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Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin says she won't run for president


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Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin says she won't run for president

2011-10-06 15:50:11 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASILLA, ALASKA (BNO NEWS) -- Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on Wednesday evening announced she will not run for the White House during the upcoming presidential elections. It ends years of speculation.

Palin, who was U.S. Senator John McCain's vice presidential nominee during the 2008 presidential elections, announced her decision in a letter sent to supporters. "After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP (Republican) nomination for President of the United States," she said.

The former governor said she believes she can be more effective in a 'decisive role' to help elect others into office, including the White House. "We need to continue to actively and aggressively help those who will stop the 'fundamental transformation' of our nation and instead seek the restoration of our greatness, our goodness and our constitutional republic based on the rule of law," she said.

She added: "From the bottom of my heart I thank those who have supported me and defended my record throughout the years, and encouraged me to run for President. Know that by working together we can bring this country back - and as I've always said, one doesn't need a title to help do it."

Palin said she will continue to drive discussion for freedom and free markets, including in the race for the presidency. "In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist in replacing the President, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the House," she said.

The former governor had been the focus of intense rumors for years about whether or not she would participate in the 2012 presidential elections. Late last year, Palin told the New York Times that she was seriously considering a run for the presidency.

She said: "I'm engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here." Asked by ABC's Barbara Walters, Palin said she believed she would be able to beat incumbent president Barack Obama.

In the most recent Gallup polls about the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, Palin saw significant declines in the Positive Intensity Scores since late August. On Tuesday she had a score of 13, compared to Herman Cain's 30.

The U.S. presidential elections are scheduled to be held on November 6, 2012. Obama is running for re-election and is expected to face strong opposition from the Republican party, which has numerous major candidates including Texas Governor Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas, and others.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-10-06

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You betcha!

Too bad in a way. If nominated, she would have been the easiest to beat.

Who is she fooling? She's not running because people don't want her! Back to reality tv in Moose City, darling.

Funny thing. She coulda been a contender!

All she had to do was the HARD WORK of becoming a credible expert on the major issues. Instead, she took up twittering and riding around in a faux campaign bus stalking the real candidates, playing silly games with the media. It's great to see karma in action so soon.

Edited by Jingthing
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Funny thing. She coulda been a contender!

All she had to do was the HARD WORK of becoming a credible expert on the major issues.

Actually, she has done her homework and is credible on the issues now, but she ruined her reputation whan McCain picked her and she did not know diddly-squat as she had not been in the national spotlight before. The woman has been totally demonized by the far-left and for little reason.

However, I am glad she is not running because she is totally unqualified and is also a quitter.

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Funny thing. She coulda been a contender!

All she had to do was the HARD WORK of becoming a credible expert on the major issues.

Actually, she has done her homework and is credible on the issues now, but she ruined her reputation whan McCain picked her and she did not know diddly-squat as she had not been in the national spotlight before. The woman has been totally demonized by the far-left and for little reason.

However, I am glad she is not running because she is totally unqualified and is also a quitter.

Agreed, but wait for the complaints when similar mud is thrown at the Obama camp. Still there must be a score of candidates who would do a better job than the current incumbent.

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Funny thing. She coulda been a contender!

All she had to do was the HARD WORK of becoming a credible expert on the major issues.

Actually, she has done her homework and is credible on the issues now, but she ruined her reputation whan McCain picked her and she did not know diddly-squat as she had not been in the national spotlight before. The woman has been totally demonized by the far-left and for little reason.

However, I am glad she is not running because she is totally unqualified and is also a quitter.

Agreed, but wait for the complaints when similar mud is thrown at the Obama camp. Still there must be a score of candidates who would do a better job than the current incumbent.

Hmm, Bachmann? I dunno. Ron Paul? Not electable. Mitt Romney with his insincere smirk? Huntsman, aka the Manchurian candidate? Neither Romney, nor Huntsman are Christians and that might unsettle a great many devout Christians and some Jews who don't appreciate the death conversion ritual thingie mormons do on dead jews. Perry is another Texan that shoots first and then thinks about it. the last Texan didn't do so well in the WH. As bad as Obama might be, he won't have to go through this wasteful primary season with other candadates in his party slinging mud as they try to win the nomination. The Republicans are going to inflict alot of damage on themselves come August.

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I wonder how much money she raised. Does she get to keep it?

Yes because of the corrupt nature of US "PAC" laws she not only can keep the money, it is totally legal for her to use it for her entirely personal expenses.

Even worse there is evidence that she raised PAC money using false claims that she needed the money to "help her decide" whether to run. Several weeks ago a child of her stated openly that the decision (which turned out to be not running) was already solidly made. Of course, she won't be prosecuted for that, even if charged she could just say her child was wrong or that she changed her mind after that statement.

