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Fourth woman accuses U.S. presidential hopeful Herman Cain of sexual harassment


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Down he goes. Given what a disaster he is politically, yes, it is delicious to watch.


Cain of Denial

Herman Cain’s press conference about his sexual harassment accusers is a road map to his destruction.

For all of this, Cain has gone unpunished. His rise in the polls has given him the illusion that he can go on making false and falsifiable statements, even when the question is sexual harassment. He’s about to find out the hard way that he can’t.

What was an unusual adjective to use in this context? :blink: it conjures up visions of Hannibal Lectern

and I thought perhaps you this dislike the guy so much you wanted to " eat his liver with some fafa beans

and a nice Chianti " :crazy:

Of course I can understand your excitement because his presence made it so inconvenient

for the left wing movement to keep claiming that Conservatives are racist :P

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It's a reflection of most Americans' puritan proclivities. I'm American and have no big problem with a man trying to seduce a legal aged woman, as long as it wasn't abusive. Granted, the term 'abusive' can be interpreted different ways by different people. More important, to me, would be accusations of lying, cheating, stealing, or causing harm to nature. Admit it, seduction and a bottle of wine is where most of us came from.

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It's a reflection of most Americans' puritan proclivities. I'm American and have no big problem with a man trying to seduce a legal aged woman, as long as it wasn't abusive. Granted, the term 'abusive' can be interpreted different ways by different people. More important, to me, would be accusations of lying, cheating, stealing, or causing harm to nature. Admit it, seduction and a bottle of wine is where most of us came from.

Well if your idea of seduction is "If you want me to get you a job then I want you to give me a BJ", then I have a 1001 better approaches to seduction for you. Yes seduction over dinner and a bottle of wine may be the way most of us started, but that's not what's really going on here. Cain sounds a little bit like the black version of DSK. Nothing quite proven but a history of using power and position instead of a bottle of wine over dinner and a totally unforced non threatening, non physical bit of wooing.

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It's a reflection of most Americans' puritan proclivities. I'm American and have no big problem with a man trying to seduce a legal aged woman, as long as it wasn't abusive. Granted, the term 'abusive' can be interpreted different ways by different people. More important, to me, would be accusations of lying, cheating, stealing, or causing harm to nature. Admit it, seduction and a bottle of wine is where most of us came from.

Well if your idea of seduction is "If you want me to get you a job then I want you to give me a BJ", then I have a 1001 better approaches to seduction for you. Yes seduction over dinner and a bottle of wine may be the way most of us started, but that's not what's really going on here. Cain sounds a little bit like the black version of DSK. Nothing quite proven but a history of using power and position instead of a bottle of wine over dinner and a totally unforced non threatening, non physical bit of wooing.

"Yes seduction over dinner and a bottle of wine may be the way most of us started, but that's not what's really going on here."

Why not solve all the mystery for us and tell us what is "really" going on here?

Is it the version of the accuser or the version of the defendant?

Seems to me it is a case of "He said/She said" so I would like to have the "really" truthful version

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This is the second group of off-topic posts deleted. This is about Cain and the sexual accusations against him. Please stick to that topic. His political aspirations are germane to the discussion--but a general discussion of the other politicians that says nothing about Cain is off-topic.

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*Deleted quote edited out*

Comment about obama's chances deleted as per mod post.

Amazing how some people on this thread automatically believe that a man is guilty of sexual assault just because a woman says so. To my knowledge, no one else was there at the time, so it's just their word against his.

If he is able to prove that they lied, I hope he sues them for everything they've got, and if the women that were paid off come out and say anything, I hope the Hotel Association sues them for breach of contract.

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Please stop trashing these women. They didn't ask for this unseemly publicity. Let these women live in peace.



They're the ones coming forward- what the h_ll did they think would happen?

Strange how they only decided to go public after he became a potential winner! Of course there are never any dirty tricks in US politics, are there!

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Please stop trashing these women. They didn't ask for this unseemly publicity. Let these women live in peace.



