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HSBC Survey: Thailand Is The Best Place To Live After Retirement

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HSBC Survey: Thailand is the best place to live after retirement

BANGKOK 2 October, 2011 (NNT)- Thailand has been cited as the best place to live after retirement through the eyes of foreigners, according to an opinion survey by HSBC.

The 2011 survey has found that tax exemptions, affordable living expenses, and reasonable living condition are the reasons that Thailand has been chosen as the most habitable place in the word for retired foreigners.

In the views of the respondents, tax exemptions offered by the Thai government allows foreigners with a limited income or even those who have no regular income to live comfortably after retirement.

Compared to other countries, living costs in Thailand are still low, enabling Westerners particularly the British to spend their lives here without difficulty.

Reasonable living standards which make the country more advantageous than others include warm climate and diverse topographical feature.

Coming second and third are Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Last year, Bahrain was ranked first in the same category.

The survey covers 3,385 expatriates in more than 100 countries. The data is based from the respondents’ lifestyles, financial conditions and the way their children are brought up overseas.


-- NNT 2011-10-02 footer_n.gif

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Well all i can say is the other Country's the retired expats poled live in must be complete #hit holes..as Thailand is far from brilliant; I guess the poled expats here were questioned at the entrance to a Birthday party with 20 baht drinks all night in A-gogo In Pattaya and on their first 3 months of retirement here.

Anyone who believes these Banking PR stunts need to get out more, sorry if this upsets some people but I lost my rose tinted glasses in Thailand a couple of decades ago..i am only here to make money nothing else.

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2nd and 3rd place certainly show you how much this survey is worth.....

Exactly! But let's not forget the cheap X factor. wink.gif

Saudi you can stick......wherever you want.

However, I must admit that on two occasions I spent a couple of happy months in the region from Luxor to Abu Simbel. I don't think it's possible to get tired of the wonders of Egypt and the ancient history. I'm not sure about it being a perfect retirement destination.

Taking over first spot from Bahrain isn't exactly a major achievement, maybe no-one else wanted it?.

Now Thailand is number one for retirement, get prepared to increase your cash flow or bank deposit, unless you are grandfathered. Wasn't it a Thaksin that increased it last time?

Edited by uptheos
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Country Rank

Thailand 1

Egypt 2

Saudi Arabia 3

Singapore 4

Switzerland 5

Mexico 6

Philippines 7

Japan 8

Hong Kong 9

Malaysia 10

United States 11

United Arab Emirates 12

Bahrain 13

South Africa 14

Russia 15

Brazil 16

Qatar 17

Vietnam 18

Canada 19

Australia 20

India 21

Belgium 22

Spain 23

Turkey 24

China 25

New Zealand 26

United Kingdom 27

Germany 28

France 29

Italy 30

Netherlands 31


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hmmmmm??? no connection?

HSBC Plans To Open New Branch in Bangkok In 1Q 2011 | Finance



– 16 December 2010

BANGKOK -(Dow Jones)- HSBC’s Thai banking unit plans to a new HSBC Premier branch in Bangkok in the first quarter of next year.

The expansion comes after the bank had received regulatory approval under the government’s new Financial Sector Master Plan Phase II that allows foreign banks to open additional outlets, the bank said in a statement Thursday. HSBC has one branch in the capital currently.

“Our new branch will allow us to meet the growing need for personalized and professional wealth management services we are witnessing among Thailand’s rising affluent segment, particularly in Bangkok,” William Tham, CEO of HSBC’s Thai banking unit said in the statement.

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Coming second and third are Egypt and Saudi Arabia!!?!? I would love to see that survey, and how they weight the responses. More importantly, I would like to know exactly who they surveyed. Can't survey only KKK members and judge the goodness of the KKK on that. Can't sample the rich and judge the results on that.

Coming second and third are Egypt and Saudi Arabia?? Amazing. A large muslim audience sampling survey?

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Note that per the OP's banner, the survey indicated that Thailand is the "best place to live AFTER retirement"

As several of TV's most bigoted curmudgeons and self-proclaimed scions of the perpetual tourist clan will willingly attest (ad nauseum) it is not the best place to live DURING retirement.

Edited by Tywais
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They surveyed 3384 people from over one hundred countries. So about an average of 30 from each country.

