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Thai PM Moves To Soothe Bangkok Flood Panic


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No Transfer or Dismissal Over False Alarm

The spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Center said all units have been doing their best to prevent inundation; however, the natural disaster has been worse than they expected.

No officials will be transferred or dismissed.

Spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Cente, Wim Rungwattanajinda talked about Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi, who issued a flood evacuation alert which turned out to be a false alarm, that the alarm was made with good will.

Meanwhile, officials at the Flood Relief Operation Center are continuing discussions to provide residents with the facts, since the natural disaster is sometimes not able to be controlled.

He went on to say that no officials will be transferred or dismissed from positions, as he believes all officials are doing their best.

I wonder if I tried to perform open heart surgery on Plodprasop Suraswadi despite not being a doctor, and killed him in the process, if I would be forgiven because "I was doing my best." Incompetent officials "doing their best" should be removed.

That guy should be unceremoniously dropped into the middle of the flood in Ayuttaya at one of the places where it is 4 meters deep so he can learn what a flood actually looks like. That jerk has no idea the trauma he caused among residents in Muang Ake. We've only got about 2 hours to evacuate if that wall is breached. There is no time for confusion statements from some minister looking for personal glory by announcing the problem first.

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PM caught crying due to stress from flooding crisis :blink:


I feel so much more comfortable knowing our PM is having a good cry rather than putting her own feelings aside and getting the job done. If you can't handle the crisis vacate the office. The PM does not have the freedom to cry when things get a little challenging.

I suppose she was also in the middle of a wailing session when Plodprasop Suraswadi decided to take things into his own hands and scare millions of people to death.

Is Yingluck also "doing her best" at crying?

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Plodprasop Suraswadi should have stayed in Chiang Mai serving his elephant and tiger steaks. :bah:

We used to say of individuals like this. 'They were promoted to their level of incompetency' In this particular case I think the bar was raised to a new level, with the latest appointment.

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No Transfer or Dismissal Over False Alarm

The spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Center said all units have been doing their best to prevent inundation; however, the natural disaster has been worse than they expected.

No officials will be transferred or dismissed.

Spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Cente, Wim Rungwattanajinda talked about Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi, who issued a flood evacuation alert which turned out to be a false alarm, that the alarm was made with good will.

Meanwhile, officials at the Flood Relief Operation Center are continuing discussions to provide residents with the facts, since the natural disaster is sometimes not able to be controlled.

He went on to say that no officials will be transferred or dismissed from positions, as he believes all officials are doing their best.

I wonder if I tried to perform open heart surgery on Plodprasop Suraswadi despite not being a doctor, and killed him in the process, if I would be forgiven because "I was doing my best." Incompetent officials "doing their best" should be removed.

That guy should be unceremoniously dropped into the middle of the flood in Ayuttaya at one of the places where it is 4 meters deep so he can learn what a flood actually looks like. That jerk has no idea the trauma he caused among residents in Muang Ake. We've only got about 2 hours to evacuate if that wall is breached. There is no time for confusion statements from some minister looking for personal glory by announcing the problem first.

Well if you pay enough to the University you get elected to be doctor and allowed to operate.

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What happened with the boat scheme? Amazing lack of reports of success, or more likely, total failure.:lol:

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Friday that the situation was under control.

Lao Khao is being brought from the northeastern provinces, instant noodles are sometimes available.....all under control Ying....jap.gif

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PM caught crying due to stress from flooding crisis :blink:



House Speaker John Boehner sorrowfully tweets, can't you fools give the poor girl a break!

It will never happen at this British dominated forum. They still miss their Oxford boy!

Well I don't!

There's a good google map of the floods in english someone posted on "the other paper"


I don't know how often it's being updated though.

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Re the Matichon photo.... I'd be crying too...big time... if I was in charge amid how the government's flood relief and protection efforts have fared thus far...

Last night and the day of 1,000 boats on the Chao Phraya are just the tips of the iceberg.

