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Should We Be Hoarding Medication For Chronic Conditions?


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This aspirin topic is confusing me.

I take Aspent-M, 81 mg. LOW DOSE aspirin. Not 300 mg. Do you actually mean 300 mg. and not low dose such as 81 mg.?

Anyway I have been buying this product at Fascino for years, usually asking for "low dose" aspirin.

Are you saying that is going to be a problem from now on?

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I believe in the UK the standard adult aspirin size is 300MG and in the USA its 325 MG.. The 81 MG low dose aspirin is I guess, the equivalent of just a quarter of the USA standard tablet (ie 81*4 = 324). So I would suspect that if what the assistant is saying is correct, these are now on prescription as well, otherwise I could simply buy 4 of these 81 MG tablets instead of the 300 MG . Please note, I was originally told to take a 325 MG tablet per day, but Fascino did not have the standard USA 325 MG size tablet so I opted for the 300 MG standard UK tablet instead.

As it seems what the assistant said to me may have more truth in in than I first thought, I will go there again over the weekend and see if she says its the same for the 81Mg low dose tablets as well. If it isnt a problem getting these low dose tablets then I will simply take 4 of these a day and let you know there is not a problem. If you hear any more on this please let me know. Thanks

Edited by dsfbrit
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Aspent M 81 mg aspirine out of stock at my pharmacist's today, "as a consequence of flooding of manufacturers" Simvastatin generic 10 mg sme, 40 mg available

OK, supply problem's possibly. I was responding to the question of a national policy change, needing to buy that at hospitals now with a doc's scrip which I continue to find unbelievable.
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Jingthing I too find it unbelievable. As you may have seen in my previous posts, I was told until yesterday by the staff as Fascino that the tablets were not available simply due to the floods. It came as a complete surprise to me that Fascino could no longer sell them. It may simply be the member of staff misunderstood the situation. I will go to the Fascino near Numchai on the Sukhumvit tomorrow and see what they have to say. That is a small branch of Fascino but they seem very sensible in there. I will post here again tomorrow - Saturday.

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First I have heard about aspirin sales being restricted to hospitals and can't imagine why. I wonder if the assistant was confusing it with cold remedeies (which have indeed recently become restricted)?

Aspirin was removed fro mthe list of drugs that could be sold outside a pharmacy 9at 7 elevens and the like) some years ago because it can be dangerous to give to children with certain conditions. But that just restricted it to pharmacies. I can't imagine why it would be taken off the shelves altogether.

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I went to a different branch of Fascino today and was told the following,

Although they dont have any 300 mg nor 81 mg aspirin at the moment, it is purely down to supply chain problems caused by the floods. They have no idea when there will be any more supplies delivered.

She says the other assistant must have been confused by some regulations relating to drugs that Fascino can no longer sell that have to be inhaled.

Sheryl by the way, thanks for the Stada contact, but I emailed them and was told they dont sell 300mg tablets in Thailand:-

cleardot.gifcleardot.gifstada [email protected] to me

show details Feb 24 (2 days ago)

Dear Sir

We do not market this product in Thailand

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I was in the big Fascino in North Pattaya yesterday to stock up on some meds including Aspent 300. Yes, my cardiologist prescribed me 300 mg/day after a stent last year, said to keep taking them for life. Anyway, Fascino was out of Aspent 300 and told me they have been for some time. I spoke to the pharmacist himself to make sure I got the best information available and he said he had "over 100 customers" asking for this, that he didn't know when they would have them again, that he spoke to his provider regularly but no update. Most importantly, asked what the problem was he suggested it may have something to do with an upcoming FDA regulation change requiring this particular dosage to be sold in hospitals only.

Knowing what hospitals (over)charge for drugs that is not a good development.

I asked if I could buy "normal" Beyer 500 mg aspirin and break it over and he lept into a long diatribe about how that was for fever and headaches, not for blood issues. I did not bother to argue the (lack of) logic with him. blink.png Anyway the Beyer aspirin are 15B/tab, Aspent 300 is 1 baht/tab (IIRC) when they have them.

He suggested I should try buying the tabs at the hospital. I ended up getting some at the overpriced pharmacy in Foodland at 1.5B/tab.

I'll be in Bangkok tomorrow. If I have time I will probably try to pick up one of the big tubs of tabs just in case.

