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Just wondering on what people's thoughts are on having vaccinations for typhoid considering the current flood situation?

We left our house because of the flooding and suspect when we go back the water will be around for a while yet.

When we left it was already full of rubbish and over a meter deep.

Can't find waders or gumboots anywhere for sale so I can see wading through water as unavoidable.

We keep a bucket of water handy, dosed with Dettol to clean up with each time we come back inside but any other practical suggestions for things we should be doing are welcome. Plenty of bottled water on hand so no problems there.


Vaccination now will not offer immunity before about 6 weeks or so but, with the current situation where the water is expected to be around for some time, it may be something to consider. Typhoid is fortunately not that prevalent in Thailand but one must assume that large scale contamination of water with raw sewage has taken place and that Typhiod and other water borne illness may become an issue.

Dettol is virtually useless as a disinfectant as it is not effective against most pathogens. Use household bleach (sodium hypochlorite) for the same purpose. Handwashing remains a very important preventive protection against food and water borne illness.

At this time, buy fruit that needs to be peeled or wipe off with the same diluted bleach solution. (about 3 drops per liter of water and up to 5ml).

Latex thigh length boots were for sale on the street by some Korean girls at the Sukhumvit Prompong BTS station entrance. Regular wellies also on the street at the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi 33. (This is probably not helpful to you as I assume you are a long way away from there!!)


Even more than typhoid, I'd worry about Hepatitis Hopefully you've been vaccinated against Hep A but if not, get it now AND get a shot of gamma globulin (to provide protection until the vaccine antibodies kick in).


Latex thigh length boots were for sale on the street by some Korean girls at the Sukhumvit Prompong BTS station entrance. Regular wellies also on the street at the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi 33. (This is probably not helpful to you as I assume you are a long way away from there!!)

A long way from the flooding and no boots anywhere I've tried.

When it comes to hand washing I'm like Howard Hughes :)


Even more than typhoid, I'd worry about Hepatitis Hopefully you've been vaccinated against Hep A but if not, get it now AND get a shot of gamma globulin (to provide protection until the vaccine antibodies kick in).

Sheryl, I had the twinrix vacc just on ten years ago. What would you suggest in this instance? I recall asking about how long it would be effective and I believe the answer was about ten years...


Even more than typhoid, I'd worry about Hepatitis Hopefully you've been vaccinated against Hep A but if not, get it now AND get a shot of gamma globulin (to provide protection until the vaccine antibodies kick in).

Sheryl, I had the twinrix vacc just on ten years ago. What would you suggest in this instance? I recall asking about how long it would be effective and I believe the answer was about ten years...

The protection afforded for hep B is about 5 years and for Hep A, about 120. A booster of twinnix should be given at 5 years to ensure contin ued protection, alternatively can get a Hep B booster at 5 years and a Hep A booster at 10.

in other words you are probably no longer protected against Hep B (titwer levels would tell for sure) and would do well to get a booster for Hep A.


Thanks Sheryl!

Will see today what the small local hospital where we are staying has available.

With water still gradually on the rise at home I might take the opportunity for a quick trip to another country and pick up a few odds and ends like gumboots etc. while there.


Just had a reminder of the different mindset between overseas hospitals and many Thai hospitals.

A few years ago when I wanted to get a typhoid vaccination it took three goes to find a hospital that would order it as the general response was why would anyone in Thailand want to be vaccinated for typhoid...

TwinRix... not everyone at the local "international" hospital I went to was sure what I meant.

The doctor I got to see knew but was a little surprised why I was asking for it.

No TwinRix or HepA in stock, only HepB.

He recommended if I wanted both I should have them done together so looks like a trip to Pattaya after I ring around to see if it is even available.

On a lighter note, for the first time in years my wife was referred to as my girlfriend :)

My wife also wanted to know why everything I need has to be so complicated... started telling her how vaccinations like tetanus, typhoid etc. are basically straightforward in other countries but saved my breath.

*maybe someone reading this who knows Pattaya could suggest the most likely hospital to carry hep vaccines?

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