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Racism Against Blacks


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Just where do you draw the line about racism ? Is it just between different colours ? religions ? countries ?


I'm British. In the UK we have different regions / counties etc. We have a habit of giving them names.

Come from Ireland you are a " thick Mick / paddy "

From Scotland you are a " sweaty sock, Jock, Jockanese, jimmy "

From Liverpool you are " a Scouse or theiving scouse git "

From Newcastle you are a Geordie

Hartlepool a monkey hanger

from Wales a sheep shagger / leek muncher

London a Cockney or a Soft southern shandy drinking nancy

Do you get the point ?

When I worked in London, which was often I was called a Northern monkey and told to <deleted> off back ooop north

These are all between the same coloured people from the same country.

My mother told me when I started school

" Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you "

And she was right. Dead right

I have worked all over the world and have been called every name under the sun and it hasn't bothered me a bit.

These politically correct days, especially in the UK we have become a nation of poor defenceless victims.

people need to

1 grow some thicker skin

2 ignore the bigots as they are the sad ones

3 Get on with your life

Just my 2 satangs worth

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I agree that using the term "racism" in Thailand with respect to skin color is misleading. It's definitely not the same here in Thailand as it is in the US. People are not being refused housing or employment based on skin color.

That is not true!

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A 'broad brush' statement and no doubt provocative to the PC crowd but the recent roundup and deportation of Suk 11 Africans comprised mainly of Nigerians on fake S African passports, this being quite a typical example of the Nigerian abroad, and repeated the world over

People are not born racists but they do react to behaviour patterns and their experience in life..............So IMHO Africans could be black, white, yellow or green, but until they do something to improve their image they will always be at risk of discrimination

Which Africans are you talking about? Africa starts in the Mediterranean and finishes in the Roaring Forties. The distance from Morocco to Cape Town is 8000km. Are you talking about Tunisians or those folks from Egypt or the Jaapies or people like Baaba Mal from Senegal? Or do you just mean the blecks?

Do you ask for a similar level of details when the 'farang' brush is broadly swiped?

I wish more people would...

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The african americans I have seen have been enjoying themselves so maybe this is somewhat isolated and if not maybe brought on by some of the conning Nigerians running around.

Either way there is racism everywhere to some extent. Whites in Africa are actually being killed for their farms. Foreigners of any color cannot get into clubs in Japan and even Thailand.

Sad but true.

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I agree that using the term "racism" in Thailand with respect to skin color is misleading. It's definitely not the same here in Thailand as it is in the US. People are not being refused housing or employment based on skin color.

That is not true!

Oh please, JT, it is true. If you're referring to certain nationalities being discriminated against, perhaps. But a dark skin Thai being discriminated against for housing or employment? The company that I work for has plenty of darker skin Thais, including in management positions. Let's not perpetuate the myth.

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I agree that using the term "racism" in Thailand with respect to skin color is misleading. It's definitely not the same here in Thailand as it is in the US. People are not being refused housing or employment based on skin color.

That is not true!

Oh please, JT, it is true. If you're referring to certain nationalities being discriminated against, perhaps. But a dark skin Thai being discriminated against for housing or employment? The company that I work for has plenty of darker skin Thais, including in management positions. Let's not perpetuate the myth.

Yes discrimination against Indians in housing. Indians here are usually Thai citizens.

You haven't seen the ads for movie ticket clerks? Light skinned only.

Myth? Not.

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Oh please, JT, it is true. If you're referring to certain nationalities being discriminated against, perhaps. But a dark skin Thai being discriminated against for housing or employment? The company that I work for has plenty of darker skin Thais, including in management positions. Let's not perpetuate the myth.

Yes discrimination against Indians in housing. Indians here are usually Thai citizens.

You haven't seen the ads for movie ticket clerks? Light skinned only.

Myth? Not.

Read my post. Against certain nationalities, perhaps. Against a person purely on skin color, no.

I wouldn't know about the movie ticket clerks, but I know the airlines prefer thin women over fat. Is that discrimination? Models here and elsewhere are always going to have a certain look, i.e., attractive. Is that discrimination?

