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why am i anti education, you don't spring out as an educated person, you seem someone that likes to insult people to make yourself feel good about yourself, i left school to do what i enjoy, i have no problems with people that took another routes. You don't seem to know what you are talking about half the time. Please shut up you are becoming really boring.

I hate reading boring posts, and offensive ones, too, but like you, I just can't stop myself.

I drink too much as well, but I don't think there's much point in asking the breweries to stop putting it in front of me.


Edit: By way of a polite reference back to the OT,

Is Pattaya a good place for drinking and wenching, then? I normally go with the family.

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Well if i got that wrong i'm sorry then.

I think any straight male moving somewhere will wonder about the female situation, and as i can already see it's not a straight forward as back home.

It sounds a shame that an attractive girl usually only brings her looks to the table, i'm hoping there are exceptions.

I would guess i don't need as much mental stimulation as some of you, but everyone needs some meaningful conversations with there partner, i would agree to have someone just for the looks who you could not communicate with would not be a good long term solution.

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why am i anti education, you don't spring out as an educated person, you seem someone that likes to insult people to make yourself feel good about yourself, i left school to do what i enjoy, i have no problems with people that took another routes. You don't seem to know what you are talking about half the time. Please shut up you are becoming really boring.

I read your post in another thread that said you did not want to go to school to learn to speak Thai and surmised you were anti education. The best way to learn how to speak Thai and adapt to Thailand is school and a tutor. Since you rejected this advice I assumed you were anti structured education. You should notice I am not writing a retort to the. "shut up" comment. :jap:

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I hate reading boring posts, and offensive ones, too, but like you, I just can't stop myself.

I drink too much as well, but I don't think there's much point in asking the breweries to stop putting it in front of me.

Try putting food in front of you. It works.

When you've just eaten, you will have little or no desire to drink. This is what I do now.

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I was not to keen on the thai language course, i thought if i did learn it it would be through day to day life, okay i admit i never liked class rooms.

But saying that as the ed seems my best option i may as well make the most of it, because if i do stay it will open a lot of doors, and two lessons a week is bearable even for me. My worry is even if i tried my best i would still fail my yearly exams.

sorry off topic

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I was not to keen on the thai language course, i thought if i did learn it it would be through day to day life, okay i admit i never liked class rooms.

But saying that as the ed seems my best option i may as well make the most of it, because if i do stay it will open a lot of doors, and two lessons a week is bearable even for me. My worry is even if i tried my best i would still fail my yearly exams.

sorry off topic

Six years ago I went to school in Chiang Mai. It was five days a week a class of 8 people. I was the oldest one in the class and the others were graduate students used to going to school and memorizing things. I had a lot of trouble with tones and the NG sound. The teacher would say things and I couldn't hear the difference in the different sounds she said. Words like cow which has five different meanings.

Then I found out that Bangkok Thai is different than Chiang Mai Thai and that my GF spoke Issan and another dialect because she came from the mountains. I met a young woman who couldn't read or write or add or subtract but she spoke four different languages. Plus the fact that my GF did not want me to speak Thai. I think that was my biggest motivator. She did not want me to learn Thai. Now I know why she didn't want me to learn how to speak Thai. She didn't want Thai people to respect me. She didn't want me to be able to function in Thai society without her. She wanted me to be dependent on her. Living in Pattaya and learning Thai on the street will make you a pariah to any decent Thai person.

I don't like depending on others. I am an independent person, always have been. I like it when people address me properly. I like knowing how to say thank you to a younger person or one of lessor status because it is not the same as saying thank you to an older or higher status person.

The language has a lot more to do with the culture than English does. A lot more age and status terms; a lot more ways of doing things based on status. If you learn street Thai or bar Thai keep your mouth shut in polite company.

When I walk into a bar I don't get the old slappers because I speak Thai. I like both eggs and women farm fresh but that's not going to happen unless you can speak to them. It seems sad to me to watch men struggle with pigeon English trying to communicate a simple concept.

People judge you here by appearance and they also judge you by how you speak and act. Picking your nose is OK but make sure you cover your mouth if you use a toothpick. Never point with your foot. Little things everyone is watching you all the time.

And don't worry about the over 50 guys. Both Farang and Thai over 50 guys can get the same stunner's that the under 30 set gets and do every day. This is Thailand it is not the same as the West.

Sure money talks in the West but in Thailand it shouts.

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That makes perfect sense, a while back i was on a three year driving ban, and i was running a business at the same time, my new girlfriend at the time had lost her job and as she had just moved in with me we agreed she could drive me around, anyway when i was doing the drink drive awareness course to get 20% knocked of the sentence i found out you can appeal after 1 year in special circumstances, so i used the stress of running the business ect in court and got of after a year, anyway everyone was happy for me but one person who no longer had any control over me, things went down hill between us after that, soon as said she has to find herself a job.

Some women are just insecure when your the bread winner.

How long did it take you to speak thai fairly well.

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That makes perfect sense, a while back i was on a three year driving ban, and i was running a business at the same time, my new girlfriend at the time had lost her job and as she had just moved in with me we agreed she could drive me around, anyway when i was doing the drink drive awareness course to get 20% knocked of the sentence i found out you can appeal after 1 year in special circumstances, so i used the stress of running the business ect in court and got of after a year, anyway everyone was happy for me but one person who no longer had any control over me, things went down hill between us after that, soon as said she has to find herself a job.

Some women are just insecure when your the bread winner.

How long did it take you to speak thai fairly well.

First you should realize I am not good at languages and I never was. Second I should have gotten a tutor to help with my classroom lessons and I didn't . Third I was afraid of making a fool of myself in class.

Three months survival Thai.

Six months I began to understand and speak rudimentary sentences.

My mistakes. I didn't learn to read Thai at the same time I was learning to speak it. I should have lived by myself when I was in school. My GF was a hindrance and had a party every night when I was trying to study.

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....Great pictures thoe, they look friendly souls.

I think tact is more important than taste.


EDIT: Its very hard to avoid being offended by the rudeness of others, even though it says more about themselves than the object of their scorn.

I try to offer my own experience or opinion, so that others may compare their own, and see where they have opportunities for improvement, rather than highlighting their deficiencies without constructive help. I try, but nor very successfully...

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