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Pattaya Girls


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Just the kind of comment i expected, i'm a businessman not a child.

I'm 33 and i would not have an age gap of more than ten years anywhere in the world, i would not want to make a tit of myself and live in denial.What about you lol

Is there any adults on this forum who have no problems dating nice young women back home, who don't find thai women as attractive but for one reason or another are living in thailand, and did over time your attraction change, or are you still feeling the same after spending time there.

I'm a male who not to long a go in his twenties who watched a porn film big deal, i was only trying to make a point that i have seen a thai girl i like one time, but not very impressed overall, just adding a bit of humour, perhaps you don't understand that, i have not checked maybe your american.

Anyway i know it's a long shot but is there anyone that is living or has lived in thailand who is not overly keen on thai girls, or feels they can do better back home, but have other reasons to be in thailand other than women?

Plenty of girls to meet on Koh Phangan especially the week before the Full Moon Party...some transient others for longer. Better opportunities for this now in Phnom Penh I reckon.....much more of a young western backpacker appeal.

Still my attitude has changed considerably over the years and I started off not being too fussed with the Thai ladies...yet now I love 'em to bits!

I'm only a year or three older than you btw OP. rolleyes.gif

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*scratch head*

why not take a vacation and see for yourself?

or you can also look on sites like thaifriendly, plenty of cuties there.

Yeah okay i'll take a look, to be honest the more i look the more i can see that there are girls i find attractive.

I plan to come and check it out soon, but i hate flying so if i love it i'll stay, if i don't i'll return, i'm working on the year visa so i'm of to a good start if i'm happy there, i'm in a good position so i cant see why i would not like it, but as you say till you try you never know.

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Just looked on thai friendly

Yes there are some cute girls on there, and that was just the first page, i'll take my comments back, and i'm also a lot happier with the whole situation.

I don't know even the girls. on you tube look better the more i look

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I prefer to exercise my superiority complex in private, to avoid public ridicule


Very Witty& very funny !!!!!!

some are easily pleased.

Obviously it is even more appropiate now if you are inclined to take it personally.

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I prefer to exercise my superiority complex in private, to avoid public ridicule


Very Witty& very funny !!!!!!

some are easily pleased.

Obviously it is even more appropiate now if you are inclined to take it personally.

what are you going on about now.

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I prefer to exercise my superiority complex in private, to avoid public ridicule


Very Witty& very funny !!!!!!

some are easily pleased.

Obviously it is even more appropiate now if you are inclined to take it personally.

biggrin.gif Oh I see...Mr Green with the lead piping in the conservatory......blink.gif

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I only ask one question. If the OP doesn't find Thai women attractive then why come to Thailand? I CAN understand that the Pattaya area has all the amenities and many golf courses available, but if the young man is actually looking to get married then why choose Thailand if he doesn't find the women attractive. Available work for reasonable wages WILL attract many people of all types and there are LOTS of women in the Pattaya area who are not hookers. The problem is knowing which ones are which when not knowing the language. The Thai language is FAR harder to learn than Germanic languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish etc. Then, once you are fluent in Thai it takes a lot of the right connections to meet the women the young man is searching for. I visit Pattaya a couple times a year just to be with my firends who like to play golf and I seldom dabble in the bar scene there anymore. I have my ladies in Chiang Mai that keep me happy. However, if I didn't find Thai women attractive I'd probably spend my time in South America for the winter.

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I only ask one question. If the OP doesn't find Thai women attractive then why come to Thailand? I CAN understand that the Pattaya area has all the amenities and many golf courses available, but if the young man is actually looking to get married then why choose Thailand if he doesn't find the women attractive. Available work for reasonable wages WILL attract many people of all types and there are LOTS of women in the Pattaya area who are not hookers. The problem is knowing which ones are which when not knowing the language. The Thai language is FAR harder to learn than Germanic languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish etc. Then, once you are fluent in Thai it takes a lot of the right connections to meet the women the young man is searching for. I visit Pattaya a couple times a year just to be with my firends who like to play golf and I seldom dabble in the bar scene there anymore. I have my ladies in Chiang Mai that keep me happy. However, if I didn't find Thai women attractive I'd probably spend my time in South America for the winter.

Germanic languages? blink.gif

French English italian etc....??

Based on Latin Ian.biggrin.gif

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I only ask one question. If the OP doesn't find Thai women attractive then why come to Thailand? I CAN understand that the Pattaya area has all the amenities and many golf courses available, but if the young man is actually looking to get married then why choose Thailand if he doesn't find the women attractive. Available work for reasonable wages WILL attract many people of all types and there are LOTS of women in the Pattaya area who are not hookers. The problem is knowing which ones are which when not knowing the language. The Thai language is FAR harder to learn than Germanic languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish etc. Then, once you are fluent in Thai it takes a lot of the right connections to meet the women the young man is searching for. I visit Pattaya a couple times a year just to be with my firends who like to play golf and I seldom dabble in the bar scene there anymore. I have my ladies in Chiang Mai that keep me happy. However, if I didn't find Thai women attractive I'd probably spend my time in South America for the winter.

