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Fourth woman accuses U.S. presidential hopeful Herman Cain of sexual harassment


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Do right wingers really think Cain is so great you need to prop him up? Or is it because you think Romney is not right wing enough for you? Why the defense of this Cain who is so obviously unqualified to be president? I could understand being upset if he was worthy of saving. Truthfully, I hope he's nominated as he would be creamed by Obama.

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When she held the speaker of the house office, that was the highest office ever yet obtained by any woman in the entire history of the United States. What don't you know then? Bizarre.

To Cain, she's a woman to insult in a demeaning sexist way. I believe Cain is a sex criminal. Totally.

are you trying to suggest that what Herman Cain is alleged to have done is more serious than

what happened to Clinton in the Oval Office of the White House plus the way he handled it after

being found out?he got away with it so why shouldn't Herman Cain be given the same presumption

of innocence until proven guilty?

I certainly do. Clinton did not try and force himself on anyone. He should not have lied about it, to be sure. But what Clinton did is no different than what most men have done in their lives., i.e. have sex outside of the marriage.

Cain, if the allegations are true, pushed himself where he was not welcome. And that is a big character flaw, worse than anything Clinton did.

If it were only one woman, I would be giving Cain more of the benefit of the doubt. But with so many, and with money having been paid out, well, minus a legal trial, I would have to think that there is something to the accusations.

Edited by luckizuchinni
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I have to admit, I wanted to like Cain, and after the Florida straw poll, I had high hopes for him. But even without the sex scandal, his lack of knowledge was beginning to show. Now, it looks like Romney, the flip-flop king, will get the nomination. Perry is a disaster, Bachmann an idiot, Paul is a good man but with some untenable ideas (but some good ones, too.) Too bad Huntsman can't gain any traction.

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These allegations would not even have come to light if Cain was not high up in the polls and a definite possibility of running against Obama. The entire democratic strategy for 2012 will be to personally attack the republican candidate. The administration cannot run on its record. The main accomplishment was the Affordable Health Care Act. Can anyone recall any democrats running in the 2010 midterm running on this accomplishment?

When a black candidate leaves the "liberal plantation", they can expect to be excoriated. Clarence Thomas was a perfect example. If these charges were made against Cain if he was part of the democratic party,you could expect Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to be right in the thick of it, calling the republican accusers racists.

I believe that Cain, being CEO of major corporations, and also a math major at university is a definite threat against the community organizer who has never held a private sector job.

As an aside, where is the main stream media persistence is demanding Obama provide is Harvard transcripts and Occidental College transcripts.

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Do right wingers really think Cain is so great you need to prop him up? Or is it because you think Romney is not right wing enough for you? Why the defense of this Cain who is so obviously unqualified to be president? I could understand being upset if he was worthy of saving. Truthfully, I hope he's nominated as he would be creamed by Obama.

One reason I am appearing to be on Cain's side is he has not been charged with committing one crime. If he is charged with breaking a law, then we will see where the chips fall. Until then, I prefer to give the man the benefit of the doubt when slandered with anonymous and virtually undefendable claims against him. If you choose to crucify him based on anonymous innuendos, that is entirely up to you.

I am not a Cain fan, nor a Romney fan, nor a Perry fan, nor a Paul fan, nor a Bachmann fan. My preferred candidate is Gingrich.

One debate I would love to see is Obama vs. Gingrich. Maybe they could let Obama use his teleprompter in order to level the playing field. Gingrich has forgotten more than Obama will ever know.

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Where DO you Americans get your presidential candidates from?...........!!!

Preaching to the converted except I would say REPUBLICAN presidential candidates.

Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar, Obama, president of the Harvard Law Review, that's top shelf!

George W. Bush: Yale and Harvard MBA.

So much for "top shelf" educations, eh? :)

Seriously, in recent years Dem candidates rarely ever had a job before entering politics while Rep candidates tend to have business or military experience. The lastest occupant of the White House isn't living up to his genius status either.

The BEST candidates from either side stay away from politics because it isn't worth the grief. You and your family suffer attacks from opponents for over a year BEFORE you even win anything. Then when youget in you are powerless against the political machine of your own party.

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Cain is a has been and there is a dark side to his character, which is now beginning to show itself during the 'circus'. The only man that can make America the Nation it has always wanted to be is Ron Paul. Honest, intelligent, an amazing patriot, fiscally aware he has great integrity and holds the constitution as the greatest thing. A true family man, he is the one! Even democrats should vote for Paul. Despite being conservative he will ensure the constitution is upheld and that would fulfill the requirements of any Democrat or Republican alike.

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Where DO you Americans get your presidential candidates from?...........!!!

