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Pattaya Girls


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Ive lived in Thailand for going on 4 years now and I can't imagine why anyone would want to live in Pattaya. I can't stand that place.

I can only comment on the one time I have been to Pattaya, the place was filthy...

Its not even Thailand really. Its just a giant collection of creepy people and the worst of everything about Thailand. I could never call that place home.

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Ive lived in Thailand for going on 4 years now and I can't imagine why anyone would want to live in Pattaya. I can't stand that place.

There is nothing wrong with Pattaya other than where you choose to spend your time...



And with who you spend it with...



:w00t: Up a tree with a telescopic lense spying on some nubiles ?

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Ive lived in Thailand for going on 4 years now and I can't imagine why anyone would want to live in Pattaya. I can't stand that place.

There is nothing wrong with Pattaya other than where you choose to spend your time...



And with who you spend it with...



As I said I have only been the once, I am sure their are nice areas away from the sleaze, nice pictures...

There's nothing wrong with Pattaya as a vacation destination I guess, but I can't imagine actually living there. Its for westerners who want to live in Thailand but not really live in Thailand.

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I've been with dozens of beauties like my friend, Polly, but there has to be more than looks to keep me around. The Philippines is an amazing place for beautiful women, but the Philippines is not some place for a foreigner to travel around alone. That is why I prefer Thailand. I've never had friends murdered in Thailand or needed to defend myself with a knife like I have in the Philippines.


Ian, I have little doubt that you are an accomplished fisherman, but your taste in women is dreadful.

And why do you feel the need to show photos of common prostitutes?

Edited by zzaa008
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Ian, I have little doubt that you are an accomplished fisherman, but your taste in women is dreadful.

And why do you feel the need to show photos of common prostitutes?

When you buy a new mobile phone, rolex, house or car, you like to show it off to your mates, how is this any different.

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Ian, I have little doubt that you are an accomplished fisherman, but your taste in women is dreadful.

And why do you feel the need to show photos of common prostitutes?

Who said any are common prostitutes? Do you know these women personally? I just said they are fun to be around. We play pool, we dance, go swimming at the river, go bowling, and most often just eat. I think that is a National pastime in Thailand... eating.


But, I DO know where to find some of YOUR friends....


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Ian, I have little doubt that you are an accomplished fisherman, but your taste in women is dreadful.

And why do you feel the need to show photos of common prostitutes?

When you buy a new mobile phone, rolex, house or car, you like to show it off to your mates, how is this any different.

It's different on many levels.

If I show you a photo of my open-top BMW 323 (which I don't own, btw), it shows a modicum of taste, style and class. If I show you a photo of an ugly third-world prostitute, it shows the opposite.

If I show you a photo of my new diamond-encrusted Rolex (which I don't own, btw), it shows wealth but it may or may not show class. A photo of an ugly third-world prostitute shows neither.

If I show you a photo of my villa in Cannes or Nice (which I don't own, btw), it shows success. Posting a photo of an ugly third-world prostitute shows failure.

Make no mistake, I too have woken up early in the morning and found myself lying next to a truly vile savage. But I have always been polite; I have always given these little peasants the little sum of money that they asked for; and I have always walked with them to the nearest taxi.

But no, I did NOT take photos of them. And herein lies the difference between men and schoolboys.

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But no, I did NOT take photos of them. And herein lies the difference between men and schoolboys.

But therein lies a major difference between you and me. I carry a camera everywhere I go and I take pictures of everything: Nothing is too small or uninteresting to me. I also paint with watercolours and all subjects fascinate me:

Even something as simple as bricks in a wall


A bunch of keys...


The pattern of dead bark on a tree


A patchwork fence...


Or an old dog having a roll on the ground.


I see beauty in everything.. including saucy women



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But no, I did NOT take photos of them. And herein lies the difference between men and schoolboys.

But therein lies a major difference between you and me. I carry a camera everywhere I go and I take pictures of everything: Nothing is too small or uninteresting to me. I also paint with watercolours and all subjects fascinate me:

Even something as simple as bricks in a wall


A bunch of keys...


The pattern of dead bark on a tree


A patchwork fence...


Or an old dog having a roll on the ground.


I see beauty in everything.. including saucy women



Very nice pictures Ian apart from the dog showing his large nuts!!! lol personally I don't see prostitutes I see girls doing what they have to do to support their family's, if some one should fall in love and lose lots of money it is not the girls fault but the man's for not being able to say no!!!