I wonder how many of those have actually spent retirement in more than one country (other than their home country) to be able to make a comparison.

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Medicine is quite expensive and sometimes doctors are not very professional in Thailand, imho. Egypt has largely lost it's tourist destination status due to the latest turmoil even Russians stoped going there for cheap holidays in all-inclusive hotels. Saudi with its Sharia laws can be attractive only to some retired jihaddists or women haters, again imho.

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Note that per the OP's banner, the survey indicated that Thailand is the "best place to live AFTER retirement"

As several of TV's most bigoted curmudgeons and self-proclaimed scions of the perpetual tourist clan will willingly attest (ad nauseum) it is not the best place to live DURING retirement.

Interesting because there is normally only one thing that comes after retirement.

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Country Rank

Thailand 1

Egypt 2

Saudi Arabia 3

Singapore 4

Switzerland 5

Mexico 6

Philippines 7

Japan 8

Hong Kong 9

Malaysia 10

United States 11

United Arab Emirates 12

Bahrain 13

South Africa 14

Russia 15

Brazil 16

Qatar 17

Vietnam 18

Canada 19

Australia 20

India 21

Belgium 22

Spain 23

Turkey 24

China 25

New Zealand 26

United Kingdom 27

Germany 28

France 29

Italy 30

Netherlands 31


Geez they put Australia a little high up the list at number 20. The Australian Government could not care less about it's elderly.

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It never fails, any positive news about Thailand and the Thai Bashers Brigadetm (TBB) are out here in force swearing it ain't so. Not a surprise though. Thailand could be responsible for finding a cure for all cancers and discovering a source for true perpetual motion and the TBB would still found something to whinge about.

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It may be even easier if they gave retirees residency status as well without making them apply for a new visa every 12 months and report to authorities every 90 days like it is some form of a bail condition.

Ah! The penny has dropped.

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Mexico came in 6th. It is too dangerous there to even vacation never mind retire. I should also mention it seems the British have discovered Canadas great potential for retirement and are going there in increasing amounts to retire.

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Country Rank

Thailand 1

Egypt 2

Saudi Arabia 3

Singapore 4

Switzerland 5

Mexico 6

Philippines 7

Japan 8

Hong Kong 9

Malaysia 10

United States 11

United Arab Emirates 12

Bahrain 13

South Africa 14

Russia 15

Brazil 16

Qatar 17

Vietnam 18

Canada 19

Australia 20

India 21

Belgium 22

Spain 23

Turkey 24

China 25

New Zealand 26

United Kingdom 27

Germany 28

France 29

Italy 30

Netherlands 31


Geez they put Australia a little high up the list at number 20. The Australian Government could not care less about it's elderly.

The Australian Government are croc Sh!!!t, they don't care about anybody ,hence my address is Phitsanulok.

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Country Rank

Thailand 1

Egypt 2

Saudi Arabia 3

Singapore 4

Switzerland 5

Mexico 6

Philippines 7

Japan 8

Hong Kong 9

Malaysia 10

United States 11

United Arab Emirates 12

Bahrain 13

South Africa 14

Russia 15

Brazil 16

Qatar 17

Vietnam 18

Canada 19

Australia 20

India 21

Belgium 22

Spain 23

Turkey 24

China 25

New Zealand 26

United Kingdom 27

Germany 28

France 29

Italy 30

Netherlands 31


Geez they put Australia a little high up the list at number 20. The Australian Government could not care less about it's elderly.

Speaking of Australia I had heard that the Australian retirees don't have to report to immagration every 90 days. I was told that in order to get their pension they had to go home to Australia every 90 days.

Any one have knowledge of that.

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Mexico came in 6th. It is too dangerous there to even vacation never mind retire. I should also mention it seems the British have discovered Canadas great potential for retirement and are going there in increasing amounts to retire.

It is hardly a tropical paradise, still I supposed they are used to the cold!

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Note that per the OP's banner, the survey indicated that Thailand is the "best place to live AFTER retirement"

As several of TV's most bigoted curmudgeons and self-proclaimed scions of the perpetual tourist clan will willingly attest (ad nauseum) it is not the best place to live DURING retirement.

Interesting because there is normally only one thing that comes after retirement.

By george he's got it!

You can't own it while you are retired but there's absolutely no problems with being scattered over it or planted in it after your retirement is done.

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