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Low-Cost Tours To Flood-Ravaged Thai Provinces


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Low-cost tours to flood-ravaged provinces

Suchat Sritama

The Nation

The Association of Domestic Travel plans to introduce inexpensive tour packages in December and January to encourage visits to flood-ravaged provinces.

"The priority is the provinces in the Central region, and Bangkokians are our main target for the rehabilitation campaign," Maiyarat Pheerayakoset, president of the association, said yesterday.

Ayutthaya will be the first province, as it is one of country's major attractions for both local and foreign tourists.

The campaign will later spill over to other provinces in the region, including Sing Buri and Angthong.

The association has talked with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) about the campaign and both are ready to kick it off once the flood subsides.

The Thai Hotels Association and TAT are also planning to offer special rates at 600 hotels across the country to boost domestic tourism after the crisis.

Maiyarat said more than 90 per cent of internal trips had been postponed indefinitely because of the inundation.

Travel into and out of the country has also plunged. Only people in unaffected provinces continue going overseas.

Kasikorn Research Centre predicts that a flood in Bangkok would cause a loss of Bt25 billion to tourism.

To help affected operators, the Association of Domestic Travel will ask the government to provide financial assistance by waiving interest and fees as well as extending debt payments.

Those who need to borrow from financial institutions should receive extra-low interest rates.

Many travel agencies have allowed their employees to return to their homes in the provinces as business has disappeared since the overflow crisis.

However, many other companies now need more staff, so the association will help circulate the requirements to its members.

Thailand is likely to lose about Bt15 billion to Bt25 billion in tourism revenue this year as the number of travellers drops in light of floods, according to KResearch.

The house anticipates that the number of tourists will fall by 350,000-600,000.

The forecast is based on the assumption that Suvarnabhumi Airport, the door to Thailand to 70 per cent of arrivals, can continue to function normally.

Earlier, it expected tourist arrivals to reach 19.29 million, which would generate revenue of Bt730 billion.


-- The Nation 2011-11-03

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"Kasikorn Research Centre predicts that a flood in Bangkok would cause a loss of Bt25 billion to tourism. ...

Thailand is likely to lose about Bt15 billion to Bt25 billion in tourism ... according to KResearch."

researchers/journalists mixing up bangkok with the whole thailand, o nation, o mores

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I can just imagine the media release now. "Come paddle around Ayutthaya in a boat made from drinking bottles. Their see-through nature allows you to see all the dead animals and rubbish under your boat as well as the Richard the Thirds floating all around you. Paddle right up to the stairs to you room, where you will find a full compliment of medications for dysentry and other things you may catch, the pills are included in the package deal. The sensory opportunity of a lifetime, sounds, sights and smells...

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Brilliant idea. Every tourist wants a chance to contract a gastro infection or cholera or typphoid. Better yet, what could be better than the toxic black mold that will blomm as the water recedes. The aroma alone will be to die for. I'm sure they can cater to the fetish market who just love the smell of rot and poo. I'm sure the locals will be delighted at the prospect of tourists coming to point and gawk. Tourists will be falling over themselves to stay at soggy filthy hotels.

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I can just imagine the media release now. "Come paddle around Ayutthaya in a boat made from drinking bottles. Their see-through nature allows you to see all the dead animals and rubbish under your boat as well as the Richard the Thirds floating all around you. Paddle right up to the stairs to you room, where you will find a full compliment of medications for dysentry and other things you may catch, the pills are included in the package deal. The sensory opportunity of a lifetime, sounds, sights and smells...

And then after the above exciting tour package to Ayutthaya, we've planned a "spill over" bonus trip to other affected and flooded provinces. For all those who survive the Ayutthaya tour, we can assure you of many additional thrills in the more northern provinces. Box lunches provided on those glass boats, so there will be no need to stop at local markets. The box lunch is included in the tour package. Get a unique opportunity to gawk at sick and flooded people as they wait helplessly for aid, food, water, and medical attention. Watch the way that they gawk at you in your designer clothes, shoes, and bags, along with that fancy costume jewelry and excess makeup. You will get a closeup look at real devastation and deprivation without so much as getting a toe wet.

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Google is an amazing thing.

I know in some countries, at the bottom of each Thai Visa Forum page on the flood disaster, there is an advertisment for Scuba diving.

Here in Australia there is this photo ...


... and a link to the flood gates manufacturer.

Sorry, off topic a bit.

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Get a unique opportunity to gawk at sick and flooded people as they wait helplessly for aid, food, water, and medical attention. Watch the way that they gawk at you in your designer clothes, shoes, and bags, along with that fancy costume jewelry and excess makeup. You will get a closeup look at real devastation and deprivation without so much as getting a toe wet.

I had to make my way through Kobe, Japan (enroute from Tokyo to Nagoya) just days after The Great Hanshin Earthquake. It took three hours to get through the city (mostly walking with heavy luggage), until I could get to a working rail line at the other end. Death, destruction and destitution everywhere. Although my camera was ready, (and there were some spectacular award-winning scenarios I could have captured), I could not bring myself to take one single picture of the misery around me. It seemed to voyeuristic and ghoulish to do so.

