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Racism Against Blacks


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And from days long past, Thermae used to be a place full of westerners. I went in a few months back to use the facilities, and over the last 5 or 6 years since i had been on there last, the place had sure changed. The clientele was almost exclusively eastern Asian. So I do think eastern Asians are "high up on the ladder" here.I do know that Koreans now are pretty popular in all aspect of life. K-Pop stars play here regularly before full houses when western bands rarely sell out

And what types of Westerners used to go to Thermae - high up the ladder ones?

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Since when is it called "racism" when girls don't look at you?

Go to a Western bar, see all the white beta men, and notice that girls will not look at them at all.

Thai girls have their preferences too - and just because you are not on their list only shows that they don't care about PC crap.

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He might want to carry his passport to prove he's American. Some Africans pretend to be American. Not very many black Americans in Thailand, especially lower Suhkumvit, but lots of Africans

Edited by DP25
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I dont go to that area because of the intimidation by gangs of males with black skin, lets be perfectly honest they are the most racist ones youre ever likely to come across anywhere in the world.

Unfortunately decent black males suffer the consequences, but at least they dont get threatened due to the colour of their skin.

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I dont go to that area because of the intimidation by gangs of males with black skin, lets be perfectly honest they are the most racist ones youre ever likely to come across anywhere in the world.

Unfortunately decent black males suffer the consequences, but at least they dont get threatened due to the colour of their skin.

Never been threatened by them because of the colour of my skin, I have however been offered drugs and gemstones by them, no doubt due to the colour of my skin.

As for the comment, 'they are the most racist ones youre ever likely to come across', I would think they are more likely to be tribal than racist, buts thats another story.

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BR , what is shocking, that the world in general is racist, or that Thailand reflects what most peoples in the world think. Or that other peoples don't follow western PC ideas. Just because we are superior in our morals and enlightenment and treat all as equals, doesn't mean that the rest of the world has to follow . Jim

Who is we, Jim?

Superior morals and heightened enlightenment?:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

I was going to ask same question.....

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There can be no reasonable dispute that --like virtually anywhere -- there is racism in this country (though I would argue it manifests itself in relatively benign ways for the most part and is rarely accompanied with any real malice). And it is an absolute fact that there was a time when African Americans were at times a victim of it in some ways (and this was when Africans weren't here in the numbers that they are now).

But I have seen over the years -- with a general trend towards modernization/westernization and the influence of cultural trends and icons like Eddie Murphy, Michael Jackson, Will Smith, Hip Hop etc -- a FAR wider incidence of Black men not only not being discriminated against but even sometimes favored. And even 28 years ago my best buddy in Bangkok was a Black American who'd bee here since the Vietnam War and knew everyone in every bar and was well like by all. Does this prove there was no racism? No, obviously not. But I think things have only gotten better since then.

So what I am trying to get at in a rambling and disorganized fashion is that I think there is a strong possibility that it is about where he was and the prevalence of the dodgy Africans in that area. (I have a friend now who says he must be the only honest Nigerian in Thailand -- and he couldn't be a more ethical and decent -- and he suffers as a result of what his countrymen do here).

Now Thai racism against Indians on the other hand (even those of Thai nationality)...don't get me started...

What makes you supposed friend think, He is the only honest Nigerian here..Go to thai Universities and you will see lots of Nigerian Professors...

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There can be no reasonable dispute that --like virtually anywhere -- there is racism in this country (though I would argue it manifests itself in relatively benign ways for the most part and is rarely accompanied with any real malice). And it is an absolute fact that there was a time when African Americans were at times a victim of it in some ways (and this was when Africans weren't here in the numbers that they are now).

But I have seen over the years -- with a general trend towards modernization/westernization and the influence of cultural trends and icons like Eddie Murphy, Michael Jackson, Will Smith, Hip Hop etc -- a FAR wider incidence of Black men not only not being discriminated against but even sometimes favored. And even 28 years ago my best buddy in Bangkok was a Black American who'd bee here since the Vietnam War and knew everyone in every bar and was well like by all. Does this prove there was no racism? No, obviously not. But I think things have only gotten better since then.

So what I am trying to get at in a rambling and disorganized fashion is that I think there is a strong possibility that it is about where he was and the prevalence of the dodgy Africans in that area. (I have a friend now who says he must be the only honest Nigerian in Thailand -- and he couldn't be a more ethical and decent -- and he suffers as a result of what his countrymen do here).

Now Thai racism against Indians on the other hand (even those of Thai nationality)...don't get me started...

What makes you supposed friend think, He is the only honest Nigerian here..Go to thai Universities and you will see lots of Nigerian Professors...

My supposed friend?! Nice.

I presume what makes him think that is the prevalence of less than savory Nigerians in Thailand and the fact that they make up the vast majority of foreign convicts in Thai jails, as I understand). He has not spent any time at Thai universities, I suspect. However, he doesn't actually think he is the only honest one. It's called hyperbole.