They're the ones coming forward- what the h_ll did they think would happen?

Strange how they only decided to go public after he became a potential winner! Of course there are never any dirty tricks in US politics, are there!

I know thaibeach........ :rolleyes:

but hang on .....there is even more :lol: the women have been abducted by aliens :cheesy:

No press conference for Cain accusers for now :o

" The Anita Hill of the Herman Cain sex controversy (attorney Joel P. Bennett) is done talking to the media for now. His client Karen Kraushaar, one of Cain’s original accusers, couldn’t get a hold of any of the other two anonymous women who alleged sexual harassment by Cain, according to a press release from Bennett.


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Do you guys trashing these victims really want Cain so badly?!? The man didn't know China has nuclear bombs. He's a joke candidate. I mean, get real, this silly man who is fighting for his political life over a sex scandal where MULTIPLE women have accused him, MULTIPLE women have had good enough cases for money settlements, and in the midst of that insults Nancy Pelosi calling her PRINCESS NANCY, a very demeaning, SEXIST thing to call the former speaker of the house, who when she held the job was the most powerful woman in American history! Or do you just hate women?

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*Deleted quote edited out*

Comment about obama's chances deleted as per mod post.

Amazing how some people on this thread automatically believe that a man is guilty of sexual assault just because a woman says so. To my knowledge, no one else was there at the time, so it's just their word against his.

If he is able to prove that they lied, I hope he sues them for everything they've got, and if the women that were paid off come out and say anything, I hope the Hotel Association sues them for breach of contract.

and the mainstream media networks for defamation of character.

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Do you guys trashing these victims really want Cain so badly?!? The man didn't know China has nuclear bombs. He's a joke candidate. I mean, get real, this silly man who is fighting for his political life over a sex scandal where MULTIPLE women have accused him, MULTIPLE women have had good enough cases for money settlements, and in the midst of that insults Nancy Pelosi calling her PRINCESS NANCY, a very demeaning, SEXIST thing to call the former speaker of the house, who when she held the job was the most powerful woman in American history! Or do you just hate women?

I don't know about her being the most powerful woman but Newt Gingrich agreed when he was interviewed this morning

she is probably the most irritating woman :lol:

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When she held the speaker of the house office, that was the highest office ever yet obtained by any woman in the entire history of the United States. What don't you know then? Bizarre.

To Cain, she's a woman to insult in a demeaning sexist way. I believe Cain is a sex criminal. Totally.

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When she held the speaker of the house office, that was the highest office ever yet obtained by any woman in the entire history of the United States. What don't you know then? Bizarre.

To Cain, she's a woman to insult in a demeaning sexist way. I believe Cain is a sex criminal. Totally.

are you trying to suggest that what Herman Cain is alleged to have done is more serious than

what happened to Clinton in the Oval Office of the White House plus the way he handled it after

being found out?he got away with it so why shouldn't Herman Cain be given the same presumption

of innocence until proven guilty?

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insults Nancy Pelosi calling her PRINCESS NANCY, a very demeaning, SEXIST thing to call the former speaker of the house

I have never supported Cain for the nomination, but I might have to vote for him just because of this. :D

LOL :lol:

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Do you guys trashing these victims really want Cain so badly?!? The man didn't know China has nuclear bombs. He's a joke candidate. I mean, get real, this silly man who is fighting for his political life over a sex scandal where MULTIPLE women have accused him, MULTIPLE women have had good enough cases for money settlements, and in the midst of that insults Nancy Pelosi calling her PRINCESS NANCY, a very demeaning, SEXIST thing to call the former speaker of the house, who when she held the job was the most powerful woman in American history! Or do you just hate women?

Off topic, but since you brought it up, I certainly don't hate all women, but after Pelosi's statement that "you have to pass the bill ( obama care ) to know what's in it" I have no respect for her.

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I believe Cain offered a job for sex. Clinton just was horny. Clinton shouldn't have lied. That was a crime.