To answer this question.

I'm not moving to get married, i'm not sure if i want kids. From my research jomiten ticks all the boxes, of course if i'm single i will watch girls dance when i have a beer or two which to be honest could be every night till i find my feet. I would never move some where just for women. But as i have previously stated i have now seen some thai girls i like, which means i can live in a great place i can have a girlfriend i find very attractive, but i will always be more selective than i would in europe. I have only had the idea of thailand for a month, and up to now my research had been purely areas and cost of living ect, it was only a few days a go that i started to check the girls out, and to be honest not to impressed but logic told me i'm going to like some of the women, but over the course of this thread i have seen there are some that i find attractive, not many but the ones i like i really like. So to be honest thailand is looking good, i have spent a year looking into spain cyprus, carabbian, all place i have been or lived. The world is a big place with a lot of options, i just want to get it right with no regret, it seems in thailand if you have money you can have whatever life you want.

I did jump the gun on this thread.

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It may perhaps be a good idea to concentrate on making friends…. i.e. Mixing with likeminded male Thai’s and Westerners… Although I imagine it is quite difficult to generate mutually respectful and genuine friendships with Thai’s in tourist areas which are generally geared up to extract as much money as quickly as possible from its visitors.

I also imagine it is quite difficult in an area such as Pattaya to meet a lady of equal socio-economic-educational means and successfully cross the minefield of social stigma which is attached to living in a city such as Pattaya…

i.e. she thinks you think all Thai girls are hookers, easy etc and she wants to dispel any misconception to that idea……

You think she thinks you are there for hookers and you want to dispel any misconception……

Then add cultural and language barriers in to the mix.

You are both automatically too defensive for a natural relationship to develop in such an area, of course I imagine there are plenty of exceptions, however, as a general rule this stigma exists in an area with an overwhelming entertainment industry such as Pattaya….

In area’s such a Pattaya and Phuket (apologies if this rubs people up the wrong way), many folk may end up dating ladies of a certain industry as that is all that’s available to them.

Those who have met respectable and financially independent women have been lucky or here long enough to have been introduced and ‘vouched for’ by Thai friends…. And in an area such as Pattaya meeting Thai friends is perhaps more difficult than in areas where there is a greater mix of professional folk – those who ultimately ‘don’t want anything from you other than friendship’….

You don't find most of Thai the women you have seen on the internet attractive?? Fair enough, I find that there is a large proportion of ugly or very average looking women in Thailand…. being slimmer than their western counterparts a lot of men may find these women more attractive, perhaps also because they are also more available and more accessible than their western counterparts… I suspect in this case many have only explored one demographic and it’s perhaps this demographic of Thai woman which is most prevalent on the internet…

Try walking round a shopping mall in Bangkok and you’ll see an alternative demographic, like walking around any capital city in any country in the world there is a wealth of stunning looking women... All you need to do is it find out how to get yourself into a position where they might find you a viable suitor and where you can filter out the wheat from the chaff…..

There are also plenty of single, young and attractive western ladies in Thailand… But perhaps Bangkok is a better place to bump into them…

In summary – If a more normal social life is what you are after a more normal location may be more suitable. Bangkok as a relatively cosmopolitan city perhaps allows for the most ‘normalness’

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Firstly, nothing against Pattaya. A fun place to visit with lots to do (especially for guys). But if you're talking girls for relationships, Pattaya is probably the worst place to be, relative to other places in Thailand (ditto Phuket). Hardly any Thais in Pattaya are from Pattaya. And why do they come to Pattaya? To make money, of course. It seems that any time you have a large population of farangs, the most opportunistic type of Thais seem to gravitate towards that whole scene.

Prediction: You will meet many Thai women in Pattaya. And you will become convinced that the Thai women in Pattaya are just like any where else in Thailand. You will become jaded and think that Thai women are only interested in your money. You'd be right about Thai women in Pattaya. But you'd be way off in terms of the "normal" Thai woman.

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I get on the INTERNET occasionally to check out the ladies. I automatically eliminate anyone from Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Pattaya.

That is my personal experience from having lived in those places.

Of all of those Pattaya can mess up a woman quickest. I have watched women go from sweet to hardcore in three weeks.

The problem is the language. You are not going to meet a decent Thai woman unless you can speak Thai. One, you can't understand the culture unless you speak the language and you can't listen to what is being said about you. You are at the mercy of your translator (normally your GF) and that is not the position most Thai women want. You are a man and they expect you to lead and you can't do that if you can't speak the language.

