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Israeli Navy boards Gaza-bound flotilla, directs it to Ashdod


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Israeli Navy boards Gaza-bound flotilla, directs it to Ashdod

2011-11-04 22:31:03 GMT+7 (ICT)

GAZA (BNO NEWS) -- The Israeli Navy boarded two boats on Friday afternoon which were heading toward the Gaza Strip with the intention of breaking the Israeli blockade of the region, officials said. The vessel is now being directed to Ashdod.

The two "Freedom Waves to Gaza" ships, one Canadian vessel called the "Tahrir" and one Irish vessel called the "Saoirse", left Turkey on Wednesday afternoon. The preparations for the flotilla were kept low profile until the boats reached international waters to avoid Israeli action to stop it.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it attempted to contact the vessels in international waters on Friday afternoon, but the crew refused to turn back or go to the Israeli port in Ashdod where they could unload any supplies for transfer to Gaza via existing land crossings following Israeli inspection.

"This is the Israeli Navy, the Gaza area and coastal regions are closed to all maritime traffic as part of a maritime blockade imposed for security purposes on the Gaza Strip," an IDF soldier told the Tahrir in a radio call. "Your attempt to enter the Gaza Strip by sea is a violation of international law. We remind you that humanitarian supply may be delivered to the Gaza Strip by land. You are therefore welcome to enter the Ashdod port and deliver the supplies through the recognized land crossings."

In response to questions from IDF soldiers, the crew of the Tahrir said it originated from Turkey and intended to go to the Gaza Strip, according to a video released by the IDF. When asked what its cargo is, the crew said it had no cargo on board.

"Your blockade of Gaza is not legal," the Tahrir crew told the IDF by radio.

IDF spokeswoman Avital Leibovich said the vessels were not responding to its calls to turn back or go to an Israeli or Egyptian port. "Israel Navy soldiers boarded the provocative vessels after all attempts to prevent them from breaking the maritime security blockade failed," she said.

Leibovich added: "The boarding followed numerous calls to the activists onboard. [The] Israel Navy took every precaution to ensure safety of activists. Upon the arrival of the vessels to Ashdod, the activists will be transferred to the custody of police."

The vessel the "Tahrir" is carrying twelve Canadian, American, Australian and Palestinian passengers while the "Saoirse" is carrying fifteen Irish passengers. The activists, who are also accompanied by reporters from news outlets including Al Jazeera and Iranian television, said that no particular organization is behind the latest effort to sail to Gaza.

In May 2010, nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed and dozens more were injured when Israeli commandos boarded a ship participating in the 'Freedom Flotilla I', which was heading to the Gaza Strip with humanitarian aid on board. The incident caused global outrage over alleged excessive force, but Israel has denied such allegations and said its commandos were being attacked.

Following the incident, Turkey withdrew its Ambassador to Israel and suspended joint military exercises, as well as banning any Israeli military aircraft from entering its national airspace.

The most recent flotilla attempt in July 2011 also failed to reach Gaza shores.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-04

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Showboaters. Legitimate aid can be sent to Gaza without challenging Israel. These seafaring drama queens aren't really interested in helping the people of Gaza. They're interested in shaming Israel as that is ever so fashionable. Also, these same people who demonize the government of Israel you can be certain they have nothing critical to say about the radical Islamic fundamentalist government of Gaza, you know the kind, the kind that murders their own homosexuals and "misbehaving" women.

Edited by Jingthing
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+1, If these one issue activists had any real intention to further human rights and end persecution they would be better off landing just about anywhere else in the middle east to show solidarity with the infinitely greater suffering experienced by minorities throughout the entire region.

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People are no longer willing to play by Israeli rules any longer.

Israel's stranglehold on Gaza is being challenged.

Stranglehold? The ships were given the option of landing in Egypt just down the road from Gaza or in Israel. The goods would then be trucked into Gaza. What's the problem?

There is no stranglehold unless you are refering to the restriction on importation materials used to attack Israel

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People are no longer willing to play by Israeli rules any longer.

Israel's stranglehold on Gaza is being challenged.

Stranglehold? The ships were given the option of landing in Egypt just down the road from Gaza or in Israel. The goods would then be trucked into Gaza. What's the problem?

There is no stranglehold unless you are refering to the restriction on importation materials used to attack Israel

Understandably they are tired of Israeli or Egyptian control of their affairs.

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People are no longer willing to play by Israeli rules any longer.

Israel's stranglehold on Gaza is being challenged.

Stranglehold? The ships were given the option of landing in Egypt just down the road from Gaza or in Israel. The goods would then be trucked into Gaza. What's the problem?

There is no stranglehold unless you are refering to the restriction on importation materials used to attack Israel

Understandably they are tired of Israeli or Egyptian control of their affairs.

If they desire control of their own affairs surely becoming an independent nation would be the way to achieve this, but then again Hamas were against the Palestinian state bid made to the UN by Abbas. Nope, the flotilla is 100% political posturing mainly by the western left wing it would appear.

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Although, I usually end up on the Palestinian side of such matters, I agree here with Jingthing that these folks were provoking an international incident and the aid materials were secondary to their purpose. I am simply not for such kinds of demonstrations that have to get ugly and accomplish very little.

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Although, I usually end up on the Palestinian side of such matters, I agree here with Jingthing that these folks were provoking an international incident and the aid materials were secondary to their purpose.

They didn't even have any aid. From the OP...

In response to questions from IDF soldiers, the crew of the

Tahrir said it originated from Turkey and intended to go to the Gaza Strip,

according to a video released by the IDF. When asked what its cargo is, the crew

said it had no cargo on board.

Edited by koheesti
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