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Would You Give A Stranger A Heads Up?


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Today ex-aunty calls and she has found a man fresh off the boat, in fact he hasnt even landed yet. She is bad news, period. She bankrupted her last husband, then stabbed him when they ran out of money, moved the whole family from Issan in, kicked him out, using and abusing the kids etc... So like I said, today she calls us up and says she has an English guy lined up to come over and get married..... she of course checked out his income first 80,000 a month retired teacher??. She speaks no English that I know of, and the plan was to get married in 6 months, it's only been 3 since she stabbed her last husband, but Mr. OS and smitten wants to make the trip this month and get married in Dec. As I am the token farang in the family, for some unknown reason (we are now not related since the divorce) I get to meet him....... Should I spill the beans? He's marrying a dud! Or at the very least one that will milk him for everything he's worth!!


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Ex Aunty? So she is not a family member?

I would say to hell with it and spill the beans.She sounds a nasty piece of work all round. I would do it gently not maliciously and appraise him of the facts. Then leave it up to him to decide. I would rather be warned, wouldn't you?

Will this cause you great problems? Can you accept whatever may come your way if you do spill the beans?

Recently I had a situation where my g/f boss was on an internet dating site chatting up some Scandinavian man. This same boss already has a Farang boyfriend and is relatively well off from other foreign men she has coerced money out of.

I was asked to meet this new man. I agreed but told the boss and my g/f that I would tell this new man - if he asked me - that the boss is a two timer and already has a foreign man.

Now they have been together almost 4 weeks and I still have not seen this new Scandinavian. I wonder why? :whistling:

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If he was Thai would you tell him ?

IF she is such bad news perhaps insist on having nothing to do with her.

However, if you do meet just be straight and don't tell him any lies. If he asks you questions about her, answer them honestly.

Sure if my thai was good enough to get the message across on without trouble.

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A g/f once told me in a very threatening way

"You don't interfere with a Thai girls work"

I believed her, what they do is nothing to do with me, I hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing.

(I didn't tell her husband either)

Edited by ludditeman
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Once warned my friend, who has unfortunately died since, about his gf. Not just me, but a few guys. Thing was he believed us, thanked us but took no heed.

Was married less than 3 months then died. Widow got house, car, 2 motor bikes, pension and death benefit from work ( 2 years salary). She was quite a wealthy woman at that stage. This was when Central Mall opened and she didn't blink an eye when she passed me on the escalator with her new target. Widowed and started up again in less than a month,

So, I ain't telling tales on no one again, wasted my breath

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Decline to get involved. I had a friend from Canada. He met a girl, got married, built a house for him and her, built a house for her family, bought a car for her and another one for her family, got her pregnant and was very happy. One night someone broke into his house and shot him in the head. I talked to his brother when he came to claim the body. He told me that two months ago that his brother had changed the beneficiary on his 1,000,000 USD accidental insurance policy leaving 100,000 to him and the other 900,000 to his wife. Shortly after that his wife and her uncle were arrested for his murder. The text message "do it know, he's asleep" was still on her uncles phone. The baby was born in prison. There's no telling what auntie will do!

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I would love to not have to meet them, she is as I said no longer technically related, unfortunately she is bringing him all the way to Nakhon Pathom from Chonburi, at her insistence to meet me (who knows why!). I have said to TW, I am not going to lie for her, but is keeping quiet the same? Her last husband survived btw, the stabbing was only to the leg, but still! I feel she is just doing a show off tour, Mum's youngest brother is the ex-husband, so she is bringing him around to show she can catch a "Rich Farang" like her daughter...lol or some such nonsense.

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If you don't want to tell him, get his email, pass me the details send it to me and I'll send it to him. It keeps you out of the loop and hopefully saves the guy from coming under the blade.

If this were a reverse situation of a weasel foreigner you can bet that every Thai person from the small stall vendor to the banking clerks would be spilling their guts to the woman. It looks like Thai people tend to mind there own business if a foreigner is getting rooked.

One reason why these scammers are allowed to continue is because people stay silent.

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I would love to not have to meet them, she is as I said no longer technically related, unfortunately she is bringing him all the way to Nakhon Pathom from Chonburi, at her insistence to meet me (who knows why!). I have said to TW, I am not going to lie for her, but is keeping quiet the same? Her last husband survived btw, the stabbing was only to the leg, but still! I feel she is just doing a show off tour, Mum's youngest brother is the ex-husband, so she is bringing him around to show she can catch a "Rich Farang" like her daughter...lol or some such nonsense.

hi ozs . you sure opened a camn of worms with your story .about western men being ripped off by professional scam artists .[thai women ] some guys have only themselves to blame for the hole they get into . as i live in sydney and thailand i see lots of western guys with asian wives .and there is one thing that they all seem to have in common . as soon as they get into australia they knock a kid out of her .and once they do this in australia .the poor bloke is gone .if the marriage goes to shit. she will get half off all he has got. and them he has to pay child maintance till the child is 18 years old .and this about 250 dollars a week per child after tax .and there is no tax rebate .and some of these guys are not young men immagine if you are 45 and your marrage to miss isan goes to shit .and you have to start all over again she has the house because the kids need a place to live .plus the child maintance payments .try starting all over again at 45 its no fun . more to say later james hat yai :whistling:

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If it's not related to you or your children in any way, then don't bother. Just give any lame excuse not to turn up. Even if you do turn up and not say or do anything, you will get blamed for everything in the end. That's how things are done here.

