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Thai Govt To Revive Village Scouts Program To Foster Reconciliation


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Village Scouts revived for reconciliation

The Nation

The government is revitalising the Village Scouts programme as a mechanism to foster social reconciliation in rural communities.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra signed an order late last month setting up a 21-member committee chaired by Kowit Wattana, the deputy prime minister in charge of security affairs, to oversee the programme.

The committee, backed by a budget of Bt600 million to implement its projects, also includes Cabinet members, permanent secretaries and heads of Village Scouts groups from Bangkok and all regions, a Government House source said.

The Bt600-million budget will be spent evenly over the four fiscal years of 2012-15, or Bt150 million a year, the source said.

On Monday, Kowit called the committee's first meeting at Government House and it was resolved the project would be officially launched on November 15.

The Village Scouts were formed in the late 1960s by Border Patrol Police to train mostly rural villagers on basic security skills when the country was threatened by the spread of communism.

Three groups are targeted for participation in the activities - existing Village Scouts and residents of the rural areas; officials and staff of government agencies, state enterprises and private businesses; and mass media workers, the source said.

The panel would hold functions to promote loyalty to the monarchy, among other activities aimed at bringing about unity and reconciliation.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said he expects that government support for the Village Scouts would advance reconciliation efforts.

But whether the move would also give a boost to the red-shirt movement in the provinces would depend on Kowit, he said.


-- The Nation 2011-10-07

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said he expects that government support for the Village Scouts would advance reconciliation efforts.

But whether the move would also give a boost to the red-shirt movement in the provinces would depend on Kowit, he said.

This just sounds like the red shirts "democracy schools".

In what way would it "advance reconciliation efforts"?

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said he expects that government support for the Village Scouts would advance reconciliation efforts.

But whether the move would also give a boost to the red-shirt movement in the provinces would depend on Kowit, he said.

This just sounds like the red shirts "democracy schools".

In what way would it "advance reconciliation efforts"?

"The Village Scouts were formed in the late 1960s by Border Patrol Police to train mostly rural villagers on basic security skills when the country was threatened by the spread of communism."

that sounds more like a private army or thugs.

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Revival of the Village Scout Movement to Bring about Reconciliation

The Government has revived the village scout movement, aimed at bringing about reconciliation and harmonization, in line with one of its urgent policies.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has signed an order appointing a Committee on Reconciliation and Harmonization, to carry out village scout activities in order to promote harmony and unity among the people.

The committee is chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Police General Kowit Wattana, with representatives from various ministries and village scout clubs in all regions of the country as members.

At its first meeting on October 3, the committee was told that Prime Minister Yingluck wanted all sectors of Thai society to protect the institution of the monarchy. To achieve this aim, it is necessary to foster reconciliation and harmonization, while restoring democracy at the same time. In this way, the Government needs cooperation from civil society, and the village scout movement is part of civil society.



The Government Public Relations Department - 06/10/2011

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is this the same mob of thugs they mobilised during the bloody crackdowns in the 70's. I don't think they have a good reputation for advocating peaceful settlement. Combined with the red shirt villages this a disturbing trend. Could it be they are mobilising in the event of another coup & better prepared to wage civil war?

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Reviving a right wing, proto fascist youth group that played a prominent roll in the Thammasat 76 attack/slaughter does not strike me as the best of ideas to promote reconciliation :ph34r:

Yes, you hit it.

Of course, many of us never bought the red shirt/PTP = pro liberal democracy bill of goods to begin with. Many totalitarian tendencies.

Edited by Jingthing
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You can't have a proper dictatorship without this level of harassment and control at the neighborhood level to cull out dissension at the grass roots level. Cuba has this, Gaddafi had this, Hitler had it, Communist Russia had it, China has it.

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Reviving a right wing, proto fascist youth group that played a prominent roll in the Thammasat 76 attack/slaughter does not strike me as the best of ideas to promote reconciliation :ph34r:

Yes, you hit it.

Of course, many of us never bought the red shirt/PTP = pro liberal democracy bill of goods to begin with. Many totalitarian tendencies.

The village Scout actions in '76 make the red shirts look like girl guides!

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You can't have a proper dictatorship without this level of harassment and control at the neighborhood level to cull out dissension at the grass roots level. Cuba has this, Gaddafi had this, Hitler had it, Communist Russia had it, China has it.

Cambodia has it, I got told.

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All the funny comments here really amuse me! Doesn't anybody see what is happening here?

This is long term strategy to counter the armed forces in case they try to stage a coup again. If you go back a few weeks before the last coup in 2006 the Army demanded weapons back which had been lent to border patrol police and forestry officers considered under command loyal to Thaksin back then.

This is nothing but setting up a rural guerilla army under the disguise of protecting the monarchy and promote "reconciliation" - clever move really - who would dare to question setting up a force supposed to protect the high institution - although a very dangerous move. Of course it will be all the red shirts - just under a different name.

This government knows that if there is a counter power to the armed forces it will be very difficult for them to stage a coup again. Thai armed forces have for several decades only been successful in surpressing and killing their own people to protect the elite in this country - if they face an armed force the foot soldiers who are poorly paid (remember the billions stolen from taxpayers after every coup are divided between the officers - foot soldiers just get peanuts) - they will do what they do best - retreat when fired at - and the generals know that - there should be a lot of steam coming out of military headquarters right now they must be fuming!

Edited by Cnxforever
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Will anybody be surprised if proclaimed Red Villages get priority? Just a way to boost The PTP militia.

Read the title, and was half expecting dyb dyb dyb dob dob dob. Naive, I know.

Maybe they start with Nakhon Si Thammerat, Surat villages first?

But I think not.....