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You are not going to meet a decent Thai woman unless you can speak Thai.

Short, concise, to-the-point, and so true.

Generally speaking its true but very unfair to Thai women working in the tourist industry (not bars) that are educated and speak excellent English and also have a grasp of western thinking much of which is gathered through meeting to tourist families on a day to day basis. I say this as i know a number of very nice mid twenties/mid thirties girls just like this

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Is there any adults on this forum who have no problems dating nice young women back home, who don't find thai women as attractive but for one reason or another are living in thailand, and did over time your attraction change, or are you still feeling the same after spending time there.

I don't like Thai girls, and I never did.

I still prefer Indian girls and Arab girls. I also still like girls from East Africa.

I've been here for ten years, and I am never attracted to Thai girls.

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You are not going to meet a decent Thai woman unless you can speak Thai.

Short, concise, to-the-point, and so true.

Generally speaking its true but very unfair to Thai women working in the tourist industry (not bars) that are educated and speak excellent English and also have a grasp of western thinking much of which is gathered through meeting to tourist families on a day to day basis. I say this as i know a number of very nice mid twenties/mid thirties girls just like this

I agree that there certainly are exceptions. But the number of these decent, wholesome, attractive, available, English-speaking Thai girls, is small compared to the bargirl variety, and absolutely tiny compared to the number of decent, wholesome, attractive, available non-English speaking Thai girls out there.

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You are not going to meet a decent Thai woman unless you can speak Thai.

Short, concise, to-the-point, and so true.

Unless you meet a well educated fluent English speaking Thai lady....

Forget about the Bar English speaking Thai woman, you can tell a lot about a Thai woman simply by the quality of English she uses... You can certainly tell whether or not she has been hanging around with a lot westerns in a bar or not....

A previous post has mentioned that the number of well educated fluent English speaking Thai women is small... OK, while the majority of women in Thailand do not fit the educated fluent English speak Thai lady category, there are still plenty around.. Some posters may disagree with this statement based on their own experience and that they have not placed themselves in a position to meet them. However, there are a lot of international Uni Programs, a lot of parents send their kids overseas to study, there are many multinational businesses operation in Thailand (mainly Bangkok) which require english skills.... All the OP needs to do is to get himself into a position where he can readily meet respectable, intelligent, educated and financially independent women... There really are plenty around once you scratch the surface.....

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Really good posts, thanks

I understand and your right if i don't understand thai i'll be as paranoid as they come, also i would be paranoid they are there for the money. In the uk i get girls because i look good and have a good sense of humor, i hope this still counts in thailand.

I think overall you are right about pattaya/jomiten but as some one rightly said you will find the right person, it will just be a lot harder?. This is a hard one.

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Good Thai girls in Pattaya and Jomtiem that speak fluent English are difficult to find. I went to Philippines to find mine and just brought her sister back to live with us in Pattaya. She doesn't smoke, drink, swear or like to party, is a great dancer (won many dance contests back home) enjoys movies, bowling and trying new things. She has never had a boyfriend and is finding it difficult to be attracted to guys that are 40-50 years older than her who are "butterflies".

She would love to find someone closer to her own age that wants to have a committed relationship starting with friendship and moving forward slowly. She is not like the girls back home that need wining and dining at fancy restaurants. She has never experienced the finer things in life so has no idea what she might be missing.

I have been with my wife for 3 years and even with all the girls available here in Thailand I have never strayed nor have I been tempted, I am a lucky man. If anyone would like to meet her (sister J, leave my wife alone LOL) they can come to the Pattaya City Expat Club on Sunday morning at 9:30am (if you cannot get up that early on Sunday you are too much of a party person)and I will be happy to introduce you.

Included is a picture of my wife Rita and sister J, PM if you want more information.

Are you pimping your wifes sister?

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Don't know if anyone has told you but, the girls in the kitten club (where you said you saw some nice looking ones) are mostly boys

I hope your joking on this one, there is nothing to suggest the ones that look okay are men ?.

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Don't know if anyone has told you but, the girls in the kitten club (where you said you saw some nice looking ones) are mostly boys

I hope your joking on this one, there is nothing to suggest the ones that look okay are men ?.

Weyheyyyy.... and off we go !!!... next time you are in there ask them if they prefer the backdoor boogie or the horizontal shuffle..

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Don't know if anyone has told you but, the girls in the kitten club (where you said you saw some nice looking ones) are mostly boys

I hope your joking on this one, there is nothing to suggest the ones that look okay are men ?.

Weyheyyyy.... and off we go !!!... next time you are in there ask them if they prefer the backdoor boogie or the horizontal shuffle..

No i have never been there, i'm sure the ones on you tube are girls, i think i could tell a ladyboy, but saying that i have never seen one in the flesh before, or i don't think i have.

