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Learned From Thaivisa


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Some posters with mountains of money and the "proper" visa think no one else but people like them should be able to "live" in Thailand.

Yes, the "I Got Mine" syndrome.

Others (like me) wish the visa rules were opened wide as the Holland Tunnel ...

That'd make me look almost hiso.

Edited by Jingthing
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I also learned that ....

a) some TV members cannot function without a Tesco/Big C/Makro on their doorstep!

B) some TV members cannot get out and about to find Rice, Eggs, Noodles, Sugar, Cooking oil, (despite being told where to) although by their posts you would think their lives depended on it!!

c) Some TV members actually think that just because a bottle of water has a fancy label and an equally fancy price that it is actually any better than local bottled water - cracks me up!!!:cheesy:

No disrespect to those in areas where the flooding has had an impact on your lives, i was really getting at the regular "Pattaya moaners" !! I would love to take some of them in a bus up to the likes of Ayutthia/Suphan/Bang Pa In and just let them off the bus with nothing and say OK, i might come back and pick you up in 3 months!!!!

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What have you learned from Thaivisa? Mods can feel free to move the thread if it's placed wrong.

Here are some of the things i've learned from Thaivisa.

*Expats are way richer than average people! Most expats seem to earn my yearly wage in a month or so.

*Expats girlfriends/wifes have never set foot in a bar, they are all bussiness women from bkk or something similar.

*When a Thai looks upon a farang, what they see is not a person but an ATM.

*All Thai people are out to scam expats, they like nothing more than to get their hands on the wealthy expats wallet.

*The harder a post is to understand, the smarter are the person who wrote it.

*Relationships with bargirls allways end in tragedy.

*Starting a bussiness and generate an income from it in Los is close to impossible.

Im sure there are many more lessons to learn, feel free to add your's


Learnt from Thai Visa ... don't think so.

I'll go through your points ...

1. Maybe, for the short to middle term. Plenty of super rich Thais around.

2. For some, no. For many yes. (btw, wifes should be wives - business only has one inital 's')

3. <deleted>

4. More <deleted>

5. "The smarter are the person who wrote it". Hmmm. Speaks volumes.

6. Have any stats? (btw, always - only one 'l')

7. Yet more <deleted>. (btw, spelling again!)

.... and to answer your question; plenty of lessons to learn throughout life. One I did learn a long time ago was to never 'tar the same group/s of people with the same brush' .... better to keep your ignorance to yourself.


Any representative of the spelling police should be aware that initial normally has three "i"s

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too polite; 'biru o kudasai' is enough. 'nama biru' if you want draft. Brand labels also allowed.

mo ippai biru onegai shimasu.

The amazing number of TVF members who would have trouble ordering a beer in Thai, and yet are very knowledgeable about Thai politics.

The only place I've ever had trouble ordering beer was Japan; in the end we gave up and got some from a machine outside seven-eleven.

And, I suppose, sometimes when I've been too successful, the world over, and needed a carry-out...


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Learned from TV that there are a lot of people contributing to this forum more than a 1000 times a year. Nothing better to do?

Constructive criticism is always welcome. thumbsup.gif

If I didn't go out to the internet cafe I'd rarely leave the house, and turn into one of those huge fat guys that has to be taken to hospital on a truck, LOL. Certainly there's nothing locally to get me out and about otherwise. Didn't have that problem in Pattaya- lots to get out to see, nudge nudge.

I don't know how many posts I make, but it's probably more than that at the present rate.

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1. I learned that I am cheap because I would rather take the bus than a taxi.

2. I learned that I am cheap because I don't see the point in spending 150 Baht on a meat pie. What a waste of money!

3. I learned that I must be weird because I do not see the point of traveling half the way around the world to spend my days eating English food for(pick your home country!) breakfast, lunch and dinner and finishing the day off in the pub. What is the point? There must be more to it than the warmer weather.

4. I have learned that people who have turned up on the doorstep of Thailand not more than three or four years ago, are unable to speak or read the language, do not mix with the locals (with certain exceptions: wives/gfs), and spend their time bending their elbows, know so much about Thailand it is really and truly amazing. I am in awe of these people.

5. I have learned that despite all the crap that gets posted on TV, there is also a lot of interesting, valuable information and quite a number of the posters are genuinely helpful people. I just can't remember what or who.

6. I have learned that when I start getting serious it is time to sign off!!!

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