Look, I know plenty of dark skin Thais and if there were institutional racism against them, they'd certainly voice it. Heck, I'd venture to say a majority of Thais have dark skin. But do Thais think that lighter skin Thai women are more attractive? Yes. So if you think that this is racism (against their own kind), so be it. By the way, even within the African-American community in the US, lighter skin blacks are considered more appealing. Racism against themselves?

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Anyone who knew England in the 50's will understand 'racism'.

Churchill knew what he was talking about when he stated in Parliament around 1954...yes 1954...

..'The biggest threat to Britain ,at this time, is the prospect of mass coloured immigration'.

Then Macmillan ,who hated the unity of the working class, threw out the bill that Churchill started banning rights of residence for commonwealth [joke] peoples.

As for Katrina..The blacks were not left behind...

They were doing what they [as a group] always did..Wait for the storm to pass and take advantage of no power,no alarms ,no police, no security...

Unfortunately for them Katrina was far worse than expected.

Ask what contribution anything from Africa has made/done to make the world a more civilized place to live.

That racism still abounds despite all the PC brigade and advertising plus all the movies that now show blacks as the commanding officers,High court judges, head teachers,top secret service agents shows there is no smoke without fire.

Re PC correctness I remember an ad in Tottenham [google 'baby p.] for a senior social worker in the late 70's..The ad ended with the words..'would suit west indian lesbian'.

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What is the difference between Zimbabwe under black rule and Rhodesia under white rule?

Are the blacks any better off and what prospects for the working class [if there is any] there?

I guess it will just mean more queuing for handouts whilst doing nothing to help themselves.Unlike the poor and long suffering of Burma.

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Ask what contribution anything from Africa has made/done to make the world a more civilized place to live.

Gold, diamonds, Platinum group metals and copper spring to mind...:rolleyes:

Africa is where our species comes from.

I thought we were descended from Alien's....:D ......At least thats what the Thai immigration department seems to think...;)

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As opposed to the decades of brainwashing by western governments read [the book is banned in Britain] from page 17 in 'the Longest Hatred'..

Type into your search engine..'internet archive free download the longest hatred'..

Look for the one that mentions the author..'Jane Birdwell' and you can read what the british government have decided you cannot read.

Also try to find 'Deadlier than the H Bomb' by wing commander Leonard Young.

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Ask what contribution anything from Africa has made/done to make the world a more civilized place to live.

Gold, diamonds, Platinum group metals and copper spring to mind...:rolleyes:

Africa is where our species comes from.

And you readily believe that the white race is descended from black africans?????

I remember The olympic champion swimmer's '[Mark Spitz I believe] words when asked why there are no black champion swimmers..'They are built differently,Their bones are much denser and they sink lower in the water than other races.'

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Ask what contribution anything from Africa has made/done to make the world a more civilized place to live.

Gold, diamonds, Platinum group metals and copper spring to mind...:rolleyes:

Africa is where our species comes from.

And you readily believe that the white race is descended from black africans?????

I remember The olympic champion swimmer's '[Mark Spitz I believe] words when asked why there are no black champion swimmers..'They are built differently,Their bones are much denser and they sink lower in the water than other races.'

I accept mainstream modern anthropological science which maintains there is no genetic basis for the concept of different races of man.

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So if you think that this is racism (against their own kind), so be it. By the way, even within the African-American community in the US, lighter skin blacks are considered more appealing. Racism against themselves?



Interesting, although clearly that couldn't be classified as racism (they seem to have invented a new word, "colorism"). Ok, Thais are "colorist." So farangs in Thailand can't use the race card, but the color card. By the way, I hadn't done any research on this at all, but just remembered an Oprah episode from years ago discussing this topic. And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming....

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Many ferangs are here because of their behavior in their homeland

And what behaviour might that be?

In Memory of P.C. Keith Blakelock. Toxteth Riots.Hacked to Death by a Black Mob. :angry:

Not Toxteth but Broadwater Farm estate Harringey

pc Blakelock had his head hacked off by a machette wielding black mob

Where the wonderful black member of parliament for Harrringey council[bernie Grant] stated the next day..'The police got a bloody nose'.

Nobody was convicted for this dreadful crime...every black is every other black's brother.

The same council where a gang of blacks gang raped a young mentally handicapped girl and then put acid into her to destroy their DNA.

Another time I got a phone call from a neighbour's 14 yo son .