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Don't know if anyone has told you but, the girls in the kitten club (where you said you saw some nice looking ones) are mostly boys

I hope your joking on this one, there is nothing to suggest the ones that look okay are men ?.

Weyheyyyy.... and off we go !!!... next time you are in there ask them if they prefer the backdoor boogie or the horizontal shuffle..

No i have never been there, i'm sure the ones on you tube are girls, i think i could tell a ladyboy, but saying that i have never seen one in the flesh before, or i don't think i have.

Remember... if you don't look down, its not gay !! :P

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I only ask one question. If the OP doesn't find Thai women attractive then why come to Thailand? I CAN understand that the Pattaya area has all the amenities and many golf courses available, but if the young man is actually looking to get married then why choose Thailand if he doesn't find the women attractive. Available work for reasonable wages WILL attract many people of all types and there are LOTS of women in the Pattaya area who are not hookers. The problem is knowing which ones are which when not knowing the language. The Thai language is FAR harder to learn than Germanic languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish etc. Then, once you are fluent in Thai it takes a lot of the right connections to meet the women the young man is searching for. I visit Pattaya a couple times a year just to be with my firends who like to play golf and I seldom dabble in the bar scene there anymore. I have my ladies in Chiang Mai that keep me happy. However, if I didn't find Thai women attractive I'd probably spend my time in South America for the winter.

Germanic languages? blink.gif

French English italian etc....??

Based on Latin Ian.biggrin.gif

You're right, smokie, I should have separated the Latin languages from the Germanic ones. My mistake. In any case, they are both easier to learn than Asian languages that are tonal. I had no trouble learning Gernan or French in school, and Spanish is relatively easy, but with my bum hearing I still struggle with Thai.

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It may perhaps be a good idea to concentrate on making friends…. i.e. Mixing with likeminded male Thai’s and Westerners… Although I imagine it is quite difficult to generate mutually respectful and genuine friendships with Thai’s in tourist areas which are generally geared up to extract as much money as quickly as possible from its visitors.

I also imagine it is quite difficult in an area such as Pattaya to meet a lady of equal socio-economic-educational means and successfully cross the minefield of social stigma which is attached to living in a city such as Pattaya…

i.e. she thinks you think all Thai girls are hookers, easy etc and she wants to dispel any misconception to that idea……

You think she thinks you are there for hookers and you want to dispel any misconception……

Then add cultural and language barriers in to the mix.

You are both automatically too defensive for a natural relationship to develop in such an area, of course I imagine there are plenty of exceptions, however, as a general rule this stigma exists in an area with an overwhelming entertainment industry such as Pattaya….

In area’s such a Pattaya and Phuket (apologies if this rubs people up the wrong way), many folk may end up dating ladies of a certain industry as that is all that’s available to them.

Those who have met respectable and financially independent women have been lucky or here long enough to have been introduced and ‘vouched for’ by Thai friends…. And in an area such as Pattaya meeting Thai friends is perhaps more difficult than in areas where there is a greater mix of professional folk – those who ultimately ‘don’t want anything from you other than friendship’….

You don't find most of Thai the women you have seen on the internet attractive?? Fair enough, I find that there is a large proportion of ugly or very average looking women in Thailand…. being slimmer than their western counterparts a lot of men may find these women more attractive, perhaps also because they are also more available and more accessible than their western counterparts… I suspect in this case many have only explored one demographic and it’s perhaps this demographic of Thai woman which is most prevalent on the internet…

Try walking round a shopping mall in Bangkok and you’ll see an alternative demographic, like walking around any capital city in any country in the world there is a wealth of stunning looking women... All you need to do is it find out how to get yourself into a position where they might find you a viable suitor and where you can filter out the wheat from the chaff…..

There are also plenty of single, young and attractive western ladies in Thailand… But perhaps Bangkok is a better place to bump into them…

In summary – If a more normal social life is what you are after a more normal location may be more suitable. Bangkok as a relatively cosmopolitan city perhaps allows for the most ‘normalness’

Richard I don't doubt you at all. You seem like a nice guy that is dating women in Thailand much as one would in the West.

I do have a couple of questions. How do you get a GF to accept you wearing a condom? One night stands sure but it has been my experience good girls don't like condoms.

And two, how do you prevent them from moving in?

And three, how many different girls have you dated in the last year?

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Richard Smith237 touched on some VERY valid points. I have met many nice women in Pattaya who were not involved with the hooker scene, but they were VERY nervous about the subject and didn't want to be seen with a farang near where they worked or lived. I always had to meet them well away from their place of work... which was often a hotel or restaurant. But, once away from the confines of the city they opened up and enjoyed themselves. They didn't want to be tarred with the guilt of association.

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