Like the picture of the keys...

Edited by kenny999
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The only thing a beautiful woman is good for is making up for the fact that the male with the women is of small endowment. Either mentally or physically.

I love my daughters but God help the guy that gets *****. She is beautiful and talented for sure but the child never shuts up. She can talk 24/7 and not even get a little tired.

So all you guys out there who need a female beauty contest winner on your arm we all know why. It's OK put a rolled up sock in your speedos like the rock stars do.

Me, I just look for the quiet lady sitting in the corner eating bananas in one bite.

That would be a monkey then!!!

That is funny :lol:

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Okay my opinion.

Right now in the uk i would not date either of those two european girls, okay bodies not so nice faces.

I would say so far that polly is the best, i would say she is an okay average, by my standards at the moment, but if i was 50 + that would be impressive.

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Kenny999 quote

Very nice pictures Ian apart from the dog showing his large nuts!!! lol personally I don't see prostitutes I see girls doing what they have to do to support their family's, if some one should fall in love and lose lots of money it is not the girls fault but the man's for not being able to say no!!!

Like the picture of the keys...

I agree about the girls being just girls doing what they need to do to support their families. I've been saying the same thing for years. Everyone makes choices in life. I have a hard time separating women who just enjoy sex with many partners from women who have sex with strangers and expect to get paid for their services. It doesn't make them bad or good. And a man who avails himself of their services is on the same level. And, that includes the hypocrites who once upon a time used the services of prostitutes but no longer does... and yet now frowns on others who still do.

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Okay my opinion.

Right now in the uk i would not date either of those two european girls, okay bodies not so nice faces.

I would say so far that polly is the best, i would say she is an okay average, by my standards at the moment, but if i was 50 + that would be impressive.

Just for some update information. Polly is now happily married to an American and they've moved to the USA and they now have two kids. I'm happy for them. But that is not the point. It still comes down to how compatible a coupld are together. I know a young Korean woman in Canada who has a nice figure and an average face. But, when you spend time with her she radiates an inter beauty that makes her stunningly attractive. By contrast I know two magazine models who are visually beautiful by any standards but have real bitchy personalities.

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Many are under the illusion that non-bargirl Thai women are any better than the bargirls. If anything they are worse. My friend got literally robbed and hustled by a government worker he was married to, the most scandelous thai women you'll find are students and office girls, ANY of the Thai woman in the factory I manage can be easily had for a few thousand baht or less, the girls working at 7/11 are worse than the trashiest Nana plaza whores you'll find....yeesh.

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Okay my opinion.

Right now in the uk i would not date either of those two european girls, okay bodies not so nice faces.

I would say so far that polly is the best, i would say she is an okay average, by my standards at the moment, but if i was 50 + that would be impressive.

Nothing you have posted so far leads me to believe you are more than 16 years of age so I guess that is impressive for a 16 year old.

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Many are under the illusion that non-bargirl Thai women are any better than the bargirls. If anything they are worse. My friend got literally robbed and hustled by a government worker he was married to, the most scandelous thai women you'll find are students and office girls, ANY of the Thai woman in the factory I manage can be easily had for a few thousand baht or less, the girls working at 7/11 are worse than the trashiest Nana plaza whores you'll find....yeesh.

I remember reading about a factory lottery thing a few months ago where the workers bought tickets for a drawing of the girl of the week. Seemed like a good idea to me. The factory workers bought a ticket for 50 baht or something like that and the lady got a couple of thousand for her participation.

Kept up worker moral and gave the folks something to talk about rather than poor working conditions. I can't remember if it was Rayong or Bangkok.

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Okay my opinion.

Right now in the uk i would not date either of those two european girls, okay bodies not so nice faces.

I would say so far that polly is the best, i would say she is an okay average, by my standards at the moment, but if i was 50 + that would be impressive.

Nothing you have posted so far leads me to believe you are more than 16 years of age so I guess that is impressive for a 16 year old.

A product of a society where you don't have to get off your arse and move and sadly spectate and comsume from a swivel chair . Nothing like getting your hands dirty or throwing care to the wind and being spontaneous , go on head along to Pattaya you daredevil you .

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Okay my opinion.

Right now in the uk i would not date either of those two european girls, okay bodies not so nice faces.

