts, Even on the painted company buses that are everywhere, Clearly WW2 was something missing from the ciriculum in Thailand

The swastika is a religious symbols, don't mix it up with the nazi swastika. See the link in my earlier post.

The swastika may very well be a religious symbol, but the uniforms and plastic machine guns are not.

Where on earth did this idea of 'fashion' spring from? And what on earth was going through their heads!? Getting a bit tired of the same lame excuse for this breathtaking ignorance.

Would it have been ok if they dressed up as Roman soldiers? We used to when at school.


Just don't mention the war

Highly facile post - as you are aware almost everyone on this thread will know this episode so what is the point of putting here?>

When this program was released during the 1970s I don't remember hearing a single criticism regarding the content by anyone

? I am surprised that over 30 years later in Southeast Asia people are still so offended by this incident?

Since then we've had equally horrific atrocities in the Kosovo War and just a couple of weeks ago it was discovered Robert Mugabe has been killing his own citizens to stop them from digging in a valuable new diamond deposit which the ordinary people happen to have discovered.

Why no outrage about this?

Excellent point midas. The Jews are also affraid of losing their 60+ year monopoly on misery, which they need it to justify US funding for the expansion of Israel, and the rest of the West is strangled and hobbled by 'political correctness'. Kosovo indeed

Wow, you are both missing the point.

The fact that makes the nazis unique is that their sole purpose was to eradicate lesser groups of people; namely the jews but others as well; gypsies, homosexuals, mentally disabled etc.

Therefore you can not compare it to Mugabe, kosovo or even stalin; all of whom killed many many people but as a means to an end; not an end in itself.

See the difference? Oh, and cut it with the misery crap; and do you really think America would give a flying you know what about Israel if it weren't surrounded by scores of countries hostile to the US? Although the Jewish lobby is strong; Americas main interest is in keeping a strong foothold in the region.


i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

huuwi SO sad you are sick of it . It would not be so easy for you to get over it PAL if you lost your Father or Mother ,Brother or Sister etc, in the attrocities the Nazis got up too , i believe all things like this should be firmly planted in history , i was not around then , thank god , and you should too , because if you were you would have a much more adult opinion about it .


Are you sure that you do not confuse anti-semite with anti-israel?

Yes, I am sure I am not confused, as they are different things though not mutually exclusive. I can't speak for if you are confused though.


This is another example of bad reporting.

Not everyone would find this offensive. Some found it quite amusing.

The only reason this sort of thing continues is because it cause some ( who like to keep hold of the past) "offense".

It's time to drop the PC, let go of the past- or forever have some poking fun of those who would take offense .

PC has nothing to do with it.

When I was in Moscow I observed a couple getting married at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It wasn't out of PC and they were born long after the war ended. It was because they wanted to thank the fallen soldier who died so that they could enjoy life. It's easy to forget the past if you haven't had Panzer tanks shooting up your neighborhood.

Where have you lived to enjoy such a protected life and to forget those who died to provide it for you?


This was a bloody carnival, I cannot believe its taken 15 pages of hate mongers to gripe over.

I think this is your position. Correct me if I'm wrong. Your opinion is noted.

1. A Nazi parade at a Catholic school is totally fine. Fun really.

2. There is nothing for the school administration to apologize for.

3. There is no need to add some history of World War II to the curriculum.

4. It is totally OK for there to be as many Nazi parades at schools in Thailand as the kiddies desire. It's all in good fun!

5. To question any of this reflects hatred of Thai people.


1.It was ment to be fun its the over zealous westerners on here that has made it into something else.

2.Why should they apologise, What is there to apologise for?

3.You will find certainly in the UK less and less of the History of the WW is being taught.

4.It was fun but for over zealous farangs complaining..the horror of it

5.No but it brings out the anti Thai brigades just read the posts!

Perhaps you would prefer a carnival with the Thais dressing up as British soldiers and beating the welsh, who as a tribute to their identity salivate profusely and hold a pea sized brain in their hand.


.......take a look in Naklua and you will see many Germans wearing SS crash helmets or stickers on their bikes, also girls with tatoos......

That is a bloody lie. In Germany it is a criminal offence showing or wearing Nazi symbols. We are taught extensively in school what happened during the Third Reich and in many schools it is mandatory to visit a "Konzentrationslager". When Thais wearing Nazisymbols I am always really embaressed and I asked myself how the people here can be so ignorant. It is a Catholic school where this happened and they should be very aware of this because of their colaboration with the Third Reich.

I have seen it as well in Naklua. In Germany/Austria it is a dogma, it is not allowed to discuss it. There is a lot of controversy, specially gas chambers in some Konzentrationslager which were "examples" till 1960 and after they were labeled as real. There were leading people of KZs which told the courts that they didn't had gas chambers they just shot all.

But with such ideas you got straight into jail in Germany/Austria. Because of such laws there are a lot people who doubt details of it in Germany/Austria. Other like the symbols but can't use it in Germany/Austria. Once they have freedom of speech they bore us with that old junk...in Naklua for example.


And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.

See my last point. This is getting silly. Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is a fact. Look at any dictionary.

"Is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?"

You want to complain?! Look at these shoes, I've only had them a few weeks.

