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Lusty Teens Await Loy Krathong


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Lusty teens await Loy Krathong

BANGKOK: -- The Loy Krathong Festival is traditionally an occasion for spiritual cleansing ceremonies, yet teenagers may exploit the festival as an excuse to have sex, according to a survey of local residents.

A cross-generational survey by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) and the Culture Ministry of 1,246 city residents aged between 12 and 60 revealed that many suspected young Thais of using the festivities to engage in worrying activities such as racing and drinking alcohol, said Wilasinee Phiphitkul, director of the foundation’s communications office.

Around 43 per cent of people interviewed said they expected teenagers to have sex on Loy Krathong Day, while more than half were not confident that many youngsters would not engage in immoral activities.

Most of the respondents said police should monitor entertainment venues and ban the sale of liquor in and around festival temples.

Almost two out of three polled admitted that they had sex during last year’s festival, Wilasinee said. She said a third of teenagers surveyed admitted to engaging in unprotected sex.

One in four Thais interviewed said they would consume alcohol during the festival this year, whereas one in three conceded they had drunk on Loy Krathong last year, she added.

“Alcohol consumption causes many youngsters to lose their self-control and engage in inappropriate behaviour such as fist fights, premature sex, sexual harassment, and even drug abuse,” Wilasinee said.

She added that ThaiHealth would campaign for alcohol-free Loy Krathong celebrations.

Amornwit Nakhontap, a lecturer at Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Education, stressed, however, that in order to tackle problems at their roots, the authorities needed to step up their campaigns against teenage debauchery all year round, not just during specific periods like festivals. He recommended that extensive social campaigns be launched to try to convince parents to spend more quality time with their offspring, including longer maternal leave for mothers.

Amornwit said schools must also make sure to keep dormitories orderly, while police needed to crack down on gambling practices and the widespread availability of pornographic material among youths.

--The Nation 2005-11-09

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They get to clean up by picking all the money off the floating offerings to get drunk on too.

Lusty teens await Loy Krathong

Amornwit said schools must also make sure to keep dormitories orderly, while police needed to crack down on gambling practices and the widespread availability of pornographic material among youths.

--The Nation 2005-11-09

The crackdown hub at it's best :o

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Well, my husband told me that if a couple sets their krathongs off together and they float off and stay together then it means the couple will stay together.

You can see the romantic angle there

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“Alcohol consumption causes many youngsters to lose their self-control and engage in inappropriate behaviour such as fist fights, premature sex, sexual harassment, and even drug abuse,” Wilasinee said.

How shocking ! :o

I love the phraseology of thai "officials" or "elite". Aka = incompetent childish and idiotic persons.

And also thoses "polls"...

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Well, my husband told me that if a couple sets their krathongs off together and they float off and stay together then it means the couple will stay together.

You can see the romantic angle there

That's exactly what my missus and I have done for 3 consecutive years now. Trouble was... on each occasion it was a balmy night with no wind... and the krathongs drifted apart... :D

This year, she said she's going to make just one big krathong for the two of us.


Can't fault Thai logic in that!


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Watana put spotlight on teenage-sex motels

BANGKOK: -- Social Development and Human Security Minister Watana Muangsook yesterday recommended that the spotlight be trained on Bangkok motels during the night of the Loy Krathong festival in a bid to deter teenage revellers from sneaking off for one-night stands.

Watana’s proposal comes after several social experts have warned that youngsters may use Wednesday’s festivities as an excuse to become drunk and indulge in sex.

Watana said his ministry was cooperating with the Metropolitan Police Bureau and police’s Youth and Women Protection Division in plans to erect ID-card checkpoints outside motels located near areas with a large number of young celebrants, including Suthisarn, Charan Sanitwong and Phetburi roads.

“We will also train spotlights on teenagers walking in and out of motels in the hope of embarrassing them,” he said, adding that police would detain and call the parents of all under-18s caught in the act.

Watana added that he did not care if motel owners complained about the measures because he had a serious social problem to tackle.

Nattaya Boonpakdee, a feminist activist, called the plan “idiotic”. She said it not only violated basic individual rights and freedoms but would also fail to address the problem of premature sex at its roots.

