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Fourth woman accuses U.S. presidential hopeful Herman Cain of sexual harassment


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Fourth woman accuses U.S. presidential hopeful Herman Cain of sexual harassment

2011-11-08 07:41:20 GMT+7 (ICT)

NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) -- A fourth woman came forward on Monday to allege she was sexually harassed by Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain. She was the first woman to do so publicly.

The Chicago woman, Sharon Bialek, appeared at a press conference in New York City on Monday afternoon along with celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. She said she sought Cain's help in 1997 and claimed he sexually assaulted her in his car.

The alleged incident happened when Cain was the president of the National Restaurant Association (NRA), where Bialek was employed at the Educational Foundation as manager of industry relations. She was fired in mid-2007, before the alleged incident, because she had not raised enough money.

Bialek said she first met Cain at a convention in Chicago about a month before she was terminated. "Mr. Cain sat next to me at that luncheon and spoke to me extensively," she said. "Mr. Cain was the keynote speaker at the luncheon. He was incredibly inspirational. When he sat down I said to him, 'when are you running for President?'"

During the final night of the conference, Bialek claims, Cain sat at a table with her and her boyfriend. "He was warm and attentive to both of us and invited us to join him at the after party in a suite at the hotel, which we did," she said. "I felt very honored to be included in this select gathering."

But several weeks later, Bialek was suddenly let go by the Foundation. "I was devastated. I loved the job and the industry and in the short time that I had been there I felt we were doing well in terms of fundraising," she said.

According to the woman's accounts, her boyfriend suggested to reach out to Cain to see if he was able to help her find another job with the Foundation or in some other capacity. "I told [Cain] I had been let go. He said that he was unaware of it," she said. "I asked if he could meet me for coffee. He said that he would and that I should call once I had firmed up the dates and the arrangements."

Bialek's boyfriend then proceeded to book a room for her at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. where the two met. "When I went to check into the room I was shocked to be taken to a palatial suite," she said. "I told the bellman that there must be some mistake, but he insisted that there was no mistake. I later found out that Mr. Cain had arranged for the suite, though at the time I thought that perhaps my boyfriend had decided to surprise me."

During the evening, at about 6.30 p.m. local time, Bialek said she met Cain in the hotel lobby where they had drinks. "He asked me how I liked my room and I explained that I was surprised. I said that I could not believe that I was given this gorgeous Senator's suite. Mr. Cain smirked and then said, 'I upgraded you.'"

Bialek said Cain then took her to an Italian restaurant where they had dinner, during which she explained that she needed a job after being let go. "He said that he would look into it," she said.

After the dinner, Cain allegedly told Bialek that he would show her where the National Restaurant Association offices in D.C. were. "He parked the car down the block," she said. "Instead of going in he suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg, under my skirt and reached for my genitals. He also grabbed my head and brought it toward his crotch."

Bialek said she was 'surprised and shocked' and told Cain that she did not come for that. "Mr Cain said, 'You want a job, right?' I asked him to stop and he did. I asked him to take me back to my hotel which he did," she said during the press conference.

The former NRA employee said that was the last time she saw Cain until she saw him in October of this year during a Tea Party conference in Chicago. "I did not know that he would be there," she explained. "I went up to him and asked if he remembered me. I wanted to see if he would be man enough to own up to what he had done some 14 years ago."

Bialek added: "He acknowledged that he remembered me from the Foundation, looked uncomfortable and said nothing as he left for his speech. [..] I kept wondering whether he had done to other women what he had done to me and whether anyone was going to speak up about it."

The woman said she did not file a complaint against Cain because she was no longer employed at the Foundation when the alleged incident occurred. "But, I am coming forward now to give a face and a voice to those women who cannot or do not wish to come forward and on behalf of all women in the workplace who are sexually harassed but do not come forward out of fear of retaliation and public humiliation," she said, referring to three other women who also alleged sexual harassment by Cain but have made no public statements.

Bialek urged Cain, who is one of the most popular Republican presidential candidates, to 'come clean.' "I want you Mr Cain to come clean, admit what you did and then move forward," she said. "America is in turmoil. We need a leader who can set an example which exemplifies the standard of a person of good moral character."

She concluded the press conference by adding: "Mr. Cain, I implore you: make this right, so that you and the country can move forward and focus on the real issues at hand."

Cain campaign spokesman J.D. Gordon immediately denied the latest allegations. "Just as the country finally begins to refocus on our crippling $15 trillion national debt and the unacceptably high unemployment rate, now activist celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred is bringing forth more false accusations against the character of Republican front-runner Herman Cain," he said.

Gordon added: "All allegations of harassment against Mr. Cain are completely false. Mr. Cain has never harassed anyone. Fortunately the American people will not allow Mr. Cain's bold '9-9-9 Plan', clear foreign policy vision and plans for energy independence to be overshadowed by these bogus attacks."

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Sunday indicated that Cain's favorability among Republicans dropped nine percent, from 66 percent a week earlier to 57 percent, after the first three women made the anonymous allegations. The poll also showed that 53 percent of respondents believe the allegations are true.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-08

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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women - that is what men do - but the fact that he has no government experience and was dumb enough to think that he could get away with this having this stuff hanging over his head when running for president, makes me happy that he will not be the candidate.