I would say so far that polly is the best, i would say she is an okay average, by my standards at the moment, but if i was 50 + that would be impressive.

Nothing you have posted so far leads me to believe you are more than 16 years of age so I guess that is impressive for a 16 year old.

A product of a society where you don't have to get off your arse and move and sadly spectate and comsume from a swivel chair . Nothing like getting your hands dirty or throwing care to the wind and being spontaneous , go on head along to Pattaya you daredevil you .

I don't know Luke. Bangkok and Pattaya are dangerous cities. They can chew up and spit out the average Farang quickly. Not only the office girls and University chicks stealing cell phones but now I hear there are roving bands of out of work UK D J's mugging tourists for fish and chips.

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What ever your problem is don't take it out on me, your obsessed by age and education, you don't come across very educated, also you sound like a ten year old looking for an argument, so i have six years on you so shut it.

You cant compare the way i see things with someone who is retired and vice versa,


Thanks for all the photos, it's good see someone who is happy in his own shoes, and does not care what anyone else thinks, and to contribute to a thread without bitching.

If those girls make you happy, then your the winner, i would guess if you was my age looks my be more important to you, but as they say as you get older you become wiser in most cases, hint hint.

Has anyone got a photo of a thai girl friend they would class as a stunner?

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What ever your problem is don't take it out on me, your obsessed by age and education, you don't come across very educated, also you sound like a ten year old looking for an argument, so i have six years on you so shut it.

You cant compare the way i see things with someone who is retired and vice versa,


Thanks for all the photos, it's good see someone who is happy in his own shoes, and does not care what anyone else thinks, and to contribute to a thread without bitching.

If those girls make you happy, then your the winner, i would guess if you was my age looks my be more important to you, but as they say as you get older you become wiser in most cases, hint hint.

Has anyone got a photo of a thai girl friend they would class as a stunner?

Most men are proud of what they do or have done during their lives. I was a college professor, soldier and business owner. I have lived in Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam in addition to a number of Western countries. I first came to SEA in 1968. I guess I have a bias for education because I have taught both in the West and Thailand on a college level.

But Green we know nothing of you that would substantiate your age or knowledge except what you write when you ask questions and voice opinions. Your views and questions like asking for a photo of a stunner are childish. I have never met a man who has not payed for sex, Never and that includes the Catholic priests where I went to school. Sorry I find you unbelievable and very naive. But having said that I didn't call you an idiot or stupid. :whistling:

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What ever your problem is don't take it out on me, your obsessed by age and education, you don't come across very educated, also you sound like a ten year old looking for an argument, so i have six years on you so shut it.

You cant compare the way i see things with someone who is retired and vice versa,


Thanks for all the photos, it's good see someone who is happy in his own shoes, and does not care what anyone else thinks, and to contribute to a thread without bitching.

If those girls make you happy, then your the winner, i would guess if you was my age looks my be more important to you, but as they say as you get older you become wiser in most cases, hint hint.

Has anyone got a photo of a thai girl friend they would class as a stunner?

Most men are proud of what they do or have done during their lives. I was a college professor, soldier and business owner. I have lived in Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam in addition to a number of Western countries. I first came to SEA in 1968. I guess I have a bias for education because I have taught both in the West and Thailand on a college level.

But Green we know nothing of you that would substantiate your age or knowledge except what you write when you ask questions and voice opinions. Your views and questions like asking for a photo of a stunner are childish. I have never met a man who has not payed for sex, Never and that includes the Catholic priests where I went to school. Sorry I find you unbelievable and very naive. But having said that I didn't call you an idiot or stupid. :whistling:

How much pocket money did you get from the Catholic Priests Kerryk ? :whistling:

(sorry, couldn't resist !! surely you knew you were going to get pulled for that comment as soon as you hit 'add reply' ?? !!! )...

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Has anyone got a photo of a thai girl friend they would class as a stunner?

That would be quite interesting to see... It appears, as expected, that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.. Most guys I see walking around with girls no better looking than gibbons !!!... however, I'm not about to publicise my life by posting photo's of my wife... (or any ex's)...

Actually, I can't recall seeing a photo on Thai Visa of a woman I would call attractive (and I agree with green77's observations of the two western ladies in the bikinni's i.e. good bodies, not pretty).

I would also suggest that anyone with half an ounce of decorum is not likely to be posting photo's of their girlfriend or Wife. It is highly likely that these very same gentlemen with restraint and decorum who are dating or married to what we may universally define as a stunner.

