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Yingluck's Baptism Of Fire


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Where has Chalerm been the last few weeks. He was in the news every day prior to the floods, and Yingluck was giving him every task under the sun (it was still sunny then). But since the floods started, he's been strangely quiet.

Most likely gone on leave to rest his over worked tongue sic....he knows when to duck for cover wily old politician that he is....same goes for that other pillar of strength Barnharm

Sanoh another. He was the one who nominated yingluck for PM with a big photo-op, also strangely quite.

Big jeew - chavalit also quiet for quite a while, but I guess they when to duck

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Where has Chalerm been the last few weeks. He was in the news every day prior to the floods, and Yingluck was giving him every task under the sun (it was still sunny then). But since the floods started, he's been strangely quiet.

That's a very big question.

If you are not loudly doing things when stuff goes pear shaped, you can't be blamed for it, and then can swoop in and pick up the peices with authority intact.

This fits for Chalerm the replacement PM heir apparent,

but also for those political dinosaurs, the 80 somethings

are too old to take the blame for anything in their dotage.

Edited by animatic
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Where has Chalerm been the last few weeks. He was in the news every day prior to the floods, and Yingluck was giving him every task under the sun (it was still sunny then). But since the floods started, he's been strangely quiet.

That's a very big question.

He is shrewd enough to see no upside in getting involved with the floods. Maybe he has even secured his mansion and taken a well earned break somewhere with his strapping lads. Most importantly he is keeping his powder dry, so he can pop up as a strong candidate to replace her, if Yingluck cracks up and bails.

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Where has Chalerm been the last few weeks. He was in the news every day prior to the floods, and Yingluck was giving him every task under the sun (it was still sunny then). But since the floods started, he's been strangely quiet.

That's a very big question.

He is shrewd enough to see no upside in getting involved with the floods. Maybe he has even secured his mansion and taken a well earned break somewhere with his strapping lads. Most importantly he is keeping his powder dry, so he can pop up as a strong candidate to replace her, if Yingluck cracks up and bails.

He's ramping up the new Drug War . I imgaine he's already expanding his extrajudicial body count targets to draw attention away from this flooding clusterf*ck.

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