He and a friend had gone to London and coming out of Macdonalds in Oxford st midday they were surrounded by a group of black teenagers who demanded their money.

when I spoke to the police sergeant about how this could happen in a crowded street he replied.'The muggers are very cunning.It is not old ladies who constantly get mugged .It is young schoolboys.If you see an Old lady getting hassled you will do something.Who will bother when they see a group of young boys arguing?'

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Many ferangs are here because of their behavior in their homeland

And what behaviour might that be?

In Memory of P.C. Keith Blakelock. Toxteth Riots.Hacked to Death by a Black Mob. :angry:

Not Toxteth but Broadwater Farm estate Harringey

pc Blakelock had his head hacked off by a machette wielding black mob

Where the wonderful black member of parliament for Harrringey council[bernie Grant] stated the next day..'The police got a bloody nose'.

Nobody was convicted for this dreadful crime...every black is every other black's brother.

The same council where a gang of blacks gang raped a young mentally handicapped girl and then put acid into her to destroy their DNA.

Another time I got a phone call from a neighbour's 14 yo son .

He and a friend had gone to London and coming out of Macdonalds in Oxford st midday they were surrounded by a group of black teenagers who demanded their money.

when I spoke to the police sergeant about how this could happen in a crowded street he replied.'The muggers are very cunning.It is not old ladies who constantly get mugged .It is young schoolboys.If you see an Old lady getting hassled you will do something.Who will bother when they see a group of young boys arguing?'

Sorry about getting the Riots wrong, there ate so many since they arrived. :D

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Sorry about getting the Riots wrong, there ate so many since they arrived. :D


and always the blacks are judged that their rioting was justified because of all the problems they have.No fathers at home ;barely subsisting on government benefits .Inadequate [free] housing;bad school attendance because they do not have the bus fare to get there;bad teachers who are unable to understand their needs;police stop and search[never mind the FACT that in 99% of muggings and street crime the culprit is always described as being 'young and black'.]

Not getting the jobs they apply for [in most cases they are unable to complete the forms handed to them at job interviews].etc etc etc...

And of course the government decides to give them a lot more money to better their miserable lives...

Never mind that most blacks arriving in Britain in the 50's were recruited from their usual work of trash heap scavenging....

After all...What government wants educated immigrants?

I well remember them arriving, the men all had double breasted suits of either green brown or grey -all oversized [government left over demob suits]and the women wore skimpy cotton dresses and all had legs and knees exactly like Olive Oyle.Most had never even seen a flush toilet before.

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If I approached a Bar in Thailand and saw more than one Black. I would preferable not go into that Bar at all, or leave quickly!

I have heard Thai Bar girls, while I was walking out side beside a Bar, that had a group of about 6 Blacks sitting in comment. That as long as they sat there no other customers were going to go into the Bar. I would definitely not have gone into that Bar. Why? It is the Blacks manner, behavior, and customs. I have a choice which establishment I patronize. The presence of a large group of Blacks is a bad indication. I would do the same in the USA.

The Nigerians have a very negative reputation world wide. I think it best not to even speak with them, when approached by them in Thailand. I just keep moving on my way. They have given the lower Sukumvit area a bad feeling. Many of them are there illegaly, and the lower Sukumvit area should be cleaned up of their presence.

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Ask what contribution anything from Africa has made/done to make the world a more civilized place to live.

Gold, diamonds, Platinum group metals and copper spring to mind...:rolleyes:

Africa is where our species comes from.

I thought we were descended from Alien's....:D ......At least thats what the Thai immigration department seems to think...;)

They did not make these resources. Those resources are naturally occurring.

Yes it is true that we are descended from Apes.

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Some places in the UK you are a racist if you ask for a black coffee these days ??

Political correctness gone mad!


I also heard the teachers were not allowed to make kids run long distances because its considered physical torture. lol But not sure how true that is.

Probably as true as the post you replied to.

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As opposed to the decades of brainwashing by western governments read [the book is banned in Britain] from page 17 in 'the Longest Hatred'..

Type into your search engine..'internet archive free download the longest hatred'..

Look for the one that mentions the author..'Jane Birdwell' and you can read what the british government have decided you cannot read.

Also try to find 'Deadlier than the H Bomb' by wing commander Leonard Young.

Apparently they're both highly though of on the Stormfront website. Achtung Mein Fuhrer!

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