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I cant compete with you obviously, i have spent most of my life as just a builder who left school at sixteen, your better than me so leave it.

But it is interesting how we all have different tastes, has anyone got a picture of a pretty thai ex or friend.

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What ever your problem is don't take it out on me, your obsessed by age and education, you don't come across very educated, also you sound like a ten year old looking for an argument, so i have six years on you so shut it.

You cant compare the way i see things with someone who is retired and vice versa,


Thanks for all the photos, it's good see someone who is happy in his own shoes, and does not care what anyone else thinks, and to contribute to a thread without bitching.

If those girls make you happy, then your the winner, i would guess if you was my age looks my be more important to you, but as they say as you get older you become wiser in most cases, hint hint.

Has anyone got a photo of a thai girl friend they would class as a stunner?

Most men are proud of what they do or have done during their lives. I was a college professor, soldier and business owner. I have lived in Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam in addition to a number of Western countries. I first came to SEA in 1968. I guess I have a bias for education because I have taught both in the West and Thailand on a college level.

But Green we know nothing of you that would substantiate your age or knowledge except what you write when you ask questions and voice opinions. Your views and questions like asking for a photo of a stunner are childish. I have never met a man who has not payed for sex, Never and that includes the Catholic priests where I went to school. Sorry I find you unbelievable and very naive. But having said that I didn't call you an idiot or stupid. :whistling:

How much pocket money did you get from the Catholic Priests Kerryk ? :whistling:

(sorry, couldn't resist !! surely you knew you were going to get pulled for that comment as soon as you hit 'add reply' ?? !!! )...

Not much but when I watched Father Amado my Latin teacher walk out of the whore house it got me passing grades for two years in Latin.

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What ever your problem is don't take it out on me, your obsessed by age and education, you don't come across very educated, also you sound like a ten year old looking for an argument, so i have six years on you so shut it.

You cant compare the way i see things with someone who is retired and vice versa,


Thanks for all the photos, it's good see someone who is happy in his own shoes, and does not care what anyone else thinks, and to contribute to a thread without bitching.

If those girls make you happy, then your the winner, i would guess if you was my age looks my be more important to you, but as they say as you get older you become wiser in most cases, hint hint.

Has anyone got a photo of a thai girl friend they would class as a stunner?

Most men are proud of what they do or have done during their lives. I was a college professor, soldier and business owner. I have lived in Japan, China, Thailand and Vietnam in addition to a number of Western countries. I first came to SEA in 1968. I guess I have a bias for education because I have taught both in the West and Thailand on a college level.

But Green we know nothing of you that would substantiate your age or knowledge except what you write when you ask questions and voice opinions. Your views and questions like asking for a photo of a stunner are childish. I have never met a man who has not payed for sex, Never and that includes the Catholic priests where I went to school. Sorry I find you unbelievable and very naive. But having said that I didn't call you an idiot or stupid. :whistling:

How much pocket money did you get from the Catholic Priests Kerryk ? :whistling:

(sorry, couldn't resist !! surely you knew you were going to get pulled for that comment as soon as you hit 'add reply' ?? !!! )...

Not much but when I watched Father Amado my Latin teacher walk out of the whore house it got me passing grades for two years in Latin.

If they're not sinners, they can't be saved.

Prodigal sons, lost sheep etc.

Reminds me of the joke about the missionary and the black sheep...

"You no tell, me no tell"


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I cant compete with you obviously, i have spent most of my life as just a builder who left school at sixteen, your better than me so leave it.

But it is interesting how we all have different tastes, has anyone got a picture of a pretty thai ex or friend.

Nothing wrong with being a builder and dropping out of school. It explains your writing and anti education bias and makes you a bit more believable.

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why am i anti education, you don't spring out as an educated person, you seem someone that likes to insult people to make yourself feel good about yourself, i left school to do what i enjoy, i have no problems with people that took another routes. You don't seem to know what you are talking about half the time. Please shut up you are becoming really boring.

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are you done now, or you feeling good within yourself for that.

maybe back on topic.

I think you may have misunderstood me. I wasn't criticizing you at all. I said there is nothing wrong with being a builder and being proud of that and if you have an anti education bias that is certainly your right and nothing wrong with that either.

I have built a number of buildings. It is hard work and takes skill and talent.

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