Sometimes natural disasters strike suddenly, and it takes time to mobilize and respond with the right resources in the right places...

This isn't one of those times... This has been a slow moving disaster that's been building for weeks... The only thing moving slower has been the government's response to it.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Having just returned to UK from latest visit to BKK, I was again surprised at the poor state of the Klongs - canals- whatever.

Surely, these water courses are an important part of the city's flood defence scheme.

If so, wouldn't they be much more effective if flushed out occasionally.

It is worldwide phenomenon that so many people believe that 'water course = rubbish tip'. It must be the responsibility of local government to act.

It is also a worldwide phenomon that politicians prefer talk to action !

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No Transfer or Dismissal Over False Alarm

The spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Center said all units have been doing their best to prevent inundation; however, the natural disaster has been worse than they expected.

No officials will be transferred or dismissed.

Spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Cente, Wim Rungwattanajinda talked about Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi, who issued a flood evacuation alert which turned out to be a false alarm, that the alarm was made with good will.

Meanwhile, officials at the Flood Relief Operation Center are continuing discussions to provide residents with the facts, since the natural disaster is sometimes not able to be controlled.

He went on to say that no officials will be transferred or dismissed from positions, as he believes all officials are doing their best.

I wonder if I tried to perform open heart surgery on Plodprasop Suraswadi despite not being a doctor, and killed him in the process, if I would be forgiven because "I was doing my best." Incompetent officials "doing their best" should be removed.

That guy should be unceremoniously dropped into the middle of the flood in Ayuttaya at one of the places where it is 4 meters deep so he can learn what a flood actually looks like. That jerk has no idea the trauma he caused among residents in Muang Ake. We've only got about 2 hours to evacuate if that wall is breached. There is no time for confusion statements from some minister looking for personal glory by announcing the problem first.

So, did you evacuate ???

The inference from your comment is that you did not, correct ??

No real damage done, if you didn't.

Correct ??

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No Transfer or Dismissal Over False Alarm

The spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Center said all units have been doing their best to prevent inundation; however, the natural disaster has been worse than they expected.

No officials will be transferred or dismissed.

Spokesman of the Flood Relief Operation Cente, Wim Rungwattanajinda talked about Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi, who issued a flood evacuation alert which turned out to be a false alarm, that the alarm was made with good will.

Meanwhile, officials at the Flood Relief Operation Center are continuing discussions to provide residents with the facts, since the natural disaster is sometimes not able to be controlled.

He went on to say that no officials will be transferred or dismissed from positions, as he believes all officials are doing their best.

I wonder if I tried to perform open heart surgery on Plodprasop Suraswadi despite not being a doctor, and killed him in the process, if I would be forgiven because "I was doing my best." Incompetent officials "doing their best" should be removed.

That guy should be unceremoniously dropped into the middle of the flood in Ayuttaya at one of the places where it is 4 meters deep so he can learn what a flood actually looks like. That jerk has no idea the trauma he caused among residents in Muang Ake. We've only got about 2 hours to evacuate if that wall is breached. There is no time for confusion statements from some minister looking for personal glory by announcing the problem first.

So, did you evacuate ???

The inference from your comment is that you did not, correct ??

No real damage done, if you didn't.

Correct ??

Happy to see that you are so kind to help the "poor" Plodprasop. You must get tears in your eyes to see your dear government suffer.

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The authorities have said they will dredge and drain canals in the capital to allow more water to flow through.

Shouldn't this have been something that was done a few weeks ago?

You mean work and goverment money being spent on something other than the ministers ?

Are you new here ? :huh::D

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No wonder people say they can't believe what the government says.

Thai friend at the market early this morning sau=id she heard the warning and (sensibly) decided to ignore it.

So much for trust in our elected representatives.

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It will never happen at this British dominated forum. They still miss their Oxford boy!