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OK, here's an update on this mysterious development!

Visited Fascino Pattaya Tai Pattaya which is one place I have bought Aspent M 81 mg previously.

I asked for low dose aspirin. No have. Then baby aspirin. No have. I forget to ask for Aspent M 81 mg by name but I'm sure that was also no have.

These guys told me clearly, this "med" is not under control and that I must go to a hospital to get it.

I must say I lost my sabai sabai for the moment on hearing the news.

Like Phil I asked about regular aspirin and made a show of how they are selling the large dose, 500 mg, but not the small dose. I suggested I cut the 500 mg. and they kind of went postal. Not the same! This for pain! This for pain! Not the same! I said, aspirin is aspirin about five times, until finally they admitted yes aspirin is aspirin.

Of course, there IS a difference. Aspent is coated, right? Is it also time release? So in that sense, clearly Aspent is better.

Now a medical question. For people who have been taking Aspent for blood thinning therapy, is it OK for them to just crush aspirin (and eat with food) assuming there aren't any noticeable stomach upset from that?

Is the jury still out on whether low dose aspirin is on control now, or not? Like I said, these guys were definitive. It annoyed me how unquestioning they are ... at a pharmacy. That's a cultural thing I guess. Their government says so (or so they think), and that's it, don't question. I reckon more people will die from putting this on control if that is what happened than it not being on control. Many people will simply stop their long term, CHEAP!, therapy.

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I have not heard anything about aspirin being restricted.

There are many brands of aspirin - 300 mg, 500mg, 81mg, 65mg. It is hardly credible that all brands would be out of stock.

Yes, aspirin is aspirin you can break up larger dose preparations but it will likely play havoc with your stomach lining.

The only thing special to Aspent is the enteric coating. It is possible that it is indeed the only brand here that is so coated, although I know there is also a capsule preparation of 300mg aspirin.

looking through this htread it seems these conflicting reports are mostly emanating out of Facsino's in Pattaya. I suggest going to another pharmacy oir even a Boots or Watsons.

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I went to Pattaya Memorial and Pattaya International yesterday. They have 300 MG aspirin, but wanted me to see a doctor first. I declined - I wont see a doctor to get aspirin - its aspirin for pity's sake!!! Later when I was in South Pataya I tried a pharmacy there, they did not have 300MG, but they did have 81MG - so I bought a few months 'emergency' supply of these instead - I was again told that taking 4 of these is the same as taking just one 300 (325) MG aspirin.

I will try to get a supply of the 300MG aspirin before the last 25 300MG tablets I have run out.

If anyone finds a supplier of the 300MG pills where I can buy a few hundred tablets(hoard -back on topic of this thread) I would appreciate you letting me know - driving to Bangkok would not be a problem.

thanks very much

Edited by dsfbrit
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I stopped by a Boots in Pattaya to check on their low dose aspirin situation. In my experience, Boots has never carried Aspent enteric coated aspirin. They did have another brand of 81 mg. chewable aspirin at 2 baht a pill. Clearly that wouldn't be coated. You would think if there really was a government crackdown on the scourge of high risk adults taking "baby aspirin" to try to prevent cardiac events that a big company like Boots would know about it. Anyway, still looking for Aspent but at least the chewable stuff doesn't involve smashing up big ones.

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OK, this is getting weird now.

I keep checking pharmacies. Yesterday the first one (a pharmacist I have known for years) said clearly its about the floods for the Apent supplier, about 100 people have asked for it, and he said check back in a month. I asked him if the Aspent company is out of business, but he got vague on that. I forget to ask him if he knew about a government control on low dose aspirin. The second one was a hyper young woman also claiming to be a real pharmacist. She got real excited and aggressive about the issue saying must go to a doctor now for the low dose aspirin and that this change was recent.

Now I wonder is there any way we can get some official information about this? Is it an Aspent supply issue? Is there really a new permanent government control on low dose aspirin? I find that bizarre when you can buy things like statin meds over the counter here that imply you know the dose needed and are checking for levels and liver damage, etc. The health risk from low dose aspirin seems much less than many other things they sell that are not controlled. Well, I'll keep bothering the pharmacists. Its free entertainment how excited some of them get when I ask to buy this dangerous medication!

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OK, the aspirin quest goes on and I still don't know what's going on.