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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women


Do you really consider this to be "propositioning" women?

reached for my genitals. He also grabbed my head and brought it toward his crotch."

Bialek said she was 'surprised and shocked' and told Cain that she did not come for that. "Mr Cain said, 'You want a job, right?'

I think many other people would consider it sexual assault.

It's so far from the election so I haven't been following US politics very closely, but I can't imagine how he could recover from this.

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I do not have a problem with men who flirt in a consensual manner but the description given here is hardly that. He physically assaulted her in the assumption that it was acceptable because she wanted a job. Any man who stuck his hand between my legs in that manner would find himself swiftly and physically removed in a rather painful manner.

Any man who thinks this kind of behaviour is acceptable certainly doesn't qualify for President of the United States much less local dog catcher.

Edited by LadyHeather
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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women - that is what men do - but the fact that he has no government experience and was dumb enough to think that he could get away with this having this stuff hanging over his head when running for president, makes me happy that he will not be the candidate.

A simple proposition is fine. However, if what Ms. Bialek contends is true, Mr. Cain went far beyond a simple proposition. You do not grab a woman's crotch, nor do you force her head into yours. Nor when she complains, do you make references to her needing a job.

I have no idea if the allegations are true or not. But if true, this is not the sort of man I want running our country.

I thought Clinton was stupid for the Monica incident, and I was disappointed that he couldn't keep it in his pants while he was president as a degree of respect to the office, but I don't judge him for the incident itself as Monica was a willing participant. The allegations against Cain, if true, paint a far more sinister picture.

I do agree with you about the fact that if true, how could he be dumb enough not to think those things would come out? That is too dumb to be president, in my opinion.

I now tend to think that there might be some meat to this story, but I do admit it could be a smear job.

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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women - that is what men do - but the fact that he has no government experience and was dumb enough to think that he could get away with this having this stuff hanging over his head when running for president, makes me happy that he will not be the candidate.

A simple proposition is fine. However, if what Ms. Bialek contends is true, Mr. Cain went far beyond a simple proposition. You do not grab a woman's crotch, nor do you force her head into yours. Nor when she complains, do you make references to her needing a job.

I agree, but I am very skeptical that this actually happened and of course there is no way to ever prove it, one way or the other.

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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women - that is what men do - but the fact that he has no government experience and was dumb enough to think that he could get away with this having this stuff hanging over his head when running for president, makes me happy that he will not be the candidate.

A simple proposition is fine. However, if what Ms. Bialek contends is true, Mr. Cain went far beyond a simple proposition. You do not grab a woman's crotch, nor do you force her head into yours. Nor when she complains, do you make references to her needing a job.

I agree, but I am very skeptical that this actually happened and of course there is no way to ever prove it, one way or the other.

Well, as for me I'm certain she's lying. After the past sexual harrassment accusations had no effect on him (other than making him more popular) and the accusers had no interest in going public - another woman conveniently appears with even worse stories but zero proof? I'm no Cain supporter but this stinks to high heaven. Too bad the press wasn't interested in all the women who actually did come forward against Bill Clinton back when he was a sitting president and not just a long shot candidate two months before the primaries even begin. Then again, he was white and a Democrat.

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I am not a US citizen but as an anti-fascist, social democrat, I would prefer a Democrat to win the Presidential Election of course :) Despite the economic woes, for now, it looks as if Obama will easily beat whoever he will come up against.


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I do not have a problem with men who flirt in a consensual manner but the description given here is hardly that. He physically assaulted her in the assumption that it was acceptable because she wanted a job. Any man who stuck his hand between my legs in that manner would find himself swiftly and physically removed in a rather painful manner.

Any man who thinks this kind of behaviour is acceptable certainly doesn't qualify for President of the United States much less local dog catcher.

Well put, LadyHeather :)


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I am not a US citizen but as an anti-fascist, social democrat, I would prefer a Democrat to win the Presidential Election of course :) Despite the economic woes, for now, it looks as if Obama will easily beat whoever he will come up against.


I would also prefer that. However, sadly you are very wrong to think Obama can easily win. He may indeed lose. If he does win, it will be very close. It's mostly about the very poor economy. Anyone in office would be blamed for that and he is in office. His likely opponent will be Romney who will be strong candidate for the moderate majority, even though the far right doesn't like him.

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He's toast. Don't waste your time even thinking about that man. It was all about making money for him anyway, now he can be a Fox News right wing talking head and sell millions of books, the male Sarah Palin.

NEXT! ...

It's quite a joke how faux news are trying to defend him and not make it sound like a big issue , I think its great that they are getting a bit of their own back after the hard time they have given obama.


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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women - that is what men do - but the fact that he has no government experience and was dumb enough to think that he could get away with this having this stuff hanging over his head when running for president, makes me happy that he will not be the candidate.

A simple proposition is fine. However, if what Ms. Bialek contends is true, Mr. Cain went far beyond a simple proposition. You do not grab a woman's crotch, nor do you force her head into yours. Nor when she complains, do you make references to her needing a job.

