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Fourth woman accuses U.S. presidential hopeful Herman Cain of sexual harassment


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You won't vote for him unless you are voting in a primary because he is going nowhere fast because he's proven to be a serial abuser of women under his power. Sexist pig, in other words.

Hey, NOTHING has been PROVEN in a court of law or elsewhere, so please stop telling porkies yourself.

Anyone that remembers the Swift boat controversy knows that the fake accusers come out in a US election campaign.

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You won't vote for him unless you are voting in a primary because he is going nowhere fast because he's proven to be a serial abuser of women under his power. Sexist pig, in other words.

Hey, NOTHING has been PROVEN in a court of law or elsewhere, so please stop telling porkies yourself.

Anyone that remembers the Swift boat controversy knows that the fake accusers come out in a US election campaign.

Court of law? No. Agreed.

However, most reasonable people will conclude that a man of power who has been accused of workplace sexual harassment multiple times, and the cases were settled multiple times, has PROBABLY got a real issue with his behavior around women. The settlements are facts. The settlements don't prove guilt, but in the court of public opinion they are poison, and not unreasonably so. He's running for president. Higher standard.

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You won't vote for him unless you are voting in a primary because he is going nowhere fast because he's proven to be a serial abuser of women under his power. Sexist pig, in other words.

Hey, NOTHING has been PROVEN in a court of law or elsewhere, so please stop telling porkies yourself.

Anyone that remembers the Swift boat controversy knows that the fake accusers come out in a US election campaign.

Court of law? No. Agreed.

However, most reasonable people will conclude that a man of power who has been accused of workplace sexual harassment multiple times, and the cases were settled multiple times, has PROBABLY got a real issue with his behavior around women. The settlements are facts. The settlements don't prove guilt, but in the court of public opinion they are poison, and not unreasonably so. He's running for president. Higher standard.

TWO settlements! By saying MULTIPLE, you are trying to inflate the facts.

I wouldn't vote for him myself, but not because I believe some dubious stories. Anyone that doesn't know China has nukes doesn't deserve to be president, considering the next few years will probably be about China.

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A multi-millionaire like Cain is often a target for accusations of sexual harrasment as it is difficult to prove that it did not happen and such false accusations are often settled out of court to avoid lawyers fees. I think the settlements happened to him only twice - maybe not so unusual for a very wealthy businessman.

Being a candidate for president with such accusations in one's past brings nuts and people with a political agenda out of the woodwork, so I do not agree that these things necessarily really happened. He might very well be getting lynched by the media and other presidential candidates.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Not lynched! Any candidate who emerged as a front runner should expect all his dirty linen to come out and be the lead news story for some time. Cain handled this terribly. Making stupid false charges of who was responsible, blowing up at reporters, losing his cool. It's his responsibility. His checkered past and the botched way he has dealt with it coming out. What a totally worthless candidate. Happily, he will go away soon enough to Fox News right wing punditlandia.

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Not lynched! Any candidate who emerged as a front runner should expect all his dirty linen to come out and be the lead news story for some time. Cain handled this terribly. Making stupid false charges of who was responsible, blowing up at reporters, losing his cool. It's his responsibility. His checkered past and the botched way he has dealt with it coming out. What a totally worthless candidate. Happily, he will go away soon enough to Fox News right wing punditlandia.

he probably should have studied Obama's methodology on how to deal with skeletons in the cupboard :rolleyes:

Bill Ayers and Rev Jeremiah Wright come to mind :lol:

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he probably should have studied Obama's methodology on how to deal with skeletons in the cupboard :rolleyes:

Obama didn't have any sexual harassment history.

He did have a history of youthful drug abuse.

He brilliant defused this before he even ran by writing a best selling book about his turbulent youth in which he openly talked about it.

Cain hasn't even taken this opportunity to strongly voice his opposition to sexual harassment in the workplace or to say what a serious offense it is. Women correctly get the impression he is is obviously sexist.

Indeed, there is much for total amateurs like H. Cain to learn from a master like our beloved President Barack Hussein Obama.

Edited by Jingthing
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You won't vote for him unless you are voting in a primary because he is going nowhere fast because he's proven to be a serial abuser of women under his power. Sexist pig, in other words.

Hey, NOTHING has been PROVEN in a court of law or elsewhere, so please stop telling porkies yourself.

Anyone that remembers the Swift boat controversy knows that the fake accusers come out in a US election campaign.

Court of law? No. Agreed.

However, most reasonable people will conclude that a man of power who has been accused of workplace sexual harassment multiple times, and the cases were settled multiple times, has PROBABLY got a real issue with his behavior around women. The settlements are facts. The settlements don't prove guilt, but in the court of public opinion they are poison, and not unreasonably so. He's running for president. Higher standard.

TWO settlements! By saying MULTIPLE, you are trying to inflate the facts.

I wouldn't vote for him myself, but not because I believe some dubious stories. Anyone that doesn't know China has nukes doesn't deserve to be president, considering the next few years will probably be about China.

