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Weeds, Lack Of Pumps Hinder Flow From Bangkok


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Weeds, lack of pumps hinder flow from city

Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation


FROC official calls for urgent action in drainage effort

A shortage of pumps and canals clogged by vegetation and other obstacles is hampering the last-ditch effort to expel |flood water from Bangkok into the sea.

"Some waterways have too many water hyacinths. There are also bottlenecks north of Hok Wa Lang Canal that need to be removed to allow the water to flow faster," Uthen Chartpinyo, head the Flood Relief Operation Centre's committee in charge of draining flood water into the sea, said yesterday.

His survey of canals in Bangkok and downstream provinces had found problems that needed to be addressed immediately.

To speed up the current from Pathum Thani's Canal 13 to Hok Wa Lang Canal at the border with Bangkok and finally to the Gulf of Thailand, pumps have to be borrowed from Suvarnabhumi Airport, he said.

Leaks at the junction of Lat Krabang and Saen Saeb canals need to be patched to prevent the inundation of surrounding areas.

The South Rangsit gate has to be opened wide to allow more water from Rangsit Canal 13 to enter Bangkok's canals.

The department's local office was earlier instructed to open the sluice gate partway, and not to its full height of 3.5 metres, to avoid swamping Bangkok's Lat Krabang district.

"I ordered the Royal Irrigation Department officials to open the watergate at this point to its full height. If there is flooding in Lat Krabang, I will take responsibility. This point is the shortest route to propel water into the ocean," Uthen said.

Chainarin Panpinyaporn, chief of the department's Office 11, who is in charge of the South Rangsit gate, said the discharge of water in areas east of the capital remained slow because of "difficult terrain" - such as obstructions narrowing the canals - as well as the lack of cooperation from local residents who fear flooding.

Associate Professor Seri Suparathit, director of Rangsit University's Centre on Climate Change and Disaster, said people in the path of the drainage operation in Bangkok would have to learn to live with flood waters for at least a month.

Eastern districts such as Min Buri and Lat Krabang would be under 80 centimetres of water, while some northern and eastern parts would be hit within five to 10 days, depending on their location, he said.


-- The Nation 2011-10-25

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Scheduled maintenance of any mechanical system is understood by most, of average intelligence. If ineptness, apparent misappropriation of resources, etc, were rewarded with inactive posting, I doubt Thailand has a facility large enough to furnish those involved a chair to sit on much less a desk to put their feet up on.

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Now that comes as some surprise? Throwing everything about everywhere and giving shuut about the enviroment actually HAS an impact on your way of life? What's next? The sun risisng in the east?

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One would think that the pumps would have been checked and debris cleared. When does this become criminal negligence?dry.gif

is Scheduled maintenance known in Thai laungage I do´nt expext the word maintenance to be known at all.

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Would be funny if it were not so sad. This would be akin to checking your fire extinguishers as your house is burning. In the real world charges of criminal negligence might be filed, but here in the land of no responsibility that will not be occurring. Gotta keep working to get the money back that you paid for your position......

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One would think that the pumps would have been checked and debris cleared. When does this become criminal negligence?dry.gif

About two weeks ago!

But don't you see? You didn't need them to work two weeks ago. You only needed them to start working a day or so ago. Two weeks ago, you were probably busy spending your money on whiskey and cosmetics.

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One would think that the pumps would have been checked and debris cleared. When does this become criminal negligence?dry.gif

is Scheduled maintenance known in Thai laungage I do´nt expext the word maintenance to be known at all.

Also forward planning, common sense and self criticism are words I would like translated to Thai.

Ok, Ok, I know, they don't exist, it was wishful thinking on my part.

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Didn't they know about this beforehand? I'm no expert but surely the person in charge should have known about the lack of pumps? Or perhaps they're saving these little titbits of information to use as an excuse for every screwup they make?

Edited by gl555
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One would think that the pumps would have been checked and debris cleared. When does this become criminal negligence?dry.gif

is Scheduled maintenance known in Thai laungage I do´nt expext the word maintenance to be known at all.

Maintenance: (Thai cultural dictionary) wait for something to stop working. Find cheap solution and do it between holidays. Example: wash city buses and streets prior Songkran or wait for rains. If cannot fix, blame someone: Farangs, Red shirts, Bush, Abhisit, Yingluck, Thaksin, King Narai, etc..

Edited by pisico
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The shortage of Pumps comment is probably the most telling of it all. What do they plan on doing moving pumps from upstream to downstream when the canal/water system is full? Do an inventory of pumps, authorized, purchases, placement, and where they have floated off to. Political party has nothing to do with circle jerk, in fact that is probably the root cause. A great opportunity exists to clean up some of the mess that is widespread here.

The one positive I can see, is the majority of the votes cast in the past 2 elections would indicate the majority of the Thais are not happy with either party.

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One would think that the pumps would have been checked and debris cleared. When does this become criminal negligence?dry.gif

is Scheduled maintenance known in Thai laungage I do´nt expext the word maintenance to be known at all.

there is an old Chinese saying "if it is not broken , don't touch it".

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One would think that the pumps would have been checked and debris cleared. When does this become criminal negligence?dry.gif

About two weeks ago!

But don't you see? You didn't need them to work two weeks ago. You only needed them to start working a day or so ago. Two weeks ago, you were probably busy spending your money on whiskey and cosmetics.

Its W-h-i-s-k-y without the "e"............! thank you, I,ll have one also..

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I was up at Klong Prapa when it first started overflowing. The water wasn't coming over the top of the dyke, it was coming through cracks in the dyke!

It still is and they will get worse or the wall will just collapse if the water level gets higher and the weight of water will just push it over. Then no point in going to The Mall as teh supermarket is at a low level! Not that there is any stock there anyway!

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I'm no expert but surely the person in charge should have known.....

There is no "person in charge." Thai government, including it's EMS system, is made up numerous overlapping, non-contiguous, unilateral bodies all trying their hardest to protect their own areas and interests while trying to shift blame and not to lose face in the process.

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One would think that the pumps would have been checked and debris cleared. When does this become criminal negligence?dry.gif

About two weeks ago!

But don't you see? You didn't need them to work two weeks ago. You only needed them to start working a day or so ago. Two weeks ago, you were probably busy spending your money on whiskey and cosmetics.

Its W-h-i-s-k-y without the "e"............! thank you, I,ll have one also..

some people (like me) prefer Bourbon Whiskey with "e" over Scotch Whisky without "e" :whistling:

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