Even if you complain, no-one listens, so you might as well not bother."


In the interests of linguistic precision, should I be referring to my mild dislike of arabs as anti-semitism? It would allow me to combine two bigotries, and thus reduce my total score by one, making me quantitatively a better person.



By all accounts communism has killed more people than Nazism ever did but it's still "cool" for students in the west to display communist symbols and even subscribe to communist ideology. You can't expect the one-sided victors' version of Second World War history to be adopted by Thailand.


Thai women say Sawasti ka


สวัสติกะ is the Thai for Swastika. Not much difference.

how do Thai people greet?

Sawasti ka

Sawasti krap

You just created a new joke :lol: :lol:


i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

huuwi SO sad you are sick of it . It would not be so easy for you to get over it PAL if you lost your Father or Mother ,Brother or Sister etc, in the attrocities the Nazis got up too , i believe all things like this should be firmly planted in history , i was not around then , thank god , and you should too , because if you were you would have a much more adult opinion about it .

66 years ago

So to remember something people need 74+ (8 year)

<br />
<br />I can remember seeing a Swastika badge on the shirt of a BTS station cashier/clerk a few months ago. You can see them on bags , T-shirts, Even on the painted company buses that are everywhere, Clearly WW2 was something missing from the ciriculum in Thailand<br />
<br /><br />The swastika is a religious symbols, don't mix it up with the nazi swastika. See the link in my earlier post.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

i see, so these religious people were also goose stepping and wearing uniforms like the school ? you have to look at it in a different context, your missing the point


i'm sick of reading this, i'm a 1960 generation, now we have 2011.

get over it.

And I'm a 1930 generation and a survivor of the London blitz. I'm sick of moronic dickheads such as yourself spouting ignorant crap. Ask any Dutch or Polish person now getting on in years whether they have forgotten. Get over that you cretin.

It is about time a reminder was given to the so superior Thais that if it wasn't for brave farangs liberating them they'd all be speaking Japanese now.


You may SHOUT all you wish -- you are still wrong.

semite -- A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and AraB

I agree with your last point

No, I am not wrong. I never said only Jews are semites. I stated the fact, and it is a fact, that antisemitism (the word) refers ONLY to Jews. Words have specific meanings and if you actually believe antisemitism refers to any people other than Jews, you simply don't know the meaning of that word.

Anti-semitism dates bach centuries and unfortunately is not a new concept.

Chanes (sp?) notes three phases of anti-semitism --- ancient anti-semtism which was ethnic in nature, Christian anti-semitism based on religion and the anit-semitism of the last two centuries. The latter is the anti-semitism of which you speak and is the hatred of the Jewish people and their religion.

So, it it possible to accuse a semite of antisemitism?

In Austria they wanted to sue an Jewish rabbi for antisemitism as he doubted some of the holocaust dogma. But they stopped before it went to ridiculous


.......take a look in Naklua and you will see many Germans wearing SS crash helmets or stickers on their bikes, also girls with tatoos......

That is a bloody lie. In Germany it is a criminal offence showing or wearing Nazi symbols. We are taught extensively in school what happened during the Third Reich and in many schools it is mandatory to visit a "Konzentrationslager". When Thais wearing Nazisymbols I am always really embaressed and I asked myself how the people here can be so ignorant. It is a Catholic school where this happened and they should be very aware of this because of their colaboration with the Third Reich.

I have seen it as well in Naklua. In Germany/Austria it is a dogma, it is not allowed to discuss it. There is a lot of controversy, specially gas chambers in some Konzentrationslager which were "examples" till 1960 and after they were labeled as real. There were leading people of KZs which told the courts that they didn't had gas chambers they just shot all.

But with such ideas you got straight into jail in Germany/Austria. Because of such laws there are a lot people who doubt details of it in Germany/Austria. Other like the symbols but can't use it in Germany/Austria. Once they have freedom of speech they bore us with that old junk...in Naklua for example.

It is allowed to discuss it, but it is not allowed to deny the Holocaust. Several years ago they jailed David Irving in Austria for his denial of the Holocaust.


Don't forget it wasn't only the jews that were send to the camps. Many other groups were also undesired and murdered, like gypsies and the mentaly handicapped.

But look at who got the money later. nothing for Gypsies or Russians or Socialists or Communists.

Nothing on the crimes on Sudeten-Germans or war crimes against Germany.

Now in Austria there is a move to change the history of the "Staendestaat". That backward looking and ignoring of today get really boring.


It's sad that these children had no idea of the implications of these costumes, nor were aware of the acts committed by the Nazis. But we should ask ourselves, before we condemn the Thai educational system, how many secondary school pupils in the UK or anywhere in the west are aware for example of the Japanese actions in China throughout the 1930s?.

Also. the original report was in the Daily Wail! Try this:www.qwghlm.co.uk/toys/dailymail

but the thais are also not told about what the japanese did to thailand during wwII too , its brushed under the carpet so they can believe they are such a strong country that has never been conquered , ........time to tell the whole truth and nothing but me thinks,............. a thai teacher once told me that this is not taught in thai schools because the students would be 'angry' towards the japanese,................boo hoo !

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