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Firefox 7 Country Setting Issue, I Think?


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I recently wanted to contribute online to Wikipedia but the page shows the currency in Thai baht not US dollars.

How can I change my browser to think I am in the USA?

I don't believe that language is the issue since all my webpages are in English and the language within FF is set to English (USA). This may be a country setting issue.

I am using XP Pro. I checked the control panel regional and language options settings and they are also set to English (USA).

Any clues?

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You could try www.google.com/ncr or one of the country specific links. Will need to clear your cookies if it doesn't work the first time.

Tywais, excuse me, but how will this help with "contributing online to wikipedia" ?

This was his question that I was trying to answer - "How can I change my browser to think I am in the USA?" I'm not guaranteeing it will work but worth a try.

Not sure which Wikipedia URL he is using but might try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

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^ This might work for Google, but not for Wikipedia or any other website, as they will know (see) your original Provider IP Address, and to mask that you need some other measures, which are illegal to discuss here ;)

Yeah, I messed up reading the OP. Since we are not referring to an illegal activity or bypassing gov blocks saying 'proxy' is just fine. :D VPN is another possibility.

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Thanks for the replies.

Although I live here, having your IP address determine where you live seems (in this case) rather lame. What if I was traveling slowly from country to country. The payment is being requested through either paypal or a credit card, both for me are US dollar based. I have only used a public proxy so I wouldn't want to input sensitive paypal or CC information.

Oh well. :whistling:

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This was his question that I was trying to answer - "How can I change my browser to think I am in the USA?" I'm not guaranteeing it will work but worth a try.

Not sure which Wikipedia URL he is using but might try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

I just solved the problem thanks to the above url. I noticed EN in one of the URL I went to, so when I went to the original page asking for donations, I changed the the part of the url from TH to EN, this gave me the donation request in dollars. Thanks for the clue.

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