I agree, but I am very skeptical that this actually happened and of course there is no way to ever prove it, one way or the other.

Well, as for me I'm certain she's lying. After the past sexual harrassment accusations had no effect on him (other than making him more popular) and the accusers had no interest in going public - another woman conveniently appears with even worse stories but zero proof? I'm no Cain supporter but this stinks to high heaven. Too bad the press wasn't interested in all the women who actually did come forward against Bill Clinton back when he was a sitting president and not just a long shot candidate two months before the primaries even begin. Then again, he was white and a Democrat.

All this just reminds me how incredibly dirty politics is. :bah:

Bearing in mind these are only allegations but already there are people in this thread who have written Herman Cain off without anything having been proven.

And yet when the sitting U.S. President was asked to present his birth certificate which is a legal requirement

, you had the very same people coincidentally who in this thread now say Cain is “ toast” at the time accusing those who were discussing Obama's birth certificate as being conspiracy theorists and nutcases. :blink:

People have to judge for themselves which is the most important issue from these two cases but to me the dual standards and hypocrisy hits me in the face. B)

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I am not a US citizen but as an anti-fascist, social democrat, I would prefer a Democrat to win the Presidential Election of course :) Despite the economic woes, for now, it looks as if Obama will easily beat whoever he will come up against.


I would also prefer that. However, sadly you are very wrong to think Obama can easily win. He may indeed lose. If he does win, it will be very close. It's mostly about the very poor economy. Anyone in office would be blamed for that and he is in office. His likely opponent will be Romney who will be strong candidate for the moderate majority, even though the far right doesn't like him.

Jingthing, I am not so sure. I think Romney will have his work cut out for him. Remember America is a very predominately Christian country. Mormons are at best looked on askance. The more people understand Mormonism and its. . . . . ah, peculiarities, freedom of Religion or not, Christian Americans may be hard pressed to vote for Romney.

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Americans voted in a black man and were possibly on their way to voting in number two. Voting for a Mormon is no big thang.

May I suggest you read up on Mormon beliefs. Don't get me wrong I don't like any organized Religion. Although I have to say Mormonism is quirkier than most by far.

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This is typical US politics viewed through the media prism.

You rarely hear anything of the actual issues America is facing.

Instead they focus on the soap opera's 100x more than the issues.

They rather bore the citizens into a trance than speak to the issues.

Same with all the recent debates....empty

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Americans voted in a black man and were possibly on their way to voting in number two. Voting for a Mormon is no big thang.

May I suggest you read up on Mormon beliefs. Don't get me wrong I don't like any organized Religion. Although I have to say Mormonism is quirkier than most by far.

At one time, Mormonism was the only truly American religion.

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Americans voted in a black man and were possibly on their way to voting in number two. Voting for a Mormon is no big thang.

May I suggest you read up on Mormon beliefs. Don't get me wrong I don't like any organized Religion. Although I have to say Mormonism is quirkier than most by far.

I already have. I still do not think that his religion will be much of a factor in if he is elected, or not.

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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women - that is what men do - but the fact that he has no government experience and was dumb enough to think that he could get away with this having this stuff hanging over his head when running for president, makes me happy that he will not be the candidate.

A simple proposition is fine. However, if what Ms. Bialek contends is true, Mr. Cain went far beyond a simple proposition. You do not grab a woman's crotch, nor do you force her head into yours. Nor when she complains, do you make references to her needing a job.

I agree, but I am very skeptical that this actually happened and of course there is no way to ever prove it, one way or the other.

Well, as for me I'm certain she's lying. After the past sexual harrassment accusations had no effect on him (other than making him more popular) and the accusers had no interest in going public - another woman conveniently appears with even worse stories but zero proof? I'm no Cain supporter but this stinks to high heaven.

Something does stink, but it's not the allegations against Herman Cain.

Another woman has now stated publicly that she was sexually harassed by Herman Cain. Karen Kraushaar is a registered Republican who has many years of service as a federal employee and is currently the spokesperson for the Inspector General of the Internal Revenue Service. She graduated from Brown and has an MA from U Michigan. This indicates she an intelligent woman with no partisan axe to grind, and has a good career.


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I do not care that Herman went around propositioning women


Do you really consider this to be "propositioning" women?

reached for my genitals. He also grabbed my head and brought it toward his crotch."

Bialek said she was 'surprised and shocked' and told Cain that she did not come for that. "Mr Cain said, 'You want a job, right?'

I think many other people would consider it sexual assault.

It's so far from the election so I haven't been following US politics very closely, but I can't imagine how he could recover from this.

I think sexual assault would be grabbing her parts, not reaching for them.

And as she clearly states he didn't actually touch anything sexual, the statement that he was reaching for them is only her opinion, not a fact.

This is assuming someone else (an electoral rival) didn't pay all the girls to make allegations in the first place.

I personally don't believe anyone that waits more than 10 minutes before reporting a sexual assault should be believed in any way, shape or form. Mr. Cain tried unsuccessfully for a bj 14 years ago, give me a break.

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