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What Items Will We Be Without?


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Talking about the flooding of course.....

We all know of drinking water in small bottles and moma noodles....but what else will there be shortages of out of BKK??

I think that the shortages we are witnessing now are as a result of the delivery system being disrupted, but over the next couple of months what can we expect to be in short supply??

will imported items be in short supply for us in CM?

I personally witnessed shortages of flour, pasta, oil, and other items, but what other products are in short supply and how long until production and deliveries resume to normal??

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Sadly the gas stations/petrol stations are running dry in some areas because of panic buying. I was in Makro yesterday and was surprised at the lack of stock that is advertised in their latest promotion leaflet. Not only that...the usual stocks of frozen foods were empty. And yet Rimping still seems to offer a constant supply of MOST things. So why is it that the street vendors of foods have ample supplies. If Thai life is based upon kitchen restaurants for the indigenous population as a way of life....why are so many Thais bulk buying . Or perhaps they ( the customer people in Makro) are business people supplying street market vendors?

Just a thought or two>

Edited by Raindancer
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Sadly the gas stations/petrol stations are running dry in some areas because of panic buying. I was in Makro yesterday and was surprised at the lack of stock that is advertised in their latest promotion leaflet. Not only that...the usual stocks of frozen foods were empty. And yet Rimping still seems to offer a constant supply of MOST things. So why is it that the street vendors of foods have ample supplies. If Thai life is based upon kitchen restaurants for the indigenous population as a way of life....why are so many Thais bulk buying . Or perhaps they ( the customer people in Makro) are business people supplying street market vendors?

Just a thought or two>

Plenty of petrol available on both sides of 108 as at this afternoon. Was in Makro again this morning and didn't see any significant shortages.

Many Thai street vendors stock up from Makro , sometimes by the pick-up full on a daily basis, so watching them moving out large amounts is in no way unusual.

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Tesco Lotus and Tops both get their supplies from a central warehouse in Ayutthaya. This is the case for all of their stores nationwide. On the other hand, Rim Ping and Kasaem Store get their stock from several distribution centers located in a number of cities around the country. So, while some stores are suffering, others are not showing the same degree of shortages.

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A couple of observations of items not available were in the main Pharmachoice wherehouse was that some items were not available. Pharmacist says that they are starting to run out of some stock.

And a couple of restaurants had no cokes or pepsi.

Not trying to hyjack the current thread about shortages, but just wondering how long the shortages will last. I guess it depends on how much water damage there was in the factories.....

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what food / drink factories are flooded out and will need rebuilding before they can run again ?

and stupid things like bottles, packaging etc

plus fresh fruits and veggies ,

it might take longer than you think to get everything back to normal but then who knows when the flooding will finish !


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Tesco Lotus and Tops both get their supplies from a central warehouse in Ayutthaya. This is the case for all of their stores nationwide. On the other hand, Rim Ping and Kasaem Store get their stock from several distribution centers located in a number of cities around the country. So, while some stores are suffering, others are not showing the same degree of shortages.

Exactly - these are distribution problems at some of the big stores. They are not shortages. That means you have to go through channels other than you used to but there are actually enough goods to go around.

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Sadly the gas stations/petrol stations are running dry in some areas because of panic buying. I was in Makro yesterday and was surprised at the lack of stock that is advertised in their latest promotion leaflet. Not only that...the usual stocks of frozen foods were empty. And yet Rimping still seems to offer a constant supply of MOST things. So why is it that the street vendors of foods have ample supplies. If Thai life is based upon kitchen restaurants for the indigenous population as a way of life....why are so many Thais bulk buying . Or perhaps they ( the customer people in Makro) are business people supplying street market vendors?

Just a thought or two>

I think most of the shortages are due to panic buying. Yes there are difficulties in re-supply but the real problem is the greedy stockpiling by some that makes the situation worse for everyone. I have continued to buy my shopping daily and apart from having to try one or two different shops for a particular product have yet to fail to find something that I need.