A motley bunch, admittedly, but one thing that stands the checkered American system above many others: Public Debate, sometimes accompanied by Q&A from the little people. Sure, it seems drawn out and at times almost comical, but it gives the American voters time to form impressions of who they'll vote for - to be the world's most powerful individual. In contrast, nearly all dune states (excuse me, middle east countries) change leaders only by appointment or bloody mob events. Zero meaningful debate in those countries. Thailand is a bit better, but still there are no meaningful debates among candidates here - leading up to elections. Thailand is a country that assumes everyone already knows what each candidate stands for. Part of the reason is strong belief in clairvoyance (a person or group can read other peoples' minds) - so if the voter already knows what candidate X Y or Z is thinking, then what's the need for debate?

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To suggest that this is an invented case ignores that Cain himself has admitted that there has already been case(s) settled by NRA (National Restaurant Association) due to his behavior, giving one women 1 years pay in a settlement for instance. He disclosed this in 2003 in hiring some agency, but magically forgot this when running for president in 2011? Magical.

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A post which violates the fair use policy has been deleted as well as a reply.

Since this is an issue which has to do with copyright infringement, it is important.

A number of posters who routinely violate it are also long-time members of the forum and you know better.

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To suggest that this is an invented case ignores that Cain himself has admitted that there has already been case(s) settled by NRA (National Restaurant Association) due to his behavior, giving one women 1 years pay in a settlement for instance. He disclosed this in 2003 in hiring some agency, but magically forgot this when running for president in 2011? Magical.

Settling out of court IS NOT an admission of guilt. It IS a lot cheaper than paying lawyers to defend you in court.

But it is hard to believe that he would have forgotten about it. Parking tickets, maybe. But someone accusing you of being a "sexual predator" to the point your company/organization chooses to settle?

As for making passes at women - Bill Clinton is widely known to have done that and more but he is still considered a great president by the majority of people who are criticising Cain now.

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Seriously, Cain has become an absurd joke of a candidate to others than his core of loyalists. The sex scandal is but one part of his fatal credibility problems. I guess there was a vacuum since Palin faded away for a juicy target of mockery.


On October 24, Herman Cain’s campaign released an impenetrable Web ad featuring the candidate’s chief of staff, a cigarette, a wall, and a slow-motion head-turn set to patriotic music. Almost immediately, fans of the absurdist comedy duo Tim and Eric (Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim) started tweeting at them, saying it looked like the kind of intentional schlock they would have put on their show.
Edited by Jingthing
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When she held the speaker of the house office, that was the highest office ever yet obtained by any woman in the entire history of the United States. What don't you know then? Bizarre.

To Cain, she's a woman to insult in a demeaning sexist way. I believe Cain is a sex criminal. Totally.

just watch her face at 9 min 20 seconds in this latest 60 minutes presentation :lol:


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Cain is a has been and there is a dark side to his character, which is now beginning to show itself during the 'circus'. The only man that can make America the Nation it has always wanted to be is Ron Paul. Honest, intelligent, an amazing patriot, fiscally aware he has great integrity and holds the constitution as the greatest thing. A true family man, he is the one! Even democrats should vote for Paul. Despite being conservative he will ensure the constitution is upheld and that would fulfill the requirements of any Democrat or Republican alike.

Couldn't agree with you more GJ. At least some sense and reason is out there

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I dont really think what Cain has done in the past is the most important reason why he should not be nominated. It's his stance on the issues and his tendency to lie. Of course the lying part does directly relate to the issue with the 4 women. But he will be defeated on the issues and that's the bottom line. Being a fed insider certainly doesn't help his cause

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I dont really think what Cain has done in the past is the most important reason why he should not be nominated. It's his stance on the issues and his tendency to lie. Of course the lying part does directly relate to the issue with the 4 women. But he will be defeated on the issues and that's the bottom line. Being a fed insider certainly doesn't help his cause

Recent polling on Cain has shown (big surprise) a huge drop in support from republican women. Imagine his support among democratic and independent women now. He is unelectable. Everyone knows that now. Does he know it? If not, he is even stupider than he appears. He should quit. It's over.
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Recent polling on Cain has shown (big surprise) a huge drop in support from republican women. Imagine his support among democratic and independent women now. He is unelectable. Everyone knows that now. Does he know it? If not, he is even stupider than he appears. He should quit. It's over.

I agree his chance of being the Republican nominee are slim to none. However the longer he remains a candidate, the more money he can command on the public speaking circuit. The more notoriety via the media he gets now, good or not will pay dividends later. I think this fact is not lost on Herman. Also remember God told Herman to run for the office of President. Hard to argue with God.

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