My sentiments are with the poster's satirical comments above. Better to arrive with some help and handouts, rather than just to observe people's misery.

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This story is an easy target for satire and criticism, but if I was a hotel, restaurant or shop owner in any of these areas, I would be sending the TAT a nice thank-you note! Tourism of the flood-hit areas may seem ghoulish, but sending business their way will help with long-term recovery more than hand-outs will.

Notice that this campaign is supposed to start in December- January, hopefully after the waters have subsided.

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... back on topic.

It could be a self drive self paddle tour ...


Source:- http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/10/thailand_flood_reaches_bangkok.html

Seriously, as inane as some of the suggestions (such as this 'Low Cost Tourism') sound to us as foreigners living or visiting in a foreign country I will do what I can to help who I can.

That struggling Thai person is a brother or sister who I have not met yet and needs my help.

It is their Culture I come to visit, their food I come to eat, their home I come to share.

Note to self, when sharing home ... bring a boat! And beer .. lots of beer and cheer ... God knows ... they could do with some cheer now!

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I can just imagine the media release now. "Come paddle around Ayutthaya in a boat made from drinking bottles. Their see-through nature allows you to see all the dead animals and rubbish under your boat as well as the Richard the Thirds floating all around you. Paddle right up to the stairs to you room, where you will find a full compliment of medications for dysentry and other things you may catch, the pills are included in the package deal. The sensory opportunity of a lifetime, sounds, sights and smells...

Not to mention the electrifying excitement of all the bare wires dangling in the flood waters where the mains are still been cranked out to noodle vendors working up to their knees in water, the toxic spills and the chance of meeting one of the Green Mambas. Sounds like real winner. Only in Amazing Thailand.

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It seems the 'Association for Domestic Travel' has just as many marketing geniuses as the 'Tourism Authority of Thailand' (I can just imagine them sitting together and agreeing how great a plan that is .. and during the dinner after the talk on how the marketing budget will be 'distributed').

It is in a way surprising how many tourists visit Thailand DESPITE their activities!

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... back on topic.

It could be a self drive self paddle tour ...


Source:- http://www.boston.co...es_bangkok.html

Seriously, as inane as some of the suggestions (such as this 'Low Cost Tourism') sound to us as foreigners living or visiting in a foreign country I will do what I can to help who I can.

That struggling Thai person is a brother or sister who I have not met yet and needs my help.

It is their Culture I come to visit, their food I come to eat, their home I come to share.

Note to self, when sharing home ... bring a boat! And beer .. lots of beer and cheer ... God knows ... they could do with some cheer now!

Loverly aint it :( Ill go (not)

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I can just imagine the media release now. "Come paddle around Ayutthaya in a boat made from drinking bottles. Their see-through nature allows you to see all the dead animals and rubbish under your boat as well as the Richard the Thirds floating all around you. Paddle right up to the stairs to you room, where you will find a full compliment of medications for dysentry and other things you may catch, the pills are included in the package deal. The sensory opportunity of a lifetime, sounds, sights and smells...

Not to mention the electrifying excitement of all the bare wires dangling in the flood waters where the mains are still been cranked out to noodle vendors working up to their knees in water, the toxic spills and the chance of meeting one of the Green Mambas. Sounds like real winner. Only in Amazing Thailand.

You certanly are a optimist aren't you.

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My god...... it's like walking down Traitors Gate to see the heads on spikes.

Traitor's Gate was (and still is) a river only entrance to the Tower. So, more appropriate that you might have thought!

I was working the comment on several levels, others being the use of the words traitors, and heads on spikes, which may become more relevant depending on which visitors to which areas.

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That didn't take long. It was just a day or so ago when Thaksin tweeted to make this crisis into an opportunity. I'm sure this will settle real well with the people who are cursing Bangkok already.

"The priority is the provinces in the Central region, and Bangkokians are our main target for the rehabilitation campaign," Maiyarat Pheerayakoset, president of the association, said yesterday.

Now the Bangkokians can take photos, and stare and point at the people suffering. Sounds rather belittling to me and certainly not a way to promote any sort of reconciliation at all. No matter how macabre the situation might be, there's an opportunity to make some money.

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Why didn't they promote this campaign before the crisis?

I recall when the whole world was going into a financial crisis a few years ago, China was encouraging its citizens to travel domestically instead of internationally. Coupons for lodging, eatery, entertainment, etc from various provinces were offered. At the same time, some private organization was promoting a campaign termed "Travel With 2 kg More" or something like that. This campaign aimed at urbanites to carry clothes, sheets, blankets, books, etc for donation in the less developed provinces and their villages. Such a campaign not only helped the urbanites, particularly the youngsters, to find some of their root but also see how people on the other side live. Many urbanites came back with a better understanding of the rural people and the rural people appreciated the caring and generosity exhibited by the urbanites.

In Thailand, people went to less-developed provinces to promote hate and division. The people are now so entrenched with this attitude that even in a crisis they can't think away from it. What a good country being destroyed by some people!

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