“Mr Minister should try to think up long-term solutions to problems, not just tailor measures to specific occasions,” Nattaya said. “Preventing teenagers to go to motels will only encourage them to have sex secretly in other places.”

--The nation 2005-11-10

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Watana put spotlight on teenage-sex motels

Muangsook yesterday recommended that the spotlight be trained on Bangkok motels during the night of the Loy Krathong festival in a bid to deter teenage revellers from sneaking off for one-night stands.

Watana’s proposal comes after several social experts have warned that youngsters may use Wednesday’s festivities as an excuse to become drunk and indulge in sex.

“We will also train spotlights on teenagers walking in and out of motels in the hope of embarrassing them,” he said, adding that police would detain and call the parents of all under-18s caught in the act.

Watana added that he did not care if motel owners complained about the measures because he had a serious social problem to tackle.

Nattaya Boonpakdee, a feminist activist, called the plan “idiotic”. She said it not only violated basic individual rights and freedoms but would also fail to address the problem of premature sex at its roots.

--The nation 2005-11-10

Of course this doesn't happen at any other time of the year either :o At least one person, Khun Nattaya Boonpakdee, has them summed up as idiotic...

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Director of the Culture Watchdog center of the Culture Ministry Ladda Tangsupachai (ลัดดา ตั้งสุภาชัย) expressed her opinion that arresting youths who use service at love motels during the Loy Kratong (ลอยกระทง) Festival is not solving the problem at its root cause, but will help reduce social problems to some degree.

Ms. Ladda said that the measure by the Social Development and Human Security to prevent teens from having a one-night stand during the Loy Kratong (ลอยกระทง) festival is good, although it is not addressing the problem at the root cause. She said that the measure could help reduce the problem to a certain degree, adding that it demonstrates the government agencies’ participation to prevent Thai youths from having risky behaviors.

Ms. Ladda added that the Culture Ministry has collaborated with the police to suppress and monitor youths during the festival by sending youth-and-parent network to watch for teenagers who may go into inappropriate areas. Documents giving correct information on Loy Kratong (ลอยกระทง) festival have already been distributed to the people. She also requested cooperation from the people to jointly conserve Thai traditional culture.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 November 2005

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mmm...Let me see. I can have the option of staying at home or going to a short time hotel for some unadulterated, hot, nasty, sweaty, mind blowing sex for 3 hours.

Or, I can traipse to a smelly khlong somewhere with countless others to set sail a little raft made out of banana leaves, polystyrene or bread, identical to everyone elses, and an event which takes only a couple of minutes.

I know what 'floats my boat' on Loi Krathong night and it aint floating a little boat.


Edited by Gazza
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This year, she said she's going to make just one big krathong for the two of us.


Can't fault Thai logic in that!



I know where your coming from, my G/f likes to think she is older than me because a monk told me I would end up with an older women, even though I am in fact older than her :D

More Thai logic, fuzzy or what.....!!!!! Its a reason for lovin em i suppose.x


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The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will dispatch city officials to patrol 18 parks across the capital during the Loy Kratong (ลอยกระทง) night to prevent teenagers from having premature sex. This year, the Loy Kratong Festival falls on November 14th to 16th.

Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayothin (อภิรักษ์ โกษะโยธิน) commented on the survey on teenagers’ sexual behaviors, saying that the survey shows that Thai youngsters are inclined to have sex during festivals. The survey shows that parks are the most popular location where Bangkok teens prefer to have their sexual intercourse, as the figure stands at 31%.

Thus, the BMA will open 18 parks across the city to celebrate the Loy Kratong (ลอยกระทง) festival, while city officials will monitor teenagers’ inappropriate behaviors in all areas.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 11 November 2005

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Well I will be patrolling tumalong park here in sydney tommorow :D .

More than likely fending off the dirty old men that seem to strangely materialise at these events

I suspect I will be carrying the Missus home having gorged herself and twenty or so different Thai Food stands.

Last year alchohol was banned there although,quite a few families had a discreet eski.

Can I volunteer for such patrols? Do they provide night vision goggles? :o

I'll partner you :D

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