And I just found out that he supports torture, so he's definitely out of contention ( along with michelle bachman who also believes torture is OK ).

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BTW, aside from the sexual allegations, which are very real and are going to be very sticky, and mostly believed as serious by republican women, there is the small matter that he would be a TERRIBLE president. There's no there there. In the brain.

To wit ...

Cain’s problems don’t appear to be going away. Allred suggested that she plans to engage in a slow rollout of information that she says corroborates her client’s story. Four women have alleged that Cain harassed them.


Cain for President? Nein, nein, nein ...

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Cain handled this terribly.

I agree, but I also think that there is a very good chance that he is not guilty of sexual harrassment.

Funny. Most republican women think there is a good chance there is some truth to the MULTIPLE reports of incidents. He isn't on trial about this and won't be. His trial is going to be at the polls. Guess the outcome?

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Herman Cain is a walking creep show. The guy took Godfather Pizza, worth $300 million when he took over as CEO, down to $30 million which he paid Pilsbury in a management buy out. There are claims floating about that a fellow Black Republican named King, who went to jail in the Savings and Loan scandal of the 80s, was a close associate of Cain's. Apparently $38 million was unaccounted From Franklin Savings and Loan, and Cain magically came up with the $30 million for the buy out. All very strange and there is enough smoke for us all to die.

Of course, he easily could have accumulated $30 million in extra wealth via his association with the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank.

Now a former boyfriend of one of his accusers who Cain claims to have never met, comes forward willing to testify that he sat with his girlfriend next to Cain at Cain's invitation. The guy is a total disaster.

There is no shortage of information on this guy. He is far to casual and careless with his personal affairs to be trusted with anything much less the Government of the United States.

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One thing Herman Cain has going for him that none of the past Dem presidents (or most candidates) have had since Carter over 30 years ago - he held a private sector job.

(btw -what happened to my earlier posts about Herman Cain (his background and that google ad)? Is there some glitch in the system that is deleting them? I'v read about hackers doing this on some forums. )

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One thing Herman Cain has going for him that none of the past Dem presidents (or most candidates) have had since Carter over 30 years ago - he held a private sector job.

So have I and I'm not running for president. He is under scrutiny as he did decide to run for president, and the American people are finding the prospect of a President Cain not so pleasant.

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I find it more funny that he doesn't know that China has nuclear weapons. Only 50 years ago since they got them...

Is this how low level of general knowledge even educated and successful Americans have?

I think one reason Americans in general might not know China has nukes is because it isn't rubbed in our faces like it was with the Soviets during the Cold War. All of us can think of movies (Dr Strangelove, etc) or historical news reports (Cuban Missile Crisis, nukes in Europe, etc) about the Russians/Soviets having nukes. I can't think of any off the top of my head where a big (or small) deal was made about China having them. As for Cain not knowing, I didn't really follow that closely. I've seen his quote but every candidate has made silly inaccurate statements including our current prez. I don't pay any attention to it because whoever sits behind the desk in the Oval Office will have advisors/speech writers/press secreetaries/etc who know all this stuff. IOW, don't read too much into Cain's "not knowing!!".

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Herman Cain does know that China has nuclear weapons. If you watch what he said it is pretty obvious that he was saying that the Chinese are trying to develop better Nuclear Aircraft Carriers ("like we have"). There is a reason why the media that spreads this kind of nonsense is called the lame stream media.

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He had a little trouble with answering questions about Libya too.

Try as some posters may, I have a hard time believing he is being persecuted by these women and that it is the 'lame' stream media that is responsible for what he says.

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He had a little trouble with answering questions about Libya too.

He did answer the question about Libya.. he just took a long time doing it. That is not the same thing as not knowing the answer at all. The lame stream media misrepresented both situations.

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He had a little trouble with answering questions about Libya too.

Try as some posters may, I have a hard time believing he is being persecuted by these women and that it is the 'lame' stream media that is responsible for what he says.

Again, I'm not following very closely but I seem to remember there were TWO cases against him and in both the women had no interest in going public. All this scandal did was make Cain more popular. Then a woman comes out with nothing, zero, zip, nada but he says-she says accusations. A woman who wants nothing out if it other than to get booked on all the TV talk shows. Yeah, right. So it appears only one woman is "persecuting" Cain for her own personal enrichment. Expect to see her having a book deal or her taking part in a reality TV show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As predicted, Cain sizzling out like an overcooked pizza.

I did not have TEXTS with that woman! (What a liar.) Nobody cares about his affair except his wife presumably, but what a total liar. This goes well beyond when there's smoke, there's fire. When there's fire, there's fire.


For those of you keeping score at home, Herman Cain now faces a fifth sexual accuser.

It's hilarious that his remaining Cain Trainers blame the "lamestream" media for Cain's sexual harassment and lying problems. I thought conservatives stood for personal responsibility.

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One out of five appearing credible isn't a very good ratio. This one looks like it has some legs.

Either way it would seem the Democratic party (Obama) would be pleased to have the other black man out of the race. Now they can really count on getting 98% of the black vote again without doing anything for it.

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