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All the funny comments here really amuse me! Doesn't anybody see what is happening here?

This is long term strategy to counter the armed forces in case they try to stage a coup again. If you go back a few weeks before the last coup in 2006 the Army demanded weapons back which had been lent to border patrol police and forestry officers considered under command loyal to Thaksin back then.

This is nothing but setting up a rural guerilla army under the disguise of protecting the monarchy and promote "reconciliation" - clever move really - who would dare to question setting up a force supposed to protect the high institution - although a very dangerous move. Of course it will be all the red shirts - just under a different name.

This government knows that if there is a counter power to the armed forces it will be very difficult for them to stage a coup again. Thai armed forces have for several decades only been successful in surpressing and killing their own people to protect the elite in this country - if they face an armed force the foot soldiers who are poorly paid (remember the billions stolen from taxpayers after every coup are divided between the officers - foot soldiers just get peanuts) - they will do what they do best - retreat when fired at - and the generals know that - there should be a lot of steam coming out of military headquarters right now they must be fuming!

I think you've got the wrong take on it. The Village Scouts have been operating in the 3 southern provinces for years now. It's not a good sign in any case.

Edited by serenitynow
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Reviving a right wing, proto fascist youth group that played a prominent roll in the Thammasat 76 attack/slaughter does not strike me as the best of ideas to promote reconciliation :ph34r:

They're not reviving them, as the Village Scouts are still around. Seems they're just going to give them more money. Also, the group is known for its strong royalist ties, so presumably this is another step towards PT proving its loyalty... indeed, one step closer to reconciliation between the elites.

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Reviving a right wing, proto fascist youth group that played a prominent roll in the Thammasat 76 attack/slaughter does not strike me as the best of ideas to promote reconciliation :ph34r:

Yes, you hit it.

Of course, many of us never bought the red shirt/PTP = pro liberal democracy bill of goods to begin with. Many totalitarian tendencies.

I think you're on dangerous ground suggesting that protecting the institution is totalitarian...

Abhisit's govt also gave money to the Village Scouts saying that they were a vital part of protecting the institution etc, not to mention the Cyber Scouts. All governments will try to prove their loyalty in similar ways, but the PT govt probably has more ground to make up here.

btw here's a picture of a group of Village Scouts taken earlier in the year: scount.jpg

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They're not reviving them, as the Village Scouts are still around. Seems they're just going to give them more money. Also, the group is known for its strong royalist ties, so presumably this is another step towards PT proving its loyalty... indeed, one step closer to reconciliation between the elites.

In the always-murky world of Thai politics, you may have been able to correctly read the tea leaves. The village scouts had strong ties to the monarchy in the '60s and 70s.

Still, as they were (I think) intended to counter grassroots communist indoctrination, I don't see the purpose today .

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The Bt600-million budget will be spent evenly over the four fiscal years of 2012-15, or Bt150 million a year, the source said...

....The Village Scouts were formed in the late 1960s by Border Patrol Police to

train mostly rural villagers on basic security skills

when the country was threatened by the spread of communism.

Three groups are targeted for participation in the activities - existing Village Scouts and residents of the rural areas;

officials and staff of government agencies,

state enterprises and private businesses;

and mass media workers, the source said.

So they are using yet another way to 'spread loyalty'

with the public coffers being handed out yet again

to the usual suspects and their target voters.

Of course a large percentage of the Red Leaders were those same

communists they were fighting back in the day, gone to ground,

and now resurrected for one last fight for... well what ever some one will win.

Lets also remember on Oct. 7th the wonderful crowd control skills and loyalty to Kuhn X of the Border Patrol Police.

Edited by animatic
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All the funny comments here really amuse me! Doesn't anybody see what is happening here?

This is long term strategy to counter the armed forces in case they try to stage a coup again. If you go back a few weeks before the last coup in 2006 the Army demanded weapons back which had been lent to border patrol police and forestry officers considered under command loyal to Thaksin back then.

This is nothing but setting up a rural guerilla army under the disguise of protecting the monarchy and promote "reconciliation" - clever move really - who would dare to question setting up a force supposed to protect the high institution - although a very dangerous move. Of course it will be all the red shirts - just under a different name.

This government knows that if there is a counter power to the armed forces it will be very difficult for them to stage a coup again. Thai armed forces have for several decades only been successful in surpressing and killing their own people to protect the elite in this country - if they face an armed force the foot soldiers who are poorly paid (remember the billions stolen from taxpayers after every coup are divided between the officers - foot soldiers just get peanuts) - they will do what they do best - retreat when fired at - and the generals know that - there should be a lot of steam coming out of military headquarters right now they must be fuming!

They seemed to do a good job against an armed force not so long ago - or did you think those members of the military that died in the red-shirt insurrection succumbed to natural causes?

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They're not reviving them, as the Village Scouts are still around. Seems they're just going to give them more money. Also, the group is known for its strong royalist ties, so presumably this is another step towards PT proving its loyalty... indeed, one step closer to reconciliation between the elites.

In the always-murky world of Thai politics, you may have been able to correctly read the tea leaves. The village scouts had strong ties to the monarchy in the '60s and 70s.

Still, as they were (I think) intended to counter grassroots communist indoctrination, I don't see the purpose today .

Their role in the South is more prominent now, but they're still active in the rest of the country too, I believe.

There's a bit in here about the Queen addressing them in 2005: 'The 72-year-old queen made the remarks during a heartfelt and deeply patriotic speech to some 1,200 village defence volunteers and scouts at the Royal Palace in Bangkok. The village defence volunteer and scout system was created during the Cold War as an anti-communist measure, but continues to this day.' http://www.chiangmai-mail.com/146/special.shtml

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