This link is interesting in that it provides some detail about enteric coating vs. no coating. It is not so clear as some might think as to which is better:


In Pattaya, at BOOTS locations (all I've tried so far) you can buy Aspilets Thai made chewable 81 mg. aspirin. It has no coating of course as it is chewable. It contains sacharine and corn starch but no sugar. 2 baht per pill.

I found another place that sells a Thai made blister pack enteric 81 mg. aspirin at 1 baht per pill. After purchasing a boatload of the stuff, I asked the pharmacist if she knew about the new government control on this product. She said it was related to the BOTTLE product, Aspent, and that for that you needed to buy from a doctor. She was clear she definitely DID know about it. I asked about the supply of B-Aspirin 81 enteric coated and whether after they sold out their stock would they be allowed to order NEW STOCK to sell. Weirdly, she was very vague, and gave a very weak yes. I tried to determine whether the issue with Aspent was just based on a shortage supply problem based on the floods and/or whether it really was about restricting the med permanently to protect the public medically, but the communication broke down on that. One theory I have is that because there is a shortage of Aspent and many more people do the low dose therapy than actually need to medically, that this control is a government response to that. However, there doesn't appear to be any shortage of Aspilets or B-Aspirin 81. So I am still just guessing.

I now have about a two year supply of this alternative stuff now but I would still be happy to see Aspent for sale again, but who can tell?

Edited by Jingthing
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, well, here's another report and now I think we're at the truth.

A very credible pharmacist told me that the factory for Aspent was in Ayutthaya and that it was badly flooded. This place dealt with many different items so they have other things to worry about in addition to Aspent. Anyway, the factory people told the pharmacy they are working on it and it will be produced again, but it may take as long as SEVEN months. There is no medical restriction control on low dose aspirin in Thailand and ignore any pharmacist who tries that line with you.

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My wife and I spend the summer in the US and take a four or five month supply of the blood pressure meds I take, with us. It saves us a heap of $$ and the cost and time of having to get a script in the US. No problem so far. Normally while in Cha Am we keep a three or four month supply. If the chemist does not have them they order them and usually get them within a week.

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OK, well, here's another report and now I think we're at the truth.

A very credible pharmacist told me that the factory for Aspent was in Ayutthaya and that it was badly flooded. This place dealt with many different items so they have other things to worry about in addition to Aspent. Anyway, the factory people told the pharmacy they are working on it and it will be produced again, but it may take as long as SEVEN months. There is no medical restriction control on low dose aspirin in Thailand and ignore any pharmacist who tries that line with you.

JT, thanks for that update. Makes good sense. I did a tour of about 30 pharmacies in Pattaya today to see if I could find any. I found one in South pattaya (South Pattaya road, first pharmacy after Fachino) where they were asking 1.5 baht/tab, had about half a tub left (500 tabs) and one in Thepprasit road (opposite the night market) asking 2.0 baht/tab, seemed to have few, maybe 100 tabs or less. Actually the one in South Pattaya first wanted to sell the tabs at the usual 75 satang. I asked if it was possible to buy the tub with the rest and they told me they could get more no problem. Went away and came back, now realizing the shortage, the price instantly doubled. blink.png

7 months huh. I wonder if they will get a parallel import going, or what are we supposed to do? I know they say "go to a hospital" but obviously they will run out sooner or later as well.

What is the situation buying meds over the internet in Thailand? Probably not legal but at least it might keep us alive....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I'm now on my last week's supply of Aspent 300 and all sold out anywhere I ask in Thailand. What to do now? I might try hospitals, but as we say where I come from, "that's just a way to stay warm by wetting your pants". If they are not made in Thailand anymore eventually the hospitals will also run out. Then what?

I had a look online. It's very difficult to find 300 mg enteric coated aspirin, doesn't seem a very popular drug, and those who have it are either very expensive or don't ship outside USA.

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Problem solved. I was in Foodland and tried the pharmacy there, they had 3 full tubs (1000 each) plus one they were selling off. They have 2 full tubs now, if anyone needs. ;)

Don't know why I didn't try them before. I think I assumed they'd be the first to be sold out :blink: and generally I wouldn't buy meds there if I had other options due to their high prices compared to places like Fascino. A tub of 1000 tabs was 1,200 baht, their normal price is 1.5 baht each, double Fascino's price. But at least now I can sit back and wait for them to rebuild the factory without worry.

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