Her brand now is trash. Good riddance.

Edited by Jingthing
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I find it interesting that, on an anonymous forum in Thailand, people can claim how stupid somebody is that has been elected Governor of a US state and has been nominated for the office of Vice President of the US.

Yet SHE is the stupid one?

Is anybody that is so critical of her intelligence willing to post their lifetime achievements so we can judge between the two?

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I find it interesting that, on an anonymous forum in Thailand, people can claim how stupid somebody is that has been elected Governor of a US state and has been nominated for the office of Vice President of the US.

Yet SHE is the stupid one?

Is anybody that is so critical of her intelligence willing to post their lifetime achievements so we can judge between the two?

While I did not think she was the best choice for McCain's running mate I agree with

you chuck 100%

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I find it interesting that, on an anonymous forum in Thailand, people can claim how stupid somebody is that has been elected Governor of a US state and has been nominated for the office of Vice President of the US.

Yet SHE is the stupid one?

Is anybody that is so critical of her intelligence willing to post their lifetime achievements so we can judge between the two?

While I did not think she was the best choice for McCain's running mate I agree with

you chuck 100%

...and I agree with your 'best choice' wisdom. The fact remains, however, she hasn't accomplished what she has accomplished just because she is semi-hot.

People might disagree with her political stance but that hardly makes her stupid, only misguided, for those that disagree with her.

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Interesting that the obvious ethics problem with raising money for her own personal fortune, milking her supporters, based on false pretenses, is no problem for the right wingers. PAC corruption is bad enough, but she has taken it to a new level. Politically, she is totally finished, and even her speaking fees will steadily go down, down, down. Also she's a quitter, she won't be running for even dog catcher anymore. Doesn't matter though, she's already cashed in. She was all about the money. What a farce.

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Interesting that the obvious ethics problem with raising money for her own personal fortune, milking her supporters, based on false pretenses, is no problem for the right wingers. PAC corruption is bad enough, but she has taken it to a new level. Politically, she is totally finished, and even her speaking fess will steadily go down, down, down. Doesn't matter though, she's already cashed in. She was all about the money. What a farce.

Interesting that an Obama supporter has the initiative to bring up anything concerning ethics, considering all that is and has been going on in Washington for the past 900+ days.

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Interesting that an Obama supporter has the initiative to bring up anything concerning ethics, considering all that is and has been going on in Washington for the past 900+ days.

No comparison. Whatever political mistakes Obama has made, you can't assert he has stolen money from his supporters for his own PERSONAL financial gain. BTW, only an Obama supporter by default, no other viable possibility.

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...and I agree with your 'best choice' wisdom. The fact remains, however, she hasn't accomplished what she has accomplished just because she is semi-hot.

People might disagree with her political stance but that hardly makes her stupid, only misguided, for those that disagree with her.

Yes at the time I thought it was a bad idea & guessed the GOP saw the popularity of Hillary ( which still confounds me :) )

So I thought they placed Palin as a woman alternative.

She is far from underachieved but at that point in time was not up to the task heaped on her in the 11th hour.

I do not think many would be given the scrutiny & basically mud slinging that occurs at that point.

Yet look at who did get elected & his credentials....Basically he was no more qualified both in political time/experience

& even basic speaking sans teleprompter.

Just goes to show how disconnected a slick campaign is from political experience/reality

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No comparison. Whatever political mistakes Obama has made, you can't assert he has stolen money from his supporters for his own PERSONAL financial gain. BTW, only an Obama supporter by default, no other viable possibility.

Oh ? Given the current Solyndra scandal I find that hard to swallow.

If the citizens are not supporters how did he get elected?

I would say when they basically side step regulations & check points to push through brownie points/personal gain/popularity at a cost/loss

of over $500 MILLION dollars to the citizens/taxpayers of the USA that is stealing.

Then to top it off to now try to pass regulation to hide his correspondence is even worse.

Blatant! He is if nothing else an employee of the people. His emails & any correspondence regarding this scandal is not personal property to him.

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The election is over a year away, and no one knows who the eventual nominee will be but you've already determined who this person will or will not consider (not actually select) for VP? :rolleyes:

I don't know who will be nominated (I predict Romney) or who he will select to run with as VP (I predict Rubio), but yes absolutely I am 100 percent certain Palin will not be selected again as VP. Edited by Jingthing
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The election is over a year away, and no one knows who the eventual nominee will be but you've already determined who this person will or will not consider (not actually select) for VP? :rolleyes:

I don't know who will be nominated (I predict Romney) or who he will select to run with as VP (I predict Rubio), but yes absolutely I am 100 percent certain Palin will not be selected again as VP.

Oh, god. Nevermind.

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