Bit of insecurity there? I do, actually, miss an intelligent, level-headed chap running ( :rolleyes: ) the country. You should do, too, wherever you hail from, even if you have a hang-up with a certain nationality.

On the pic, is she crying for the people or that little thing called face? Good test for her, though.

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PM caught crying due to stress from flooding crisis :blink:


Did someone tell her she had to eat with the poor again ?

Are you mad !!!

She dropped her handbag into the water. Jeez!!!

it would be reasonable to admit that she must be under huge stress and is trying to grapple an enormous and far reaching problem affecting millions of people.

Pretty difficult.

Time will tell if she does a good job, however,she is entitled to human emotion and the verdict on her performance will come from Thai people, not thaivisa.

The childish hatred on here never ceases to amuse and amaze.

Better than the soaps.

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PM caught crying due to stress from flooding crisis :blink:


Did someone tell her she had to eat with the poor again ?

Are you mad !!!

She dropped her handbag into the water. Jeez!!!

it would be reasonable to admit that she must be under huge stress and is trying to grapple an enormous and far reaching problem affecting millions of people.

Pretty difficult.

Time will tell if she does a good job, however,she is entitled to human emotion and the verdict on her performance will come from Thai people, not thaivisa.

The childish hatred on here never ceases to amuse and amaze.

Better than the soaps.

I certainly don't blame her for crying given the weight of the crisis she is being asked to steer this nation through. What I blame her for is having such contempt for Thai people that she put herself in a position that they should be depending on someone as incapable as herself.

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PM caught crying due to stress from flooding crisis :blink:


Did someone tell her she had to eat with the poor again ?

Are you mad !!!

She dropped her handbag into the water. Jeez!!!

it would be reasonable to admit that she must be under huge stress and is trying to grapple an enormous and far reaching problem affecting millions of people.

Pretty difficult.

Time will tell if she does a good job, however,she is entitled to human emotion and the verdict on her performance will come from Thai people, not thaivisa.

The childish hatred on here never ceases to amuse and amaze.

Better than the soaps.

Well if one of the male ministers may shed a tear watching his industrial complex flood, who could blame the PM to shed a tear as well.

Mind you, in May this year it was reported Ms Yingluck felt a sudden urge and desire to help and serve the people and please can I be put on the Pheu Thai party list for MP candidates. After long deliberation Pheu Thai exec's said 'well, OK, we'll put you on the number one place'. One can only wonder if she really understood what a possible election to be MP and even PM would really mean in the sense of responsibilities and public exposure. Life can be tough :ermm:

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PM caught crying due to stress from flooding crisis :blink:


Did someone tell her she had to eat with the poor again ?

Who knows - maybe she actually cares? Given the current situation - the country basically totally f***ed - crying would be a normal reaction. Especially when you're head of a government that could have done a lot, but has actually done nothing. Everyone knows it too. Maybe rural Thais are uneducated but even they know that this flood crisis was largely preventable. And that only complete and utter government incompetence could let it get this far.

Water management isn't exactly high tech or very complicated - but, it needs coordination from up top. And that was clearly lacking. The IHT (NYT international version basically) had an article today about the floods where the government is squarely blamed for these floods.

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I don't think the leader of any country, man or woman, should be seen in public bawling like that. It looks weak. On the face of it, it appears to be a public breakdown rather than so called caring. I have nothing against everyday people crying. But a national leader is playing a role and showing strength, all the time, is part of that role.

Edited by Jingthing
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I don't think the leader of any country, man or woman, should be seen in public bawling like that. It looks weak. On the face of it, it appears to be a public breakdown rather than so called caring. I have nothing against everyday people crying. But a national leader is playing a role and showing strength, all the time, is part of that role.

So are you.................

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I don't think the leader of any country, man or woman, should be seen in public bawling like that. It looks weak. On the face of it, it appears to be a public breakdown rather than so called caring. I have nothing against everyday people crying. But a national leader is playing a role and showing strength, all the time, is part of that role.

So are you.................

What's that supposed to mean?

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