As for me, I don't need to go to Thai universities to see the many supposed Nigerian professors. Whether or not they exist, I don't believe for a second that my supposed friend is the only honest Nigerian in Thailand.

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My Aunt got refused service in a pub in Rochdale (UK) because she's Irish.

She's lived in Rochdale for 30 years, pretty much a pillar of the community....

Sh*t happens!

Am I alone in thinking this is pure make-believe?!

Or did it happen during the height of the IRA bombing campaign in the '80's?

As a Brit working in the West End during the height of the IRA bombing campaign, I can say that one of our 'group' - an Irish woman - had no problems at all being served at the bar, and was loved by everyone.

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There can be no reasonable dispute that --like virtually anywhere -- there is racism in this country (though I would argue it manifests itself in relatively benign ways for the most part and is rarely accompanied with any real malice). And it is an absolute fact that there was a time when African Americans were at times a victim of it in some ways (and this was when Africans weren't here in the numbers that they are now).

But I have seen over the years -- with a general trend towards modernization/westernization and the influence of cultural trends and icons like Eddie Murphy, Michael Jackson, Will Smith, Hip Hop etc -- a FAR wider incidence of Black men not only not being discriminated against but even sometimes favored. And even 28 years ago my best buddy in Bangkok was a Black American who'd bee here since the Vietnam War and knew everyone in every bar and was well like by all. Does this prove there was no racism? No, obviously not. But I think things have only gotten better since then.

So what I am trying to get at in a rambling and disorganized fashion is that I think there is a strong possibility that it is about where he was and the prevalence of the dodgy Africans in that area. (I have a friend now who says he must be the only honest Nigerian in Thailand -- and he couldn't be a more ethical and decent -- and he suffers as a result of what his countrymen do here).

Now Thai racism against Indians on the other hand (even those of Thai nationality)...don't get me started...

What makes you supposed friend think, He is the only honest Nigerian here..Go to thai Universities and you will see lots of Nigerian Professors...

My supposed friend?! Nice.

I presume what makes him think that is the prevalence of less than savory Nigerians in Thailand and the fact that they make up the vast majority of foreign convicts in Thai jails, as I understand). He has not spent any time at Thai universities, I suspect. However, he doesn't actually think he is the only honest one. It's called hyperbole.

As for me, I don't need to go to Thai universities to see the many supposed Nigerian professors. Whether or not they exist, I don't believe for a second that my supposed friend is the only honest Nigerian in Thailand.

No offense intended.. Just wanted to point out the fact that I know lots of honest ones, so He is not the only honest one..

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They started prowling Pattaya with a scam to rip the bars off saying a girl they'd long timed robbed them.

My mate had a bar saw through one Nigerian sent him packing and was branded a racist by the pattaya PC brigade. Yes guys it does exist pc busy bodies in Pattaya, is nowhere sacred?

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If I ran a bar, or a shop, and was continually ripped off by any recognizable group then I would also ban that group from my premises. It is only natural. Unfortunately, the honest citizens within that group would also be barred from entering. In America we sue everybody for any implied insult or racial slur... no matter how valid, so you are forced by law to allow A-holes and crooks into your shop. Law suits are less common in Thailand.

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Pretty sure this black guy could have stayed if he had talked to the owner. It is most likely because of the Nigerians scamming people and selling drugs. This is not really Thailand specific though, lots of Nigerians selling dope in all parts of the world. In my first world part of the world, lots of clubs don't allow arab immigrants cause many seem to cause trouble. It's not a racism thing, just a nessecity since you can't tell who start trouble and who won't.

Also, as a side note, Japense and Koreans are popular in Thailand because they are the same race as Thais, are the new Americans in cultural influence and also because they are generally far more polite and well behaved than the lager lout hooligans.

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Pretty sure this black guy could have stayed if he had talked to the owner. It is most likely because of the Nigerians scamming people and selling drugs. This is not really Thailand specific though, lots of Nigerians selling dope in all parts of the world. In my first world part of the world, lots of clubs don't allow arab immigrants cause many seem to cause trouble. It's not a racism thing, just a nessecity since you can't tell who start trouble and who won't.

Also, as a side note, Japense and Koreans are popular in Thailand because they are the same race as Thais, are the new Americans in cultural influence and also because they are generally far more polite and well behaved than the lager lout hooligans.

Not only is that not true, the Japanese would generally be horrified to be classified as as such (or even in the same group as Koreans).

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Pretty sure this black guy could have stayed if he had talked to the owner. It is most likely because of the Nigerians scamming people and selling drugs. This is not really Thailand specific though, lots of Nigerians selling dope in all parts of the world. In my first world part of the world, lots of clubs don't allow arab immigrants cause many seem to cause trouble. It's not a racism thing, just a nessecity since you can't tell who start trouble and who won't.

Also, as a side note, Japense and Koreans are popular in Thailand because they are the same race as Thais, are the new Americans in cultural influence and also because they are generally far more polite and well behaved than the lager lout hooligans.