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When you see him, suggest checking out thaivisa forum for any inquiries he might have,

and while you are at it: Give him this link.

No need to talk with him about her, let him make up his own mind after having check out this forum.

Or another way would be to exchange email, and then send a link here, with your only comment being: "that is all, i'll leave it up to you"

I would hope anyone would do me a similar favor of a known con artist.

Edited by poanoi
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Mess up her game and it's a good bet who will be the next farang she'll stab.

Nobody wants to have their fantasy crushed. If this guy is as suckered as you described he isn't going to want to hear anything you have to say, and himself may tell the old cow "you know what your friend told me?"

I lived in a somewhat dodgy part of a city in Brazil once. One day I saw a tourist couple, retirement age, walking around looking bewildered and obvious with cameras hanging around their necks etc. I went up to them and warned them, and got "no problem, I'm watching his back etc haha." Thinking back, I should have offered encouragement by saying "it'll all be over in 30 seconds anyway," referring to how long it will take for the lads to menace them and relieve them of their belongings. A few days later I passed a place that dealt in stolen things and saw a DSLR that looked a lot like the one they had. No worries!

Very rarely have I volunteered to help people since.

Thailand seems to give people the idea they are instant wizards: a week in Pattaya or a trip to KPG and they are now experts on the country. No reason this bloke will be any different after his first weekend here.

Edited by bendejo
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I think most of us want to do the right thing, but remember you cant save everybody.

This woman is not your friend, nor family. Neither is the guy.

if it were me? I would refuse to have anything to do with her. she would not be welcome in my house. if thats the case why should you have to meet her future husband?

yes there will be a part of us that feels sorry for the guy - but end of the day you have to remember that he is a grown man. capable of making decisions and judgement. he has done so most of his life without your involvement, and will have to continue to do so into the future. (if he were a friend or family that you know, perhaps its slightly different in that you may want to give him the facts. decision would still be his of course).

I once had a friend who said to me

She: I was out with some friends on Wednesday and told my BF I went with you. when you meet him on Saturday please say that

Me: but I didnt go with you on Wednesday. Who did you go with?

She: Just a friend. I just want to go without my BF. nothing behind it

me: then tell him that

she: ok ok

I was never invited to meet the BF on Saturday night. in fact never heard from my 'friend' again......

I didnt call the BF to tell him anything, but Im also not prepared to lie on her behalf. if it means losing a 'friend' then so be it.

PS. end of the day, YOU need to decide how you want to proceed :)

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TIT. Read the Book "Private Dancer.

Altho Fictional, the facts are so true about Thailand.

Thai's do not take Kindly to Losing Face. They will Never Forget it or you.

After reading it, you will understand TIT and You probably will not inform any thai lady or man about any thai girl.

Besides, It's Not Your Business .......

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Stick your nose in and risk it getting bitten off

totster :D

this is a common situation in LOScams.

i have been in a similar predicament.

i know of two thai ladies , one with a english boy friend ,

the other with a german husband .

and when these guys return home for work or .whatever other reason .

the loyality and trust go with them .

i personally feel sickened by it , and want to tell the english guy .

but i choose to keep out of it ,



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Woman the world over scam men to get a house or half a pension or what ever the man has and they want. Would you tell a guy in your home country his fiance was just out to fleece him? I doubt not. You would just stand back and let it happen. And rationalize it with he knows the risks and rules so up to him.

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If you don't want to tell him, get his email, pass me the details send it to me and I'll send it to him. It keeps you out of the loop and hopefully saves the guy from coming under the blade.

If this were a reverse situation of a weasel foreigner you can bet that every Thai person from the small stall vendor to the banking clerks would be spilling their guts to the woman. It looks like Thai people tend to mind there own business if a foreigner is getting rooked.

One reason why these scammers are allowed to continue is because people stay silent.

+100 :)

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Woman the world over scam men to get a house or half a pension or what ever the man has and they want. Would you tell a guy in your home country his fiance was just out to fleece him? I doubt not. You would just stand back and let it happen. And rationalize it with he knows the risks and rules so up to him.

I take serious exception to your comment.

My husband and I were together 28 years and always earned similar amounts (sometimes I earned more, sometimes he earned more).

How DARE you suggest that I was 'scamming' my husband!

I agree with the rest of your post though - its his problem, not yours and anyway, he won't believe you.

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