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Don Meung Flood Relief Shelter!


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My Aunt and her children were trapped inside their house near Thung Sikarn for weeks, the water level was steadily rising. Her supplies of eggs and Mama noodles was also diminishing.

She decided to seek help with the nearest shelter for food, guess what they said?

Government Official: You need to stay in the shelter if you want food.

Aunt: How do I stay? (She wasn't planning to, she was just asking.)

Government Official: You need a red card or a red shirt to prove that you're a red shirt, otherwise you can't stay.

Aunt: But isn't this shelter for all Thais ? Why do I need to be a red shirt to seek refuge here?

Government Official: *Ignore her question* No red card, please find other means for your food.


Yinglux, what the heck are you doing?!!!

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Wow if this is true then its really low, i never had any love for red shirts but here everyone is pulling together. Politics are forgotten.

It is true, my aunt is not one to tell this type of lies especially during this trying times. Beside, she's quite apolitical.

But this is really bad, as I'm typing she's still stuck in her house with no boat but just a beat up car.

Edited by Lovia
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Wow if this is true then its really low, i never had any love for red shirts but here everyone is pulling together. Politics are forgotten.

It is true, my aunt is not one to tell this type of lies especially during this trying times. Beside, she's quite apolitical.

But this is really bad, as I'm typing she's still stuck in her house with no boat but just a beat up car.

Jesus! I'm so sorry.

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Wow if this is true then its really low, i never had any love for red shirts but here everyone is pulling together. Politics are forgotten.

It is true, my aunt is not one to tell this type of lies especially during this trying times. Beside, she's quite apolitical.

But this is really bad, as I'm typing she's still stuck in her house with no boat but just a beat up car.

Jesus! I'm so sorry.

Nice to see how well balanced these red gangs and leaders are. They claim they want democracy, which amongst other things means equality, taking care of all citizens regardless of color (skin color), political, religious of other affiliations, etc.

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Wow if this is true then its really low, i never had any love for red shirts but here everyone is pulling together. Politics are forgotten.

It is true, my aunt is not one to tell this type of lies especially during this trying times. Beside, she's quite apolitical.

But this is really bad, as I'm typing she's still stuck in her house with no boat but just a beat up car.

Jesus! I'm so sorry.

Where is she?

I will put a team together and we will go get her, just give me a house number/telephone number and providence and we at FRONTLINE 4x4 will go help her..

I do not care about red shirt/yellow shirt, we only care about people...



[email protected]

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Wow if this is true then its really low, i never had any love for red shirts but here everyone is pulling together. Politics are forgotten.

It is true, my aunt is not one to tell this type of lies especially during this trying times. Beside, she's quite apolitical.

But this is really bad, as I'm typing she's still stuck in her house with no boat but just a beat up car.

Jesus! I'm so sorry.

Where is she?

I will put a team together and we will go get her, just give me a house number/telephone number and providence and we at FRONTLINE 4x4 will go help her..

I do not care about red shirt/yellow shirt, we only care about people...



[email protected]

Thanks everybody for the concern, I pray for you guys as much as I pray for my family.

Khun Dan, I sent you a PM. Please read it. Thanks so much!!!!

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I sure hope that any "yellow-shirt" inclined people in desperate need of help, will not be dissuaded by this totally unsubstantiated post.

If you think my post are 'flaming' the red shirts, perhaps you might want to take a look at this:

Crisis always brings out the worst and the best of humanity, and I think I've seen both.

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Inquiring minds want to know which shelter in which area. Popular media might be interested in a story as well, if given the info. But of course only if your Aunt and her kids are safe and sound.

I'd already emailed this matter to The Nation yesterday, this Evacuation Center is Don Meung Airport. Talking about my Aunt, I haven't been able to contact her since this morning and I'm just praying that she'll be all right.

And most importantly, I want to give a big shout out to Khun Dan and his team who tried to check on my Aunt yesterday. Thank you so much! :jap:

Edited by Lovia
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