Not only is that not true, the Japanese would generally be horrified to be classified as as such (or even in the same group as Koreans).

Yeah and I would be horrified to be classified as a brit, but we're obviously still much more similar than I am to an African or Arab. Is it really that hard to understand?

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And from days long past, Thermae used to be a place full of westerners. I went in a few months back to use the facilities, and over the last 5 or 6 years since i had been on there last, the place had sure changed. The clientele was almost exclusively eastern Asian. So I do think eastern Asians are "high up on the ladder" here.I do know that Koreans now are pretty popular in all aspect of life. K-Pop stars play here regularly before full houses when western bands rarely sell out

And what types of Westerners used to go to Thermae - high up the ladder ones?

Yeah, window cleaners. :D

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If it was my bar, I'd ask the dude, like: who won the Super bowl last year?; what's the capital of Illinois? and, what year was gold discovered in California? If the dude got all three, or at least two out of three, ordered a drank AND paid for it (there and then), I'd let him in.

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If it was my bar, I'd ask the dude, like: who won the Super bowl last year?; what's the capital of Illinois? and, what year was gold discovered in California? If the dude got all three, or at least two out of three, ordered a drank AND paid for it (there and then), I'd let him in.

And if I was "the dude", I would tell you, "Phuque off, racist!"

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That's always been the case. It used to freak me out when I first came to Thailand but I know from having discussed it with Thai bar owners and such that there's reasons for that (that obviously have nothing to do with racism), among them:

  • It has the potential to make Farang punters uncomfortable to feel they have to compete with a Thai guy -- it's supposed to be their world where Thai girls only want Farangs. If they came in and their were a bunch of Thais in there, that experience wouldn't be the same (or so it is believed and I thik there is some truth to that.)

  • It ensures that no Thai boyfriends get in.

  • Thai guys are known to get aggressive when drunk.

  • Thai guys would potentially dislike being rejected in favor of a Farang.

And so on. In short it's about economics and reducing the potential for trouble (which is alos about economics, isn't it?).

Or he could be an undercover cop...

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Pretty sure this black guy could have stayed if he had talked to the owner. It is most likely because of the Nigerians scamming people and selling drugs. This is not really Thailand specific though, lots of Nigerians selling dope in all parts of the world. In my first world part of the world, lots of clubs don't allow arab immigrants cause many seem to cause trouble. It's not a racism thing, just a nessecity since you can't tell who start trouble and who won't.

Also, as a side note, Japense and Koreans are popular in Thailand because they are the same race as Thais, are the new Americans in cultural influence and also because they are generally far more polite and well behaved than the lager lout hooligans.

Not only is that not true, the Japanese would generally be horrified to be classified as as such (or even in the same group as Koreans).

Yeah and I would be horrified to be classified as a brit, but we're obviously still much more similar than I am to an African or Arab. Is it really that hard to understand?

I never said it was hard to understand, did I?

"British is not a race". If you are a white dude from any former British colony you've arguably got a lot more in common with other white dudes from the US, Australia or Canada etc. than you do with an a person of a different ethnicity and from another region. Obviously. But my point is that to the Japanese (especially) it is often very important that they are viewed as distinct from, and even superior to, any others -- including fellow Asians.

Is that hard to understand?

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That's always been the case. It used to freak me out when I first came to Thailand but I know from having discussed it with Thai bar owners and such that there's reasons for that (that obviously have nothing to do with racism), among them:

  • It has the potential to make Farang punters uncomfortable to feel they have to compete with a Thai guy -- it's supposed to be their world where Thai girls only want Farangs. If they came in and their were a bunch of Thais in there, that experience wouldn't be the same (or so it is believed and I thik there is some truth to that.)

  • It ensures that no Thai boyfriends get in.

  • Thai guys are known to get aggressive when drunk.

  • Thai guys would potentially dislike being rejected in favor of a Farang.

And so on. In short it's about economics and reducing the potential for trouble (which is alos about economics, isn't it?).

Or he could be an undercover cop...

They don't go undercover in Farang bars and they won't be barred if they want to go in. If they typically wanted to do undercover operations in go go bars, the no Thai policy would never have been allowed.

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What makes you supposed friend think, He is the only honest Nigerian here..Go to thai Universities and you will see lots of Nigerian Professors...

Where are these Nigerian professors you refer to? I am unaware of any at Mahidol, Thammasat or Chulangkorn. ABAC has an Institute of African and Asian studies. Maybe there is an African on the payroll, but they don't seem to trot him/her out for any of their seminars. TEFL instructors at language schools are not professors.

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Surely it's not as bad as the USA - don't they have the KKK there still?

His parents would have been subjected to apartheid and his great-grandparents slavery.

He should maybe be happy the way the world has evolved although Thailand is a few years behind the west.

As bad as the USA - where've you been? Last time I checked the President of the USA's father was from Kenya.

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