He wasn't offering a job. She claims she went to see him for advice. He says he never knew her. Perhaps we should wait till the FACTS come out.

They won't and can't. It's a he said, she said. The point is however the American people are not as stupid as you might think, and they know the FACTS are multiple women have settled with Cain over similar sex abuses, so smoke-fire-out of there! No way to send that sleazbag to prison, but no reason to elect him president either, even more so as he totally lacks the experience, intelligence, character, or temperament to perform the job. I'm sure he was fine as pizza CEO. Leave it alone now Herman.

I get that right wingers don't like Pelosi but consider what is shows about Cain's shocking lack of diplomatic tact that he launches a sexist attack on Pelosi while he is desperately trying to recover from a sex scandal. Seriously, you would trust him to deal with Iran?

He's good for a Fox News show, very entertaining, very politically incorrect ... and that's it. You know as well as I do he will never be elected to ANY political office now, president or dog catcher.

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insults Nancy Pelosi calling her PRINCESS NANCY, a very demeaning, SEXIST thing to call the former speaker of the house, who when she held the job was the most powerful woman in American history! Or do you just hate women?

Missed that one, thanks for pointing it out to me.

Herman just keeps getting better and better by the day, nice one Herman.

All aboard the train.

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I believe Cain offered a job for sex. Clinton just was horny. Clinton shouldn't have lied. That was a crime.

He wasn't offering a job. She claims she went to see him for advice. He says he never knew her. Perhaps we should wait till the FACTS come out.

They won't and can't. It's a he said, she said. The point is however the American people are not as stupid as you might think, and they know the FACTS are multiple women have settled with Cain over similar sex abuses, so smoke-fire-out of there! No way to send that sleazbag to prison, but no reason to elect him president either, even more so as he totally lacks the experience, intelligence, character, or temperament to perform the job. I'm sure he was fine as pizza CEO. Leave it alone now Herman.

I get that right wingers don't like Pelosi but consider what is shows about Cain's shocking lack of diplomatic tact that he launches a sexist attack on Pelosi while he is desperately trying to recover from a sex scandal. Seriously, you would trust him to deal with Iran?

He's good for a Fox News show, very entertaining, very politically incorrect ... and that's it. You know as well as I do he will never be elected to ANY political office now, president or dog catcher.

The following statement is patently untrue:

"and they know the FACTS are multiple women have settled with Cain over similar sex abuses,"

1. Cain never settled with anybody. The NRA settled with two women who claimed sexual harassment in the workplace. One was paid $35,000 and another was paid $45,000. These are amazingly small settlements if the two cases had any merit. A good lawyer with a solid case could have milked a settlement out of the NRA for hundreds of thousands, not a measly $45,000.

2. How can you claim there were sex abuses when you have no idea what the sexual harassment claims were for? Perhaps he simply called one of them "honey" or "princess" or something else similarly innocuous. You don't know what any alleged offenses were and neither do I but calling them abuses is beyond the pale.

3. Do you not find it rather interesting that the first accuser, Karen Kraushaar later filed suit against her next employer, three years after settling with the NRA, alleging among other things that a supervisor circulated an inappropriate sexually oriented email? Could there be a pattern here?

4. How about the latest bombshell from one Sharon Bialek, who claimed she was groped in a car. Just because it took her 14 years to come forward with this information should have no bearing on this but the timing is certainly suspicious, considering she previously lived in the same apartment building in Chicago as David Axelrod, Obama's current campaign manager. Purely coincidental I am sure. Cain was gaining in the polls but never mind that little detail. I won't even go into her financial situation.

5. Has anybody dug up any other sexual harassment claims against Cain in any other position he has held in his working life? Nope! It seems he was a bad boy for only three years while he was CEO of the NRA.

This whole deal smacks of set up and smells as rotten as most other deals made in Chicago.

As another poster said, we aren't trashing these women. They have accomplished that without any help from us.

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