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Sadly the gas stations/petrol stations are running dry in some areas because of panic buying. I was in Makro yesterday and was surprised at the lack of stock that is advertised in their latest promotion leaflet. Not only that...the usual stocks of frozen foods were empty. And yet Rimping still seems to offer a constant supply of MOST things. So why is it that the street vendors of foods have ample supplies. If Thai life is based upon kitchen restaurants for the indigenous population as a way of life....why are so many Thais bulk buying . Or perhaps they ( the customer people in Makro) are business people supplying street market vendors?

Just a thought or two>

I think most of the shortages are due to panic buying. Yes there are difficulties in re-supply but the real problem is the greedy stockpiling by some that makes the situation worse for everyone. I have continued to buy my shopping daily and apart from having to try one or two different shops for a particular product have yet to fail to find something that I need.

I have to admit it I am greedy I am stock piling Pepsi Max unfortunately Rimping does not carry it at the riverside but they do have a distant cousin Coke Zero.

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what food / drink factories are flooded out and will need rebuilding before they can run again ?

and stupid things like bottles, packaging etc

plus fresh fruits and veggies ,

it might take longer than you think to get everything back to normal but then who knows when the flooding will finish !


Exactly. Complex systems are very vulnerable. IMO the authorities have been very optimistic, if not unrealistic, about the situation and are already back tracking on their earlier paternal reassurances. It is very possible that the flooding in BKK could be worse 14 days from now than it is today.

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I'm new to this forum so greetings to all and thank you in advance for your responses. Our family (including two little kids) is planning a week-long trip to Chiangmai in about 2 1/2 weeks. It seems that the flooding in Bangkok is causing shortages of various products in other Thai cities and towns, including Chiangmai, and I'm wondering to what extent our experience there will be impacted. To those of you who live in Chiangmai, could you please keep us posted on availability of foodstuffs and drinks at shops, markets, and restaurants? My wife said she read something in Japanese that said beer may be in short supply. That shook me up and now I'm wondering whether we should change our travel plans...

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There is definitely a shortage of diapers in C.M.!

God, how terrible, maybe just use a tea towel and wash it out after use, like I did with my kids, a lot better for the planet and your finger nails as well.

Finger nails? Have you seen a diaper recently? They're basically pants (shorts).

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Don't listen to all the people over-reacting. Local markets are all full of food, its only the major chains with central delivery networks that are having problems.

Nothing to worry about.

The only sensible comment out of 17 replies.

There is nothing to worry about.

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Don't listen to all the people over-reacting. Local markets are all full of food, its only the major chains with central delivery networks that are having problems.

Nothing to worry about.

The only sensible comment out of 17 replies.

There is nothing to worry about.

Yes and no.

Sure, there will always be local fruit and veg in the markets so we won't actually starve. But if anyone thinks that the supply of processed foodstuffs will not be seriously disrupted for months ahead, they are living in cloud-cuckoo land. (Anybody remember how the floods in the South last year caused the palm oil supply to go crazy for the best part of a year?)

To believe that food factories will just start up again the day after the water (contaminated by sewage) goes, is wishful thinking. It will take months of cleaning, repairing and testing before anything leaves the factory gate on its way to the shops. For example, I heard from the makers of that ghastly "big C" cola that they expect to be down for at least 3 months due to their bottle supplier being flooded, hence the shortage of Coke and Pepsi as people turn to alternatives. How long the stocks last at the small shops is anyones guess, but with the big players down, don't expect miracles.

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Deputy public health minister: sufficient drugs and medical supplies in the country to meet the demand /TANN

And we're supposed to belive him like all the other 'ministers' [of BS]??

I just came from Dr Morgan's and asked her about med supplies and she says some HIV drugs are totally unavailable as well as other pharmaceuticals being in short supply.

Let's hope our neighbors [Maylasia and India] lend a hand

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My biggest concern right now is that with the cool & dry season approaching, we will be out of expat whining for the next three months. :(

No chance of that Winnie; even with all the water there is in Thailand, there is still not enough to drown them all !

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